FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1

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This is from the Jupiter Police Department event report regarding Mina Harouff's (Austin's mom) call.

"Mina told me that Austin has [not] been saying odd thins like having super powers or seeing monsters." That [not] is apparently a typo since he's said that he's immortal. If true, this is the first mention of visual hallucinations, another classic symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.

FSU studying exercise science

Fisher was stabbed once in the neck, three times in the back and once in his side, CBS reported.

Harrouff’s mother, Mina Harrouff, still unaware of the attack, told Jupiter Police Offficer Luis Rocha later that night that her son had been acting strangely for about a week, claiming he had superpowers and that he was “here to protect people,” the report said. She also said her son had no history of mental illness nor heavy drug use.
so she did not know what he did then might explain dening issue/ drugs

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From his mother's initial statement to police to search for AH, it doesn't sound like he had been in any psychiatric treatment in the past meaning he wasn't on antidepressants, or in therapy. Nor does it sound like his mother was aware of any steroid abuse problems. Gosh, she may not have seen them but I saw those steroid videos and I'm convinced he did take them and struggled to not take them. I'm not sure how powerful and invincible steroids might make you feel, but going off them can cause roid rage and suicidal tendencies. He talked a lot about steroids, but I don't think he talked about street drugs as much. Wonder what his fraternity brothers, who partied with him, said to police when and if they were questioned about whether he'd take flakka.

......giving up for the night........can't make any sense out of senseless.............:eek:fftobed:
Sorry.. I may have missed it.. Was it reported what his temperature actually was? If he came to the hospital already intubated (on a breathing machine), they couldn't take an oral temp. If he wasn't received intubated, it would have taken a decent amount of time to get him situated and calm enough to get a proper temperature and by then he could have been receiving other interventions that cooled his body back to normal.

My other question would be.. Do we know how his temperature was measured?? (If we have that info) Any method other than rectal may not have been accurate.

According to the link below, the police said they couldn't be sure it was flakka because his "core body temperature was low" but it didn't give the exact temperature or when it was taken. Apparently he was also making barking and other animal noises. Wouldn't they try to sedate or relax him in the ambulance? Or give meds to lower blood pressure or whatever else was immediately nescessary? Could this affect core temp? I'm asking bc I definitely think AH took some sort of substance that night and may have been abusing it for awhile, maybe in conjunction with steroids, but I think flakka, bath salts, or some other designer drug was taken that night. Jmo

This is from the Jupiter Police Department event report regarding Mina Harouff's (Austin's mom) call.

"Mina told me that Austin has [not] been saying odd thins like having super powers or seeing monsters." That [not] is apparently a typo since he's said that he's immortal. If true, this is the first mention of visual hallucinations, another classic symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.


Aren't stories suppossed to get clearer with the passage of time as opposed to murkier!!!

From his mother's initial statement to police to search for AH, it doesn't sound like he had been in any psychiatric treatment in the past meaning he wasn't on antidepressants, or in therapy. Nor does it sound like his mother was aware of any steroid abuse problems. Gosh, she may not have seen them but I saw those steroid videos and I'm convinced he did take them and struggled to not take them. I'm not sure how powerful and invincible steroids might make you feel, but going off them can cause roid rage and suicidal tendencies. He talked a lot about steroids, but I don't think he talked about street drugs as much. Wonder what his fraternity brothers, who partied with him, said to police when and if they were questioned about whether he'd take flakka.

......giving up for the night........can't make any sense out of senseless.............:eek:fftobed:

Hi curious

Longer we go - I think we need more info on mom and dad! How nasty was divorce? how long ago?

Sounds like a very disengaged family, feels as if there is a lot of splitting going on, through in some denial, family conflict, silent daughter, missing frat statements,confusion if/ when drinking solvents--dont know if it is the media, cops, or particpants messing up.

what a mess - more confused now since I read the police report. I would think a type like that, in a police report , which totally changes the entire story would be caught.

Oh my, AM I in any position to be even mentioning typos? Well, I am confident you all will forgive me!

On another angle , media does such little fact checking these days, it struck me that they , in this region, seem really into using "alledgly" killed, when we have an officer on scene, observing a grunting human being chomping on a dead person- its just strange IMO

According to the link below, the police said they couldn't be sure it was flakka because his "core body temperature was low" but it didn't give the exact temperature or when it was taken. Apparently he was also making barking and other animal noises. Wouldn't they try to sedate or relax him in the ambulance? Or give meds to lower blood pressure or whatever else was immediately nescessary? Could this affect core temp? I'm asking bc I definitely think AH took some sort of substance that night and may have been abusing it for awhile, maybe in conjunction with steroids, but I think flakka, bath salts, or some other designer drug was taken that night. Jmo


On this link scroll down for video on the bath salt attack a while back
Sorry.. I may have missed it.. Was it reported what his temperature actually was? If he came to the hospital already intubated (on a breathing machine), they couldn't take an oral temp. If he wasn't received intubated, it would have taken a decent amount of time to get him situated and calm enough to get a proper temperature and by then he could have been receiving other interventions that cooled his body back to normal.

My other question would be.. Do we know how his temperature was measured?? (If we have that info) Any method other than rectal may not have been accurate.

"Also, the body temperature of flakka users usually spikes to about 105 degrees when they experience "excited delirium," while Harrouff's temperature at the hospital was a normal 97 degrees."
According to the link below, the police said they couldn't be sure it was flakka because his "core body temperature was low" but it didn't give the exact temperature or when it was taken. Apparently he was also making barking and other animal noises. Wouldn't they try to sedate or relax him in the ambulance? Or give meds to lower blood pressure or whatever else was immediately nescessary? Could this affect core temp? I'm asking bc I definitely think AH took some sort of substance that night and may have been abusing it for awhile, maybe in conjunction with steroids, but I think flakka, bath salts, or some other designer drug was taken that night. Jmo


Yes, I believe he did take something too that night. He is exhibiting tell tale signs that he ingested something like flakka or bath salts.

As far as his core body temp, it sounds like once they did sedate him at the hospital they did a rectal temp. (Rectal temp = core body temp).. Anyone remember what the temperature was that night? Was he found wet? There are a number of things that could have been done by himself or others to decrease his core body temp before they were able to take his temperature.
"Also, the body temperature of flakka users usually spikes to about 105 degrees when they experience "excited delirium," while Harrouff's temperature at the hospital was a normal 97 degrees."

From your link!

[FONT=&amp]"Roid rage usually happens during a period when a user is not actively on the drug," said Jim Hall, an epidemiologist at Nova Southeastern University who tracks illegal narcotics usage.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Hall cautioned that no one should jump to conclusions until the testing is complete, but he said steroid [/FONT]use[FONT=&amp] seems more likely than flakka, a drug that the sheriff has suggested was a possibility.

Flakka has virtually disappeared since the Chinese government cracked down on its manufacture last year,

IMO this is important as it relates to moms statement at the time:

His mother, still unaware of the attack, called 911 late Monday night to report her son missing

Steroid withdrawal facts

This would make me think he was on steroids no? Or something else



And his relentless mention of them would make me conclude that he probably was still taking them - which would also stall onset of withdrawal. Just learning that the withdrawal symptoms certainly are not describing him, it would seem he still had been taking some no?

If flakka is disappearing then that might take us back to bath salts. If ya think about it what are the odds of different stuff resulting in chewing on people??

It certainly does not seem, or been reported, that he had a online presence surrounding cannibalism.

Has anyone seen any FB Insta stuff on him besides you tube. That too , for his age group is somewhat unique as well----- imo.

No mention of dating either- in Frat setting also striking - so does that take us back to his odd behavior was unappealing to females.

It is also somewhat frustrating (and again odd) that media has not tracked down frat brothers for "nuanced" stuff about him. IIRC there was only one video (car) where he was not alone.

From your link!

[FONT=&quot]"Roid rage usually happens during a period when a user is not actively on the drug," said Jim Hall, an epidemiologist at Nova Southeastern University who tracks illegal narcotics usage.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hall cautioned that no one should jump to conclusions until the testing is complete, but he said steroid use seems more likely than flakka, a drug that the sheriff has suggested was a possibility.

Flakka has virtually disappeared since the Chinese government cracked down on its manufacture last year,

IMO this is important as it relates to moms statement at the time:

His mother, still unaware of the attack, called 911 late Monday night to report her son missing


I wish flakka virtually disappeared.. I work in a very busy ER and we are still getting flakka patients. As a matter of fact I had two nurses who are on workers comp right now because they were attacked by a patient on flakka last month.
Yes, I believe he did take something too that night. He is exhibiting tell tale signs that he ingested something like flakka or bath salts.

As far as his core body temp, it sounds like once they did sedate him at the hospital they did a rectal temp. (Rectal temp = core body temp).. Anyone remember what the temperature was that night? Was he found wet? There are a number of things that could have been done by himself or others to decrease his core body temp before they were able to take his temperature.

Why would he be found wet? It wasn't raining.
just mo

and, it is like Batman Massacre, I have super powers and can drink drano OR ready to die

sudden realization of what he just did - suicide?

man that music on the boat video was dark guys, day of boating, which is hypothetically suppossed to be fun, humm what background music do I want - nah not" Walkin On Sunshine" (thats funny!) its a homocide song (never heard of that before- just came into my head! -- guy actually had a pretty voice!

For some reason, (it feels like we really dont have an academic picture), I would expect to see detoriating performance the last month or so

On his you tube channel he was frantic in liking stuff the final two weeks subscribing whatever....

Ugh I did realize the husband was allive when his face was being eaten?

do know in one of the AH videos posted here he says, in my own words, something to the effect that having to take steroid everyday would be a reason to not want to live. I still consider that his use of steroids and trying to stop using them had something to do with his recent mental struggles and chemical imbalance changes.

Just my thoughts

Hi curious

agree - i think his mental issues lead to the numbing obession with his his body, I mean folks with super powers have super bodies

still want to hear from the frat guys -- anyone?

I kinda think we will find out she has gone that route before - it really is pretty useless - those that meet criteria - acute chronic- really need long term in pt. Often it escalates everything - they drug em to death and through them out , when the seation wears off (since it was never really treated) slowly unwinds again.

kinda like a band aid on a broken arm when ya really need a cast

I am getting the sense that mom was just exhausted and over it. I would think (videos) he had been pecullioar for many years, and she almost got desentiszed , yeh Austin you got superpowers, eat your hamburger..

Sounds like read it backwards (makes some sense, now dad had medical training) that dad had more insight into his sons problems that mom??

And you know what else just hit me- did not pay attn to him taking off clothes- folks with bath salt seem to do that -

It really is unreal, and so confusing and chronology in this matters imo what happened and when to help us get to why

That is good glf! It sounds soooooo long to me!! FL- we are a driving state!

"Nothing unusual earlier that day" that is a relative statement no? nothing extremely unusual about his behavior,

its kinda like compared to what - all of us agree the videos are off - so the notion of AUstin just being Austin...................

Well, thanks for the compliment, but believe me, if I didn't have a shredded tire on the little PU, I would be driving!
Caustic substances taken by mouth I think would start a terrible burning sensation from the lips all the way down to the stomach, and I think that might make anybody freak out. Whatever he had in his system before he went out to eat is probably what put him in the mind frame to attack and bite somebody, not something caustic.
From the time he drank whatever until the time the police left the scene with him was enough time for the unknown substance to begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, this leading to the animalistic sounds he was making, and the bizarre behavior he displayed along with it. Now he has permanent lung, stomach, mouth, throat, and esophagus damage, and Lord only knows what effect this has had on his bloodstream.
Why would he be found wet? It wasn't raining.

It was just a question.. On his walk home he would have passed multiple bodies of water.. If he happened to hop into one of them on his way that would have lowered his core body temperature too. Hence my question.
It was just a question.. On his walk home he would have passed multiple bodies of water.. If he happened to hop into one of them on his way that would have lowered his core body temperature too. Hence my question.

Nothing has been reported about him being wet.
I went back to his channel to try and get more a sense of him:

Some fonts would not change

His avatar if that is what it is called is about money

One channel consists of three videos of someone playing basketball, and a song that is basically about needing help - starts with some quote from the bible. "Who I Am" --- I am a flower quickly fading

One channel has four videos one about a horse getting run over and another about ripping off a baby ducks head - I did not click play.

One channel has no content.

One is completly off kilter. He pretends he is in a band and plays all the insturments in delusionial band. He starts the video with him pretending to be an annoucner bringing out this "band"

A song stay the night = "if you stay the night you can do what you want".

One channel he subscribed to was Psychologist. Life Coach. Author. Counselor. Criminologist. Alchemist. Educator. Researcher. VFX Artist. -- Gosh when I read this it reminded me of the Cosmos Killer dude! Struck as a padded resume!!

The 7 Tips About Abs Fitness Trainers Hate

A song Dying fetus. Praise the lord

Cradle of filth.her ghost in the fog

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Candles raise my desire
Why I'm so far away
No more meaning to my life
No more reason to stay
Freezing feeling
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Hazing clouds rain on my head
Empty thoughts fill my ears
Find my shade by the moon light
Why my thoughts aren't so clear
Demons dreaming
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

Several channels have content about Hitler

Some descriptions of his videos that he writes

This video is about AustiFrosti- Rolex Flexin (Prod. By Zeaux). U cant outflex our 70 karat rolex even at your best.

Non stop greatness drippin out uranus. I just do it like nike dressed in lv plain white tee costed 400 ur mmma want me

This video is about AustiFrosti- Own Money. money is god i am odd and ur moms got a nice bod going to the casino to see two hoes and get blow wow yo.

This video is about AustiFrosti- Back to Normal (Produced by Zeaux) You don't want this its bliss its piss its mist its sierra mist its on the list its the new kiss its the new best just guess whos next when walking west. gas station lex causes car wreck.

This video is about AustiFrosti- What I Think. I think about apples pears fruit loops gold hoops diamonds and apple watches with some watchdog pitbulls falling through pit falls at niagra falls while drinking tomatoe flavored sprite with some leaning to the right in a black lambo equipped with thirty guns rambo

" I just think I need a shrink. I need a drink."

Lots of degrading lyrics about being violent with females. Slapping female gentiala / refers to as *****$$

It def seems like he has some notion that he can sing - many of them, are him singing ,horribly ,very dark lyrics

I have to stop! Its really gross stuff.

It becomes more mind boggling that peers did not say something to someone...or is that why Frat brothers are quiet??

Why would he be found wet? It wasn't raining.
If he had stripped to his undies, he could have gotten in the water to cool off and been dry by the time he arrived at the Steven's house.
Well, thanks for the compliment, but believe me, if I didn't have a shredded tire on the little PU, I would be driving!
Caustic substances taken by mouth I think would start a terrible burning sensation from the lips all the way down to the stomach, and I think that might make anybody freak out. Whatever he had in his system before he went out to eat is probably what put him in the mind frame to attack and bite somebody, not something caustic.
From the time he drank whatever until the time the police left the scene with him was enough time for the unknown substance to begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, this leading to the animalistic sounds he was making, and the bizarre behavior he displayed along with it. Now he has permanent lung, stomach, mouth, throat, and esophagus damage, and Lord only knows what effect this has had on his bloodstream.

I find it confusing that the ingesting something in the garage has no one reporting it directly, noone has they saw it, and noone has said at what time he was doing this- its just weird

If I saw someone drinking it I would be able to say he was drinking paint thinner after the two of them were on the floor or something

I find it confusing that the ingesting something in the garage has no one reporting it directly, noone has they saw it, and noone has said at what time he was doing this- its just weird

If I saw someone drinking it I would be able to say he was drinking paint thinner after the two of them were on the floor or something

This could have been done after the injured neighbor went back home to get help...
Hi Ninj!

earthquake Italy major

I did not follow intially, but at this point it is very confusing which is understandable IMO in the beginning , but gosh, at this point in time seems like mcuh is still boucing all over the place

Read lost link that his core body temp at admission was not high like normally seen with flaka or bath salts

Apparently they sell bath salts, all over the place, in gas stations, in poorer areas of FL

once again FL shines maybe the heat fries peoples brains leading to insanity??

I def think core is mental (obvioulsy!) but there has to be something else IMO

Bath salts:

The subjective effects of bath salts last approximately three to four hours, but the physical side effects, such as tachycardia and hypertension, can last six to eight hours

A 21-year-old man slashed his throat and ended his life with a gunshot to his head. An 11-year-old boy was found dead after hanging himself in his bedroom. A girl attacked her sleeping mother with a machete. 

.....intended to be snorted, smoked or injected.

...., "bath salts" were being sold on the Internet and at gas stations, smoke shops and convenience stores under such street names as
 "Blizzard," "Cloud Nine" and "Ocean Snow."

... typically found as white, light tan or brown powders, and are believed to contain psychoactive
MDPV functions as a dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, producing stimulatory effects on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.....

Sympathomimetic reactions are similar to those caused by methamphetamine, ecstasy, and cocaine. 

...... tachycardia, hypertension, euphoria, hallucinations, psychosis, paranoid delusions, agitation and diminished requirement for food and sleep......

.....the psychosis can cause extreme violent, combative and self-injurious behavior. The most profound side effects from large overdoses include seizure, rhabdomyolysis and renal failure.

.....hallucinations and psychotic behavior can be long-lasting, enduring even after the substance is eliminated from the body.....

Bath salts are thought to be highly addictive, even in small doses.

MDPV is undetectable with routine urine and blood drug tests. Tests that detect both MDPV and mephedrone can be costly, and the detection window is limited to approximately 48 to 72 hours. 

Treatment of bath-salt users is symptomatic and supportive, generally involving fluid administration; benzodiazepines for chemical sedation; and physical restraints for severe combativeness, agitation .......

Reports to poison-control ............ increased from 303 in 2010 — when the drugs first surfaced — to 4,720 by August 31, 2011,




from earlier lilnk

manufactured primarily in China entered the states only a few years ago, but didn't soar in popularity until 2013. Florida has seen the brunt of the flakka abuse.

foul-smelling white or pink crystal that, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, you can snort, eat, inject or even vape.

....packaged in plastic bags or vials and labeled "not for human consumption" or "plant food."

popular among college-age adults – since it's 10 times more powerful than coke. ..... for Network Therapy. "The high is pretty high and getting off takes longer," Cidambi said. Several days even.
Flakka is known to spike your body temperature up to 104 degrees, if not higher.....

an extremely high body temperature can have dire consequences – it can lead to kidney damage or kidney failure, and even death. ...

........ first feel euphoric, highly sociable, stimulated, more focused and have an increased sex drive, ..... the anticipated high will wear off quickly, ...

fakka users will experience what the National Institute on Drug Abuse calls "excited delirium": a debated condition involving hallucinations, paranoia, increased strength and hyperstimulation.

Your heart will race. You will have panic attacks. Your sex drive will plummet. You may become depressed and suicidal. ....

going to feel all the withdrawal you want to not feel …

Vaping with flakka will make you feel these effects far quicker than any other method because the drug goes straight in your blood stream.

hummm calm walking out restaurant.... pissed.........ingests while walking ....?

Since flakka's cheap, it's a popular drug among college students,

... sold online or in the streets for $3 to $5 a hit,
young addicts believe flakka is just "not as bad as cocaine," .....

. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration placed a temporary ban March 2014.

.....still classified by the DEA as a Schedule I Controlled Substance as of May of this year.

....at least 20 other countries have banned or regulated a-PVP in some way.

producers will alter the chemical structure of flakka ever so slightly to circumvent the law

...... how MDMA—or Molly—led to bath salts, she said. "You wait for a couple of weeks and then you get something else," said Cidambi. "A cheaper substitute."


THIS is so scary. Reminds me of the Crack fears in the 1980s. Kept expecting crackheads to run wild and kill everyone. Drug culture has expanded so much since then. No going into bad areas at 3am to buy your drugs anymore. Now kids go into their local gas station for the latest synthetic high.

However, I'm still going with this kid had a steroid abuse problem not flakka, he protests against his need of steroids so much it's almost a joke. I think he had underlying problems mentally, he quit steroids to prove something to himself and suffered a psychotic break, aka "roid rage". Jmo. We will eventually find out when tests come back, or more people start talking.

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Yes, I believe he did take something too that night. He is exhibiting tell tale signs that he ingested something like flakka or bath salts.

As far as his core body temp, it sounds like once they did sedate him at the hospital they did a rectal temp. (Rectal temp = core body temp).. Anyone remember what the temperature was that night? Was he found wet? There are a number of things that could have been done by himself or others to decrease his core body temp before they were able to take his temperature.

The only thing I found about the temp that night was that the high for the day was 90 and low was 70 with sunset at 7:58 pm. It wasn't specific so prob not much help: https://weather.com/weather/monthly/l/Jupiter+FL+33458:4:US

Below is a good article that explains why it's likely he ingested flakka, bath salts, or some other designer drug that night even if he has an underlying mental illness. It explains that people experiencing excited delirium don't usually bite and that the super strength he showed during the attacks and with LE point to one of these drugs as well. The article goes into much more detail but also in regards to his temperature, one dr interviewed said that he could have exerted a lot of that heat during the attack and that without knowing what time his temp was taken flakka can't be ruled out. Overall, an interesting and scary read. It's sick that these people who make these designer drugs can just change one little molecule and have a new drug that hasn't been made illegal yet by the FDA.

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