FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #5

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The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also conducted an investigation and said it found no links between ISIL and Mateen.

never heard about this outbursat

Mateen threatened to shoot his classmates at a cookout in 2007 "after his hamburger touched pork" in violation of Islamic dietary laws.[SUP][94][/SUP][SUP][95][/SUP][SUP][96][/SUP][SUP][97]

had a history of using steroids.[SUP][105][/SUP][SUP][106][/SUP][SUP][107][/SUP][SUP][108][/SUP] His autopsy revealed signs of long-term and habitual steroid use

of long-term and habitual steroid use,

talked about killing people",[SUP][112][/SUP] used slurs and "had a lot of hatred for people. Black people, women, he did not like Jews, he did not like Hispanics, nor did he like gay or lesbian people."[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP][113]

[/SUP][/SUP]Facebook activated its "Safety Check" feature in the Orlando area following the shooting, allowing users to mark themselves as "safe" to notify family and friends—the first use of the feature in the United States.[SUP][134][/SUP][SUP][135]

[/SUP]Two former SWAT members, one an active-shooter tactics expert and trainer, expressed misgivings about the three-hour delay in breaching the nightclub, citing the lesson learned from other mass shootings that officers can minimize casualties only by entering a shooting location expeditiously, even if it means putting themselves at great risk.[SUP][141]

[/SUP]G4S Secure Solutions $151,400 for providing inaccurate psychological testing information on more than 1,500 forms over a ten-year period,

On September 14, the city of Orlando announced it would pay $4,518 to erect a new fence around the Pulse nightclub on September 19. The fence will feature a commemorative screen-wrap with local artwork that would serve as a memorial to the victims and survivors of the shooting

It will also be smaller than the nightclub's previous fence, in order to allow for more efficient navigation by passers-by.[SUP][146]

[/SUP]A victims' assistance center, Orlando Family Assistance Center, was opened on June 15 inside Camping World Stadium by the City of Orlando.[SUP][154][/SUP][SUP][155][/SUP]During the eight days it was open, it provided help to 956 people from 298 families

City of Orlando offered free plots and funeral service at the city-ownedGreenwood Cemetery for those killed in the shooting

Equality Florida, the state's largest LGBT rights group, started a fundraising page to aid the victims and their families, raising $767,000 in the first nine hours

As of September 22, they have raised over $7.85 million online, a record for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/, with a total of over 119,400 donors and an average of about $66 per donation

Another fundraising campaign, OneOrlando, was established by Mayor Buddy Dyer.[SUP][168][/SUP]The Walt Disney Company and NBCUniversal, which operate the nearby Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Orlando Resort, respectively, each donated $1 million to the fund

compensations will go to the families of the 49 people killed, followed by the 50 victims who were physically injured and hospitalized for one night or more. OneOrlando's fund administrator said that the draft has not decided whether to pay people who were held hostage but were not injured, and will take public feedback in two 90-minute hearings to be held on August 4.

A total of 603 calls were made


[SUP][SUP]UCF body cam: [/SUP][/SUP] just a small portion of the hell that was June 12, 2016:[SUP][SUP]

Some same shots but each has different stuff



Exaclty, dotr, at the time of his savage attack, there was discussion of some movie being made of a traditional and literary icon, Rumi, who had an epic intellectual relationship with Shams and faith, which would cross all kinds of lines no longer permitted by the stiff ritualized practices that now predominate. A sad thing.
New Pulse fence

Families of the 49 who lost their lives in the June 12 shooting will each receive $350,000 from the One Orlando Fund. Victims who were hospitalized will receive between $65,000 and $300,000 each, depending on the length of time they were in the hospital.
Nearly 150,000 people and more than 120 companies contributed to the fund, with Equality Florida's page setting records for the largest online philanthropic campaign, officials said.


"My intention is to keep it as is for approximately a year so people who are journeying here can go see, pay their respects, and then we will convene a group to decide exactly how to create a memorial," Dyer said

Orlando Sent lost link

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Can someone please explain to me why his wife was never charged? She just dropped off the face of the earth?
Can someone please explain to me why his wife was never charged? She just dropped off the face of the earth?
Just mo, I was never really sure what they could charge her with? I think what has happened is officials and the media moved the story from in reality, was a mentally ill mass shooting, into this terorist thing - people expected an arrest.

When you go back to him being severely mentally ill, a spouse typically will not call LE everytime everytime their spouses illiness emerges (agitated, making threats, acting erratically etc) because they know it is the illness- not this big terrorist.If you go back to what the family actually DID that evening you are right at a family system that knows has known for a long time that their loved one suffers from mental illness.

He had been regressing mentally for several weeks (family has been through that before - that is the illiness) that night the mother of 29 adult male became concerned because she knew her child had been decomping, attempted to contact him (suicide concerns not homicidal maniac notions).

That is what Elliots parents did, that is what Austins parents did, it had emerged that Batmans mom tried to get him help when he was 12 or so, his psychiatrist alerted campus LE, Lanza's mom knew her child was having problems, the Cascade malls shooter family was aware of their child's mental illness, neighbors in the recent lawyer shooting noticed drastic changes right before, the psychiatrist in Fort Hood was under peer review for months about his increasing psychotic episodes.

As a society, when it serves the military complex, to make mental illness into terror, it changes all the dynamics. But truth be told she did nothing to be arrested for IMO, she married a mentally ill nice looking male, who lost it and committed the largest mass shooting in AMerican history..............................

What should she have been arrested for??
Omar Mateen’s Final Text To Wife Released: “I’m Gay, That’s Why I’m Doing This.”

This text released today by the FBI comes as no surprise to those who study human behavior. A 1996 study, published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, found a strong link between professed homophobia and homosexual arousal. “You can’t hate something so much without hating that about yourself, that’s Psychology 101”, said Dr. Paul Horner, professor of psychology at the University of Central Florida.

“Mateen was raised as a Muslim by a father who was very much a homophobe himself. When you are raised to believe that your natural desires, desires which are beyond your own control, are sick and evil, it creates severe psychological problems that persist well into adulthood. There is really no telling how many more Omar Mateens are out there. Omar couldn’t be gay because of his religion. His actions and all the innocent lives he took had nothing to do with terrorism.”


Well my goodness ----

TY Blue


.while at the same time pisses me off - the wife said very early on that she was told not to tell the public that he was gay - changes the entire story.

more from link

self-loathing homosexual and not that of an ISIS operative

“I think it’s a load of [expletive] that people are trying to pin this whole thing on ISIS. The guy had nothing to do with ISIS. He loved [male genitalia] but he didn’t have the [male genitalia] to admit it. So he killed the part of himself he hated that he saw in those other people and blamed it on ISIS like a little [expletive].

“I really wish that they would stop trying to tie this attack directly to ISIS. It is wrong to sully the name of such a wonderful organization by attaching this little [gay slur]’s name to it. Omar Mateen was a homosexual, and because he was raised in the ways of God’s righteous law, the weight of his sins ate away at his conscience until he snapped

A young man had desires that were contrary to the religious beliefs he was raised with, and after years of internal conflict, he sought to cleanse himself and others through the Abrahamic faiths’ most ancient and revered practice:


If you or someone you know has had a homosexual relationship with Omar Mateen, the FBI has setup a Mateen Homosexual Hotline at (785) 273-0325. The FBI says that callers can remain anonymous.
As time has gone by and we've learned so many of the facts from this case I keep thinking damn, CARIIS called it from day one.
Really so not OK the more I reflect. This is total manipulation of us the public. I just looked at the lovers interivew again, and I do not recall this.

The man said he had approached by the FBI and been interviewed three times in person by agents. The FBI confirmed to Univision that it had met with him. This aired on June 21. Happened on the 12 - somehow they found out about him in a week. That is telling. Explains why there was no followup on them meeting in the hotel for sex.

It concretely translates to them just blowing off all the people who said they saw him at Pulse, that he was active on Grindr (then they come out and flat out state they can find nothing on any gay anything).

They KNEW the whole time but started an agenda , they have had the text - that is so wrong the "mostest" crime fighting agency in the land is making stories "fit".

I bet they freaked when early on wife said on nationial TV not to mention he was gay. I would have loved to be in the meeting after that. This was a big investigation, so it has to mean there were a lot of people in on it. That makes it even more scary does it not?

Now Pike county makes sense. Now makes sense that Austin was hanging on for dear life for weeks and then when we all see him he has lost some weight big deal.

Very dangerous IMO


funny I just thought (cant remember his name now) well sh$t the head of the FBI, in the beginning ,was a total crook!!!!

Keep that terrorist money flying at all costs..........................

Wonder how all the men who stated they saw him at Pulse before have felt all along as the story kept going on terrorism. Wonder how the guys that interacted with him on Grindr or whatever when they read FBI saying they could not find anything . That, too, has to be a total lie. Never made sense to me.

Do cell phones have IP address?

The real irony here is Omar ended up doing just the opposite of what he hoped. The world got an education on the gay community, they discovered we are in all walks of life, all color, all shapes, manly, not running around wanting to be in dresses (!) , educated, in all vocations, make real relationships no diff than hetero etc etc

I vividly remember thinking these things when so many were being interviewed (ie this is good , they are articulate, etc etc ) these guys are showing the world the real community etc

I also vividly remember the night I went all over the internet (and posted ha) all the buildings all over the world in our flag colors--that was an extraordinary night for me......

Wow... the content is not surprising to me, I've believed OM was gay from the beginning. Just wow, sad! I live in a major city, exposed to LGBTQ folks daily....you know, just living our lives as neighbors and friends, sitting at bus stops,getting groceries, etc. While I adore the diversity and acceptance of my community, I sometimes feel like I live in a happy rainbow bubble, forgetting that not everyone feels free to live true to themselves.
WOW. Just feel the need to say(!) I think his actions were internalized self-loathing and bipolar. I think he was gay as well!!

But last night as the text was marinating (!) something just did not "feel " right. This morning it was
stil here - i wondered if this is a fake text.

The "text" (content) itself did not flow like I would think someone who just shot up a 100 people, the message
was to overt, to consise a "reveal" for "motive" just did not feel right.

While Lunesta ing away, I thought it would not be hard in this day and age to fake
a ABC logo.

When I woke up I looked at it. Looked ok, but still something...................................................

So i looked up the writer. He is online and it does seem he writes for ABC - but something is not right. Played around under his name and started to see articles by him, but not this one. That got me going - makes no sense.

Haunted by the fact that I could not find any other media outlet reporting it.Took
dog out, still bugging me. I am intutive online - so right now I have no idea how I got to this page!

When I saw what follows this story felt more credible mainly cause the date it was posted.But, I do not know is
Snopes. com itself valid?

Fake news reports that Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen's final text to his wife admitted he was gay.
Jeff Zarronandia [FONT=&amp]Updated: Jul 06, 2016

I read onward.

In July 2016, a fake news
web site played on rumors ( I do not think they were rumors!) that Omar Mateen, ..... committed the horrendous crime (at least in part) because was himself gay.

In a completely fabricated article, that site reported the supposed final text message Mateen sent out before he was shot by police: The ABC link was a few days ago. Low and behold in the Snopes article is the article verbatim (copy). I thought how on earth could that exact same story be "out" (parden the pun) 90 days ago? It is tho.

There was no truth to the story, which originated with a malware site that illegally appropriates the trademarks of a legitimate news organization (ABC News) and publishes fictitious clickbait stories to lure readers to the site and generate revenue.

However, the popular Spanish newspaper El Mundo was fooled by the fake item and ran it as a (
since-removed) straight news item.

When I saw that, "since removed" I thought nope this is a hoax

Unreal huh


Kinda funny

Saw this belwo article

Jeff Zarronandia is the pseudonym of J. Eff Zarronandia, an American author and journalist who won the Pulitzer Prize for numismatics in 2006 and was one of four finalists for the prize in 2008. He was also the winner of the Distinguished Conflagration Award of the American Society of Muleskinners for 2005.

So now I am going who the hell on the bottom of a story is going to use a pseudonym[FONT=&amp] , to note on the bottom , it is a [/FONT][FONT=&amp]pseudonym. Why [/FONT][FONT=&amp]pseudonym if you are going to reveal it is a [/FONT]pseudonym - THAT makes less sense than any of it.

I am asking myself did I take two Lunesta last night! Can someone come up with ONE reason why a pseudonym[FONT=&amp] is used when one is going to reveal the [/FONT][FONT=&amp]pseudonym.

[FONT=&amp]Does that not negate the purpose of a [/FONT]pseudonym? To me it does - but then again it has been a morning!!

Besides, why would your pseudonym be so darn close to your real name? Now I am starting to wonder if the writer of the story about the writer of the story whose story is not true, according to htis writer, might be off his rocker or missed a dose or something,

Humm humm maybe the pseudonym dude is the click baiter about the accused click baiter , while the story about the text is accurate (and the dude that can not make up pseudonym that serves the purpose a pseudonym) in the first place !

And besides who knows if he made up the award for numismatics !!! Maybe he used a pseudonym just might stand for mathematics- so there! whatcha think about that !!

He must just think he is just so slick - guys I just noticed Jeff Zarronandia J. Eff Zarronandia,more hysterical!

Ok, I will stop now !

Well now, I must go look up it someone with a name close to the name used in the article that is now a revealed pseudonym is the real person or is it the pseudonym of the pseudonym as it relates to the real name of the pseudonym as a pseudonym is a valid pseudonym

I will stop I love writing like that t when something strikes me as so absurd!!!

I am warning you- if Henry Jones won any of the awards I am losing it !!

Thats funny!

I just woke up; I need a double martini already !!!! Maybe some heroin, crack, humm meth KIDDING KIDDING!



Sorry, CARIIS, it's a hoax.

The FBI hotline at the bottom of the article is actually the number for Westboro Baptist Church.


Some other interesting "articles" from that "abc news" website...



http://abcnews.com.co/utah-makes-*advertiser censored*-illegal/

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Damn. I feel stupid because I'm usually one to double-check everything! :doh:


Lol, I thought the phone number for Westboro Baptist Church was a nice touch.

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