FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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IMO These "facts" go to motives and judgements on Dale's character. They do not prove Dale killed Michelle on they she disappeared.

No, they don't prove that he killed Michelle that day. But they show a pattern of domestic violence between them, and a motive for him to want to make her disappear,and they show that he had the perfect opportunity to do so that day.

I never said that we had any proof. at this point, that he killed her. But I think we have the evidence that he had a strong motive, the means to do so, and the perfect opportunity to do so.
This is how I feel too. Of course dsjr is the most obvious, but could it have been someone else? Sure.
How? Don't know yet, but it's possible. I live in a smallish town and people get robbed and raped in the walmart parking lot in broad day light with cameras and packed with people. Michelle could have easily stopped somewhere and been pushed in a van or something. Not all crimes are rational. They just happen.

Another thing I've observed is a lot of the opinions on this board are based on emotions not based on fact. I think people need to take a step back.

We also have to remember there has been no news in months as far as facts and evidence since they found the cell phone.

Sure, it happens that way sometimes. But here is why I don't believe it happened that way in this instance. Up until she pulled into Dale's complex, at 3:18 pm, Michelle had been texting and communicating with others, continuously. And then rather suddenly, all of that communication just stopped.

If we believe what Dale says, then she drove out of the complex at 3:28 pm.
So why did all of the communication with others stop so quickly? If she was just heading out to shop as Dale said, even though that contradicts what she had just told her sister, why wouldn't she text her family or bf and tell them her change of plans? The only way that would make sense would be if she had been taken really quickly after she left.

But then that pesky text to her brother comes up. Would a random carjacker
reply to a text from her brother in that way? And why would they wait so long to throw a cell off a bridge? Would they even do so if they were burglars? They could take the battery out of that phone and sell it.

And if that really was her texting her brother, then why didn't she communicate with her son who was home all alone? She routinely called him after school every day. Why not that day, if she was fine, and just going shopping?

The aftermath of the crime does not fit a random car jacking, imo. Her body would have been in the car or in a ditch somewhere nearby.

And how many woman have been randomly kidnapped in broad daylight in that town and never been seen again?
No, they don't prove that he killed Michelle that day. But they show a pattern of domestic violence between them, and a motive for him to want to make her disappear,and they show that he had the perfect opportunity to do so that day.

I never said that we had any proof. at this point, that he killed her. But I think we have the evidence that he had a strong motive, the means to do so, and the perfect opportunity to do so.

Yes you are entirely right on this that is why if you go back to that post you would see I had revised it a few seconds later to read as follows:

"IMO These "facts" go to motives and judgements on Dale's character. They do not prove Dale killed Michelle on the day she disappeared."

IMO I was stating the obvious since in some posts here motives and factual evidence get somewhat obfuscated in order to prove this or that theory of the moment IMO
JG where is this dump you are speaking about? To my knowledge there is no dump around his condo. There is one on Young Pine Rd, running off of Curry Ford, but that would be out of his way. tia

Thats the one I'm talking about, Sparky. I know it would be out of his way as its in the opposite direction of where he said he was going - to his father's. It's an incredibly vast area with trails & such. I'm only speculating if Lee Vista could have been travelled then connected onto Young Pine at the end of Lee Vista. If you live in the area, or know of someone with a little spare time, maybe it could be glanced at? Again, I'm only speculating, but what about a quick dump at the County Landfill, then drive back in the opposite direction toward Rose Blvd, then omgosh the cell is located in the H3 by the perp whom is driving it, they quick toss it out of the window, then find a parking spot for the vehicle? I wonder if her body could be opposite where her Hummer was found, especially since her phone was. So maybe the dumping order was body, cell, Hummer. I know it would be out of his way but maybe that's the whole purpose, so it wouldn't be suspected. Sparky, I know that's hard to read & I hope you know it sucks typing that out. I truly feel terrible for all of Michelle's friends & loved ones.
IMO Common sense says there are not enough evidence (if any) to convict Dale's Smith of the murder of Michelle Parker and evidently so believes the prosecutor's office since after six months of extensive investigation they have not charged Dale with any crime.

Well since this is just a discussion forum where we discuss the evidence and information that has been put out for public consumption and we are not in a criminal trial with the ability to convict anyone, then it stands to reason that we are not privy to all of the information available but we can discuss the case and form an opinion.

Hopefully we can also toss about our own ideas as to what may have transpired and perhaps keep this case active at least in the public consciousness and maybe even generate some tips that will help LE to find that missing dot.

I don't remember any of this. Could you please link it up? It seems it was MP that may have been dating P, not DII.

Links would be greatly appreciated.



I went back and rewatched the show, looks like I was mistaken. Yes...you are correct Dale was cheating on Michelle with at least 7 women. IMO I personally think he may be into men as well but I cannot prove it just yet...

There is a transcript of PC on one of the threads. Sorry I couldn't find it...but Paul's name was mentioned by Dale not Michelle. Thanks for clarifying!
If I go with the theory of Dale being the perp, it makes me question that "Waterford" text even more. Dale would know exactly how Michelle worded her texts - they were lengthy & filled with emoticons. So why didn't he respond with a lengthy text then? Also, he knows she loves A (her son), so why not respond with a text to him to let him know where she is? Dale knows Michelle inside & out, so why just a one word text?

edit to say - Sorry about all of my typos. My contact split, I rubbed my eye & irritated it in the middle of my post. Sorry guys. I hate spelling mistakes involving the victim's name. Going to sleep for real now. Try to have a nice night everyone.
If someone had bumped her there would have been scratches or dents on her hummer.
And if someone flagged her down, wouldn't that have been noticed? How do you secretly flag a woman in a decal-ed hummer down in daylight in a crowded area?

As to the advantage, imo, dale had a huge advantage. She was blindsided, imo. She was probably not expecting it, and not as wary as she would be if she was out driving around in the city. And he had total privacy, unlike a carjacker.

ITA and jumping off.....

Gee, it's almost like whoever took Michelle was making sure the Hummer didn't suffer any damage and was found quite easily and in perfect condition.

But what sort of crazed abductor would care about Michelle's car? Oh! Wait! That's right.

The Hummer was DS2s. ;)
IMO Releasing evidence of an investigation officially or through leaks is a distinction without a difference. Whatever the reason, it is unethical, prejudicial and possibly illegal, it invites speculation about facts that may not be accurate or inadmissible at trial, and thus poison a potential jury pool which in turn, to a degree or another, may limit the right of a defendant to a fair trial.

This is especially troublesome if such leaks come from LE, since they are legally and morally bound to safeguard both the rights of the victim and the defendant. IMO

Why would LE release any info now UNLESS they need the public's help. If they got the goods why give Dale's Defense team more time to prepare. IMO they have plenty of circumstantial evidence that will OVERWHELMING convict Dale once presented. We will have to wait to see what they specifically have but I am confident it will be good! JMO
"Police say he [DSJR] is dangerous and they fear her life may be in jeopardy."


I would have disregarded it if not for that attribution. "Police say..." Not "neighbors say", not "friends say", not "family say", not "sources say". "Police say". That's why I found it interesting.

I too would warn ANYONE especially women that come into contact with Dale to RUN AWAY as fast as possible. Wife #1 got away, but wife #2 and Michelle weren't so lucky...JMO
If I go with the theory of Dake being the perp, it makes me question that "Waterford" rest even more. Sale would know exactly how Nuchelle worded gee texts - they were lengthy & filled with emoticons. So why didn't he respond with a lengthy text then? Also, he knows she loves A (her son), so why not respond with a text to him to let her know where she is? Sale knows Michelle inside & out, so why just a one word text?

Personally I think it was either not DSJr with the phone during this time but perhaps an accomplice, or it was a deliberate attempt to prevent any further "conversation" on the matter.

I still firmly believe that Dale is the culprit and we have another Susan Powell case going on where everyone knows it but they don't have the smoking gun so they hesitate. Obviously, I sincerely hope Dale is more mentally stable than Josh Powell so the kids remain safe. Very tragic in both cases.

If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it and celebrate capturing the real culprit though.

I admit I have been one of the MOST vocal that Dale did it! That is JMO but all the evidence leads me there. However if I too am wrong...."if" (that's a BIGGGG IF) it was someone else...heck I will personally call him to apologize...Though I don't personally know him, I'll MAKE that call if he'll accept it. That being said...I highly DOUBT I would ever have to make that call as I believe LE has named the CORRECT person as the PRIME suspect. JMO
If I go with the theory of Dake being the perp, it makes me question that "Waterford" rest even more. Sale would know exactly how Nuchelle worded gee texts - they were lengthy & filled with emoticons. So why didn't he respond with a lengthy text then? Also, he knows she loves A (her son), so why not respond with a text to him to let her know where she is? Sale knows Michelle inside & out, so why just a one word text?

I think he only responded to the brother because he needed to buy more time to cover his tracks. He did not want the brother to begin to worry about her yet, so replying makes it seem like she is just busy with errands. He just replied with one word because he was probably driving and incredibly stressed out and overwhelmed at the moment, imo.
I think he only responded to the brother because he needed to buy more time to cover his tracks. He did not want the brother to begin to worry about her yet, so replying makes it seem like she is just busy with errands. He just replied with one word because he was probably driving and incredibly stressed out and overwhelmed at the moment, imo.

Or maybe he is just a big supporter of the "Don't Text and Drive" movement. :D. He seems to care a great deal about abiding by the law and the safety of others.
I too would warn ANYONE especially women that come into contact with Dale to RUN AWAY as fast as possible. Wife #1 got away, but wife #2 and Michelle weren't so lucky...JMO

Good gravy! Ya wouldn't think that anyone would HAVE to be warned off this 'person' after Michelle went missing.

But sadly, I think you're right. There will always be someone clueless enough to date the ONLY suspect in Michelle's disappearance AND with the super shady scary criminal history DS2 has.

Well someone is responsible and it went unnoticed. So why couldn't it be the most likely suspect? I don't understand the reasoning in thinking that because no one saw DSJr doing anything, that we're aware of, that it couldn't have been him. There is no other person with a violent history who had a problem with Michelle....just Dale Smith Jr.

No one ever saw Michelle or that Hummer, with the decals intact, after she arrived at that condo. A non public, quiet, residential place. Where people may have known her or at least her vehicle and yet they did not seem to see her or the vehicle at all. Ironically we had a poster on here who claimed he saw her driving the Hummer prior to her arriving at the condo, I think it was around 3pm. But no one saw her or the Hummer with the decals intact after that time. No one. Not even DSJr who supposedly left "right after her" or "at the same time" as per his attorney, claims to have seen her away from that complex or what direction she went. Which, according to her cell phone, should have been the exact same direction he went. Towards his parent's house. When her own home, or even Waterford Lakes, is in the complete opposite direction.

The alternative would have someone carjacking or abducting her in broad daylight in a very busy area of town, from a very standout type of vehicle, while DSJr was driving in the same direction, likely on the exact same road. What are the odds of that happening?


IMO we have very limited information released by LE, but enough has been released on Dale's past (especially as it relates to Michelle). He has threatened to kill her and kidnap the twinners, was the last to see her, and IMO lied to LE. He had the opportunity. She was most likely either in his house or garage where no one could see. There is at least 42 minutes unaccounted for by Dale IMO....Yet others are willing to MAKE UP some "random stranger" that we have no PROOF EXISTS. Someone that stalked Michelle and somehow abducted her in broad daylight without a single witness? WOW! What a clever guy! Maybe he's CIA?
Good gravy! Ya wouldn't think that anyone would HAVE to be warned off this 'person' after Michelle went missing.

But sadly, I think you're right. There will always be someone clueless enough to date the ONLY suspect in Michelle's disappearance AND with the super shady scary criminal history DS2 has.


Sometimes IMO "bad apples" like Dale are unfortunately able to attract more future victims who either aren't aware of the perp's past (like Michelle)...The girl that got murdered by Joran Van der sloot comes to mind...she never knew what she was getting herself into until it was too late. Or worse yet there are those women that purposely seek to date a "bad guy"...
ITA and jumping off.....

Gee, it's almost like whoever took Michelle was making sure the Hummer didn't suffer any damage and was found quite easily and in perfect condition.

But what sort of crazed abductor would care about Michelle's car? Oh! Wait! That's right.

The Hummer was DS2s. ;)

Where is that Hummer now? Anyone know?
This is how I feel too. Of course dsjr is the most obvious, but could it have been someone else? Sure.
How? Don't know yet, but it's possible. I live in a smallish town and people get robbed and raped in the walmart parking lot in broad day light with cameras and packed with people. Michelle could have easily stopped somewhere and been pushed in a van or something. Not all crimes are rational. They just happen.

Another thing I've observed is a lot of the opinions on this board are based on emotions not based on fact. I think people need to take a step back.

We also have to remember there has been no news in months as far as facts and evidence since they found the cell phone.

Do you have a link for all those rapes and robberies in broad daylight? TIA
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