FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #16

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The guy had a tiles business. Not sure if he still has it.

So makes you wonder if he ever worked at 1080 Gano, and if he knows the scheduling of dumpsters around the area.

This is all I know about the dude.
I looked at ST's friend's uncle and couldn't find any record, SO or otherwise. But then I'm not the best at sleuthing yet....and I never did sleep.
Holy cow! You need a new thread. Continue here.

One last thing... the map of the address on Arbor Circle is different depending on which online map you check.

The mapquest, google, bing, and terraserver show different locations for the home... maybe a renumbering of the street? Updating? Error?

G'nite to those still up!
I'm having computer issues but will bring my last posts over here.

Would 1080 be ready for tile? Wasn't it stripped down to 2x4s still?
I'm having computer issues but will bring my last posts over here.

Would 1080 be ready for tile? Wasn't it stripped down to 2x4s still?

Good point!

I really don't know.

I'm having computer issues but will bring my last posts over here.

Would 1080 be ready for tile? Wasn't it stripped down to 2x4s still?

Not sure but maybe bathroom if in back of house could have had some tile work done. Since that might be a separate contractor and not dependent on other work in the house being completed. The 2x4's "visible" were from the window in the front of the house (media coverage).
Too late to copy posts. Thread is closed.

But this I think is what I want.

I will check out the other map options for the address. Regardless, there does seem to be a gate which exits onto DeBarry.

Maybe if I check the property records I can tell which house is really the uncle's.

Don't know what happened to computer but hoping I have more luck on laptop.

(This one makes more sense to me if M. and Somer parted ways at her house, and Somer continued up Arbor, M. might wonder "where she goes" ... not the day she disappeared but if she thought this was the way Somer went that day, and she'd seen her do this in the past, she might have to ask where Somer goes (after leaving her house).


But this is a gate, and unless I'm completely off, it opens onto DeBarry.

Clay County
I looked at ST's friend's uncle and couldn't find any record, SO or otherwise. But then I'm not the best at sleuthing yet....and I never did sleep.


(This one makes more sense to me if M. and Somer parted ways at her house, and Somer continued up Arbor, M. might wonder "where she goes" ... not the day she disappeared but if she thought this was the way Somer went that day, and she'd seen her do this in the past, she might have to ask where Somer goes (after leaving her house).


But this is a gate, and unless I'm completely off, it opens onto DeBarry.

those address are totally off on the 2 dif maps...
I think its best to look up where house is exactly.. google says its way down north on arbor and bing says its almost as soon as you turn on arbor..
I added the Clay County property tax map up above and adding it here too. just fyi.

And I think Google was on target. Which means that gate is too. Out the friend's back yard.

(All the yards must have gates but maybe Somer has left her friend's house this way ...)

Of course the Google street view could be old.
I added foreclosures to the county map. There is one (pinkish color). If it does not show, click the Foreclosures option on left.

Wonder if the house is empty. Wonder if it had firepit ... fireplace ... fire anything.

Somebody reign me in. Please.
From MommaD, last thread - Hopetohelp this is a very good theory.. but just some questions and comments..

Do you think this WRD could be linked to Somer somehow? say he tried to get a loan at a certain loan business or knew the guy at the loan business??

I see some drug charges on him... Do you think he could of been selling ???

could of visited someone that day ??? A sale gone bad during lunch?

From his charges it seems he is a hot head and doesn't plan out things .. just spur of moment stuff..

Maybe sorta friendly with certain ppl to get info as to children etcc... ??

I don't see this WRD with patience to sit and watch his prey.. I could be wrong very much so but I see him as to flighty...

Maybe he borrowed cars... Is there anyway you could place him in Somer's area in your theory???

I do have to wonder if he somehow knew the family, at least in passing, in some capacity. Either - did he have friends in the neighborhood, or maybe he sold pot. Don't know. Would love to see a tie in though. He was in Piny Hills, which is about 7 miles from Somer's and I don't know how far from the school. This guy is a driver though. He likes to move around both instate and out of state.

Sometimes workers in construction have been known to partake of certain illegal substances, so absolutely he could have been selling to someone in the neighborhood. What's interesting to me though is that he was staying at a house where he rented a room and only people trying to stay sober from drugs or alcohol are generally accepted there. Add that to the fact that there is apparently and AA meeting somewhere in or close to Somer's neighborhood and then there is a real possibility he could have been in and out of the area where the meetings took place.

Yeah, you're right. Absolutely no impulse control with this guy and when he gets angry he lashes out both physically and sexually. And he was under a lot of stress. One weird thing though... it seems that he may have stalked the girl at the car place for three or four days before snatching her. AND he parked a few blocks away and then walked to her office. This is the exact same thing he did when he broke into his ex gf's house to assault her. That speaks of premeditation. But once he got to the car office, he couldn't assault her or force her at knifepoint UNTIL he was suitably worked up anger wise. Which is really interesting. AND he made no attempt to cover that it was he who had taken her since the girl called her boss's wife right in front of him. This guy is mentally not well.

I wonder too if the construction guys knew him, or where he did his telemarketing (which I expect may have consisted of scams to get credit card #'s judging from his past criminal hx). Ok. too sleepy to go on tonight. Night all!
I added the Clay County property tax map up above and adding it here too. just fyi.

And I think Google was on target. Which means that gate is too. Out the friend's back yard.

(All the yards must have gates but maybe Somer has left her friend's house this way ...)

Of course the Google street view could be old.

oh its in the other person's name duh. I couldn't find it. lol
I added foreclosures to the county map. There is one (pinkish color). If it does not show, click the Foreclosures option on left.

Wonder if the house is empty. Wonder if it had firepit ... fireplace ... fire anything.

Somebody reign me in. Please.

I wonder if 1246 does or a pit in the back yard.. its a huge piece of land that plot is and a lot of trees in that corner..
Yes, just search the property records by the last name and then look for that address. I'm thinking more along the lines not as the uncle as a suspect (just don't WANT it to be someone related to a FRIEND of Somer's) but trying to figure out if Somer took shortcut where/how she could have done it and could someone have seen her on Arbor Circle, and she was taken in that neighborhood.

Rumors have recently flown around Northwest St. Johns County that two fifth-graders were nearly abducted while walking home from school, but the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office says it didn't happen.

The rumors stemmed from two separate reports of children having a suspicious incident with adult males.

Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Chuck Mulligan said the first incident happened the morning of Oct. 23 near Cunningham Creek Elementary School. Children said there was a "creepy" man in a car, taking photos with his camera phone.

Mulligan said that after investigating the complaint it was ruled out by that afternoon.

That same morning children were on their bikes at Tiger Creek Parkway and Roberts Road. Mulligan said there was a small bike crash with no injuries and the kids were blocking the road. A man unable to get by reprimanded them.

"The man got angry," Mulligan said. "He yelled at the children."

The crossing guard later reported there was a suspicious man talking to the children.

Two days later, the two stories had melded into one through the rumor mill. And on Oct. 30, e-mails began to circulate that it was the same man who was involved in the two incidents and he tried to abduct two fifth graders walking from school.

"We have fully vetted this incident and there is nothing to it," Mulligan said. "Things got out of hand with these rumors."

Mulligan understands parents are on high alert since the disappearance and murder of 7-year-old Somer Thompson. But he also warned that parents need to "get their facts straight" before they spread stories.

"We don't want to discourage parents from sharing information," Mulligan said. "But ... this isn't helpful. We want children to be protected, but before parents start e-mailing they should know the real story first."
The foreclosed house is right at the entrance (RMC is street name) to that subdivision (Laurel Grove Plantation).

Do the houses on that side also have gates and could someone enter the backyard of the foreclosed house without being seen? DeBarry seems like it's a main street ... lots of traffic.

Bing map shows no fence on the RMC side, but Google does. I thought Bing used Google's pix ... UGH!

Hmm ... maybe an opening around the edge of the fence.

How do we keep our children safe?

Those eternal fears of all parents were brought to the surface recently when Somer Renee Thompson was killed in Orange Park.

In some neighborhoods, children aren't allowed outside alone, as if they are on house arrest.

Yet, as parents, you can't and shouldn't do everything for your child.

That balancing act is the subject of today's comments from members of our E-Mail Interactive Group. To join, send an e-mail to: carol.boone@jacksonville.com.

Seven steps to safety

As a mother of a 10-year-old boy, my anxieties are high and nerves are on edge.

I think some of the most important things to stress are:

1. Stay in groups.

2. Never approach anyone in a car unless you clearly know the person.

3. Always stay on main, well-traveled roads. Avoid shortcuts.

4. Cross roads where there are crossing guards if possible.

5. Take a self-defense class.

6. Be aware of your surroundings and who is around you.

7. Be purposeful and show confidence. Predators look for the weak. - MARIA MARK, Jacksonville.

More patrols

One community I lived in, Iowa City, used school patrols at intersections along the way. - ALLEN TILLEY, Jacksonville.

More carpools

We have a 12-year-old who is dropped off and picked up each day via car by one of us.

If we can't do it, she will only ride with a parent she knows. We are lucky that there are six other households in the immediate neighborhood that carpool with us.

We have a 9-year-old who rides his bike to school with his buddies each day. My wife tails them on a bike to make sure they get to school and home safely.

If my wife can't accompany them, she makes arrangements for me or another parent to be the escort. They voluntarily stick closer than they used to. - GEOFF BEARDALL, Jacksonville.

No playing in yard

We don't allow our children in our front yard unless one of us parents are out there with them, much less allow them to walk to school.

They never have and never will walk to school by themselves. The key is to never let them out of your sight. If that's too much, then you needn't be parents.

Every school should have an early drop-off where the kids could be checked in while the parents go off to work.

We hate to live in fear, but we have to watch over our children at all times. - WAYNE MOORE, Orange Park.

Start 'walk pools'

Maybe we need "walk pools" like we have "car pools" with designated parents, known to law enforcement, that walk the routes with the children. At the end of the day, we cannot let these predators keep us from living our lives; we cannot let them teach our children to be afraid of simply walking home from school. - ART PECK, Jacksonville.

Helping each other

I always took my children to school. I would do so especially these days; times have changed drastically. As the parents and neighbors are doing in Orange Park, they are standing along the route to school where these children walk. What a great idea. - SALLY BOGGS, Jacksonville.

Determination is key

I have never let my daughter walk to school and never will. She has never even walked from the bus stop. I work seven days a week, but one way or the other, I always have her taken to school and picked up.

If it means that I have to leave work early, I have always done whatever it took to ensure she is not out there for these demons to stalk. I have never shielded her from the fact that there is evil in this world. She is vigilant and safety conscious. I want her to be a child, but I also want to see her grow up. - REGINA BLAKER, Marietta.

Meeting the bus

I hate that it is not safe for a child to walk home from school (or from the bus) alone, but that is the reality in virtually all parts of Jacksonville. In my neighborhood, families take turns walking all the kids from a bus to their respective houses.

Other parents meet the bus in automobiles. High schoolers sometimes walk from the bus to their homes, but seldom from school. - AL WEIGAND, Jacksonville.

Walking school bus

I like the idea of the "walking school bus," where kids gather in one location and walk to school as a group with adult supervision. At no time, should small children be unaccompanied by a responsible adult, from the moment they leave the front door of the home until the time they walk into the school. I know that parental supervision at all times is hard to do in some cases, but that shouldn't prevent it. - KEITH SCHNIER, Orang Park.

Even in gated community ...

We live in a gated community. Our children are picked up by a school bus one block from our home. They walk together as a group to the bus stop. Even in our gated community, I would not allow our 7-year-old daughter to walk alone to the bus stop. - CAYCE RUMSEY, Ponte Vedra Beach.

Don't overprotect them

My 12-year-old stepdaughter still walks to school. Is it worrisome, yes, but we must approach life from the perspective that there have always been danger and bad people in our world and to overprotect is detrimental to the children, too.

Kids need to be protected, but not overprotected. They need to know about danger and what they can do to protect themselves but, unfortunately, you hardly ever see kids riding bikes and playing ballgames with each other like I did when I was a kid. Truth is, we probably had as many pedophiles in the neighborhood I grew up in as we do today; we just didn't know it. - MICHAEL TARRANCE, Jacksonville.
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