FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #27

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I am perplexed at the "new" news that she left school alone and caught up with ST and AT at corner of debarry and gano. Then she doubled back to gano and was last seen there? Kyle did not come forward with info. Reporter contacted him. Correct? Then he contacted LE. Wouldnt construction company know who was there from their company and wouldnt LE contact them to find out immediately? Oh yeah, construction company was not volunteering info..why? Especially if SO involved never worked there? Every bit of info given by that company was only to defend themselves or the brother. Never did I hear any condolences or even a bit of compassion for somers murder. Owner of house seemed to cooperate with LE. IMO this construction company did not. Back to why not? IF they or their workers were not involved, wouldnt they want to help in any way they could? I guess if they had illegal workers or shady workers or shady themselves, it would be better for them not to cooperate.
Just FYI.. The bank in NC volunteered for ST to manage the funds sent in by his church and friends. True, the amount was not any where near as substantial as the funds for "The Thompson family" fund, but the bank there stepped right up immediately and gave assistance.
I would think that the construction owner would say something like , "We are so upset about this tragedy. We are cooperating with LE in every way so they can find the perpetrator of this crime. Our condolences go out to the family."

I would think if one is in business, they have to have good people skills. Things always go wrong with construction. Materials don't come on time, they find issues, they screw up.

My hubby owned a contracting company at one time. One time one of the workers sprayed the owner's car with paint because the wind shifted when they were using an airless sprayer.

They apologized and had the car cleaned. You are in business and do whatever you can to keep the customer happy. So you learn people skills. But what do I know!
I think the reason they searched at night the first night was that they were doing luminol-type of blood/fluid searching and it probably works best at night in the dark.. Since the house was still be renovated, there weren't window treatments to block out sunlight during the day to do the luminol tests. I think they brought the digging/front loader equipment to use at the break of dawn - but just went ahead and brought it there. i think it was maybe to be use to "reload" the dumpster if they ended up throwing everything out of it.
Anyway - that was why i thought they did the initial Gano search at night -- luminol.

Human (oops)I wish I could come up with anything reasonable about why they were searching at night like that, it never made sense to me. Her body ws already found, so what could be so urgent to do this at night? Also the bathroom, I dont get that either, it was so fast and just a quick look see and the bag of whatever. I know Im not helping here, as all I can do is agree with you that none of this makes sense to me either. I will check to see if there is a tank and check the ceiling as well. iwannano's comments were not helpful in any way that I can see. And IMO they could have helped with very little effort. The name of the nutcase bouncer. The relationship of the "uncle". Why bookbags and lunch box change from amber alert to what is described now. It seems to me anyone close to DT would know these answers. Also, I remember a certain someone telling me when I first posted that I needed to let tricia know my relationship to this case. iwannano seemed more like family than friend (ive known DT and ST for years and years), unless of course everything said was not the truth. I feel like it was a little of truth and alot of misinformation with a definite agenda. My 2 cents.
~snipping the parts of [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4529921&postcount=330"]Human's post[/ame] I'm responding to ... my response in blue~

I have some questions and some comments. I'm not sure on the time lines, so feel free to correct me!

1. Somer is found Weds at 3:30 (I think IIRC). Thursday LE goes to Gano. They have to wait for permission from the owner to search the house.

I think, and I DO NOT know this not being an attorney, but I believe they wouldn't need a search warrant. This would be excellent for LE because they don't have to identify anything that they want to look for . Anything and everything is avaialbe for evidence.

If that supposition is wrong, oh well.

I am hypothesizing that something or multiple things were found on Somer that led them to the Gano house as opposed to anywhere else along her route.

I do not believe that they would search Gano for little reason. Otherwise, why not search the park areas, perhaps or other places very intensely.

They returned to the place where Somer was last seen. I don't know if was at that point (upon arrival at Gano house) that they talked with Kyle or whether LE had already been in touch with the construction company and Kyle had given story. (One my of my questions is When did LE first get info from Kyle about Somer stopping by? Was it before she was found? If so, then it would make sense to go to the Gano house because nobody else (adult anyway) reported seeing her after that. JMO but I don't think they are relying on testimony of children.)

I'm not an attorney either.

If they found something, I think they would want the search to be free and clear of a defense attorney being able to throw the search results out as evidence. JMO

2. LE DOES need a search warrant to search the construction guys vehicles and trailers and get swabs from them. They would have to present enough reason to a judge to get a warrant. I believe, but may be wrong, they would have to have some pretty good reasons.

The search warrant would have to identify what they are looking for.

May have not needed search warrant initially for all since some may have offered. (No, I don't mind if you search my vehicles, I don't mind if you take my DNA, My DNA is already on file, etc.)

3. They bring digging equipment in and dig in spots on the property at 11:30 PM. They move heavy objects. Like what? They already dug through the dumpster and a front end loader moved the stuff around.

The digging , and at night!, WTH? Why not wait until daylight when you could see? Is it so critical? What could be so critical ? I really really wish someone could have some thoughts on this. Even my hubby who works in big construction could not come up with any theories, except maybe they were looking for something related to past crimes at that house.

The digging from 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. is confusing to say the least. What would not still be there in the morning? That's what made me think that the night time activity at Gano was to detract from what LE was really doing. JMO

4. They go to the bathroom across the street at OPAA and spend very little time there. They remove something but don't spend time there scouring the walls and floor, etc. Posters have suggest the toilet tank, but I don't know that a public bathroom would have a tank. Or other posters have suggested a false ceiling. We will have to see on a report about the ceiling.

I hope any scouts to the bathroom can take a look-see and see if anything else comes to mind. I would think if it was in the trash, they would take the whole receptacle. I am mystified about this greatly as well.

Bathroom search -- no report of them going in the women's which would make some sense too, in case Somer went in there. Did they not search women's as well or are they just not reporting on what they found?

5. I am confused about the uncle of the little girl who walked with Somer. Is he an actual uncle or a boyfriend?

Did he say it was 50-50 that it would have been his niece before or after Somer was found? If before, that is HUGE!!!!!!! If after, well, not so huge.

The comments by the uncle were before Somer was found. I believe the uncle is a real uncle. I'll try to find the article (different from what has been posted here on this thread) about why I think so. It was during the time MommaD and I were working on the shortcut theory and I think that is Thread 16. I commented on it, whatever thread it was.

6. ...
7. ...
8. iwanno, the supposed friend of DT has let the building, apparently. In one phone call, at the most 2, she could find out the name of the bouncer at the Crazy Horse that was the crasher at the funeral and at DT's house. So I am not too sure I give any credence to anything she posted on here.

I think iwannano will be back. She had kids IIRC. That doesn't always make for ease getting online, and for me, weekends are filled with activities, making it harder. Plus, I believe her child was sick. JMO

I hope someone has some ideas on my questions. Of course, maybe no one else sees my personal questions as any big deal.
I think the reason they searched at night the first night was that they were doing luminol-type of blood/fluid searching and it probably works best at night in the dark.. Since the house was still be renovated, there weren't window treatments to block out sunlight during the day to do the luminol tests. I think they brought the digging/front loader equipment to use at the break of dawn - but just went ahead and brought it there. i think it was maybe to be use to "reload" the dumpster if they ended up throwing everything out of it.
Anyway - that was why i thought they did the initial Gano search at night -- luminol.

amytlake- I found something very interesting from another website about the FBI hunting for clues at the dump & the house on Gano. They have a 16 person team that looks for answers through everything from taking crime scene photos to lifting fingerprints. Their arsenal includes special lighting that spots invisible bodily fluids; a kit that lifts dust prints from a surface using an electromagnetic charge & a machine that can vacuum human scent that is then tracked by bloodhounds. They have a stocked equipment van & a high-tech command center vehicle. The also have a pipeline into the FBI's state-of-the art laboratory in Quantico VA, where some of the evidence collected in Somer's case is being analyzed. They spent about six hours recovering Somer's body and the evidence around her, then returned two days later to collect more.
I also found something about the garbage truck, but I have to go find it....
I think I realize why I think the uncle is an uncle.

I looked up GC in white pages. I checked Clay County Records and found that address was in name of BC. I figured this was either the aunt or the grandmother but either way, this person had same last name as GC.

That may be a warped way of thinking but that's why I always thought GC was a real uncle and not a boyfriend.
I think the luminol theory makes a lot of sense.

I'm too lazy and I HAVE to go shopping. IIRC, they were in the dumpster on Thursday and the front end loader was moving around stuff that they had discarded from the dumpster.

The digging equipment was brought in at night and it said that they were digging on the property.

What kind of soil is there? Of course, maybe we would have to know the exact soil on that property as soil does change in areas.
amytlake- I found something very interesting from another website about the FBI hunting for clues at the dump & the house on Gano. They have a 16 person team that looks for answers through everything from taking crime scene photos to lifting fingerprints. Their arsenal includes special lighting that spots invisible bodily fluids; a kit that lifts dust prints from a surface using an electromagnetic charge & a machine that can vacuum human scent that is then tracked by bloodhounds. They have a stocked equipment van & a high-tech command center vehicle. The also have a pipeline into the FBI's state-of-the art laboratory in Quantico VA, where some of the evidence collected in Somer's case is being analyzed. They spent about six hours recovering Somer's body and the evidence around her, then returned two days later to collect more.
I also found something about the garbage truck, but I have to go find it....

VERY EXPENSIVE for no reason. I was writing as you were quoting this. Very excellent info. Thanks
LOL Thank you amytlake!

So the answer to What would not still be there in the morning? might just be the dark.
I have to go, but this is getting so interesting. So they found her body 6 hours before 3:30 ? What time was it announced that they had found a body? Lazy lazy but have to go!
I hope more posters keep coming up with this info. An answer to me for sure why they were digging in the dark. Thank you thank you.
The discovery of the body was announced 49 hours (Give or take a few minutes) after she was last seen, so about 4:30 on Wednesday.

the presser was pushed back because of the discovery and they went to air announcing that just minutes before they found a body, believed to be her.

How much of that was true, I don't know. But it came from LE.
The body was found about 3:30 p.m., almost exactly 48 hours after Somer disappeared after breaking away from her twin brother and an older sister on the way home Monday from Grove Park Elementary School.

I did source like this because the long links sometimes get broken. The link is (without the paragraph return LOL):



I posted this to show that not even the time she was found is consistent. Although it might be a time zone issue. :)
I could be completely wrong about this, but when I moved to Florida I would see workers doing the highway work at night. Now in Alabama I see it all the time in Tn. and Ga. too .. highway work at night. Not as much traffic. It is terrible traffic in all those states in the bigger citites. So they schedule for work during the night.

I could see them bring in heavy equipment after rush hours. Right by a school too. Makes sense to me.

I don't remember reading about them digging at the gano ave. house. I could of missed it but I think it was just to put the construction debris back in dumpster. I watched video's of this too and still no digging. Yes, those video's are probably gone too.

I can't get away from that house on gano ave. or the park.. I have read and thought about others theories away from the gano ave. house and park but mine has always stayed with the house or park.. I feel she got no further by herself. She was taken farther to a dumpster or somewhere but she didn't go on her own..
Found post Tarabull made on why they searched Gano (cleaning up my files here ... who knows what else I'll find!) ~snipped from her post~

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4490850&postcount=381"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 23[/ame]

ok y'all, I have a question. Are the statutes that require sex offenders to register state, federal, or both. Is there any date past which SO's are grandfathered and not made to register (like if their last crime was prior to a particular date)?

Also, at what point in the process do they have to register - immediately upon conviction or? The reason I'm asking is that in looking at some other missing/unsolveds, I went to some of the Alabama LE sites. I noticed that there are people wanted on warrants where the warrants involve sex crimes, but the individuals are not listed on the SO registry in Alabama. Here's a link to show what I'm talking about: http://www.co.madison.al.us/services/sheriff/mostwanted.php

Is it because these guys are pre-conviction?
I wish I could get "Special" LE information. I called LE in Florida and I got nothing. I don't know what one has to say or do to get LE to give information to a them. I was nice, polite and still got nothing. I could use some pointers. Anyone game to help me? What I should say or do to get some inside scoop and names? TIA
I wish I could get "Special" LE information. I called LE in Florida and I got nothing. I don't know what one has to say or do to get LE to give information to a them. I was nice, polite and still got nothing. I could use some pointers. Anyone game to help me? What I should say or do to get some inside scoop and names? TIA

I doubt if they would give info to anyone. I don't think they give much info to the parents, even.
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