GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #4

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There's so much LE is not saying concerning her, but hinting alot, so sometimes I question if they suspect her of something, or are they just worried she'll not fully cooperate against him when this goes to trial.
I also question why he waited till right before she comes home to pull this abduction lie.

I definitely wonder where Lonzie was when the manager only saw one other person in the car at Wackos. Maybe Lonzie was staying with the roommate till Ebron got back to the apt, he could've been at the laundromat with them. LE did say they have Ebron on video there, and Lonna said she last saw Lonzie at 8pm at the laundromat. Ebron might even try throwing his roommate under the bus, but LE's made it pretty clear he's cooperating and not a suspect. He'll be one of the key witnesses in trial. IMO

I don't know where Lonzie was, but the manager was watching the surveillance tape and told the media that he thinks he saw someone else in the car. maybe. Like an outline or shadow of a person.

ETA: I agree that the roommate will be a key witness. I doubt he's the most upstanding citizen in the world so hopefully he has his story straight and what he says can be cross referenced and backed up.
Also, here's some info on Ebron's May 30 drug bust:

Page 5 of the Baker County Press, under an (unrelated) article titled “Prowler tosses bag full of drugs.”

In a second felony drug arrest, this one in the early morning hours of the same day, police took William Ebron, 32, into custody at the Baker Manor Apartments on South 6th in Macclenny for possession of heroin, ecstasy and various items of drug paraphernalia.

Deputy Rodney Driggers was called to the address just before 5 a.m. on a noise complaint at the apartment of Lonna Laramore-Barton, 25, and was met at the door by her and Tiffany Barton, 24, amid the aura of marijuana smoke.

When he entered the apartment, he confronted Mr. Ebron lying on a couch near a baggie with white powder residue, a half-smoked marijuana cigarette and rolling papers. Deputy Driggers said he had to struggle with the suspect to handcuff him, and in the process saw Mr. Ebron toss aside a small baggie with the heroin.

Inside his wallet were the ecstasy pills and $394 in cash that was seized as the alleged proceeds of drug sales. Mr. Ebron, who refused to calm himself while seated and cuffed in a patrol car, was pepper sprayed after ignoring multiple warnings.

He was also charged with resisting arrest, and the women were named in criminal complaints for possession of meth, marijuana and paraphernalia.

Another article. I won't quote it here or discuss it as it's not about Ebron, although msm has reported on it already -

Page 6, under the article on the right:

These apt are section 8 housing also. The had new owners couple years ago. They did not put up with drugs or Non rule followers..

Had a friend who had a family member living there. They were kicked out cause the girl let someone live with her that wasn't even suppose to be on the property. I had been there once with my friend to take the family member some food, only cause they had a child was why my friend was helping her family member out. My friend was scared to go by herself, but they didn't look bad to me.

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I hate to ask this but....How long does a body have to be in one place before decomp sets in enough for the dogs to hit on it?

Everything I have read says it can be within minutes of death. The body almost instantly releases compounds that they dogs are trained to hit on.
IMOHO Lonna usually found "other" ways to get home. No I can't prove that in the least.
I strongly suspect it. No matter what Ebron may say, including his classic "I didn't want her to work that night", I believe it was an understanding between the 2 of them.
Also I think he called/spoke w/her more than once that nite/morning and LE know this from his "smart" phone. Probably about her "business" since she (according to him) went to work because they needed money.
They are building a case of murder against this man. They are saying anyone else involved or with-holding info will be locked up.
The reward is still there for anyone except WRE to collect. Seems to me someone wants that money. Anyone hip to what goes on when most of us are asleep would realize how much people want $. Enough to do the things they do already.
Come on whomever, stand up, come forward and distance yourself as far as possible to avoid charges, and collect this money. Without going to jail.
Isn't that the rule of this game?
If I were involved in any way, I would be bluffed enough by Hackney when he laid one card of his hand down.
What kind of an arrogant self-righteous person really thinks they can go on forever bluffing LE? I have to wonder exactly what evidence/info WRE is sitting on in regards to other/s principals in this case.
Any Indian lands involved in casinos in Jacksonville? Hard to search a reservation w/out a federal search warrant.
New to following this case .

Wacko' a "gentlemans club"..and that means a strip club???.. and Lonnie worked there ? ?
The manager said Lauramore ended her shift at Wacko’s around 2:30 a.m. That's the same time JSO said they got the call from her boyfriend William Ebron about a stolen car and Lonzie's abduction.
- See more at:

Wish we knew exactly when and how she was informed that Lonzie was missing. that is one bit of info I have yet to see made public. Did Ebron call her to explain why he and the children had not yet arrived? Did LE go to Wacko's and inform her and then transport her back to the apartment she, Ebron and the children were renting the room at?


--from the transcript of the Monday night press briefing.

--the Q&A following the briefing, they're talking about the time frame of when ruben was seen running , 2:10 a.m. and his 911 call, 2:19 a.m.Q: And they had already picked up the mother from Wacko's by now? At this point where is the mother at?
A: At this point in time mom was somewhere either at Wacko's getting a ride or on her way back.
Q: Has Lonna lied to you at all? Or any other officers throughout this entire investigation from when she left Wacko's to when she got to the scene?
A: She's been receptive to our questions. Without going into great detail, she's been there when we needed her. She gotta had a lot to go on and a lot to deal with, but I said this yesterday, if there is somebody and that includes Lonna, that's associated with this and we can prove had something to do with this, they will go to jail.

--it sounds like (but isn't entirely clear) that she was getting a ride home from work. (and not that LE had gone to pick her up).

--and, if she was getting a ride from a friend, when did the plan change that ruben wouldn't pick her up? in his initial "story" he said that he was on his way to get her , when his car (and Lonzie) were stolen.

--I wish had a reporter had clearly asked----How did Lonna find out her son was missing ???
New to following this case .

Wacko' a "gentlemans club"..and that means a strip club???.. and Lonnie worked there ? ?


--she (Lonna) had been dancing there for about 3 months, according to the manager at Wacko's.
New to following this case .

Wacko' a "gentlemans club"..and that means a strip club???.. and Lonnie worked there ? ?

yes Lonzie's Mom Lonna sometimes worked at Wacko's gentlemans's club, strip club, peeler bar, nudie bar, etc etc.

Lonna left her husband and/or got with WRE in March-ish. They lived in an apartment in Mcclenny. In May they were ordered not to see each other stemming from an incident where WRE was arrested for drugs and he resisted arrest. At some point they moved to Jax and rented a room in a friend's home. She worked at Wacko's on and off. Sounds like she had hLonzie & 5 year old there at the apt too.

Meanwhile, WRE, when not rescuing orphaned endangered animals and raising money for homeless youth (just kidding) was allegedly assaulting his ex-gf and various people known to and/or related to her. On the 23rd of July he dropped her off at work around 8:30, visited a laundromat, visited a gas station at 12:33 and then started training for a marathon, I mean dropped his car off still running by his house and ran home - right by someone's surveillance tape - to report that someone had stolen his car with the baby in it.

I think that is it. There may be more. I can't remember. :) It is all very frushtrating.
--I wish had a reporter had clearly asked----How did Lonna find out her son was missing ???

yes! But I don't think Hackney would have answered that.
I want another press briefing!!
I don't know where Lonzie was, but the manager was watching the surveillance tape and told the media that he thinks he saw someone else in the car. maybe. Like an outline or shadow of a person.

ETA: I agree that the roommate will be a key witness. I doubt he's the most upstanding citizen in the world so hopefully he has his story straight and what he says can be cross referenced and backed up.

The shadow of a baby seat in the car?
If that baby was dead in that car LE would know and he would. BE charged with murder.

I think they do know it and that is why early on they started to change it to a recovery instead of a search. I think as long as they can have Ebron in jail for another charge while they build the case they will. As soon as they file charges the clock starts ticking.
Update #2, with time when Lonna ended her shift and adjustments to car-sprint and 911 call.

Afternoon (before 7pm when it started to rain): car parked near where it was later abandoned

8pm: Laundromat (were the kids there too?)

8:30pm: Lonna drove car to her work. It was raining. Manager says WE got out of passenger seat and went into drivers seat. Third person was in car as seen on video, but not confirmed to public if that was 5yo daughter.

Up until midnight: rain

12:33am at gas station

2:10am Ebron seen on video running from where he parked the car. He left it running. Carrying a shirt in his hands.

2:19am Ebron calls 911 from home about stolen car and abduction. (LE says Lonna was on her way home...but not sure this means at the time the call was placed or when LE showed up??)

2:30am Manager says Lonna ended her shift at work. She received a ride home from someone.

O/T .. watching the live stream of the impact statements today from the victims families for the theater shooting trial.... it is so heartbreaking
In the interest of complete honesty, I've taken these kids in my arms and shuffled them off to McDonalds. Treated them to a day of fun. Taken them to the zoo. Without even a "thank you" from the mom's.
You do it so the kids get a night or at least some time away from mom's/dad's drama-filled soap opera world.
And I am in my 50's. This is nothing new.
It is one of the most heartbreaking things to hear a little boy tell you what really goes on once mom isn't around. They say "please don't tell mom, but she makes me lie for her". Tears begin to fall.
You report them over and over. They might get a visit from social services. Their child might get their own counselor but it seldom works. Because mom will halfway kill you or even move out of state to show social services that nothing can be done.
They are throw-away kids only loved when that mom/dad is in an "exact" frame of mind.
Even thinking back to my marriage that included all of the females involved in the strip clubs sickens me.
Dads? Well to be even more honest, who is the dad in most cases? They are as much to blame. It does take two to tango.
Makes me remember Anna Nicole Smith's life/death.
Glad Larry got custody but he was still sleeping w/a known drug addict that came from the club scene.
It only leads to death sadly. Except for the extremely lucky ones. Like a light shines on them and protects them.
Where was Lonzie's light?
Update #3, with time LE found the abandoned car, still running

Afternoon (before 7pm when it started to rain): car parked near where it was later abandoned

8pm: Laundromat (were the kids there too?)

8:30pm: Lonna drove car to her work. It was raining. Manager says WE got out of passenger seat and went into drivers seat. Third person was in car as seen on video, but not confirmed to public if that was 5yo daughter.

Up until midnight: rain

12:33am at gas station

2:10am Ebron seen on video running from where he parked the car. He left it running. Carrying a shirt in his hands.

2:19am Ebron calls 911 from home about stolen car and abduction. (LE says Lonna was on her way home...but not sure this means at the time the call was placed or when LE showed up??)

2:30am Manager says Lonna ended her shift at work. She received a ride home from someone.

2:40'ish: LE find abandoned car, still running (found about 20 minutes after 911 call)

The shadow of a baby seat in the car?

Has LE said if there is a baby seat? Wondering where it is, or if they had one. Or is it missing?

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Okay, so wait, Lonna drives to work and the manager says only 3 people in the car? So, Lonna knows how many people are in the car? I sure hope we have video of this and thank you for the timeline.
Why did Ebron leave the car running? To run it out of gas? To make it look like someone ran out of the car quickly? But what's the point of that set-up - I would think a car thief would want to keep the car keys, not leave them in the ignition. Did he just forget in his own haste to shut off the car?

Has LE said if there is a baby seat? Wondering where it is, or if they had one. Or is it missing?

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Yes, they have said there was one, but that is all we've heard about a car seat. IMO

Okay, so wait, Lonna drives to work and the manager says only 3 people in the car? So, Lonna knows how many people are in the car? I sure hope we have video of this and thank you for the timeline.
Yes, she would know. yes, there is vodeo, because the manager saw it on the video that he handed over to the police.

Why did Ebron leave the car running? To run it out of gas? To make it look like someone ran out of the car quickly? But what's the point of that set-up - I would think a car thief would want to keep the car keys, not leave them in the ignition. Did he just forget in his own haste to shut off the car?


Who knows? Its all so stupid and would be funny if a little baby wasn't missing and probably dead. Why would anyone steal a car, drive it for half a mile, park it nicely in a residential neighbourhood, and leave it running?!? Someone lazy who had to pee and didn't feel like walking home? It makes no sense.

--from the transcript of the Monday night press briefing.

--the Q&A following the briefing, they're talking about the time frame of when ruben was seen running , 2:10 a.m. and his 911 call, 2:19 a.m.Q: And they had already picked up the mother from Wacko's by now? At this point where is the mother at?
A: At this point in time mom was somewhere either at Wacko's getting a ride or on her way back.
Q: Has Lonna lied to you at all? Or any other officers throughout this entire investigation from when she left Wacko's to when she got to the scene?
A: She's been receptive to our questions. Without going into great detail, she's been there when we needed her. She gotta had a lot to go on and a lot to deal with, but I said this yesterday, if there is somebody and that includes Lonna, that's associated with this and we can prove had something to do with this, they will go to jail.

--it sounds like (but isn't entirely clear) that she was getting a ride home from work. (and not that LE had gone to pick her up).

--and, if she was getting a ride from a friend, when did the plan change that ruben wouldn't pick her up? in his initial "story" he said that he was on his way to get her , when his car (and Lonzie) were stolen.

--I wish had a reporter had clearly asked----How did Lonna find out her son was missing ???

I think Hackney knows the answers to the specific questions about when and how and by whom Lonna was informed and exactly how she was transported back. I think his answer bolded above was intentionally vague. JMO
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