Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #8

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5:30 minute mark - What does Jen mean MS didn't come out of the school when she went to pick her up, and they announced it over the speaker?............drove to her Mom's office, back to school, blah, blah, blah, "so, she never made it." She swallows.

7:48 after SS suggests she might have pics of Maddie at the birthday party, Jen reminds him she wasn't there. He should've known that if he was there, so I believe neither were at that party.

(All MOO, I think the family was not crazy about SS being around and may have told Jen that. I'd guess they heard some stuff about SS from Maddie that bothered them.)

SS & JS-- they're not standing there as a couple which would've supported all the we, we, we statements she later gave in her news interview. He's not touching her at all, not coming across as the partner or stepfather as he later tries to imply. In the news interviews later, she's trying to appear they're a couple, co-parents, and she's rubbing his back and touching him. He doesn't seem to show any closeness or support to her.

MOO thoughts here after seeing how many concerned family members care about Madeline, it is completely strange that Jen had to call SS to drive two hours to help Maddie get to school. She just had a big loving family birthday party. Why'd SS have to be called? She ended up dead by morning.

No, the reasons and the details don't make any sense at all to me. MOO, there is something being hidden, covered up, there was some reason Jen had to tell it that way, but it's not ringing true to me.
All excellent points. But why haven’t the investigators figured anything out yet?
OK...keep in mind I have been, and am suspicious of JS all along.

I do want to say this much: the officers also have a very casual tone, so I will give JS a bit of a pass here on the cam with the "Hey there" and "Sooooo..."

I still personally find it all off, since JS (and others) have then painted the picture for us as MS as not mature or capable for her age, but the overall tone here from everyone is still pretty calm. I think LE really though MS HAD skipped school. and gone off with friends initially. It even sounds a bit at the very beginning when just the officers were talking to one another like there was another child who was missing? Did anyone else catch that? It sounds like MS was the second call. I heard him say "another..."
If they were truly broken up, all of the "my partner" and "stepfather" terminology is a million times moe bizarre as well.

It does make me wonder if we might learn SS had a nearby hotel room, and was there to pick up some stuff from storage, this all happened and voila he isagain the "partner"/stepfather?
Ok. When I read your post my head went BINGO. We KNOW there has been mention of a hotel room, we don’t know when or how or who but it’s rather fitting MOO. I can’t untangle my thoughts but they’re revolving around SS staying at a hotel, JS asking SS to pick up MS in the morning. SS either saying to JS post MS’s nighttime routine “oh she’s asleep in bed, you go to sleep and I’ll pick her up in the morning” (MS already dead really) OR SS telling JS to just rest and have a great night sleep and not to worry, he’ll deal with MS, she can stay with him at the hotel and they can go on to school from there and at some point between home, hotel, night and morning he killed SS. When he was at the dumpster near her home, do we know if he was coming or going from the house, coming from elsewhere? On foot? Car? At 8:10 I believe he is seen coming from the school “supposedly” what if there was never a McDonald’s but a hotel room further beyond the school? Yes he was dumping her things at 7:35am at the complex but do we know where he was before that? Then at 8:19am MS is seen in the car slumped over entering right the complex right? The 7:35 dumpster footage and 8:10 drive past the school makes it tight to go to the hotel. Get her and drive back, I know. Can’t leave her in the hotel room however if she’s deceased. Help me? Have I gone stark raving mad?
All my own absolute opinion from madness.
Oh and what time did SS next leave the complex again after 8:19 and where was MS?
Maybe SS sent JS to sleep at the hotel to have a lovely night to herself “I’ll stay home with MS and make sure she gets to school”. JMO.
Ok, I’m all done…Does any other of this make ANY sense?
IMO it's impossible to critique JS body language/mannerisms/affect in the bodycam footage without a baseline of knowing what her typical demeanor is or how she has acted in prior emergency situations. Her family and close friends would likely recognize if anything was abnormal.
Also in the video, some of her relatives have the same mannerisms. It is impossible to read that scene. A long time ago I was an EMT and even in some horrific circumstances, some people just come across as if everything was totally normal, and some people are totally hysterical and everything in between.
...painted the picture for us as MS as not mature or capable for her age...
Maybe that's their schtick, because they've painted themselves that way purposefully, also, but I don't buy it. Sure, drug-addled brain comes into play to some degree, but I think far less than their acting portrays, particularly his.
All excellent points. But why haven’t the investigators figured anything out yet?
Who says LE hasn't figured out more? Oh, you mean in regards to if JS was involved in the death? If their stories were a cover up? Why JS hasn't been charged with anything? I don't know, but I've seen arrests made years after. A lot goes on behind the scenes. Or maybe JS really is a gullible, confused woman who was used for access to her young daughter. We all mourn the loss of Madeline. It is painful to know what SS was doing to that young girl, and he was gone, comes back into their lives only to end MS's life?!! :(

I'm sure the investigators, some being parents themselves, flipped out to hear how freely a young Madeline was made available to this on and off boyfriend of the mother's.

After Madeline is found dead, I would think her mother would put the pieces together. I'd think she'd suddenly turn on SS in a fury of info to investigators to nail him to the wall. Nope, don't think she did. Saying she allowed him to sleep with her daughter is hardly turning on him. I don't know. Wish somehow the suspicions cast upon JS could be addressed. MOO, she gives off hinky vibes.

They know SS told them how he hadn't been around, and was glad to be just getting back to live in the condo. Remember his complaining about the hard of hearing parents yelling at each other, and the houseful of poodles? Why he went to his parents to begin with and why they kept breaking up and not really a couple is of interest to me. Why was JS letting this man back into their lives???
Ok. When I read your post my head went BINGO. We KNOW there has been mention of a hotel room, we don’t know when or how or who but it’s rather fitting MOO. I can’t untangle my thoughts but they’re revolving around SS staying at a hotel, JS asking SS to pick up MS in the morning.

SS staying in a hotel does fit with JS calling him to "pick MS up." SS also could "be there for the weekend" without technically have stayed the night at the condo Sunday.

SS either saying to JS post MS’s nighttime routine “oh she’s asleep in bed, you go to sleep and I’ll pick her up in the morning” (MS already dead really) OR SS telling JS to just rest and have a great night sleep and not to worry, he’ll deal with MS, she can stay with him at the hotel and they can go on to school from there and at some point between home, hotel, night and morning he killed SS.
Sunday night is so blurry for everyone. It would clarify a lot to know if SS picked MS up from the party. We have heard he wasn't "there", but that implies as a guest. I thought I saw photos where he appeared to be at the party, so he could have just showed up near the end as MS ride home?

JS not attending the party is also weird, IMO unless her new position had her working every weekend and it really was the only time the rest of the family could get together and celebrate MS. It seems like grandmother is pretty career focused, and she hosted the party, so this does make sense to me.

When he was at the dumpster near her home, do we know if he was coming or going from the house, coming from elsewhere? On foot? Car?

I believe he was in his car, but it gets a bit murky as to if MS was with him on the earliest dumpster trip with the laptop and backpack. Anyone?

At 8:10 I believe he is seen coming from the school “supposedly” what if there was never a McDonald’s but a hotel room further beyond the school? Yes he was dumping her things at 7:35am at the complex but do we know where he was before that?

Driving around, "Killing time", easting danishes and trying to talk a "sleeping" MS into McDonalds. I believe he WAS seen near the McDonalds, but heading in the opposite direction of where he said he was going, which is when he admitted returning to the condo..."for the clicker"

Then at 8:19am MS is seen in the car slumped over entering right the complex right? The 7:35 dumpster footage and 8:10 drive past the school makes it tight to go to the hotel. Get her and drive back, I know. Can’t leave her in the hotel room however if she’s deceased. Help me? Have I gone stark raving mad?
All my own absolute opinion from madness.
Oh and what time did SS next leave the complex again after 8:19 and where was MS?
Maybe SS sent JS to sleep at the hotel to have a lovely night to herself “I’ll stay home with MS and make sure she gets to school”. JMO.
Ok, I’m all done…Does any other of this make ANY sense?

He claims he dropped her off for school and headed to a local vape shop, which was closed, so then went back to the condo and waited a bit before trying again. The vape shop was open, then a bunch of vague SS babble (depending on police interview or media interview) He then gave some stories about going to a Target and some random comic/game/geek stores and getting a flat tire, and not being able to connect with JS in time for a BJs warehouse trip she had planned OR in time to pick up MS from school that afternoon. So, most likely this is when he was out dumping poor MS, and seen getting the flat tire by a witness near the spot he dumped MS.

JS said in her interview they were home all morning and most of the day except SS went to the vape shop and then the pick up. (I think I have remembered their stories correctly.). I found it confusing. SS had also said JS had an appointment to have some blood work during the day. Doesn't sound like either JS or SS were home very much to me.
...JS not attending the party is also weird...
Don't forget, this wasn't even MS's actual birthday; that was the Thursday before. So they could have held the party at any intervening time, and they pick when JS can't make it due to work? I get the feeling from that and also just from their interactions that she was estranged from the family. I don't think she was invited to the party or may have been possibly excluded purposefully.

I hope MS got some sort of fun celebration with her Mom on the actual day-of, because it would be that much more heartbreaking if not.
Don't forget, this wasn't even MS's actual birthday; that was the Thursday before. So they could have held the party at any intervening time, and they pick when JS can't make it due to work? I get the feeling from that and also just from their interactions that she was estranged from the family. I don't think she was invited to the party or may have been possibly excluded purposefully.

Maybe? But from what we know, MS had a few friends from school at the party, and then mostly family members--cousins and the like. So I have the impression it was around a lot of other work schedules, and a Sunday night was the only/best time most people could make it. I do agree it is weird to have it on a day when JS was working, but knowing JS was training in a new job sheds a bit more light. When I thought she was in her previous role, I was totally of the opinion she should have taken the night off.

I hope MS got some sort of fun celebration with her Mom on the actual day-of, because it would be that much more heartbreaking if not.
I hope so too, and as suspicious as I am of her mom, I hope MS had a better life overall than the horrors we know of. :(
because Maddi went to school in hunters creek, and they live in Kissimmee on Santa Maria drive , it's not walking distance its almost 6 miles away or a 12 min drive.(according to google)
I understand that but if a kid went suddenly missing and it turns out she never went to school and this was highly unusual behavior don’t you think you would cover that ground too? 6 miles isn’t an impossible walk, the weather is generally very nice and pleasant at that time in Orlando. I checked and it was a mild day, with a high of 80ish. I would be covering that path and at the very least! It’s plausible that she started to walk home and got lost . My kid would do that for her phone but would lack the maturity to know it was too far or go exactly the right way! I suspect this was a story SS concocted that she was taken at the church and mom didn’t even bother to go home or check the route TO home which is very weird to me

Most parents would be frantically searching and calling every person. I don’t see that at all with “sooooooooo“

Edited to add : did she stop at the 711 to ask for footage or any of the businesses to ask if they had seen MS? There’s tons of restaurants and gas stations within that area, I live on the other coast but have been on that area before. Was there a ground search by the Soto family or did they just email a teacher and go to grandmas office and wait? This right here is what bothers me the most . We need Colombo!
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Has anyone determined with certainty what the interruption in the background is, during the (first?) JS interview? Some say it's a parrot, some say it's a ringtone, one online presenter said it was some dog dish alarm when the dog rattled its dish, even. it does seem like I'm hearing a sing-songy "Jenny, get the pho-ooone" as a part of the noise. (Edit: That is my curiosity, in particular; if it's the phone ringing, and she's ignoring it while MS is missing.)

I'm not sure what time it's occurring, but it feels like I have not seen that one thoroughly explored yet, though may have missed it. Her smile during that time was certainly discussed, but what was the noise that was causing it?
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Has anyone determined with certainty what the interruption in the background is, during the (first?) JS interview? Some say it's a parrot, some say it's a ringtone, one online presenter said it was some dog dish alarm when the dog rattled its dish, even. it does seem like I'm hearing a sing-songy "Jenny, get the pho-ooone" as a part of the noise.

I'm not sure what time it's occurring, but it feels like I have not seen that one thoroughly explored yet, though may have missed it. Her smile during that time was certainly discussed, but what was the noise that was causing it?

I'm pretty sure it's an automatic dog feeder, because you can hear the food fall into the bowl.
The reporter's comment about how bored SS seems is also really interesting and spot on. Given it is around 8:30 or so at night here, and everyone is so calm...this IS the SAME night where SS then tells investigators he was so upset he needed to be drugged, and has NO IDEA if he and JS went out searching, right???

What a complete piece of work....

I went back and watched it again, and you are right! JS doesn't start swaying until she's told that the laptop may be traceable.

Also, (not directed at you) I listened again to the courttv episode I posted earlier today, and Shannon Butler says they have video from an industrial area of SS moving Maddie's body from the front seat to the trunk of the car.

ETA: it's at about the 26:00 mark.
Also if they didn’t ask any businesses to review footage why? That would be my first desperate plea: have you seen my daughter and show her picture, and when she went missing!

We know now SS didn’t want them to spot his car driving around and it sounds like JS didn’t want to ask for this too. If they asked for footage from local businesses other than the church I apologize, but it sure seems like they didn’t.
OK...keep in mind I have been, and am suspicious of JS all along.

I do want to say this much: the officers also have a very casual tone, so I will give JS a bit of a pass here on the cam with the "Hey there" and "Sooooo..."

I still personally find it all off, since JS (and others) have then painted the picture for us as MS as not mature or capable for her age, but the overall tone here from everyone is still pretty calm. I think LE really though MS HAD skipped school. and gone off with friends initially. It even sounds a bit at the very beginning when just the officers were talking to one another like there was another child who was missing? Did anyone else catch that? It sounds like MS was the second call. I heard him say "another..."
I think the 911 operators misclassified MS as a runaway teen. Maybe they get so many runaway teen calls, they just assume everyone is a runaway. But there was no sense of urgency by the operators and the family called three times. The cop was on scene for minutes before making the “why wasn’t this a code 3” comment. There’s no possible way the operators could have known that call would end like this but i really didn’t like that response.

I went back and watched it again, and you are right! JS doesn't start swaying until she's told that the laptop may be traceable.

Also, (not directed at you) I listened again to the courttv episode I posted earlier today, and Shannon Butler says they have video from an industrial area of SS moving Maddie's body from the front seat to the trunk of the car.

ETA: it's at about the 26:00 mark.
I'll have to watch this!!
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