GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #6

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So, LB is w/CB and they have a daughter together (despite the physical abuse).
Then, she enters into another relationship w/RB and they have a son together. (Is she still married to CB?)
Then, she goes back w/CB and becomes a stripper.
Then she enters into another relationship w/RE, she gets his name tattoo after only THREE months together, her child vanishes, she relocates to the JSO jail, and loses custody of her daughter.
smh - I saw a photo of LBs tattoo, it is huge! (Is she still married to CB?)
There are a lot of innocent people that have become victims here. Can you imagine the reality and pain of RE's parents after reading this article! We have learned that they think the 32 year old is a good son.
LB should be preparing her daughter for school that is to start soon.
I am sick to my stomach. My heart aches for poor little Lonzie; especially because it appears that nobody loved him :tears:
I think they (LL/RE) were doing laundry because Lonzie was vomiting and soiling items. MOO is that his injuries/illness started earlier in the day and they were so caught up in themselves they didn't put it together that he seriously needed medical attention.
I don't support ANY of their decisions - I have a son that just turned 3 and I can tell you that he gets bruises all the time from just being an active boy. The injury could've been accidental, negligent OR abuse. I just wish they hadn't played the "wait and see" game with his symptoms.

I may have the wool over my eyes about intent. I just can't see it. It seems too rushed, too reactive.
I think Wre got served, was distracted about stalking his ex and neglected little Lonzies needs. I hope Lonzie slipped into a coma and died without trauma. I hope he was truly gone when he was disposed. I wish parents could give up their otherwise unwanted uncared for children and could know that they would be loved.
My heart is sad for this whole situation. Lonzie deserved a better life.
So, LB is w/CB and they have a daughter together (despite the physical abuse).
Then, she enters into another relationship w/RB and they have a son together. (Is she still married to CB?)
Then, she goes back w/CB and becomes a stripper.
Then she enters into another relationship w/RE, she gets his name tattoo after only THREE months together, her child vanishes, she relocates to the JSO jail, and loses custody of her daughter.
smh - I saw a photo of LBs tattoo, it is huge! (Is she still married to CB?)
There are a lot of innocent people that have become victims here. Can you imagine the reality and pain of RE's parents after reading this article! We have learned that they think the 32 year old is a good son.
LB should be preparing her daughter for school that is to start soon.
I am sick to my stomach. My heart aches for poor little Lonzie; especially because it appears that nobody loved him :tears:

--nice recap!

--she also has another son, from prior to the hookup w/ CB ( apparently now w/ his biological Dad..)

--and yep, still married to CB

--yes, many innocents here, primarily the 5 year old. lost her baby brother, her Mom is in jail, her "step daddy" (or whatever he was to her) is in jail, her Dad? he didn't bother coming to the custody hearing....

--her world has been turned upside down.
JSO took equipment from the laundromat on the first or second day of the search.

I call BS on the lazy day thing. You can't have a lazy day with a year old and an almost 2 year old. Watching movies all day? 5 year olds don't sit and watch movies all day. Almost 2 year olds don't (shouldn't) watch movies at all. 21 month olds don't lie around having lazy days unless they are lethargic and sick, I guess.

You can if you lock yourself in your room and leave the 5 year old in charge of the baby...wouldn't surprise me if that's what happened.

A long time ago I remember hearing Dr Phil say "for every rat you see, there's 100 you don't". This was way back, when more of what he had to say was worth listening to. I just keep thinking how this "mother" and her boyfriend are the rats we see...and there's so, so many kids out there being neglected just like little Lonzie.
Good article. Thankfully I am still within my 5 free views on this site so I did not need a subscription.

For those who cannot read it as they have maxed their free views, it goes into details about some of RE's previous bad acts and contains interview with the Pembeltons who were responsible for taking the secret recording of LL and turning it over to police. Brittany Pembelton has known LL for half her life and was disturbed by her behavior and affect after Lonzie went missing.

Also in the article are quotes from RB, the man she was in a relationship with until approx a month before Lonzie's birth. He states no DNA test was done but that comments by LL cause him to believe he may have been Lonzie's father. Of course, there was quite a bit of overlap in the relationships LL engaged in so it is still a big unknown.
I think she was driving because she picked up Ebron somewhere before she went to work. Whether it was after a drug deal or a body dump, I don't know. I could picture her dropping of Ebron for either and then taking a drive so the car wouldn't be seen parked there and waiting for a call to pick him up if he was getting rid of Lonzie or being ready to drive off quickly in the event of a bad drug deal.

I don't know if the laundry was out of necessity (cleaning up evidence or someone needed a clean work "uniform"), for an alibi, or because they were meeting someone.

My take on why she was driving. A. When your the master, you get chauffeured. B. It was raining & he had her get the car & bring it closer to him so he wouldn't get wet.
--nice recap!

--she also has another son, from prior to the hookup w/ CB ( apparently now w/ his biological Dad..)

--and yep, still married to CB

--yes, many innocents here, primarily the 5 year old. lost her baby brother, her Mom is in jail, her "step daddy" (or whatever he was to her) is in jail, her Dad? he didn't bother coming to the custody hearing....

--her world has been turned upside down.
Lonzie's big Sister, getting away from LL is a silver lining in this tragedy.
You can if you lock yourself in your room and leave the 5 year old in charge of the baby...wouldn't surprise me if that's what happened.

A long time ago I remember hearing Dr Phil say "for every rat you see, there's 100 you don't". This was way back, when more of what he had to say was worth listening to. I just keep thinking how this "mother" and her boyfriend are the rats we see...and there's so, so many kids out there being neglected just like little Lonzie.
Well said. And sadly, so true.
C) RB was high, and LL didn't want someone high driving HER around. The kids....s'ok.

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Good article. Thankfully I am still within my 5 free views on this site so I did not need a subscription.

For those who cannot read it as they have maxed their free views, it goes into details about some of RE's previous bad acts and contains interview with the Pembeltons who were responsible for taking the secret recording of LL and turning it over to police. Brittany Pembelton has known LL for half her life and was disturbed by her behavior and affect after Lonzie went missing.

Also in the article are quotes from RB, the man she was in a relationship with until approx a month before Lonzie's birth. He states no DNA test was done but that comments by LL cause him to believe he may have been Lonzie's father. Of course, there was quite a bit of overlap in the relationships LL engaged in so it is still a big unknown.

Also interesting that LL states that Lonzie would still be alive if RB and she were still together. ? Admission of her knowing Lonzie's deceased?
Also interesting that LL states that Lonzie would still be alive if RB and she were still together. ? Admission of her knowing Lonzie's deceased?

yeah, that struck me as well. :(
And in another article, Chris Barton said:

He defended his wife, who was living with Ebron in Jacksonville and has a large, vertical ‘Ruben’ tattoo on her side.

Barton said she has had the tattoo for a couple of months but has been meeting with Barton since their son disappeared July 24. He also spoke to her Monday.
Beforehand, he said his wife would have told him about any medical issues with Lonzie, such as the vomiting and discharge but that she had not.

“She would have shared that information,” he said.

He defended her, although he said he knew Ebron was not supposed to be around her following a drug arrest in Baker County.

“I can tell you she didn’t do nothing to hurt that baby,” he said.

Which contradicts Wanda Ebron's statement implying that Lonna got the tattoo after Ebron was arrested. Seems like no one involved in Lonzie's life is interested in the truth. Selfish, selfish people. Poor Lonzie. :(
And in another article, Chris Barton said:

He defended his wife, who was living with Ebron in Jacksonville and has a large, vertical ‘Ruben’ tattoo on her side.

Barton said she has had the tattoo for a couple of months but has been meeting with Barton since their son disappeared July 24. He also spoke to her Monday.
Beforehand, he said his wife would have told him about any medical issues with Lonzie, such as the vomiting and discharge but that she had not.

“She would have shared that information,” he said.

He defended her, although he said he knew Ebron was not supposed to be around her following a drug arrest in Baker County.

“I can tell you she didn’t do nothing to hurt that baby,” he said.

Which contradicts Wanda Ebron's statement implying that Lonna got the tattoo after Ebron was arrested. Seems like no one involved in Lonzie's life is interested in the truth. Selfish, selfish people. Poor Lonzie. :(

Hasn't she only known him a few months??
And in another article, Chris Barton said:

He defended his wife, who was living with Ebron in Jacksonville and has a large, vertical ‘Ruben’ tattoo on her side.

Barton said she has had the tattoo for a couple of months but has been meeting with Barton since their son disappeared July 24. He also spoke to her Monday.
Beforehand, he said his wife would have told him about any medical issues with Lonzie, such as the vomiting and discharge but that she had not.

“She would have shared that information,” he said.

He defended her, although he said he knew Ebron was not supposed to be around her following a drug arrest in Baker County.

“I can tell you she didn’t do nothing to hurt that baby,” he said.

Which contradicts Wanda Ebron's statement implying that Lonna got the tattoo after Ebron was arrested. Seems like no one involved in Lonzie's life is interested in the truth. Selfish, selfish people. Poor Lonzie. :(

"Didn't do nothing" is a double negative. Ergo .. he is saying she did do something.
Also interesting that LL states that Lonzie would still be alive if RB and she were still together. ? Admission of her knowing Lonzie's deceased?
I think this is just another way of LL trying to manipulate men. Keep men in her life and interested. I think feels the need to have the attention of men to feel good about herself.
i want to chime in to say that my opinion is that a bruise on the side/back of head behind ear is my consistent with a fall. Now it could've been a push that resulted in the fall or if he did indeed have an eardrum rupture or ear infection he may have been experiencing loss of balance that could have resulted in clumsiness.
I have a feeling LL was hypersensitive about bruises because of concern on CPS involvement. Unfortunately, this may have been one of the reasons she didn't want to get medical attention. Because physician would have seen enough signs to most likely report it. It's the law.
Doesnt mean im letting WRE off the hook. I think he's right where he belongs. But I still can see where this could've been an accident that led to death because of neglect.
I think this is just another way of LL trying to manipulate men. Keep men in her life and interested. I think feels the need to have the attention of men to feel good about herself.
i want to chime in to say that my opinion is that a bruise on the side/back of head behind ear is my consistent with a fall. Now it could've been a push that resulted in the fall or if he did indeed have an eardrum rupture or ear infection he may have been experiencing loss of balance that could have resulted in clumsiness.
I have a feeling LL was hypersensitive about bruises because of concern on CPS involvement. Unfortunately, this may have been one of the reasons she didn't want to get medical attention. Because physician would have seen enough signs to most likely report it. It's the law.
Doesnt mean im letting WRE off the hook. I think he's right where he belongs. But I still can see where this could've been an accident that led to death because of neglect.
IMO, LL must be complicit along with RE, otherwise she would have told LE about
Lonzies earlier symptoms (bruise on back of head etc...) and after seeing the video,
we all know carjacking was staged, she's protecting herself by not outing RE, bc
they both are equally to blame. I'm thinking we'll most likely get a plea from LL.

I'm always, always amazed at these parents that hurt their child, and still want to
prove their innocence and walk free. I'd want to die.
Didn't LE say Lauramore got the tattoo on the 17th?
I am not sure if this part of the article has been discussed yet. I am confused at this part.. My mind keeps getting thrown for a loop on this case. Person (Dave, Chris's best friend) who gathered the audio from Lonna and also has been organizing search crews lately did the interview with Florida Time Union.

"Brittany Pembelton and her husband were called upon again a few months ago, this time to help get Lonzie and his 5-year-old sister Lily away from Lauramore Barton and Ebron and bring the children back to Baker County to be with their father.And then again, in late July, Chris Barton called the Pembeltons one last time, asking for help to get the children back to Baker County. This time though, the Pembeltons were in Las Vegas. Days later, on July 24 and while still out west, they learned that Lonzie vanished".

Why would Chris be asking them to help get his kids back to Baker County? How would them two be of any help, they are NOT child protection services (shes a stripper,hes unemployed).. What kind of help was he asking from them? Just curious to know this. Seems if he called twice in a cpl months he was desperate for their help. What help from them was he expecting? Only for Lonzie to disappear a couple days later? Strange to me.

From the beginning my mind has said its 100% Ruben that did this to Lonzie, without a doubt. Plenty of evidence. Then sometimes after reading stuff my mind gets thrown for a loop and says.. wait was he set up? Could there be multiple people that did this and framed him and Lonna. Got to far in and didnt know how to back out? Could it be possible even? Cant be possible. Can it?

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