FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

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Buit wait, I thought his story is that HE drove the kids to his parents home that afternoon.

He may have told Michelle's family that but is it true? Well technically if he drove the Hummer there then yes, he drove the kids to his parents house. But he can't tell LE that, can he?! The whole thing is very, very odd.

Is it easy to believe that someone (other than Dale Jr) was involved and just happened to leave the Hummer 3 miles from Dale srs house? For me, no. Unless it was someone that knows Dale Jr, Dale Sr and where Sr lives. To many coincidences for me for it not to be connected to Dale Jr and Sr in some way.

Patty, my understanding is that Dale Jr was at his dads house until LE notified him that he needed to return back to the condo. He then went to the condo to meet with LE to answer questions and for them to do the search. I can clearly see in my head Dale Sr driving Dale Jr back to the condo for "moral support" and because Dale Jr "was so upset that he couldn't drive himself". This would explain how he got back to the condo as well as not having his own truck with him......especially if both Dales claim that Sr came and picked Jr and the kids up earlier that day, leaving the truck at the condo.


Thank you.

I figured Dale Jr., was at his father's house, however, I am not feeling that Dale Sr., drove Dale Jr. back to the condo. That would mean that Dale's pickup was at his condo when Dale, Jr., arrived back and that clearly would look very suspicious.

I do not see Dale being so upset that he couldn't drive anywhere or needed moral support from "daddy".

Dale, IMO, loves his pick-up and I just can't buy that Dale, Jr., would call daddy and have him pick Dale up at the condo and take them all back to Dale Sr., house. Just not feeling it at all.

Dale Sr., to me, doesn't appear to be the type to be a "taxi" service for his grown son. IMO.
Wondering what the custody and visitation arrangement are...how does that fit into the drop-off time at DS jr's condo? What are the arrangements...3:15 pm...3:30 pm...or 4 pm. If he works on Thurs. He would need to be home at a certain time from his job.
I agree that there were probably 2 sets of car seats. But we don't have Michelle's phone to see if there were any calls from Dale Jr to her, as she was on her way to his condo. LE could see if there were, but we don't know. I am thinking that the last thing I want to do is kill someone in my condo with 2 kids, our kids. So if (big if) he planned this, he could have called and set up a drop off point. He could have had his dad drive him. Now he doesn't have a car to worry about, just the hummer. If the two of them were waiting for her, they could have over powered her, and one takes her and the other takes the kids and the hummer. I don't know that is what happened, but it is one way to keep your condo clean, KWIM....

IMO, Dale, Sr., is really getting a really bad rap when nothing points to him except that he is an "arrogant" man because his house was raided, media knocking on his door asking if this is the "Smith residence" and his reply "NO Santa Claus'" as well as the media following Dale Sr., his spouse, with media sticking microphones into his face with questions about "how to do you feel that LE may have found Michelle's body in the lake". etc., etc.

LE knows for sure if there are any phone calls between Michelle and Dale, or Dale and his father, etc., etc. Maybe LE might not know it yet as it takes a search warrant to get this information and time for the phone companies to supply it.
To me Dale Sr appears to be the type to cover for his son, no matter what the entails. Think the Anthony's.

To many things point to Dale Jr and/or Dale Sr.

Dale Jr is the last to see Michelle.
The Hummer is not seen on video leaving Dale Jrs condo so we don't know what time it left.
Michelle's cell phone powered down in the area near Dale Srs house.
The Hummer was found 3 miles from Dale Srs house.
The People's Court case involving Michelle and Dale Jr was on air the same day as Michelle went missing.
Dale Jr has a history of domestic violence against women including Michelle.
Dale Jr goes to work in a nearby city the day after Michelle is reported missing even though he had the twins to take care of.
Dale Jr has not been back to work since the day after Michelle went missing.

At what point do we say that there are to many things that point to Dale Jr for it to be just a coincidence?

Thank you.

I figured Dale Jr., was at his father's house, however, I am not feeling that Dale Sr., drove Dale Jr. back to the condo. That would mean that Dale's pickup was at his condo when Dale, Jr., arrived back and that clearly would look very suspicious.

I do not see Dale being so upset that he couldn't drive anywhere or needed moral support from "daddy".

Dale, IMO, loves his pick-up and I just can't buy that Dale, Jr., would call daddy and have him pick Dale up at the condo and take them all back to Dale Sr., house. Just not feeling it at all.

Dale Sr., to me, doesn't appear to be the type to be a "taxi" service for his grown son. IMO.

I wonder if his dad even drove at all. In that video of him leaving the courthouse there was another man holding his arm in a manner of support the whole way and when they got into the vehicle his dad got in on the passenger side and a women (wife?) got in on the driver's side.
Patty, my understanding is that Dale Jr was at his dads house until LE notified him that he needed to return back to the condo. He then went to the condo to meet with LE to answer questions and for them to do the search. I can clearly see in my head Dale Sr driving Dale Jr back to the condo for "moral support" and because Dale Jr "was so upset that he couldn't drive himself". This would explain how he got back to the condo as well as not having his own truck with him......especially if both Dales claim that Sr came and picked Jr and the kids up earlier that day, leaving the truck at the condo.


Whoa! I never thought of that! In the news station video, his truck was clearly in the garage. Now, I wonder who arrived at the condo for the search first-LE or DS2? If LE was there first, did DS2 arrive in his truck & pull in garage or did someone else drive him? If DS2 was already there when LE arrived, any other vehicles or persons there with him? And where is the dang work van??!
Sorry to go O/T, but....I can see it comin'....I can feel my "behind" getting wider as I sit here poppin' choco covered peanuts while reading and thinking....

I'm getting ready for this case thread to branch out into seperate "mini" threads.....

The players from the KC fiasco are coming out of the woodwork....

I JUST started to fit back into my "skinny jeans" without floppin around on the floor like a fish outta water to get them zippered up....

I think I'm gonna go buy "Pajama Jeans", get another bowl of peanuts and be done with it!!!
I wonder if his dad even drove at all. In that video of him leaving the courthouse there was another man holding his arm in a manner of support the whole way and when they got into the vehicle his dad got in on the passenger side and a women (wife?) got in on the driver's side.

Thank you. I was just about ready to post the same information and so glad that someone else did. :) :)
Whoa! I never thought of that! In the news station video, his truck was clearly in the garage. Now, I wonder who arrived at the condo for the search first-LE or DS2? If LE was there first, did DS2 arrive in his truck & pull in garage or did someone else drive him? If DS2 was already there when LE arrived, any other vehicles or persons there with him? And where is the dang work van??!

That is a pretty huge clue to me. JMO. The twins would have to be in car seats no matter what. I know she had them in the Hummer. I would imagine he had two of his own in his truck. I wonder since his parents were constantly watching the twins (according to their neighbors) if the GP's had car seats too. I am guessing Michelle's mother did...it would make sense if DS's family had them as well since they often watched the twins while he worked.
I'm sure I heard the 'daycare' center isn't far from where MP lives but where exactly is that since we've always been told she lives with her mom..Until the other day when I read she's been living with her sister..HUH? And in a somewhat "rural" area..Wish I could find that article again!

I do recall a report that stated MP had to go from the 'salon' to the 'daycare' & then backtrack to get to Dale's=it takes longer to get there then some would think.

eta..It was OUT there bout the 'daycare' very early on so this is NOT new info.
Respectfully, I post and trying hard not to be "flippant" but clearly LE has the ability to access all information regarding Dale's previous addresses.

The general public can use "People Search" or any of the online websites, and pay a minimal amount of money and get all that information.

It's just very odd for an investigator looking for info when it is so readily available.

IMO many times they ask these questions to not only verify the validity of the person they are talking to, but to maybe trigger any memory or info that might come up in the answer. I can almost guaranty that they ask the same questions over and over to everyone they question, even when they know the answer... It also works later in court when they have x number of people saying the same thing in their initial 'interview'....

Respectfully, I post and trying hard not to be "flippant" but clearly LE has the ability to access all information regarding Dale's previous addresses.

The general public can use "People Search" or any of the online websites, and pay a minimal amount of money and get all that information.

It's just very odd for an investigator looking for info when it is so readily available.

I can say with 100% certainty that there are times the investigators will ask questions even if they already know the answers just to see if you know what you're talking about!
Did we ever confirm Dale's job? I know he stated or somebody said he went to work in Titusville on Fri. I was just thinking how expensive babies are and 2 at the same time, oh boy! Cars seats are expensive, but this couple has to buy 4 just to share custody. Think of two sets of stuff for twins. I know she was working at a bar, doing the tanning and going to school, and had 3 kids. That is a rough schedule, but she did have her mom and dad as she was living with them at the time. But this had to be financially hard for Dale Jr.

I think she was actually living with her sister. She had lived with her mom in the past but at the time this happened, I do believe it's been reported she was living with her sister. Of course, I could be totally mistaken. So much is coming out right now and many contradictions and errors are being reported. It's difficult to sift through them at times and figure it all out.
How early in the case did you speak with the investigator? I'm surprised they were asking you about his previous residence, trying to pin it down. It would seem to me they'd have many resources available to them to find this out very quickly without having to piece together information of this sort from the public.

That's odd to me.

ETA: Was he living with a roommate at the time when you went to his place of residence?

I believe it was one or two days before Dale was pinned as the prime suspect that my conversation with her took place.

And, if he was living in an apartment, I would have to disagree that it's easy to find the info. I lived in several apartments during my time in Orlando and kept my permanent residence as my parents' house. So, I never notified anyone of an address change. In my search, that doesn't come up at all for me.
IMO, Dale, Sr., is really getting a really bad rap when nothing points to him except that he is an "arrogant" man because his house was raided, media knocking on his door asking if this is the "Smith residence" and his reply "NO Santa Claus'" as well as the media following Dale Sr., his spouse, with media sticking microphones into his face with questions about "how to do you feel that LE may have found Michelle's body in the lake". etc., etc.

LE knows for sure if there are any phone calls between Michelle and Dale, or Dale and his father, etc., etc. Maybe LE might not know it yet as it takes a search warrant to get this information and time for the phone companies to supply it.

Sorry to give Dale Sr a bad rap; didn't mean to come across that way. I just don't think Dale jr would be able to do all of this in 72 minutes, without help. If someone didn't help him I am back to a SODDI.
I hate to even type this because, I would rather envision the scenario where Michelle comes home safe to her family, but have they checked the dumpsters around the Millenia Mall? Most likely they have. But, the reason I ask is I haven't seen specific msm reports of this search being performed. I think that it would be reasonable in any case to believe that once you "get rid of the body," you want to rid yourself of the car as quickly as possible. You have already separated yourself from the most tangible piece of evidence against you (the actual person you have harmed), so I would imagine that the desire to just walk away from the vehicle as quickly as possible would be overwhelming, especially if you did not plan the murder, but it was instead an "act of passion". I can almost imagine the sense of relief that the perp would feel once he parked that car and walked away. I think she is near the vehicle, because I can't believe that he would want to drive for too long after.

Also, on another note: the decals being removed was odd. I guess I can understand a stranger removing the decals if they were simple to peel off. If it were only going to take a second to do, why not? Could buy you a few hours...but, I think it is more likely that a stranger would just back into a parking spot to make them less noticeable to passersby, if a stranger would even think of them at all. I think only someone who knew her would take the time to remove the decals, because to them, those decals were directly associated with Michelle.
IMO many times they ask these questions to not only verify the validity of the person they are talking to, but to maybe trigger any memory or info that might come up in the answer. I can almost guaranty that they ask the same questions over and over to everyone they question, even when they know the answer... It also works later in court when they have x number of people saying the same thing in their initial 'interview'....


I can say with 100% certainty that there are times the investigators will ask questions even if they already know the answers just to see if you know what you're talking about!

Thanks to both of you for your posts regarding this question I had as well.
I hadn't thought of what you've said but now that I have, it makes a lot of sense.
A couple of more questions to add to the stellar list above:

1) Why did DS Jr. immediately take the kids to his parent's place/
2) In light of (1) was it common for him to always do this?
3) What time did he come back to his house that evening? (We know he did because he was there when the cops searched his house. He posted that they had just left on his Facebook account at 11:08 pm. We also know that it was his house and not his parents' house that LE searched at that time).
4) Were the twins with him? Or did he leave them at DS Sr.'s house?

I've been wondering WHY it's been constantly said that Dale is "living" at his dad's house when he has a condo! IF it's true then it must be to help with the kids? Maybe his MO has always been not to take care of them on his own?

Does anyone else recall MP's mom tried to reach Dale at his dad's house to tell him MP was "missing" & she was told he wasn't there? IF we only knew what time that was & IF it was true. <sigh>

eta..we really don't know what IS true in this case!!!! It's very frustrating!!!!
Patty G,

Just curious, are you friends with the Smiths?
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