Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #8

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If you want to ask the mods if a channel is an approved source, how do you reach them? do I just press report on my own post?
If Duty Ron has someone who is directly connected to the case, either through family or a law enforcement person working on the case, then you can link to that particular Duty Ron show.
OKOK so this "riding herd" terminology, I just realised SS mentioned goats and a farm while living in California during his chat when he was being transported, with the Sheriff to Osceola county. I found it interesting that he mentioned the tony cities of Newport Beach and Laguna, but I don't think he lived there exactly.

Remember? That's where this terminology is likely from.

His peculiar choice of words, "she 86'd" going to McDonald's....(restaurant-speak)...

Anyway, sorry for the tangent! I hope every day brings justice for Maddie closer to those who loved her.

This video is more succinct - it's when he was making small talk with this Officer.

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Bringing this info forward again for our timeline discussion;

“We have evidence that shows Stephen Stern’s returning to the complex and Madeline was visible in that vehicle. We believe she was already dead at that time,” the sheriff said. Authorities did not state what time that footage was captured.”
They did state the times in the press conference right before they found her (13:58) but that was days after that article came out. I think this press conference was even the day they found her
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...His peculiar choice of words, "she 86'd" going to McDonald's....(restaurant-speak)...

Right. Yes, I connect it with dive bars-- Example-- "He got 86'd for getting fresh with the cocktail waitress." I never heard it used as deciding no on something.
... snipped to reply ....This video is more succinct - it's when he was making small talk with this Officer.

I took a couple of screenshots when he was talking about falling into the horse poop. Look at the deputy driver's face. lol

Steven  Stern tells his yucky story.pngSteven Stern on  3 1 24 on way to Osceola Madeline Soto killer tells driver he fell into manur...png
OKOK so this "riding herd" terminology, I just realised SS mentioned goats and a farm while living in California during his chat when he was being transported, with the Sheriff to Osceola county. I found it interesting that he mentioned the tony cities of Newport Beach and Laguna, but I don't think he lived there exactly.

Remember? That's where this terminology is likely from.

His peculiar choice of words, "she 86'd" going to McDonald's....(restaurant-speak)...

Anyway, sorry for the tangent! I hope every day brings justice for Maddie closer to those who loved her.

This video is more succinct - it's when he was making small talk with this Officer.

Interesting revelation that the guards put him to bed two days straight with no mattress pillow or blanket. This is no oversight on their part. I think he is not popular with the correctional officers.
OKOK so this "riding herd" terminology, I just realised SS mentioned goats and a farm while living in California during his chat when he was being transported, with the Sheriff to Osceola county. I found it interesting that he mentioned the tony cities of Newport Beach and Laguna, but I don't think he lived there exactly.

Remember? That's where this terminology is likely from.

His peculiar choice of words, "she 86'd" going to McDonald's....(restaurant-speak)...

Anyway, sorry for the tangent! I hope every day brings justice for Maddie closer to those who loved her.

This video is more succinct - it's when he was making small talk with this Officer.

Hmm…. “86’d” and “herding cattle” are phrases I have heard in the Midwest. 86’d is something my mom says, I’d never say that. But I digress. I’m in Chicago, and my mom is in her 60s for reference. MOO

Has SS lived anywhere else? I don’t recall this being discussed
If you’ve ever waited tables, 86’d is the terminology used when the kitchen is out of a particular item on the menu. “86 the ribs!” Tells the waiter not to sell any more ribs to customers. Once you’ve worked in the industry, you end up using it in real life :)

“Ride herd over” is an old timey term. But one I’ve heard for years in even urban/suburban settings. Means having to hover over or nag someone to get them to do whatever they’re supposed to be doing. Not used as often now! Showing my age here.
So....SS is riding herd over Maddie to get out the door two hours before school because... traffic? Because McDonald's is unpredictable. Drive-thru sometimes takes an hour and a half? Amazingly good time. Racing to McDonald's... but now Maddie isn't interested.... isn't having it... 86'd it (bar parlance, you get 86'd from the establishment -- SS is suggesting Maddie vetoed it). No kidding. Dead people aren't hungry. But hey, since we left so early and now have time to kill, how about I run home for the clicker, to save time when I go back next time. Sure.

What's CRAZY is that he must think he sounded CREDIBLE. Maybe he thinks everybody's is smoking whatever he smoked.

His brain is seriously addled. Better word, demented.

Fun fact: Google often knows where you live / work and each location you stop at. Many people don’t realize this and don’t turn the location feature off on their devices. This worked on an iPhone a few years ago just as well as on a Samsung. It’s how a kid in our area was found when he was late to his soccer practice. He had simply forgot the practice but since his mom had his Google password she was able to see where he’d been in the time before he was worryingly late and realized he was at the local park. She went to get him and everything was fine. She just logged into his Google and poof there it was…

Clearing your phone won’t erase it. And sometimes it can go back many years. I think maps for google has a history as well but don’t quote me: Google Maps Timeline - Computer - Google Maps Help
Google maps does this as well. I recommend it immediately anytime a person comes up missing. Most people these days have more than one device connected to their Google accounts, so even if you don't know their password you can still possibly get that information by looking at their other connected devices (laptop, tablet, desktop, old phones, etc).
@ttjo .... anyone...
Is this phrase "riding herd over"..... regional? I have never heard such a thing. Generational?

I have a friend who grew up in Maryland, let me ask....

- West Coast/ NorCal USA
I grew up in Missouri (I'm in my 50s now), and I am familiar with this phrase from most of my life there, though I've rarely heard it from anyone but family since moving away 20 yrs ago.
Actually, if he did say this to JS then she clearly wasn’t asleep if they were hanging out, was she? Soooo where is the lie? Did he say it to an awake JS as they hung out? To a dead Maddie? Or to himself? Or not at all? Of course we can never know. But somewhere in there there may be a grain of truth mixed in with some nonsense. lol.
You are both making great points. According to his (and her) recounting, the first time that day they would have "hung out" was likely that afternoon, but he specifically says it was "yesterday morning," and we assume he's talking to JS when he says "What did I do?". It could be that he supposedly reset it with MS present, instead, and is pretending as though that discussion was with her, instead (unlikely), that morning. I believe he had texted/called JS on Monday afternoon as a part of his story, though, and this was Tuesday when he's being interviewed... so it's impossible that call/text wasn't on there, either, if the phone was only reset in the morning rather than later that day. However, iirc, the officer clearly says there's nothing at all in history.
I've never heard it and Im surrounded by farms, but it does make sense to me. herding cattle, herding horses. I have heard "getting them organized was like herding kittens"

View attachment 506089
"riding herd over" is a phrase I grew up with in East Tennessee. It was normally someone babysitting or overseeing a group of children, trying to keep them all together, going in the right direction. I don't recall any exact times it was used, but currently, as an example, I'd suggest it could be applied if accompanying kids on a field trip and a person is overseeing 4-5 youngsters
If you go to the 1st page of this thread the name of the moderator pops up (they usually let us know the new thread has begun), maybe this is one way?
Mods have asked us to simply report any post. While DMing a particular Mod would work, doing it the former way means any Mod online will respond which would be the quickest way to get a response. You might end up waiting days for an answer if you directly DM a Mod that might not be working for a few days.
I want to know if this was actually an event that was acted out in real life. Did SS pretend to be surprised that he reset his phone infront of JS and how did she respond. He doesn’t say.

after 7 years I would think the majority of partners would be able to recognize their spouses “tells” well enough to know if this reset accident appeared genuine or suspicious. But IMO there’s a big BIG part of me that thinks that the adults in this house don’t possess this (or any) level of intelligence or critical thinking MOO
IMO? It was more BS lies coming out of his mouth. As we've seen, SS tells WAY more details than is necessary (the sign of a liar). I think he got nervous when she asked the Q. I noted that nervousness in what I transcribed with the stutter, the uh..., uhm's and erm, and the F-bomb.

LE –OK. And then I also noticed… I was checking your call history. I noticed that you don’t have anything before this morning. Is that usual on your phone?

SS – Uh… No. It’s-it’s a new phone I erm stupid, I went to do an update yesterday morning, uhm, and I don’t know what the F (spelled out), pardon me, uhm, I don’t know what the heck I did but somehow during the massive OS update I managed to factory reset my phone and lose all of my contacts, all my information.

LE – Mm hm. What time was that? Do you remember?

SS – Oh, sometime (short pause) while I was hanging out I looked at her and said what did I just do?

LE – OK.

SS – Uhm, she might know better. I don’t know what time it was. It was when I was here with <silence/unfinished sentence>

I want to know if this was actually an event that was acted out in real life. Did SS pretend to be surprised that he reset his phone infront of JS and how did she respond. He doesn’t say.

after 7 years I would think the majority of partners would be able to recognize their spouses “tells” well enough to know if this reset accident appeared genuine or suspicious. But IMO there’s a big BIG part of me that thinks that the adults in this house don’t possess this (or any) level of intelligence or critical thinking MOO
And "What did I just do?" makes me think he THOUGHT that right after killing Maddie. Now THAT I believe he did. Not turning to JS after "accidentally resetting" his phone and saying "What did I just do?". MOO
If he reset his phone in front of the mum, I find that troublesome. That he would feel comfortable doing that in front of her and that she would not think it weird or question it. If that is what happened, the mum is either very low intel or she knew or half knew.

If she was involved though, IMO LE would have found some sort of evidence on her phone or his phone by now.
Riding herd over? Riding her dover? I think he said riding her something like as in he was more focused on her having her stuff together and being ready. I can’t make it out though.
IMO? It's not herd. 'Her' makes much more sense in the context of him hurrying her to get out of the house.

SS – I left my phone at home in the morning too, I was so busy riding her to <unintelligible> to get us out the door on time that I left my phone. She left her phone. We both left our phones.
Some people don’t back up devices ever as they don’t know how / can’t be bothered etc… and then are super upset to lose contacts and photos / videos when a device breaks / can’t be recovered. But when you’re going to factory reset, it’s a process and I think it even reminds you on some devices to back up your device contents before you reset. So any panic he may have had was over what was on the device in the first place imo, not over it being lost (which clearly it wasn’t but this fool didn’t think to clear his google drive fortunately).
SS has a Samsung S23 Ultra per his interview with LE. If he accidentally did this he's more of an idiot than I can even imagine. There are 7 steps, 6 of which he needs to press a particular spot on his phone. He did NOT accidentally do this:

Find "Factory data reset"
  1. Slide two fingers downwards starting from the top of the screen.
  2. Press the settings icon.
  3. Press General management.
  4. Press Reset.
  5. Press Factory data reset.
  6. Press Reset.
  7. Press Delete all. Wait a moment while the factory default settings are restored.
If he reset his phone in front of the mum, I find that troublesome. That he would feel comfortable doing that in front of her and that she would not think it weird or question it. If that is what happened, the mum is either very low intel or she knew or half knew.

If she was involved though, IMO LE would have found some sort of evidence on her phone or his phone by now.
MOO heavy on the 1st option mixed with all those “tranquilizers” SS mentioned contributed to a potential willful ignorance. But I remain open to anything.
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