GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #8

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I haven't seen any of the videos until today and am catching up on all the threads.
I noticed in Lonnas August 18th she needed a tampon and the LE even said so I guess your not pregnant.
Interesting. Guess she didn't need a tampon or early spotting maybe. I know this isn't important but just something I caught which I'm sure has already been talked about haha.
I just wish they would start telling the truth and spill where is Lonzie.

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Sorry they're so cluttered - there was way too much to just do a direct transcription. Plus I needed a good :drink: but it was only 1 pm my time. :crosseyed:

And more - if you stop the video here at 16:00 there's a screen shot of one of the new docs. At the very top it says "Ebron said the victim's head shape did not "look right" and had a "soft spot." Ebron said the victim's head was visibly different at the crown of his head...

The article says:

In the days leading up to his disappearance, Lonzie was behaving strangely, had no appetite, was bleeding from the mouth and had a "soft spot" at the crown of his head, Ebron told police in October. In the same interview, Ebron acknowledged that he and Lonna Barton avoided seeking medical attention for Lonzie because they didn't want the Florida Department of Children and Families to get involved.

The description of the head injury doesn't match what we heard earlier, which was Lonzie had an injury behind his ear. Is this an additional injury? And what exactly does a "soft spot" mean?

I don't know what to believe anymore... I do know that LB' doesn't seem to have a natural affect in her interviews... she talks to much, as a type of deflection IMO. A straight answer would be appropriate, but she'll, repeat the question and give to many worthless details, and a lot
of, oh you mean that. I wanna scream. She's not being 100% honest.
Sorry they're so cluttered - there was way too much to just do a direct transcription. Plus I needed a good :drink: but it was only 1 pm my time. :crosseyed:

And more - if you stop the video here at 16:00 there's a screen shot of one of the new docs. At the very top it says "Ebron said the victim's head shape did not "look right" and had a "soft spot." Ebron said the victim's head was visibly different at the crown of his head...

The article says:

In the days leading up to his disappearance, Lonzie was behaving strangely, had no appetite, was bleeding from the mouth and had a "soft spot" at the crown of his head, Ebron told police in October. In the same interview, Ebron acknowledged that he and Lonna Barton avoided seeking medical attention for Lonzie because they didn't want the Florida Department of Children and Families to get involved.

The description of the head injury doesn't match what we heard earlier, which was Lonzie had an injury behind his ear. Is this an additional injury? And what exactly does a "soft spot" mean?

The soft spot could be a depressed skull fracture? Like the picture here:
Sorry they're so cluttered - there was way too much to just do a direct transcription. Plus I needed a good :drink: but it was only 1 pm my time. :crosseyed:

And more - if you stop the video here at 16:00 there's a screen shot of one of the new docs. At the very top it says "Ebron said the victim's head shape did not "look right" and had a "soft spot." Ebron said the victim's head was visibly different at the crown of his head...

The article says:

In the days leading up to his disappearance, Lonzie was behaving strangely, had no appetite, was bleeding from the mouth and had a "soft spot" at the crown of his head, Ebron told police in October. In the same interview, Ebron acknowledged that he and Lonna Barton avoided seeking medical attention for Lonzie because they didn't want the Florida Department of Children and Families to get involved.

The description of the head injury doesn't match what we heard earlier, which was Lonzie had an injury behind his ear. Is this an additional injury? And what exactly does a "soft spot" mean?

Babies have a soft spot on the crown of their heads...I wonder if Lonzie was dehydrated from being sick and not eating and his soft spot was sunken from that. It can look pretty scary when a baby is dehydrated.

ETA: Thank you for all the links and work you've done. :)
The soft spot could be a depressed skull fracture? Like the picture here:

Babies have a soft spot on the crown of their heads...I wonder if Lonzie was dehydrated from being sick and not eating and his soft spot was sunken from that. It can look pretty scary when a baby is dehydrated.

ETA: Thank you for all the links and work you've done. :)

If Ebron was actually telling the truth it sounds like it could be either. The fontanel is usually closed by around 18 months - Lonzie was reported to be 21 months so it's hard to tell. OTOH, the "misshapen head" sounds like Lonzie could have had swelling in his brain (subdural hematoma?) which implies a depressed skull fracture.

Ugh. The problem is that both Ebron and Lonna are lying liars so without seeing the deleted photos we can't know for sure. Questions I have - why did Ebron take the photos and why did he bring it to LE's attention?

Like Paulas88 said, Lonna's a deflector and distractor. Ebron on the other hand is the "man with all the answers." He's got an answer for everything. Notice how he starts stuttering when he's caught off guard? He has a reason for everything he says. What was his reason for the photos and statement?
If Ebron was actually telling the truth it sounds like it could be either. The fontanel is usually closed by around 18 months - Lonzie was reported to be 21 months so it's hard to tell. OTOH, the "misshapen head" sounds like Lonzie could have had swelling in his brain (subdural hematoma?) which implies a depressed skull fracture.

Ugh. The problem is that both Ebron and Lonna are lying liars so without seeing the deleted photos we can't know for sure. Questions I have - why did Ebron take the photos and why did he bring it to LE's attention?

Like Paulas88 said, Lonna's a deflector and distractor. Ebron on the other hand is the "man with all the answers." He's got an answer for everything. Notice how he starts stuttering when he's caught off guard? He has a reason for everything he says. What was his reason for the photos and statement?

TY, I should have looked that up but I'm lazy tonight. Plus, I just can't think about him having a head injury so bad that his skull was "soft". Ugh. Which also makes me question how Lonzie could have been walking around like that, reportedly for a couple days. An injury that bad (depressed skull fracture) should have knocked him out and possibly kept him knocked out for quite a while, wouldn't you think? Unless his head injury was not depressed just very swollen and "squishy"?

I agree about the photo and statement. I wonder if he was about to disclose Lonzie's whereabouts and maybe was trying to explain the injuries LE would find on Lonzie? They say a few times in these interviews that they thought WRE seemed to be close to telling LLB and that at one point he wanted to talk to them about it too. Unless I'm misremembering.
TY, I should have looked that up but I'm lazy tonight. Plus, I just can't think about him having a head injury so bad that his skull was "soft". Ugh. Which also makes me question how Lonzie could have been walking around like that, reportedly for a couple days. An injury that bad (depressed skull fracture) should have knocked him out and possibly kept him knocked out for quite a while, wouldn't you think? Unless his head injury was not depressed just very swollen and "squishy"?

I agree about the photo and statement. I wonder if he was about to disclose Lonzie's whereabouts and maybe was trying to explain the injuries LE would find on Lonzie? They say a few times in these interviews that they thought WRE seemed to be close to telling LLB and that at one point he wanted to talk to them about it too. Unless I'm misremembering.

I thought your comment was a reasonable explanation. I'm not a doctor so it's just MOO but it may be that some kids are older when the soft spot closes. I dunno. I don't want to read too much into the statement but the "misshapen head" is troubling.

If you consider the other symptoms Lonzie appeared to have - no appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, fluid from his ears, drooling blood from his mouth, vomiting - it's unlikely he was very ambulatory.

Also troubling is Ebron's statement: “This whole night, for what I've done, there's nothing educated about it.” I wish the detectives had followed up on it. Ah well...

Anyway, I agree that Ebron may have come close to spilling the beans but at the same time I believe he had some sort of game plan in mind and it veered sideways. He kinda sorta threw CB under the bus but then said he didn't think it was him. He kept insisting on talking with Lonna. Argh - I just can't get into his head. Not that I want to but there's something there and all we have to do is figure out what.

Easy peasy, right?:waitasec:
Do we know of Lonzie was full term? It isn't unusual for babies to hit physical and developmental milestones according to what their age should have been full term. Pediatricians caution new parents of premature babies that they should not be overly panicked if their baby does not hit those milestones when a full term would.

Just thinking. Ebron seemed to think the soft spot was something of note. He has children so could easily know about the fontanel soft spot on infants and babies. He mentioned that soft spot for a reason. Maybe preemptively worrying about something that would be evident if the body was found. But I also had a thought that if Lonzie was premature or preterm he may have still had a small area of skull that had not closed yet due to that. Maybe Ebron never noticed it until there was a head injury that caused it to become noticeable because of swelling or as someone suggested, dehydration.

Just ideas. possibles.
I thought your comment was a reasonable explanation. I'm not a doctor so it's just MOO but it may be that some kids are older when the soft spot closes. I dunno. I don't want to read too much into the statement but the "misshapen head" is troubling.

If you consider the other symptoms Lonzie appeared to have - no appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, fluid from his ears, drooling blood from his mouth, vomiting - it's unlikely he was very ambulatory.

Also troubling is Ebron's statement: “This whole night, for what I've done, there's nothing educated about it.” I wish the detectives had followed up on it. Ah well...

Anyway, I agree that Ebron may have come close to spilling the beans but at the same time I believe he had some sort of game plan in mind and it veered sideways. He kinda sorta threw CB under the bus but then said he didn't think it was him. He kept insisting on talking with Lonna. Argh - I just can't get into his head. Not that I want to but there's something there and all we have to do is figure out what.

Easy peasy, right?:waitasec:

Yeah, I wish it was easy peasy. LOL
In the Lonna interview, LEO's and LLB agreed that WRE is very very manipulative and that his request to speak to her was to manipulate her in some way. It occurred to me that if he told LLB where Lonzie was, he could then claim she knew all along and try to throw her under the bus too. I imagine that scenario would give his lawyer an opportunity to put reasonable doubt into a juror's mind.

After watching his interviews I do wonder if WRE fell asleep and Lonzie drowned or slipped in the tub/bathroom and died there. Or maybe fell down the stairs. I just get the impression that Lonzie was injured, not a drug overdose, because WRE focused on the head injuries-which to me is an idication that he was gearing up to explain something. Also, that part of his story is when I noticed he started getting vague on his timeline. He focuses alot on going to the bathroom, being in the bathroom.
Am Fam Physician. 2003 Jun 15;67(12):2547-2552.

The diagnosis of an abnormal fontanel requires an understanding of the wide variation of normal. At birth, an infant has six fontanels. The anterior fontanel is the largest and most important for clinical evaluation. The average size of the anterior fontanel is 2.1 cm, and the median time of closure is 13.8 months. The most common causes of a large anterior fontanel or delayed fontanel closure are achondroplasia, hypothyroidism, Down syndrome, increased intracranial pressure, and rickets. A bulging anterior fontanel can be a result of increased intracranial pressure or intracranial and extracranial tumors, and a sunken fontanel usually is a sign of dehydration. A physical examination helps the physician determine which imaging modality, such as plain films, ultrasonography, computed tomographic scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, to use for diagnosis.

Examination of a newborn's fontanels offers the physician a window into the infant's developing brain and general state of health. The word “fontanel” is derived from the Latin fonticulus and the Old French fontaine, meaning a little fountain or spring.1–3 The normal fontanel varies widely in shape and time of closure. The incidence of abnormal fontanel differs, depending on the abnormality and cause.
Do we know of Lonzie was full term? It isn't unusual for babies to hit physical and developmental milestones according to what their age should have been full term. Pediatricians caution new parents of premature babies that they should not be overly panicked if their baby does not hit those milestones when a full term would.

Just thinking. Ebron seemed to think the soft spot was something of note. He has children so could easily know about the fontanel soft spot on infants and babies. He mentioned that soft spot for a reason. Maybe preemptively worrying about something that would be evident if the body was found. But I also had a thought that if Lonzie was premature or preterm he may have still had a small area of skull that had not closed yet due to that. Maybe Ebron never noticed it until there was a head injury that caused it to become noticeable because of swelling or as someone suggested, dehydration.

Just ideas. possibles.

Good question!
Notice how he says that Lonzie was "dead center" in the back of the car because that was the only seat belt that worked?
Notice how he says that Lonzie was "dead center" in the back of the car because that was the only seat belt that worked?
I did! Gave me a chill. I do think he "leaks" info all over the place. Just not enough to find sweet Lonzie. :(
The second Lonna interview is on YouTube now. I haven't listened to either yet; I'm still recovering from Ebron's interviews. Gosh, I really hate all the people involved here...

We have seen photos of Lonzie on the internet when he was still okay and his head looks normal. In that case if his head was injured from whatever reason (ie.) accident/murder/dehydration, then we already know Lonzie had some type of head injury because of injury/bruising behind his ear. The misshapen skull could then be due to accident, murder or dehydration. I guess it's anyone's guess as to which of those things it is. We also know from the dog/s alerting to decomp. in RE's vehicle that Lonzie is deceased. What we don't know is exactly what Lonzie died from, it could have been injury/murder or dehydration or a combination of those. It was certainly serious enough for LB & RE to hide the facts of why Lonzie died and to get rid of his body.
The second Lonna interview is on YouTube now. I haven't listened to either yet; I'm still recovering from Ebron's interviews. Gosh, I really hate all the people involved here...


Listen when you can, I'm anxious for your opinion.

She tells the detectives that Lonzie and his sister had set appointments for that Friday. I'm sure the LE must have checked if that was indeed true?
Listen when you can, I'm anxious for your opinion.

She tells the detectives that Lonzie and his sister had set appointments for that Friday. I'm sure the LE must have checked if that was indeed true?

I am sure LE would of checked that for sure.
Listen when you can, I'm anxious for your opinion.

She tells the detectives that Lonzie and his sister had set appointments for that Friday. I'm sure the LE must have checked if that was indeed true?

Ha! I finally did get into the :drink: since it's 7 pm now, lol, so tomorrow. Until then - what's your opinion? I'm anxious to hear what you got from the videos too. And anyone else - there's insight to be gleaned, if only we could figure out what... hic! ;)
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