FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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As have always felt that they do have the Hummer on camera, but for some reason are not releasing it to the public.

I think the same thing...

I'll add that I think they're not releasing it bc they can't see the driver. If they have the footage & see Dale as the driver, or even see him tailing her, then he'd have been taken in by now & he certainly wouldn't have the kids. So my take is that they can't see the driver and don't have him on tape tailing her, so they're not releasing anything bc they suspect Dale & wanna sweat him out. I only hope that if this is the case, that it's not all fruitless.

There are moi facets to any missing person's case. While Dale may be their main poi or suspect right now, surely I'd hope they're looking at everything instead of only concentrating on one part or person.

My 10 y/I son & I did a puzzle last week - 1000 pieces... When we were finished it seemed a lil off. Come to find out we had 2 pieces in the wrong spots. They were 100% identical in shape, but in the wrong spots. It fit but it didn't work. It was incorrect. Once we put them in the right place the picture was perfect. Go figure... Anyway, it's a good analogy to use when investigating, especially in a situation such as this.
Yes, adamantly. :).


I see, well I didn't. Unless I didn't see something that you did so please if so post a link. I mean I never heard LE say anything when asked about Dale still being the "ONLY" suspect that was concrete. For example, "Yes, we still feel that Dale is the only suspect and the man responsible for Michelle's disappearance".
I still firmly believe that Dale is the culprit and we have another Susan Powell case going on where everyone knows it but they don't have the smoking gun so they hesitate. Obviously, I sincerely hope Dale is more mentally stable than Josh Powell so the kids remain safe. Very tragic in both cases.

If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it and celebrate capturing the real culprit though.
I see, well I didn't. Unless I didn't see something that you did so please if so post a link. I mean I never heard LE say anything when asked about Dale still being the "ONLY" suspect that was concrete. For example, "Yes, we still feel that Dale is the only suspect and the man responsible for Michelle's disappearance".

Post a link to support my opinion? Well, okay, here's one where OPD Chief comments:

Have LE ever stated that in any press conference?? My point is that these guys embellish for ratings and shock value. I would feel better if that reporter would have quoted that man he heard it from. Did he even hear it from anyone or was he just sying something that he heard from someone else?

Police haven't stated much of anything in any press conference. My impression is that the reporter had a police source, hence, "Police say...".

I don't know for a fact that he did indeed hear it from police. Just as you don't know for a fact that he didn't hear it from police. That's a matter of opinion, I suppose. But the FACT is, he attributed it to police. That's why I found it interesting.
I think it's funny that many people say where the Hummer was found is a bad area...It's not the greatest area but I'm more scared as I drive down Rose Blvd than Walden. Maybe because I know who lives on that road...Lol but seriously Rose Blvd is not a great area. With Sr living there it's drug infested. JMO Wonder if there is any other drug trafficking going on in that area?

I'd think there would be, it's all over that area. There's no zoning, or minimal at the most. Some apartments were run down so a few marketing geniuses paired up with well known builders & converted them into condos, guess condo is a prettier name - snark snark. Anyway, they throw in security as a bonus to live there & people fall for it. What they don't releasing is that the gate to get in may just be for looks & the security they think they'll have may just be 1 person to drive around the complex once every hour, not a secure patrol. Millennia is billed as luxury but it's all a farce. Orlando is absolutely no different from any other major city - one exception is the heat.
Post a link to support my opinion? Well, okay, here's one where OPD Chief comments:


Thanks for the link!!! So this is the only thing that I can see in the article about Dale still being the prime suspect. "Smith remains the prime suspect in the case, Orlando Police Chief Paul Rooney said" Like I said he is simply repeating what has been said by him and other LE from the first time they named him. I would be more confident if he would have said that they were coming closer to arresting Dale instead of always using the puzzle piece analogy. Notice he didn't say "the only suspect". Remember that someone can be a prime suspect but LE can still and should IMO be looking else where.
IIRC on the People's Court episode there was mention of Dale dating a guy named "Paul" when Michelle mentioned Dale's Craig's List dating escapade on the show. Then I also saw that the new SMART panel was watching the PC episode and looking at evidence from the show that aired. I can't help but wonder if this Craig's List activity that Dale was involved in may yield some clues. I wonder if LE has interviewed some of his "dates"....maybe they also had violent run-ins with Dale. At what point does he become abusive? 1st date? 2nd date or once the woman feels comfortable with him? JMO

I don't remember any of this. Could you please link it up? It seems it was MP that may have been dating P, not DII.

Links would be greatly appreciated.


While I don't believe there has been any dispute that some evidential information does reach the public, either through media leaks or persons, who are not representing LE but are close to the case, the point was that LE will not stand up in front of a camera at a press conference and announce why a person has been designated a suspect. And that when posters on a discussion forum indicate what they believe, in their opinion, was the reason for this move based on information that has been made public, a link is not required.

I am also aware that LE will release bits of evidence to the public to try to generate more leads and move the case forward during an investigation. Or they will elaborate on leaks that have been made public either by media or inadvertently by other persons close to the investigation, such as the limited cell phone information that we do have in this case. When the information about the Waterford text was released, likely inadvertently by Michelle's brother speaking with the media about the text he received, LE confirmed that text existed and also confirmed that the phone did not ping in the Waterford area at the time.

But as your link states, most evidence will not become public record until either the suspect is arrested in Florida due to the Sunshine Law or until the case actually goes to trial in other states without that kind of public information release law and all evidence presented at that trial, and even some evidence that is successfully argued as inadmissable, becomes part of the public record.


IMO Releasing evidence of an investigation officially or through leaks is a distinction without a difference. Whatever the reason, it is unethical, prejudicial and possibly illegal, it invites speculation about facts that may not be accurate or inadmissible at trial, and thus poison a potential jury pool which in turn, to a degree or another, may limit the right of a defendant to a fair trial.

This is especially troublesome if such leaks come from LE, since they are legally and morally bound to safeguard both the rights of the victim and the defendant. IMO
BBM....I dont think i have ever seen anything released stating michelle as a FACT never left dale's condo alive.

Michelles mom just this week saying she HAS seen the twins 3 times since dale has had them and michelle went missing. I will try to find a link for what i saw. I believe gail parker michelles step mom has said on michelles missing facebook page (in the comments to this weeks posts) that they have only seen the twins once since dale has had them.

If i recall correctly, the phone was the only item found in a location that indicates a straight line from dales condo to his parents house, and the hummer was found in a different direction.

Please PROVIDE a link for these FACTS as you state them, because when you state things as FACT when in reality they havent been released by LE as FACT then you cause confusion and wrong thinking for others here believing they are infact, Factual when they are not. :twocents: :seeya:

Your tone is pretty rude. Perhaps you need to read my post a bit closer. When did I state it is a fact that Michelle never left Dale's condo alive?

Here's a link to the map created by a poster. It shows an essentially straight line from the condo to where the phone was tossed to Dale Sr.'s home. The Hummer was found, still in essentially a straight line, just past the condo, not in the opposite direction as you state (which would be to the right of Dale's condo on the map): https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msi...ll=28.619487,-81.302948&spn=0.609982,0.877533

Florida's a big place, yet everything associated with Michelle's disappearance is in one direction, in one relatively small area. It tells a pretty clear story to me. Kill ex-wife, wrap and load her body in hummer, take decal off the back, grab kids, shove them in, drive like hell to Daddy's. Toss cell phone out of the car on the way, drop kids off at Daddy's, (I screwed up Dad! Ya' hafta' help me!) keep going, dump body somewhere, abandon Hummer. Call Daddy for a pick up. Run back and get car at condo. Deal's done.

As to Michelle's mom seeing the grandkids, here's the link you wanted: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/47563...helle-parkers-mom-kids-not-same-she-vanished/

You are right. She has seen them. The last time I was on the threads, she had not. http://abcnewsradioonline.com/national-news/peoples-court-missing-mom-family-believes-foul-play.html

That doesn't change my conclusion. They were three when this happened. He likely feels enough time has passed or he has confused them enough so they won't be able to articulate what they observed that day.

This ain't a hard case to figure out.
Your tone is pretty rude. Perhaps you need to read my post a bit closer. When did I state it is a fact that Michelle never left Dale's condo alive?

Here's a link to the map created by a poster. It shows an essentially straight line from the condo to where the phone was tossed to Dale Sr.'s home. The Hummer was found, still in essentially a straight line, just past the condo, not in the opposite direction as you state (which would be to the right of Dale's condo on the map): https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msi...ll=28.619487,-81.302948&spn=0.609982,0.877533

Almost any route can look like a straight line on a map, but driving the roads is a different story. Doesn't look like that much a a straight route to me. JMO

Florida's a big place, yet everything associated with Michelle's disappearance is in one direction, in one relatively small area. It tells a pretty clear story to me. Kill ex-wife, wrap and load her body in hummer, take decal off the back, grab kids, shove them in, drive like hell to Daddy's. Toss cell phone out of the car on the way, drop kids off at Daddy's, (I screwed up Dad! Ya' hafta' help me!) keep going, dump body somewhere, abandon Hummer. Call Daddy for a pick up. Run back and get car at condo. Deal's done.

So Dale did all this during rush hour and not one person noticed him? What phones do you think they used to talke to each other? Surely there would be records of Dale calling his Dad.

As to Michelle's mom seeing the grandkids, here's the link you wanted: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/47563...helle-parkers-mom-kids-not-same-she-vanished/

You are right. She has seen them. The last time I was on the threads, she had not. http://abcnewsradioonline.com/national-news/peoples-court-missing-mom-family-believes-foul-play.html

That doesn't change my conclusion. They were three when this happened. He likely feels enough time has passed or he has confused them enough so they won't be able to articulate what they observed that day.

This ain't a hard case to figure out. I couldn't disagree more.

Please see bold
IMO Releasing evidence of an investigation officially or through leaks is a distinction without a difference. Whatever the reason, it is unethical, prejudicial and possibly illegal, it invites speculation about facts that may not be accurate or inadmissible at trial, and thus poison a potential jury pool which in turn, to a degree or another, may limit the right of a defendant to a fair trial.

This is especially troublesome if such leaks come from LE, since they are legally and morally bound to safeguard both the rights of the victim and the defendant. IMO

Where has it been indicated that there are any "leaks" coming from LE? If anything, there have been no leaks in this case other than the information that was gathered by the media from her family. And I wouldn't consider those to be "leaks", just a concerned family who put information out there in the beginning to help find Michelle. :waitasec:

I don't have one, but I seem to be in good company as LE doesn't seem to either.

Oh,I think they do. They found the cell phone, and they probably got some interesting data from it. And they have talked to all of the neighbors and have seen the surveillance camera footage. So I think they do have a few well founded theories. JMO
Oh,I think they do. They found the cell phone, and they probably got some interesting data from it. And they have talked to all of the neighbors and have seen the surveillance camera footage. So I think they do have a few well founded theories. JMO

See, we both have an opinion, but the fact remains no one here seems to know much of anything that is factual about Dale killing Michelle.
See, we both have an opinion, but the fact remains no one here seems to know much of anything that is factual about Dale killing Michelle.

We do have some important facts.
-Dale and Michelle had ongoing child support and custody issues.
-And they had some volatile relationship history which included domestic violent incidents.
-Dale had a long criminal history which included some violent assaults.
-Michelle was last seen as she arrived at his condo.

So the FACTS that we do have show they have a violent history together, they were having custody/support issues, and she disappeared after dropping the kids at his condo.

It is very hard for me to believe, that she left the home of the most dangerous man that she knew, the one man that would want her to go away forever, and then was randomly killed by a stranger.
So Dale did all this during rush hour and not one person noticed him? What phones do you think they used to talke to each other? Surely there would be records of Dale calling his Dad.

Snipped by me...

See, this is the very reason why I think it's possible Dale could very well be innocent. While IMO he could get to his dad's in around 15 minutes, I just don't see how he could have done that on that day (which is a weekday), at that time of the day, dealing with sporadic traffic patterns as well as school buses. How could he be responsible yet go unnoticed?
Snipped by me...

See, this is the very reason why I think it's possible Dale could very well be innocent. While IMO he could get to his dad's in around 15 minutes, I just don't see how he could have done that on that day (which is a weekday), at that time of the day, dealing with sporadic traffic patterns as well as school buses. How could he be responsible yet go unnoticed?

Why would he have to get to his dad's within 15 minutes?
Why would he have to get to his dad's within 15 minutes?

Hi Katydid! :) We were all discussing the time discrepancies, etc. That's all. It's not that he'd have to be at his dad's in 15 minutes, it's that some media had reported, & others speculated, that it could take about 30 minutes to get to his dad's. Please don't take it out of context as I wouldn't want to promote confusion. I only have my opinion on how he could get there & in what time, then taking into consideration traffic for a school day, etc. Honest speculation...
Where has it been indicated that there are any "leaks" coming from LE? If anything, there have been no leaks in this case other than the information that was gathered by the media from her family. And I wouldn't consider those to be "leaks", just a concerned family who put information out there in the beginning to help find Michelle. :waitasec:


Kamille, I was wondering that myself. Thank you for bringing this up.
Snipped by me...

See, this is the very reason why I think it's possible Dale could very well be innocent. While IMO he could get to his dad's in around 15 minutes, I just don't see how he could have done that on that day (which is a weekday), at that time of the day, dealing with sporadic traffic patterns as well as school buses. How could he be responsible yet go unnoticed?

Well someone is responsible and it went unnoticed. So why couldn't it be the most likely suspect? I don't understand the reasoning in thinking that because no one saw DSJr doing anything, that we're aware of, that it couldn't have been him. There is no other person with a violent history who had a problem with Michelle....just Dale Smith Jr.

No one ever saw Michelle or that Hummer, with the decals intact, after she arrived at that condo. A non public, quiet, residential place. Where people may have known her or at least her vehicle and yet they did not seem to see her or the vehicle at all. Ironically we had a poster on here who claimed he saw her driving the Hummer prior to her arriving at the condo, I think it was around 3pm. But no one saw her or the Hummer with the decals intact after that time. No one. Not even DSJr who supposedly left "right after her" or "at the same time" as per his attorney, claims to have seen her away from that complex or what direction she went. Which, according to her cell phone, should have been the exact same direction he went. Towards his parent's house. When her own home, or even Waterford Lakes, is in the complete opposite direction.

The alternative would have someone carjacking or abducting her in broad daylight in a very busy area of town, from a very standout type of vehicle, while DSJr was driving in the same direction, likely on the exact same road. What are the odds of that happening?

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