FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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I have been looking at this case for a few days and have done my best to look through as many posts as possible (still looking for the video of the H3 driving into the neighborhood). Does anyone know anything about the boyfriend or does he have a solid alibi? I am thinking of this because they were originally set to meet for dinner but supposedly had a conversation shortly after the show aired. On the show the ex-fiance tries to find a text that was sent from her the night before saying that she wanted to be with the ex. Could that have overlapped their dating and angered the boyfriend or perhaps have altered her plans after leaving the condo to perhaps meet up with the bf?

I am a bit frustrated with the press conference because it sounds like they are asking for ideas but I haven't seen what should be all of the evidence. I would love to see a complete map of her cell phone pings from 2pm until it was turned off. That would easily verify some of the other evidence that is based on eyewitness testimony and could confirm the timestamp on the video (which I still understand as being questioned a few). Must have been pinging a lot based on her decent use of the phone throughout the day.

I am having trouble seeing the ex as a slam dunk suspect. From what I have read there was a separate witness seeing him (in his car) at his parents' house at 4:30pm. That seems to be way too short of a timeframe to carry something out without several cooperating parties, which would further complicate everything. Other parties would require a decent amount of planning and doing it on the day your show appeared would seem to strike even the most lamebrained planners as a bad idea. In broad daylight when she was last seen at your residence would be worse. And then you have 3 year old twins walking around as well. I definitely see his motive, just not the opportunity (yet).
Jmo but once you catch up to speed on the case you will clearly see Dale had plenty of opportunity. Dale was the LAST one to see Michelle, conveniently lied to LE about Michelle's arrival and departure times to fit his fake alibi(his parents who probably helped cover up their son's crimes), refused to cooperate in the investigation, used a fake FB account (Buck Fuddy) to claim Michelle was an escort, even though IMO we have evidence it was Dale going onto Craig's list to date men and women. If you add up all the evidence from the 20 threads it's pretty easy IMO to see why LE has Dale as their ONLY suspect. Jmo but her boyfriend NM was falling in love with Michellle and she adored him. It was mutual! He was cleared by LE so it still all comes back to Dale.
At least he didn't shove the reporter. Ugh.

IMO those Smiths know how to work the system! Between Dale Jr, Dale Sr, and Dale's sister they have enough drug and violence arrests to make Lindsay Lohan jealous! The family that commits felons together sticks together I guess? Jmo but gotta love Dale Sr and his attorney's pony tails...how cute...Not!
Whether or not I think Dale had time to do this, or had someone else do this, or he had nothing to do with this, I find it appalling that he is with holding them from Michelle's family. Really, he couldn't let them visit on their birthday to see her?

You don't want to take a LDT, I can get that, really I can. I know they don't always get it right.

But not sharing the kids with her family will not in anyway point to your guilt or innocence.

This I can relate too, sorry to say.
Whether or not I think Dale had time to do this, or had someone else do this, or he had nothing to do with this, I find it appalling that he is with holding them from Michelle's family. Really, he couldn't let them visit on their birthday to see her?

You don't want to take a LDT, I can get that, really I can. I know they don't always get it right.

But not sharing the kids with her family will not in anyway point to your guilt or innocence.

This I can relate too, sorry to say.

Yes he has no excuse to be keeping those children from their maternal family. If anything he should have been right there with them from day one in the search for their daughter and should be bending over backwards to make sure that the children have that connection to their mother. Well of course if he was innocent. Which I don't believe he is. Not for a minute.

Everything he does...or doesn't do...screams guilty. Those children will know who is responsible for the loss of their mother at some point. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Yes he has no excuse to be keeping those children from their maternal family. If anything he should have been right there with them from day one in the search for their daughter and should be bending over backwards to make sure that the children have that connection to their mother. Well of course if he was innocent. Which I don't believe he is. Not for a minute.

Everything he does...or doesn't do...screams guilty. Those children will know who is responsible for the loss of their mother at some point. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I agree with you Kamille! Dale is just ONCE AGAIN with his actions proving he cares about no one but himself. There is no reasonable explanation why he wouldn't let the twinners see Michelle's family....ESPECIALLY on their birthday! UNLESS of course he is GUILTY and knows they could tell what daddy did....With the Internet these days....those children will know SOON ENOUGH what kind of Dad they have. JMO

Let Michelle's story be a lesson to anyone who has a daughter. MAKE SURE she knows who she is getting involved with BEFORE things get serious....FAR too many women get fooled by charmers like Dale. They sell then on FALSE pretenses then they "go missing" when their boyfriend or husband takes out his failings in life on her. A background check ahead of time can often prevent tragedies....Sometimes it's as simple as that!
I agree with you Kamille! Dale is just ONCE AGAIN with his actions proving he cares about no one but himself. There is no reasonable explanation why he wouldn't let the twinners see Michelle's family....ESPECIALLY on their birthday! UNLESS of course he is GUILTY and knows they could tell what daddy did....With the Internet these days....those children will know SOON ENOUGH what kind of Dad they have. JMO

Let Michelle's story be a lesson to anyone who has a daughter. MAKE SURE she knows who she is getting involved with BEFORE things get serious....FAR too many women get fooled by charmers like Dale. They sell then on FALSE pretenses then they "go missing" when their boyfriend or husband takes out his failings in life on her. A background check ahead of time can often prevent tragedies....Sometimes it's as simple as that!

BBM I have to completely agree with this Jazzmaster! But i want to add it works both ways! There are females out there who will do the same to a male also!!! Check Check and recheck!! And use common sense! Rarely does the leopard change its spots for anyone!
I agree with you Kamille! Dale is just ONCE AGAIN with his actions proving he cares about no one but himself. There is no reasonable explanation why he wouldn't let the twinners see Michelle's family....ESPECIALLY on their birthday! UNLESS of course he is GUILTY and knows they could tell what daddy did....With the Internet these days....those children will know SOON ENOUGH what kind of Dad they have. JMO

I stumbled upon this thread by mistake and because I got so appalled with the constant verbal lynching of Dale Smith both here and the media in general that I thought it's just about time somebody interjected a level of fairness on behalf of a man about whom no evidence, either physical or credibly circumstantial has been released to the public by the authorities, and who has not, at least to this day, been charged with any crime related to the disappearance of Michelle Parker.

So let me start by saying that I have no opinion about Dale Smith's innocence or guilt. Opinions can only be extrapolated from facts in evidence, and I'm not aware (and neither is anyone else in the general public) of any significant ones in this case that can legitimize accusing anyone (yes even Dale Smith) of something as grave as murder as some here, in a not-so-veiled way, keep on doing, day in and day out.

I'm gonna try now to address some "accusation" that gets constantly repeated here.

- On Dale being the suspect.

Anyone who had motive and opportunity and does not have a credible alibi is automatically a suspect. It cannot be surprising that somebody like Dale Smith, whit is violent history and criminal record is named a suspect from day1. However, there is a qualitative and quantitative difference between "could have done it" and "I feel he did it" or even worse "I know he did it". the first is based on the facts you know the latter is based on something else that wold require going into deep psychological theories to explain and not appropriate here, let's just say that the fact that you are in front of a microphone does not mean you have something worthwhile to say and sometimes the worse thing to do is for you to speak into it, and I'll leave it at that.

- On Dale being the ONLY suspect.

Many thousands of people fall pray of crime each year, and so many are unfortunately abducted and never seen again. Most crimes remain unsolved and most people never get prosecuted for their criminal behavior. The inability of the police to have more then one suspect is not in itself evidence of any person's guilt.

- On the many ways Dale could have done it (and so it must have done it?)

Anyone who came in contact with Michelle Parker, both known or unknown, on the day she disappeared could have harmed her. If you pick a culprit out of your hat, reasonably or not, you can then, almost in all cases, extrapolate that various ways a crime could have been reasonably carried on. However, absent facts to support your theory the all exercise is of course meaningless, to imply that therefore a particular person/s did it is absurd and unfair.

- On Dale not "cooperating" with the police.

No attorney, even an incompetent one, would advise a client to give statements to the police should they believe they are suspects in a criminal investigation, or for that matter in any circumstances. The reason for this should be obvious to everyone or can be easily Googled. However it is also true that we have a moral and legal obligation to report any crime we might be aware of. The ethical and legal obligation here are murky and have been debated before. I do believe you should report a crime no matter the implications.

What is not debatable is that when you have become the person everybody is pointing fingers to, when you are the subject of an extensive criminal investigation, when you are practically accused publicly of criminal activities even before a single shred of credible evidence is made public, then Dale, me or anyone else would be best advised to keep our heads down and speak only wen absolutely necessary and only in the presence of counsel. And that is exactly what he's doing and that is what just about everybody else would do in the same circumstances. That he is vilified even for doing so is yet further evidence of why he should talk as little as possible if at all.

- On Dale not "Manning up" and confess.

Dale Smith said he is innocent; Assuming is telling the truth and having no conclusive evidence ('tii now) to the contrary I will check my Crystal Ball for help on this one and make a comment whenever possible. After all some here have already checked their own "Crystal Ball" and made this answer clear for everybody to hear. If your "Crystal Ball" is right then I agree that he should confess and do the right thing, however it is clear that confessing to something that can possibly get you strapped to a gurney as someone injects you with a lethal dose of a nasty chemical goes diametrically opposed to the most powerful instinct known on this earth: self preservation.

- On the many ways Dale could have done it (and so it must have done it?)

Anyone who came in contact with Michelle Parker, both known or unknown, on the day she disappeared could have harmed her. If you pick a culprit out of your hat, reasonably or not, you can then, almost in all cases, extrapolate that various ways a crime could have been carried on. Absent facts to support your theory that all exercise is of course meaningless, to imply that therefore a particular person/s did it is absurd and utterly unfair.

- On Dale been awarded custody of his own children (and how bad that is)

This really hits home for me, as a divorced father, I unfortunately have first hand experience of how estranged fathers in general are thought to be somewhat less of a parent then custodial mothers are. All things being equal and in the opposite situation I'd bet that would not be nearly as many hostile comments toward the mother then there are here for the father, if any at all.

Generally children belong with their parents. To take children away from a parent, to deprive any persons of what is one of the most essential right of any human being, the right to care and love for one's own children, you need grave and serious allegations backed up by evidence (alas, evidences again!), such as abuse and neglect. In this case a Judge, having looked at the totally of the evidence has awarded custody where it should have been, the father. That should have been enough for most reasonable people, apparently though not for some here, along with knowing Dale Smith is a murderer they also know is a bad father, of course.

.- On Dale not allowing enough visitation time to the Grandparents.

I cannot begin to understand the pain and anguish Michelle Parker's parents must be going through. As a parent myself, my heart goes out to them and I do understand why under enormous pressure people may say and do things they would not otherwise. However, if the idea is to have access to one's grandchildren, it becomes counterproductive to publicly vilify the same person one needs to cooperate with in order to have reasonable access to the said grandchildren.

As it seems, very often they go on record accusing Dale, in a not-so-veiled way, of murder, violence, drug use and more. Just today the grandmother said on TV the Dale's children (yes the are his children) seem not to be happy (or something to that effect), the significance and the implications of that statement being whatever anyone would choose it to be, are surely to be interpreted by Dale's as yet another attack, this time at his custodial rights. Thus, this is not a climate from where legitimate steps can be made at arranging meaningful visitation time for the grandparents, actually I am surprised any visitations are taking place at all in this poisonous environment. To further say that this unfortunate situation with the kids speaks of further "proof" of Dale being a murderer is quite frankly void of any shred of empathy or sense of fairness.

Lastly, while it is legitimate to debate criminal cases, evaluate evidence, and form opinions on what those evidence mean, Dale's guilt here can only be alleged by a prosecutor from evidence gathered by the police, and decided by a jury of his pears, anything short of that that speaks of his guilt or innocence is utterly meaningless and adds absolutely nothing to the effort of law enforcement in finding out what happened to Michelle Parker and who might be responsible for it. Not that this will ever stop the ones that are smarter then anyone else from letting us know otherwise. But still ...
- On Dale being the suspect.

Anyone who had motive and opportunity and does not have a credible alibi is automatically a suspect. It cannot be surprising that somebody like Dale Smith, whit is violent history and criminal record is named a suspect from day1.

- On Dale being the ONLY suspect.

Many thousands of people fall pray of crime each year, and so many are unfortunately abducted and never seen again. Most crimes remain unsolved and most people never get prosecuted for their criminal behavior. The inability of the police to have more then one suspect is not in itself evidence of any person's guilt.

- On the many ways Dale could have done it (and so it must have done it?)

Anyone who came in contact with Michelle Parker, both known or unknown, on the day she disappeared could have harmed her.

- On Dale not "cooperating" with the police.

No attorney, even an incompetent one, would advise a client to give statements to the police should they believe they are suspects in a criminal investigation, or for that matter in any circumstances.

- On Dale not "Manning up" and confess.

Dale Smith said he is innocent;

- On Dale been awarded custody of his own children (and how bad that is)

This really hits home for me, as a divorced father, I unfortunately have first hand experience of how estranged fathers in general are thought to be somewhat less of a parent then custodial mothers are.

- On Dale not allowing enough visitation time to the Grandparents.

However, if the idea is to have access to one's grandchildren, it becomes counterproductive to publicly vilify the same person one needs to cooperate with in order to have reasonable access to the said grandchildren.

<respectfully snipped>

When a person is INNOCENT they tell the truth about what happened that day...they don't ACT guilty from the second LE gets involved. You cooperate with LE and tell ALL you know... You also should want to:
1. Clear you name and eliminate yourself as a suspect
2. Do all you can to find the missing person...ESPECIALLY the mother of your children
3. You show concern and compassion toward the family who's loved one "disappeared"

Dale was the last person to see Michelle. He lied to LE about her arrival and departure time, refused to answer his phone for hours in the critical hours when Michelle went missing despite MULTIPLE calls and texts. He refused to take a lie detector test. Yes these are unreliable but what does he have to lose if he "mistakening fails"...most people ALREADY think he's guilty. If he truly WAS innocent and doesn't know what happened to Michelle...why not take a chance and try to clear his name? You know why he won't take the test? Because IMO he knows he will fail!

Innocent people don't just put their head down they fight for answers! If Dale is so innocent why would he need to use a fake FB account to claim Michelle was an escort? There is no PROOF of that yet IMO there's probably proof Dale was using Craig's list to find male and female "friends". I wonder if he was the one paying for sex? IMO he was and that may be why Michelle FINALLY broke it off with him. That could be why he was so mad at her. Did he suspect her tanning business was a front for being an escort. Again his online deceitfulness leads back to guilty actions. Innocent people don't act guilty and Dale's actions make him look as guilty as sin...JMO
It's simple, you take the polygraph, and just like that you could be eliminated as the prime suspect.
I stumbled upon this thread by mistake and because I got so appalled with the constant verbal lynching of Dale Smith both here and the media in general that I thought it's just about time somebody interjected a level of fairness on behalf of a man about whom no evidence, either physical or credibly circumstantial has been released to the public by the authorities, and who has not, at least to this day, been charged with any crime related to the disappearance of Michelle Parker.

So let me start by saying that I have no opinion about Dale Smith's innocence or guilt. Opinions can only be extrapolated from facts in evidence, and I'm not aware (and neither is anyone else in the general public) of any significant ones in this case that can legitimize accusing anyone (yes even Dale Smith) of something as grave as murder as some here, in a not-so-veiled way, keep on doing, day in and day out.

I'm gonna try now to address some "accusation" that gets constantly repeated here.

- On Dale being the suspect.

Anyone who had motive and opportunity and does not have a credible alibi is automatically a suspect. It cannot be surprising that somebody like Dale Smith, whit is violent history and criminal record is named a suspect from day1. However, there is a qualitative and quantitative difference between "could have done it" and "I feel he did it" or even worse "I know he did it". the first is based on the facts you know the latter is based on something else that wold require going into deep psychological theories to explain and not appropriate here, let's just say that the fact that you are in front of a microphone does not mean you have something worthwhile to say and sometimes the worse thing to do is for you to speak into it, and I'll leave it at that.

- On Dale being the ONLY suspect.

Many thousands of people fall pray of crime each year, and so many are unfortunately abducted and never seen again. Most crimes remain unsolved and most people never get prosecuted for their criminal behavior. The inability of the police to have more then one suspect is not in itself evidence of any person's guilt.

- On the many ways Dale could have done it (and so it must have done it?)

Anyone who came in contact with Michelle Parker, both known or unknown, on the day she disappeared could have harmed her. If you pick a culprit out of your hat, reasonably or not, you can then, almost in all cases, extrapolate that various ways a crime could have been reasonably carried on. However, absent facts to support your theory the all exercise is of course meaningless, to imply that therefore a particular person/s did it is absurd and unfair.

- On Dale not "cooperating" with the police.

No attorney, even an incompetent one, would advise a client to give statements to the police should they believe they are suspects in a criminal investigation, or for that matter in any circumstances. The reason for this should be obvious to everyone or can be easily Googled. However it is also true that we have a moral and legal obligation to report any crime we might be aware of. The ethical and legal obligation here are murky and have been debated before. I do believe you should report a crime no matter the implications.

What is not debatable is that when you have become the person everybody is pointing fingers to, when you are the subject of an extensive criminal investigation, when you are practically accused publicly of criminal activities even before a single shred of credible evidence is made public, then Dale, me or anyone else would be best advised to keep our heads down and speak only wen absolutely necessary and only in the presence of counsel. And that is exactly what he's doing and that is what just about everybody else would do in the same circumstances. That he is vilified even for doing so is yet further evidence of why he should talk as little as possible if at all.

- On Dale not "Manning up" and confess.

Dale Smith said he is innocent; Assuming is telling the truth and having no conclusive evidence ('tii now) to the contrary I will check my Crystal Ball for help on this one and make a comment whenever possible. After all some here have already checked their own "Crystal Ball" and made this answer clear for everybody to hear. If your "Crystal Ball" is right then I agree that he should confess and do the right thing, however it is clear that confessing to something that can possibly get you strapped to a gurney as someone injects you with a lethal dose of a nasty chemical goes diametrically opposed to the most powerful instinct known on this earth: self preservation.

- On the many ways Dale could have done it (and so it must have done it?)

Anyone who came in contact with Michelle Parker, both known or unknown, on the day she disappeared could have harmed her. If you pick a culprit out of your hat, reasonably or not, you can then, almost in all cases, extrapolate that various ways a crime could have been carried on. Absent facts to support your theory that all exercise is of course meaningless, to imply that therefore a particular person/s did it is absurd and utterly unfair.

- On Dale been awarded custody of his own children (and how bad that is)

This really hits home for me, as a divorced father, I unfortunately have first hand experience of how estranged fathers in general are thought to be somewhat less of a parent then custodial mothers are. All things being equal and in the opposite situation I'd bet that would not be nearly as many hostile comments toward the mother then there are here for the father, if any at all.

Generally children belong with their parents. To take children away from a parent, to deprive any persons of what is one of the most essential right of any human being, the right to care and love for one's own children, you need grave and serious allegations backed up by evidence (alas, evidences again!), such as abuse and neglect. In this case a Judge, having looked at the totally of the evidence has awarded custody where it should have been, the father. That should have been enough for most reasonable people, apparently though not for some here, along with knowing Dale Smith is a murderer they also know is a bad father, of course.

.- On Dale not allowing enough visitation time to the Grandparents.

I cannot begin to understand the pain and anguish Michelle Parker's parents must be going through. As a parent myself, my heart goes out to them and I do understand why under enormous pressure people may say and do things they would not otherwise. However, if the idea is to have access to one's grandchildren, it becomes counterproductive to publicly vilify the same person one needs to cooperate with in order to have reasonable access to the said grandchildren.

As it seems, very often they go on record accusing Dale, in a not-so-veiled way, of murder, violence, drug use and more. Just today the grandmother said on TV the Dale's children (yes the are his children) seem not to be happy (or something to that effect), the significance and the implications of that statement being whatever anyone would choose it to be, are surely to be interpreted by Dale's as yet another attack, this time at his custodial rights. Thus, this is not a climate from where legitimate steps can be made at arranging meaningful visitation time for the grandparents, actually I am surprised any visitations are taking place at all in this poisonous environment. To further say that this unfortunate situation with the kids speaks of further "proof" of Dale being a murderer is quite frankly void of any shred of empathy or sense of fairness.

Lastly, while it is legitimate to debate criminal cases, evaluate evidence, and form opinions on what those evidence mean, Dale's guilt here can only be alleged by a prosecutor from evidence gathered by the police, and decided by a jury of his pears, anything short of that that speaks of his guilt or innocence is utterly meaningless and adds absolutely nothing to the effort of law enforcement in finding out what happened to Michelle Parker and who might be responsible for it. Not that this will ever stop the ones that are smarter then anyone else from letting us know otherwise. But still ...

Now IMO once LE arrests him (which will happen in God's time), we will see all the evidence they have. I am confident it will be sufficient for a conviction. JMO
It's simple, you take the polygraph, and just like that you could be illiminated as the prime suspect.

It is simple like that! But those Polygraphs are so unreliable lol...especially when you are guilty! Jmo
I stumbled upon this thread by mistake and because I got so appalled with the constant verbal lynching of Dale Smith both here and the media in general that I thought it's just about time somebody interjected a level of fairness on behalf of a man about whom no evidence, either physical or credibly circumstantial has been released to the public by the authorities, and who has not, at least to this day, been charged with any crime related to the disappearance of Michelle Parker.

[snipped for space]

You obviously put a lot of time and thought into writing your post, and it's clear that you believe Dale is being treated unfairly here. You'll be happy to know you're not the only member who thinks so, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

That said, we are not jurors. We're members of an internet discussion board. We don't have to operate within the constraints of "innocent until proven guilty". And because we don't ultimately determine anyone's guilt or innocence, we are all free to discuss our opinions, even if we vehemently believe Dale is guilty.

Dale Smith has been LE's prime suspect in Michelle's disappearance "since day one". That has not changed in over six months. Add to that Dale's violent history; the fact that he was the last known person to see Michelle; that he had motive, means and opportunity; that he lied to police; that he allegedly threatened Michelle in the past; has allegedly been abusive to her in the past; and that he stopped cooperating with the investigation. Add all of that up and it's not exactly a mystery why anyone posting here would be so adamant in believing that Dale is responsible for Michelle's disappearance.

Just my opinion. Your Mileage May Vary.
.- On Dale not allowing enough visitation time to the Grandparents.

I cannot begin to understand the pain and anguish Michelle Parker's parents must be going through. As a parent myself, my heart goes out to them and I do understand why under enormous pressure people may say and do things they would not otherwise. However, if the idea is to have access to one's grandchildren, it becomes counterproductive to publicly vilify the same person one needs to cooperate with in order to have reasonable access to the said grandchildren.

Wow... um very insightful post..
Regardless of whether Dale is guilty or not (and I wholeheartedly 101% believe that he's in fact guilty), he should be allowing those children access to ALL their family members. NO ONE should have to jump thru hoops and cater to him in order to do this. He has a choice, if he doesn't want anyone to vilify him in the media, (or anywhere else for that matter) then perhaps he should just take that ol' pesky lie detector test, clear his name and wallah, no body says another word. The only reason I can think of him not allowing Michelle's family to see the twins is because A. He has something to hide B. He's a vindictive jerk C. Both of these two reasons listed.

I hope for the twins sake, their father is clear of any wrong doing. However, with all the evidence against him and all the fake usernames he seems to accumulate, and doing nothing else to clear his name and help the family out, I just can't get past that.
The word "you" should be used sparingly on WS forums.

For example:

OK to say "Have you considered X situation from Y angle?"

Not OK to state "You have no understanding of Y, Z or A." or "You are (fill in the blank)."

Calling out another poster as in my second example above will definitely put you on the short list for a long vacation.

Where this post falls is random.

And it is NOT ok to sleuth other posters!

I am limited tonight by a very finicky laptop but holy moly, PLEASE, and this is my one and only plea and I'm asking nicely, PLEASE be respectful of one another.

No calling one another out about differences of opinion.

No sleuthing of one another.

It's not too much to ask that you stay focused on the victim.
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