FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 5

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I can NOT believe I'm gonna type this because I have said from the get go that it's either DS or someone close to him that had something to do with MP's disappearance....BUT, I really hope that LE has something of evidentiary value that points DEFINITELY to their decision to name him a suspect in this case...other than their "investigative strategy", as they said in their statement when naming DS as the primary suspect.

He said it took 11 days for police to name Smith as a suspect because it was their “investigative strategy” to look at every other aspect of the case first. Parker, 33, was reported missing on November 17 after she was last seen dropping their 3-year-old twins off at Smith’s home that afternoon.

Must be gettin to be a "softy" in my old age....LOL
I don't think that's true Patty. I think past behavior is a great indicator of future behavior. Slamming a womans face into a metal railing, kicking people in the head, throwing chairs at peoples heads, car seats at cars and on and on.

I don't think anyone would be out of line in suspecting criminal behavior. LE certainly is suspicious.

I don't know where the information came from regarding slamming a woman's face into a metal railing except for what was stated on Nancy Grace. Now if someone can provide me with a link to an MSM story or perhaps court documents, I will be thankful.

What Dale did at 20, for me, is in the past. Heck what I did in my 20's is in the past.

There was a LOT of friction between Michelle and Dale, and unless I was there to listen to their arguments regarding why the children car seats where thrown, I am not going to go there.

So many parents during times of exchanging children for visitation is probably the worst time for everyone. I wish the "laws of the land" would require exchange of visitation to be in a public spot for the safety of the children.

There are two sides to any argument, and I have always been neutral until I hear both of them. So far, all we have is what Dale did, however, I feel Michelle clearly knew how to "push buttons" in this relationship.

I have thrown things myself in a heated argument, however, that does not mean I am violent, I was friggin frustrated and that was the only way for me to release my frustration.
Mostly reporters were tossing questions on that video as the "entourage" walked (a very long way....) from court to their car. Many he did not answer (D. Sr.) at one point tells a reporter "watch out dude, you're in my way, don't touch me." Asked if ashamed, (of son, I think) says "I'm ashamed of you, you're an *advertiser censored**hole. Asked how long Michelle was at house, says "none of your business. (twice.) Says "I talked to the law." Says "Go find another Hummer." Asked if his son lied, says "ask him, not me and "none of your business". Asked if he thinks son should be a suspect, says "do you?" Ask for reaction about the decision re: kids, says "Great, where they should be, with their dad." Asked if he is sad if Michelle was found today, doesn't answer that one. Finally they get to the car, many blocks away, says something like "come see us sometime" and leaves. Was wearing a Harley Davis windbreaker for this important court appearance, my opinion only.

Gee, I don't know clu... I thought it set off the mullet rather nicely. :innocent:
Mister nurse is an army officer but also went to ranger school... he learned had to hand combat and a lot of the similar ^ things. He also had to kill a chicken with his bare hands during survival training as well as rabbits (they had to hunt them and catch them first)...

survival of the fittest.... on the other hand.. poor wabbits :(
DSjr is the prime suspect in the case of a missing woman...

yes, if he so much as farts everyone will want to know about it:twocents:

Yup Dale Jr., is the primary suspect, however, many have added Dale Sr. into the mix, that is why I included Dale Sr. :crazy:
Are they back near that building again where they were yesterday? Also, it looks like a different group of searchers...maybe the National Guard?
They just court martial-ed him for chits and giggles. LE just named him a suspect because he was there. The women are really to blame you know, they shouldn't have pushed his buttons, and those darn pesky reporters - how dare they make him shove them. It's everybody's fault but his.

Teh, have I told you lately that I love you?
Is TES helping with the search today?
I agree people don't change over night and I'm not trying to change anyone's personal opinion of him but thank you for trying to see my side :) He can't change his past and ultimately it doesn't matter what we think cuz we are not a court of law. With him being named prime suspect and his past it DOES look bad there is no denying it and I feel you never really know anyone. I've been proved that a couple times! But right now all the media is going to put out all the bad stuff if he saved a cat from a tree nobody is going to print that cuz its not going to sell or catch your attention. Then if someone does step out publically and say he is a good person that friend will catch crap from different Internet sites like this and I'm NOT saying you guys cuz I havent gotten it but it does happen with a big media case like this. Like for example the "hot body" contest everyone talked $hit about it but he did it mainly to raise money for families that don't have much for Christmas and I'm sure a small percentage for attention that is very normal. Now a few years later when he is the prime suspect in a missing persons case it's looked at terribly and he is ridiculed for it. But if he wasn't trying to change then why didn't he beat the crap out of Michelle earlier? Why did he smash his camera instead of her head? In my opinion it shows me he's trying to change. Some people do have explosive personalities but it's how you manage it is what matters. I work with a guy who blows up over stupid and little stuff to the point where he hit the keys off a work keyboard at work
does that make him a monster?

Do you have any other examples of his "charitable" work? Perhaps something that doesn't involve a radio station, a bar and a hot body contest? We've all seen his photobucket. I think the allure was more about showing off his body than the charity aspect of it.

How do we know he didn't "beat the crap" out of Michelle on any previous occasions or on any occasions after the convention? We have no idea if she's ever had suspicious injuries in the past that didn't require a hospital visit and lots of questions from an attending physician.

Managing your rage does not involve smashing anything IMO. But again that's just my personal opinion and perhaps a psychologist would have a different view.

At this point, I think if Dale, Sr or Jr., "farted" they will be accused of blowing up a bridge. :crazy:

And they should be scrutinized...maybe not accused of blowing up a bridge, but these are the people involved in the case of a missing person who's life was valuable...and they don't "act " like her life was valuable. They don't seem concerned for her...the cops should search EVERY inch of Dales place and of his parents...let them stand there and fart up a storm. There is good reason for the attitudes toward them.
Are they back near that building again where they were yesterday? Also, it looks like a different group of searchers...maybe the National Guard?

It looks like they are. I wonder if the evidence found yesterday was connected to the case.
Okay...just jumping off of the last couple of pages re: the media. I do agree that none of us know how we might react with microphones and cameras suddenly thrust in our faces. I might probably "Sean Penn" them. Having said that, what concerns me more is that wife number two died with blunt force trauma to the top of her head/ drugs. I have read that she was staying with DS Sr. At the time. In my estimation apples don't fall too far from the tree. see his son's multiple arrests. Michelle's phone was powered off near DS Sr.'s house. Just speculating here but how do we know his dad wasn't lying in wait for Michelle when she dropped off the twins? Or that he wouldn't cover up for his son in some way? DS Jr. sure didn't seem camera shy when he was showboating his goodies on stage or on People's Court...in fact I think his shirt, Correct me if I am wrong, had the word "orgasm" on the front of it when he was competing for that hot body contest.

I am not insinuating that DS Sr. harmed Michelle...but I am also not thinking he is totally clueless as to what happened to her either. Like I said, apples don't fall to far from the tree.

Not trying to offend anyone with this post, but I think LE has some idea A's to what type of family they are dealing with. As always, JMO.
horses are out

there are also searchers in the brush behind a building (can't tell which one)
Ya'll know there is really not much work getting done in those buildings...everyone is looking out the windows watching.
I wish there was a mic on atleas one of those searchers.. i would LOVE to hear what they were talking about!
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