FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #22

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There is an image of Michelle which the person writing this article, indicates was taken off of Michelle's phone.

If this is so, then there are a few things to note here:

The graininess of the photo may confirm it was on her phone, but that exposure to the elements may have had minimal affect on it.

If it were found on her phone, it would also be dated/time stamped

If it were on her phone, and yet we are SEEING the phone, then it is a reflection from a mirror which we see

Otherwise it would have to be a photo of her taking a photo. You aren't going to see the phone in your hands when you take a photo, unless there is something to cause it.

The information is old. Just reviewing.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ing-mother-police-officers.html#ixzz22mKCrIxh

I saw this when it was first reported. Police very smartly didn't say if the photo was actually retrieved from her cell itself OR if they got it from a cloud her cell shared & stored info on. There is a photobucket app, as well as snap bucket app (among others), which allows cell users to capture images & store them online through the use of such apps - instead of directly uploading from cell to social media, or keeping said image in the phone. Instead, it allows for storage to be kept online.

Technology gets better & better as each day goes by, so I predict if le doesn't have all the info from her cell already, then they will in the future...provided a non techie hasn't opened the cell & inadvertently lost good valuable info. I have an iPhone 4S & it's amazing. The capabilities are endless & getting better everyday. Can't wait for the i5!
Using a lake as a theory:

Perhaps, by way of disassociation, if she WERE put in water, alive, then whomever put her there COULD, in their distorted way of thinking, feel that it wasn't THEY who killed her, it was the water.

I think its more possible she was put in a canal they are numerous and more secluded than a lake chances are u would not be seen! And a body would not be found either.
I saw this when it was first reported. Police very smartly didn't say if the photo was actually retrieved from her cell itself OR if they got it from a cloud her cell shared & stored info on. There is a photobucket app, as well as snap bucket app (among others), which allows cell users to capture images & store them online through the use of such apps - instead of directly uploading from cell to social media, or keeping said image in the phone. Instead, it allows for storage to be kept online.

Technology gets better & better as each day goes by, so I predict if le doesn't have all the info from her cell already, then they will in the future...provided a non techie hasn't opened the cell & inadvertently lost good valuable info. I have an iPhone 4S & it's amazing. The capabilities are endless & getting better everyday. Can't wait for the i5!

Technology happens! Isn't it glorious?
I think its more possible she was put in a canal they are numerous and more secluded than a lake chances are u would not be seen! And a body would not be found either.

Thought of this too! Thanks Eileen! Ok, so if a canal was used for disposal, it would have to be deep enough, away from houses in case the body floated or came apart & floated after it started to deteriorate, or the canal would have to have certain fauna that would hide the body as well as it's smell during decomposition. Right?

The canal was searched near one of Dale Sr's properties, I think where DS Jr's sis lives. Do we know of any other canals searched?

Some canals are wider than others, some clear while others are sandy colored, some clear of obstruction while others filled with sea grass, some deep while others are shallow.

Is there a canal link that shows the majority of them & their specs for OC FL?
This site may have at least some data you were looking for, but it is really a bridge site, so it's probably only going to include waterways that have a bridge. Hope it helps! If you check the second link, it is extremely comprehensive and liable to aid you in finding at least some of the other information you are interested in.


I replied to one specific post and made a point that no one is defending DS per se and another about certain assumptions about people who are clearly very skeptical about a particular person (DS) being guilty of anything here. Here you yourself are making all kinds of claims about such posters with all of them being quite astonishing to me, and wasn't that my point to begin with? Why don't we set aside the characterization of what people say and the questioning of their motives in saying them? It seems to me the right way to have a civil discussion on the issues. Insofar that one continues with such characterizations regardless, is it then surprising that somebody like me feels compelled to respond to them (characterizations)? And isn't this ultimately distracting from the real issue of what happened to MP? JMO
Thought of this too! Thanks Eileen! Ok, so if a canal was used for disposal, it would have to be deep enough, away from houses in case the body floated or came apart & floated after it started to deteriorate, or the canal would have to have certain fauna that would hide the body as well as it's smell during decomposition. Right?

The canal was searched near one of Dale Sr's properties, I think where DS Jr's sis lives. Do we know of any other canals searched?

Some canals are wider than others, some clear while others are sandy colored, some clear of obstruction while others filled with sea grass, some deep while others are shallow.

Is there a canal link that shows the majority of them & their specs for OC FL?

Hi jersey*girl, welcome back, your to-the-point insights and practical observations have been missed here, at least by me ... glad you're back. I haven't gotten a chance yet to fully absorb your thoughts since you came back to the discussion and I hope to do so later. Be well. ...
I think the lake angle is very interesting, bodies immersed in water decompose much faster then otherwise, thus making certain potential forensic evidence more problematic to gather if not impossible given a lengthy period of time passing before a potential discovery of the body ... that is especially so where a sexual assault could have been determined. Also, it seems to me that under the hypothetical circumstance that the perp had a practical access to a boat at the time, as it might be the case for DS, it would have been perhaps a more preferable way to dispose of the body for the perp. JMO
Thought of this too! Thanks Eileen! Ok, so if a canal was used for disposal, it would have to be deep enough, away from houses in case the body floated or came apart & floated after it started to deteriorate, or the canal would have to have certain fauna that would hide the body as well as it's smell during decomposition. Right?

The canal was searched near one of Dale Sr's properties, I think where DS Jr's sis lives. Do we know of any other canals searched?

Colored, cut & pouffed by me. MOO

I has always bothered me that LE had to rope off the property lines to search for evidence. If any of the felons (career criminals) I have worked with had killed Michelle, they would have left her on a neighbors property, knowing that it would be nigh on impossible to get a search warrant without witnesses..

Baby D (actually more like Papa D, having seen his disparagement of his son) had to decide how to dispose of Michelle--in the water or in a grave. Both have their drawbacks.

The fact that Papa D spent the 18th driving around with his boat hitched to his vehicle would lead me to guess Michelle is buried.
Colored, cut & pouffed by me. MOO

I has always bothered me that LE had to rope off the property lines to search for evidence. If any of the felons (career criminals) I have worked with had killed Michelle, they would have left her on a neighbors property, knowing that it would be nigh on impossible to get a search warrant without witnesses..

Baby D (actually more like Papa D, having seen his disparagement of his son) had to decide how to dispose of Michelle--in the water or in a grave. Both have their drawbacks.

The fact that Papa D spent the 18th driving around with his boat hitched to his vehicle would lead me to guess Michelle is buried.

Yes, I think the driving the boat around was a diversion. JMO
Don't remember where or when but someone on this thread contended that Dale cannot sue LE for naming him the "prime suspect." IIRC the man in Atlanta who found the bomb at the Olympics was named the prime suspect and sued Atlanta, Georgia, and the IOC for millions and won. Are the laws in Florida so different?

If BabyD were innocent, he would likely want to do the same thing, wouldn't he? Wouldn't he then be looking for evidence to prove his innocence? Would PapaD be challenging the public to "go find her," rather than spending all his own ime and energy to exonerate his beloved "Little Dale?" What do you think?
Don't remember where or when but someone on this thread contended that Dale cannot sue LE for naming him the "prime suspect." IIRC the man in Atlanta who found the bomb at the Olympics was named the prime suspect and sued Atlanta, Georgia, and the IOC for millions and won. Are the laws in Florida so different?

If BabyD were innocent, he would likely want to do the same thing, wouldn't he? Wouldn't he then be looking for evidence to prove his innocence? Would PapaD be challenging the public to "go find her," rather than spending all his own ime and energy to exonerate his beloved "Little Dale?" What do you think?

I believe in the case of Richard Jewel officials went beyond saying that he was a suspect. I believe they were caught for saying he did it.
Don't remember where or when but someone on this thread contended that Dale cannot sue LE for naming him the "prime suspect." IIRC the man in Atlanta who found the bomb at the Olympics was named the prime suspect and sued Atlanta, Georgia, and the IOC for millions and won. Are the laws in Florida so different?

If BabyD were innocent, he would likely want to do the same thing, wouldn't he? Wouldn't he then be looking for evidence to prove his innocence? Would PapaD be challenging the public to "go find her," rather than spending all his own ime and energy to exonerate his beloved "Little Dale?" What do you think?

Yes, you'd think DSjr would be hopping and skipping to clear his name but he hasn't. Hmmm....
In June, on the last thread I posted something like this:

Possible time line:

3:18 - 4:10 at condo. (neighbors video & DS Jr. statement)

4:10 - 4:40 in transit to Rose Blvd. (DS Jr. statement) (includes time for "Waterford" text)

4:40 - 4:50 at Rose Blvd residence. ("witness")

Hey Mom, I need a ride back to the condo to xyz. Can I have a ride? Bring the kids and while my friend jkl and I xyz, you guys can go to MacDonalds. My treat; here's $10. (Alternately, BabyD could have left his work vehicle at Rose Blvd previously and driven himself back to the condo.)

4:50 - 5:20 in transit.

5:20 - 6:00 at condo.

6:00 - 7:30 in transit to Walden Palms. Veers off course and drives approximately 6-8 (10?) miles in any direction off route to drop off Michelle. Stays up to 30 minutes at drop off site. Returns to route. (30 min from condo to Walden Palms, 15 minutes off course to disposal site, 15 minutes back to route, 30 minutes at site)

Hey Mom, my friend Jkl's girlfriend called him and he's going to drop me off at the Millenia Mall can you pick me up at 7:30? Great! Meet you there.

7:45 - 8:00 receives call "informing" him of Michelle's disappearance and leaves Rose Blvd, taking Nela Bridge route. Throws iPhone off the bridge on the way back to the Condo.

This would mean Michelle is located within the following conservative oval:
northern edge: Lawne Lake, Lake Adair, Lake Baldwin
southern edge: Shingle Creek @ 417, Southern end of Orlando Airport, northern end of Hart Lake (Moss park only if decal takes less than 10 min)
western edge includes: eastern shore of Lake Butle.
eastern edge: Cypress Springs, Mattison Drive, the dump
I believe in the case of Richard Jewel officials went beyond saying that he was a suspect. I believe they were caught for saying he did it.

Colored & pouffed by me.

Surely someone in Orlando has said "he did it" to someone who is willing to testify for BabyD--or will be willing to testify to that when Baby and PapaD come along to break his/her/their knees.
<3 new tech stuff, especially for biological use!

We can only hope they took detailed samples off of all the vehicles (and a few other places like the bottoms of shoes, door mats, vacuum bags, vacuum, etc) in question so that if Michelle is ever found they will be able to at least confirm whether any of the samples tested match to the exact same place she was found ;)
We can only hope they took detailed samples off of all the vehicles (and a few other places like the bottoms of shoes, door mats, vacuum bags, vacuum, etc) in question so that if Michelle is ever found they will be able to at least confirm whether any of the samples tested match to the exact same place she was found ;)

I agree, and I think it's all but certain LE took such samples from all vehicles DS was driving or had potential access to at the time of MP's disappearance as well as from anything they thought relevant which belonged to him such as soil residue from the bottom of his shoes ...
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