FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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I just thought of something kind of horrifying. Maybe instead of running ahead, Somer was running from AT and the friend. Maybe she was afraid of them. Perhaps she went into Gano to get away from them and someone was there and killed her. Perhaps Somer had enemies in school who followed her there and killed her. I know when I was kid I was attacked on several occasions by enemies. One tore my 18K earring off. Somer may have been attacked by an older sibling of the girl she had the fight with. Some kids kill so it's definitely a possibility. We have gone through it in the past about the mix martial arts.
I agree.If it's not the crew members it could very well be a family member,friend,someone that was associated with the little girl or little girls she got in a fight with.But when did the crew members leave the renavated house on Gano?This all must have happened in a short period of time?
When a child is registered, heaven and earth is moved to get information and you would NOT BELIEVE how many parents don't care to provide it, or provide non-working phone numbers, etc. Only family member is contacted unless there is secondary contact authorized by family. CPC or SP are not technically "family" and would not be contacted unless DT specifically authorized in writing at some time that they had access to information or to the child on the school grounds. Rules are strict about who has access to picking up children, etc. It's all about confidentiality and protection.

As far as ISS, I read somewhere that Somer was kept back for a while - maybe that was wrong info. A lot of parents won't let teachers use ISS because they don't want to come and pick the kid(s) up. As far as fights, they happen every day, kids swatting other kids, tripping, etc. Only if it was an ongoing disruptive problem that generally put the other kid(s) at risk - or, or course, if the other child was hurt - would the teacher necessarily do ISS. Unbelievably, teachers are hardly allowed to give out ANY punishments in today's system and if they do, they have to write it up and send out warnings to parents, etc. before actually going through with it. Then the teachers are called on the carpet for not having "control of the classroom".

Then there is OSS (out of school suspension) where the child is kept out of school for a day or more. Parents REALLY HATE THIS ONE. It means they have to make arrangements for the child to be watched. Most don't - they just let the kid stay home. No big deal.

I dare anyone to spend ONE day in a classroom with 30 kids and come out sane. Try volunteering at a school. It's a real eye-opener.

I agree with you that some parents do not do a good enough job of supervising their children. That being said, I don't think the "Ozzie and Harriet" world of parenting ever existed. Children walk to and from school every day all over the world, they play outside, they are home alone after school until parents come home from work. That is a reality of life. I still think if a child is murdered in the course of a usual day it is the murderer's fault. Sure ideally children should always have an adult with them, but historically has that ever been the case?
OH GEEZ, I just watched a minute of the early sheriff video and he said "mother began looking for her for about 2-1/2 hours and then contacted the police..." and I had to stop. What is wrong with that statement?

This interview was done, I would guess, after the initial MPR. This makes the information different from the MPR. Why would you look for about two and a half hours and not call 9-1-1? It's unbelievable. Everyone (DT, SP, CPC, the twin, the older sister) was doing police work except the police. Is this ignorant or intentional. Please forgive this forthright question which comes from disbelief and frustration. The only thing I can accept is that possibly the sheriff is babbling away having become an instant TV celeb. and has the two and a half hours wrong? Help!
She was looking for Somer.Maybe she thought she would find her somewhere.
I agree.If it's not the crew members it could very well be a family member,friend,someone that was associated with the little girl or little girls she got in a fight with.But when did the crew members leave the renavated house on Gano?This all must have happened in a short period of time?

Lots of times crews aren't at the houses for long. They usually work early rather than late. I remember my uncle did construction and he would be home earlier than my mom so around 4. They may have left before this happened. They don't work full days like a 9to5 job. It's usually a 7 to 3 kind of thing. All depends on the company and work job they have though. Some are just mornings or just afternoons. This way they pay people less.
Lots of times crews aren't at the houses for long. They usually work early rather than late. I remember my uncle did construction and he would be home earlier than my mom so around 4. They may have left before this happened. They don't work full days like a 9to5 job. It's usually a 7 to 3 kind of thing. All depends on the company and work job they have though. Some are just mornings or just afternoons. This way they pay people less.
Apparantly Kyle said he/they talked to her.He put himself right there with Somer.I agree,something could have happened after they left.

I know one thing for certain. No matter what else is unearthed. DT is a consummate actress.

I started watching with a lump in my stomach because she looked so distraught. This soon changed, however. She got her self together quickly. She held herself together without wavering, keeping her eyes on the sheriff the whole time, and each and every time a question was put to her the whole voice and demeanor changed drastically to borderline hysteria. But then again she was able to listen in a detached manner while the sheriff described how Somer might not be able to survive the cold, may have fell into water, etc., and the only time she started choking again was when he said he thought someone may have taken her. She described in great detail every article of clothing Somer wore, her voice never cracked. When the sheriff was looking for Mary Justino, DT, pointed her out for him.

One more thing, in this interview when they asked if an adult was present and they talked about SP, DT said he was a very very good friend; the sheriff said that when the children came home without Somer, this person (SP) went out looking for her. Where did he get that information? It isn't on the MPR. Somebody must have changed their stories.
I agree.If it's not the crew members it could very well be a family member,friend,someone that was associated with the little girl or little girls she got in a fight with.But when did the crew members leave the renavated house on Gano?This all must have happened in a short period of time?

Motivation: What kid(s) would have a reason to take the chance of killing her and do so in broad daylight?

Opportunity: How could they do this without raising suspicion, without noise, etc. How could they get rid of the body? It would take a strong person to get her into a dumpster.

Have any of the kids who knew her acted hinky or had substantial changes since her murder? Does anyone know?
They sometimes do get things wrong. Look at that police report. There is so much wrong. Look at the rso on that police report. That was "mistake." This case is not being handled right and that's my opinion only.

That's a pretty big chunk of time to get wrong. And I still want to know why nobody called 911. People call 911 for EVERYTHING. tHE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION I CAN COME TO IS THEY DID NOT WANT A POLICE INVOLVEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME.
Motivation: What kid(s) would have a reason to take the chance of killing her and do so in broad daylight?

Opportunity: How could they do this without raising suspicion, without noise, etc. How could they get rid of the body? It would take a strong person to get her into a dumpster.

Have any of the kids who knew her acted hinky or had substantial changes since her murder? Does anyone know?

A teen would be strong enough or even 2 younger kids. This could definitely have been someone who Somer fought with. Kids are vicious sometimes. This makes so much sense because nobody saw anyone. A kid wouldn't stand out where as a man would.
She was looking for Somer.Maybe she thought she would find her somewhere.

Sorry, I don't buy it. She said that when she got to the park she had a feeling in her gut that something was wrong (this time) (which infers there had been other times), and not only did SHE not call 911, but neither did the male friend, the boyfriend or others. She made a point of saying she KNEW something was WRONG...so why look around for hours. Why not call the police?

All of this points to the fact that the child RAN OFF ALL OF THE TIME and nobody thought it worth following up on. BUT mom says this time was different? So which is correct?
That's a pretty big chunk of time to get wrong. And I still want to know why nobody called 911. People call 911 for EVERYTHING. tHE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION I CAN COME TO IS THEY DID NOT WANT A POLICE INVOLVEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF TIME.

I believe DT flagged down a cop. She never called the police department.
A teen would be strong enough or even 2 younger kids. This could definitely have been someone who Somer fought with. Kids are vicious sometimes. This makes so much sense because nobody saw anyone. A kid wouldn't stand out where as a man would.

I don't mean to be nit-picky. Devise a scenario, Pin> who, what, when, where and how. Out in broad daylight, very quickly, no noise, find a way to get rid of the body. Plus, as a kid, you may be accountable to be somewhere else, plus if there was more than one, somebody might blab. I don't get the feeling that LE ever suspected kids, either. And whether I like what they've done or are doing, it is their area of expertise. As for me, I am getting to where I am posting in all caps so I am going to stop now, lol.

Kids might tease her (did it) or whack her or even beat her up, but I doubt they would kill her when her sister and brother might have doubled back looking for her while they were doing it. Whereas, an adult could have done it quickly and efficiently before the kids had a chance to know what happened.
I believe DT flagged down a cop. She never called the police department.

Correct; it was the sheriff in the video who says she looked for 2-1/2 hours - and while he is saying this, she is looking at him without any change of expression as if to say What? I wasn't out there that long...and then the sheriff says she "contacted" police, he didn't say how she did it. If my kid is gone over 2-1/2 hours (because she had been gone before Diena had texted SP) and had taken off in a "huff" after being "teased" or in a "fight" I am calling 911. I am going to ask posters here. Would you, under these circumstances call 911 or would you go looking and send people looking? Personally, I would have called 9-1-1 and shot straight home, looking left and right and up and down all the way. If for no other reason, to get to the other kids and find out what happened to their sister.
Correct; it was the sheriff in the video who says she looked for 2-1/2 hours and then "contacted" police, he didn't say how she did it. If my kid is gone over 2-1/2 hours (because she had been gone before Diena texted SP) and had taken off in a "huff" after being "teased" or in a "fight" I am calling 911. I am going to ask posters here. Would you, under these circumstances call 911 or would you go looking and send people looking.
I would do both....911 first.....I have to agree .... when DT said she had a "GUT FEELING", why did she wait??? Makes no sense to me....better to be safe, than sorry, esp when it comes to your child....MO
Okay. You mentioned "white lies" to LE in a post. You said you had info, but could not or would not release it yet ( paraphasing). I asked you to clarify.
You change the subject to asking about AB's son's name. Then you change to the liklihood of drug dealers killing a child as payment in your very next post. I asked was that in relation to AB's son. Trying to follow your train of thought since you didn't respond to my post. Instead you start posting a rumor you heard in an Olive Garden bar, to me. I was asking what happened to your sudden interest in AB's son's name, not about the cocaine killers rumor, which had no rhyme or reason I could follow to what I asked at all.

And you don't know what I mean?? I don't know what you mean. Seriously.


I have no desire or need to clarify as I said when I posted.
I answered that AB son had nothing to do with my remark about drug scenario.
Good luck trying to follow my train of thought and honestly, I could care less if you kwim or not. kwim?
mornin cam.. wonder if wlk goes to trial today? Wish I was following trash trucks... and I wish posters would stop attacking posters and I wish this perp was dead whoever it is.. hows your day?
Mornin ms suzanne.. mornin tara... and everyone..today may be the day... wouldnt that be a great christmas?
Sorry, I don't buy it. She said that when she got to the park she had a feeling in her gut that something was wrong (this time) (which infers there had been other times), and not only did SHE not call 911, but neither did the male friend, the boyfriend or others. She made a point of saying she KNEW something was WRONG...so why look around for hours. Why not call the police?

All of this points to the fact that the child RAN OFF ALL OF THE TIME and nobody thought it worth following up on. BUT mom says this time was different? So which is correct?
I do buy it.I feel they were trying to find her and never ever expected something like this happened or ever could happen.I would feel the same way after looking for a little while starting to feel I knew something was wrong.That is a very normal reaction to have.Apparantly other people felt the same way there.That something was very wrong.
I agree with you that some parents do not do a good enough job of supervising their children. That being said, I don't think the "Ozzie and Harriet" world of parenting ever existed. Children walk to and from school every day all over the world, they play outside, they are home alone after school until parents come home from work. That is a reality of life. I still think if a child is murdered in the course of a usual day it is the murderer's fault. Sure ideally children should always have an adult with them, but historically has that ever been the case?

That might be some people's reality but it doesn't make it right! It's called opportunity and the world is full of sick people.

(ETA: THIS IS MY OPINION, do i need to put that in here!!!!)
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