Resolved FL - Port St Joe, 2 Children 96UMFL & 66UFFL, bound & gagged in photo, Jun'89

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I have always thought that if this was a real kidnapping, and they were really trying to gag them to keep them quiet, they wouldn't have cared if the tape got in their hair. They would have wrapped the tape all the way around her head (and the boy's head). It looks like they were careful to keep their hair from getting stuck in the tape.

I also don't understand why there would be a book provided to entertain one of the children
I have always thought that if this was a real kidnapping, and they were really trying to gag them to keep them quiet, they wouldn't have cared if the tape got in their hair. They would have wrapped the tape all the way around her head (and the boy's head). It looks like they were careful to keep their hair from getting stuck in the tape.

Gentle tape, well-placed tape, books & food & cleanliness, all keep the kids "marketable," I expect.

All may be a rapport device, to build trust in one of the kidnappers, surely there was more than one? Similar to Good Cop, Bad Cop? George C. Scott as the orderly in Firestarter?

IMO the look on the boy’s face is sheer terror.

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There also were supposedly eye witnesses who claimed they saw the girl walking a long the beach the very same day this photograph was found. Now how valid those eye witneses were we really don't know but if she was infact being abducted and raped and held against her will I really don't think she would be allowed to walk along the beach in the middle of the day where people could see her Remember the case of the girls in Cleveland who were being held against their will and locked in a house any time they were allowed outside at all they had to have a bag over their head. And that was just to walk from the house to the garage. So if the witnesses of seeing her walk along the beach are to be believed I think that really paints a picture of a girl who was not being abducted and was freely going along with whatever was happening. That also would be another reason for why nobody was coming forward in regards to the picture. They wouldn't want people to know that they took part in bondage videos/photos when they were younger.

Snipped for focus

I've never read anything about eyewitnesses seeing the girl on the beach, and my googling isn't finding anything. Can you post a link?

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Snipped for focus

I've never read anything about eyewitnesses seeing the girl on the beach, and my googling isn't finding anything. Can you post a link?

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Look at post #542
Oh ok. So Egghead was just a retail store that you could buy computer software at (similar to Radio Shack)? I was under the impression that it may have been a company that built software. Yeah if it was just a place similar to Radio Shack her wearing that shirt wouldn't mean anything as she could have just gone in shopping at one and got the shirt.

Egghead changed their name to NewEgg, and do their business primarily online now.
Gentle tape, well-placed tape, books & food & cleanliness, all keep the kids "marketable," I expect.

All may be a rapport device, to build trust in one of the kidnappers, surely there was more than one? Similar to Good Cop, Bad Cop? George C. Scott as the orderly in Firestarter?


Yes but it also could easily mean that the photo was staged. Given the fact that it doesn't appear that any families have ever come forward and said that these kids were theirs it does seem at this point that these were never missing children to begin with.

Kids seemingly being treated well plus no families coming forward claiming them as their own gives strong indications that the photo was either a complete hoax or something done inhouse by family/friends. Now how messed up of families these kids come from and what was the purpose of the photos being taken to begin with we'll never know. However it doesn't appear that these kids were ever missing from their families.
Thank you!

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Yeah no problem. Now those reports probably need to be taken with a grain of salt because they wouldn't have come until after the fact when the police were going around asking people if they had seen this girl. If there is any validity to the reports though what would have been some good info to find out was if any of those guys had any cameras with them? If they did it would be possible that she was just a girl who was doing a little modeling.
Egghead changed their name to NewEgg, and do their business primarily online now.

They have no relation whatsoever.

Egghead Software got bought out, then went under in 2001, which in turn got bought out by The same year, was founded. I guess the year and the 'egg' name made people think that. I'm pretty sure both companies coexisted for a short time.
I also don't understand why there would be a book provided to entertain one of the children

I think the book is meant to be a message to the viewer. It's almost a threat or a taunt, and if it's also used as entertainment for the kids it's sick and twisted.

eta: If it is a hoax I still think the book was chosen to send a message.
I think the book is meant to be a message to the viewer. It's almost a threat or a taunt, and if it's also used as entertainment for the kids it's sick and twisted.

eta: If it is a hoax I still think the book was chosen to send a message.

Yeah regardless of rather the photo is real or fake the book definitely is meant to play into the scene as it is a story about captivity.

The only conclusion though we can make of the presence of the book is that it is probably the only reason this photo is still circulating around. Without the book there is probably a good chance this photo never would have gotten attached to the Tara Calico case and would have fallen into obscurity and never found its way onto the internet.
They have no relation whatsoever.

Egghead Software got bought out, then went under in 2001, which in turn got bought out by The same year, was founded. I guess the year and the 'egg' name made people think that. I'm pretty sure both companies coexisted for a short time.

Right. I guess I should have checked their Wiki page before stating that. LOL
Just out of curiosity do you all feel that the photo should even be on the Tara Calico Wikipedia page? Granted the page doesn't necessarily say that it is Calico just that the girl in the photo is suspected to be Calico. Do you think its fine or do you think the picture should be taken off a site like Wikipedia given that the only real connection there is is that the mother looked at it and thought it might be her daughter.
If the two kids were brother and sister, perhaps the little brother was snooping around and found their parent's BDSM bondage tape. "Wouldn't it be funny if we did a fake kidnapping photo with it?" If the girl was babysitting him and reading the book, she may have been annoyed to be distracted and wanted her rowdy brother to shut up, so she agreed to take the photo. I always thought the boy looked more "focused" on the actual situation, if that makes sense--the girl looks more bored, if anything, IMO. That would account for the tape looking like bondage tape (because it was), and it would explain why the kids' hands don't appear to be very restrained. I saw a post that said it looked like they could be sitting on their hands; I agree.

I could definitely envision her, right after the photo was taken, peeling the tape from her mouth and grabbing the book again. I would imagine that there would be bruises, tape wrapped around their heads, and probably unshaven legs (though her captor may have forced her to shave them/shaved them himself for his own pleasure or for marketability if he intended to sell her for human trafficking purposes). I hope it's fake, anyway.
Also is there anything known about the lady that supposedly discovered the photo? Is it known that it was indeed discovered in the way she said it was or were people just taking her word for it. Because the whole kidnapping theory really relies on her telling a truthful story. As far as I know though the only evidence they have that there ever even was a white windowless van was her mentioning there was one. However when they blocked off the area though to search for one there was nothing to be found.
Hmm. Do we finally have proof that perhaps they aren't tied up at all?


Look at that gray thing laying right next to the boy. It looks like something you would put around your wrists and something not natural to the picture (it doesn't seem to be a sheet or a blanket). Could the boy originally have tried to put something on his wrists and decided he didn't like it so just decided to put his hands behind his back?


  • Unidentified_kidnapping_victims_1989.jpg
    108.5 KB · Views: 223
Hmm. Do we finally have proof that perhaps they aren't tied up at all?


Look at that gray thing laying right next to the boy. It looks like something you would put around your wrists and something not natural to the picture (it doesn't seem to be a sheet or a blanket). Could the boy originally have tried to put something on his wrists and decided he didn't like it so just decided to put his hands behind his back?
Its difficult to tell, but almost looks like sunglasses to me.

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Just out of curiosity do you all feel that the photo should even be on the Tara Calico Wikipedia page? Granted the page doesn't necessarily say that it is Calico just that the girl in the photo is suspected to be Calico. Do you think its fine or do you think the picture should be taken off a site like Wikipedia given that the only real connection there is is that the mother looked at it and thought it might be her daughter.
Two things to note:

From egghead wiki page:
Egghead was successful from the early days, expanding from a single store in*Bellevue, Washington, to a 200-store chain, with locations primarily on the West Coast.[1]

Tara Calico's mom looked at the photo, and said she was convinced it was her daughter.

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