FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1

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This fits in with the two weeks before when AH shot a bird in his neighbor's backyard with a handgun. This was a serious event to me and a perfect opportunity to notice and do something more than yell at him. He killed the bird, but he could've blinded the neighbor, killed your cat or dog, or decided to get a bigger gun to blow more people away. Not to mention, he was running around with access to a gun while losing his mind. I know it's too late now, but this event might've been an opportunity to insist AH talk to a mental health professional.

I don't think drinking oil is that strange especially for bodybuilders. What I find strange is the parents mentioning it like it's a sign of mental illness. Forget oil, let's talk about steroids.

Said Austin's personality changed two weeks before alleged murders

The father of 'cannibal killer' Austin Harrouff broke down on Dr Phil as he apologized to the families of the victims, describing his life as 'the biggest nightmare'.
What more is there to say at this point when it's not clear if AH took any synthetic or chemical or if he was actually suffering from the onset of mental illness? Yes, the father must feel awful about this. But I have no confidence that his father can explain it when so much was overlooked. Hope I find out what they thought of their son's videos.

“It’s the worst thing I could ever think of. This is the biggest nightmare I could ever even dream of,” an emotional Harouff tells Dr. Phil in the episode airing Wednesday, September 7. “I’m deeply sorry for what my son did to those people. And I’ll apologize for him, because my own son would have never done that ... He’s such a good person. He would never knowingly do something like that. I’m truly sorry to those people.”

What more is there to say at this point when it's not clear if AH took any synthetic or chemical or if he was actually suffering from the onset of mental illness? Yes, the father must feel awful about this. But I have no confidence that his father can explain it when so much was overlooked. Hope I find out what they thought of their son's videos.
These parents are shocked to the core right now. This is one nightmare we all hope we never have to go thru. The only thing worse in my opinion would be for somebody to kill a member of my family. The parents and siblings will probably need counseling by the time this is all over. I know I would!
These parents are shocked to the core right now. This is one nightmare we all hope we never have to go thru. The only thing worse in my opinion would be for somebody to kill a member of my family. The parents and siblings will probably need counseling by the time this is all over. I know I would!

Oh, I do agree. No way would I be ready to get on a tv show, but maybe Dr. Phil will make sure the sister and the whole family gets counseling.

I ask myself why the father is being so vocal when it only creates another headline about the "cannibal killer" and keeps it more in the news, but I realize he's trying to save his son's life in the legal arena if his son pulls through in the physical sense. The children of the victims want AH to get the DP. The father is doing all he can to paint a picture that will go towards the mental insanity defense. MOO, what he has to say might carry more weight in the courtroom rather than appealing to public opinion.
With any mental illness, there are many shades of gray. Whether bi-polar, ADD, ADHD, delusional, hallucinogenic, multiple personalities, schizo, and the list goes on. When a person is diagnosed, they may have all the classic symptoms for one type illness, but then have a few more fitting under another illness, or two. With all the things we've heard and discussed, he seems to be no different. For all we know, during his walk he could have decided he was Daniel Boone and had a bear for a pet. Then when attacked John, he could have decided he was no longer Daniel Boone, but he was the bear, therefore, he was biting his "prey" to make certain it was dead. Not a pretty scenario but there rarely are when it comes to mental illness. It's very hard to diagnose and treat people, because everybody is different.

Hi glf :)

Sorry, but I will never buy into him being mentally ill. This dude, AH, was into/on some type of drug and I detest the father even suggesting he has mental illness and that is why he ate the face and abdomen of a man's body killing him with a knife, and stabbing his wife and neighbor.

If he was mental, they would have seen it before this happened! Mental illness does not happen over night, or as you walk down the street.

Thanks ~

jmo :moo:
My opinion is that they didn't shoot him because he was white and in an affluent neighborhood. :(
However, I wasn't there and he could have been flaying around in a excited delirious rage and was hard to get a clear shot. They said he had the victim in a bear hug.


Hi ya x_files

What does him being white and the neighborhood have to do with his actions/being shot? I am confused.

Thanks ~

jmo :moo:
Could be they feared public outrage if they shot him since he was unarmed. Fear of lawsuits from affluent parents. The Chief of Police of whoever is in charge knows why they were ordered not to shoot.


Not sure about all that, but if I seen AH eating my family member's face off and I had a gun, clear shot, there would have been picking AH brain pieces off the walls, that is how upset this makes me. :curses: :steamed:

And I am so not violent in any nature.

jmo :moo:
Now a gym friend is saying more, both his own observations and what he heard from the family:
"He wasn't on flakka, at least I'm confident he wasn't. He never smoked weed or drank alcohol until college and never liked doing drugs so it's hard to believe that he would jump straight to that," wrote Logan who did not want want to speak on camera as to not upset the families involved but sent a series of messages.

"He wasn't the same person that hurt them," he wrote of Harrouff.

Logan insists the disturbing crime was totally out of character for the teen who he says had, "never been in a real fight before and never had a history of hurting people. He was actually kinda gentle."

Logan said Harrouff's family and other close friends revealed, "...he started hearing voices in his head a week before it happened and wasn't able to sleep."
I think everything they're saying in this regard is true, just I think the proximate cause was him going off steroids possibly combined with him taking shrooms. There probably also are mental issues that got exacerbated, but wouldn't have happened if he didn't get involved with steroids and probably other drugs.

Hi ya x_files

What does him being white and the neighborhood have to do with his actions/being shot? I am confused.

Thanks ~

jmo :moo:

If it was on the bad side of the town the cops may have reacted differently jumpier maybe quicker to shoot then ask questions like they did with Rudy The Miami Causeway Cannibal but w/o footage there's no way we'll know how the scene went down.

Not sure about all that, but if I seen AH eating my family member's face off and I had a gun, clear shot, there would have been picking AH brain pieces off the walls, that is how upset this makes me. :curses: :steamed:

And I am so not violent in any nature.

jmo :moo:

I believe in Florida they would be within legal rights to shoot in self defense.
Hi glf :)

Sorry, but I will never buy into him being mentally ill. This dude, AH, was into/on some type of drug and I detest the father even suggesting he has mental illness and that is why he ate the face and abdomen of a man's body killing him with a knife, and stabbing his wife and neighbor.

If he was mental, they would have seen it before this happened! Mental illness does not happen over night, or as you walk down the street.

Thanks ~

jmo :moo:
I agree with you, and more than blame all this on a mental illness or emotional problem, I'm just trying to explain it. With all the gray areas there are in mental illness, it's hard to understand, at best.
And I do believe at this point in time, we certainly can't throw out the possibility that this could be 100% drug related. I'm just glad I'm not in his family's shoes, regardless of whatever brought this attack on.
This fits in with the two weeks before when AH shot a bird in his neighbor's backyard with a handgun. This was a serious event to me and a perfect opportunity to notice and do something more than yell at him. He killed the bird, but he could've blinded the neighbor, killed your cat or dog, or decided to get a bigger gun to blow more people away. Not to mention, he was running around with access to a gun while losing his mind. I know it's too late now, but this event might've been an opportunity to insist AH talk to a mental health professional.

I don't think drinking oil is that strange especially for bodybuilders. What I find strange is the parents mentioning it like it's a sign of mental illness. Forget oil, let's talk about steroids.

The father of 'cannibal killer' Austin Harrouff broke down on Dr Phil as he apologized to the families of the victims, describing his life as 'the biggest nightmare'.


Last year, I had to run off 3 young boys, not even teenagers in my neighborhood, for trying to shoot the birds in my backyard. I approached them, and asked what they were trying to do? One ran back to his house and dropped what appeared to be a bb gun, not certain, but the other 2 was nice and polite stating they were trying to shoot the birds. I told them, "well personally, if I talk to your parents, I do not think they are going to be too happy, when I explain to them what you three were doing." Those two explained it was the boy that ran off, idea to do this, and I stated, it doesn't matter, you all were a part of this, and I am certain your parents will not be happy. To this day I have yet to see them with anything that appears to be a gun, and I do not see any mental illness in these children, I seen meanness as my mama would say.

I just do not have empathy for AH's parents if they continue with the mental illness issue. IMO, they need to address their son was just pure evil from some type of drug, fluids, etc. Until then, NO! My sympathy goes out to the victims who were murdered savagely and their families. :rose:

Also, the father must not be lawyer-ed up as much as he is willing to talk. SMH :notgood:

jmo :moo:
Reading some more on the net by looking up the symptoms described by the gym buddy, it sounds like 'steroid psychosis,' which this can be triggered after going off steriods:
Steroid psychoses tend to be acute in their onset and although mental changes can occur at any time during the course of therapy, most occurred within the first six to 10 hours following the administration of ACTH, or within the first four to six days following the oral administration of corticosteroids. The most frequent initial presentation of an impending steroid psychosis was a state of cerebral hyperexcitability, clearly perceived and reported by the patient. Patients characterize these states as being marked by increased irritability, lability of mood, a profound dysphoria, hyperacusis, and pressured or driven thought processes. These changes often antecede other more serious disturbances of cognition by 72 to 96 hours. Once a steroid psychosis is fully defined it is likely to present as a spectrum psychosis, with the most prominent symptoms consisting of profound distractibility, pressured speech, anxiety, emotional lability, severe insomnia, sensory flooding, depression, perplexity, auditory and visual hallucinations, agitation, intermittent memory impairment, mutism, delusions, disturbances of body image, apathy and hypomania.
Oh, I do agree. No way would I be ready to get on a tv show, but maybe Dr. Phil will make sure the sister and the whole family gets counseling.

I ask myself why the father is being so vocal when it only creates another headline about the "cannibal killer" and keeps it more in the news, but I realize he's trying to save his son's life in the legal arena if his son pulls through in the physical sense. The children of the victims want AH to get the DP. The father is doing all he can to paint a picture that will go towards the mental insanity defense. MOO, what he has to say might carry more weight in the courtroom rather than appealing to public opinion.


EXACTLY!! Curious Me!!!

Best post of the father I have seen yet!

Where is the grieving father? ON TV? IN THE NEWS? IN THE MEDIA? My God take responsibility and grieve in silence instead of trying to pull off the insanity defense. I just can't tell you what that does to the people whom are mentally ill and are faced daily with questions, are you really sick? Does that mean, one must go out and chew up someone to prove insanity? :gaah:

If that was my son, someone would have to drug me and put me into the hospital, because I, myself could not even fathom it, nor talk about it.

jmo :moo:

Last year, I had to run off 3 young boys, not even teenagers in my neighborhood, for trying to shoot the birds in my backyard. I approached them, and asked what they were trying to do? One ran back to his house and dropped what appeared to be a bb gun, not certain, but the other 2 was nice and polite stating they were trying to shoot the birds. I told them, "well personally, if I talk to your parents, I do not think they are going to be too happy, when I explain to them what you three were doing." Those two explained it was the boy that ran off, idea to do this, and I stated, it doesn't matter, you all were a part of this, and I am certain your parents will not be happy. To this day I have yet to see them with anything that appears to be a gun, and I do not see any mental illness in these children, I seen meanness as my mama would say.

I just do not have empathy for AH's parents if they continue with the mental illness issue. IMO, they need to address their son was just pure evil from some type of drug, fluids, etc. Until then, NO! My sympathy goes out to the victims who were murdered savagely and their families. :rose:

Also, the father must not be lawyer-ed up as much as he is willing to talk. SMH :notgood:

jmo :moo:
Good for you! Talking to the boys face to face and giving them plenty of food for thought concerning what they had done. Sounds like it worked! If more people talked to kids and related to them, there might not be so many out there looking for something to do that will only get them in trouble or get them hurt.
If it was on the bad side of the town the cops may have reacted differently jumpier maybe quicker to shoot then ask questions like they did with Rudy The Miami Causeway Cannibal but w/o footage there's no way we'll know how the scene went down.

Thanks :)

However, myself I would have shot him dead! KABOOM :justice:

jmo :moo:
Reading some more on the net by looking up the symptoms described by the gym buddy, it sounds like 'steroid psychosis,' which this can be triggered after going off steriods:


Good read there!

Did you catch the cost?

It is estimated that three billion dollars a year are spent treating adverse drug reactions and that between 18 and 30% of patients who are hospitalized for other reasons will experience a significant adverse drug reaction during their hospital stay. If a patient does experience an adverse drug reaction, it is likely that his hospital days will be doubled.

That is just "insanely" ridiculous, the whole thing.

Thanks ~

It is known by people in the medical field steroids, even smaller doses should be taken early in the day. People hooked on them, of course, either don't know or don't care. If he was truly hearing voices and having trouble sleeping, steroids use would just exacerbate the problems, making sleep almost impossible, or give him nightmares, and if he really was hearing voices, and that problem combined with the nightmares, with both causing breaks in natural sleep patterns, he was really screwed!
I just caught up. Wow I find the dad, going on TV to be extremely distasteful. Maybe he was part of the problem. Shut up man! Go hold vigil at the hospital or something. Pull your damn self together and have some respect for the victims families. Yuk. He makes me sick.

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