FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #32

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I was just watching that video and wondered about her clothes too, thinking she must have changed clothes from work to more suitable searching attire. It gets colder at night? Wonder when she changed? Maybe she came home from work down wells rd to debarry and went by the house first to see if somer was there and changed then?

If so it is not noted by anyone on the MPR. And for some reason I get/got the impression she had not done so and LE was accompanying her to look there (for her), the first time since leaving work. Was that your sense?
I think the family was the inital focus of the investigation. If the sheriff thought DT had anything to do with it I don't think he would have asked a lawyer to represent her.
Well, my thanks to everyone for these discussions today. I honestly can't remember the first time I found this whole thing on the computer because I am not into crime things. Two months of wondering and worrying about those living children, being totally conflicted about a mother - and in that way, we are all sisters. I, too, pray to see the good in everyone. Have had to learn discernment and learn the hard way that positive or wishful thinking in some instances is a detriment to the hard and often painful truth.

So I will sign off for now with the sincere hope that we all understand the common cause - the unsolved and totally unacceptable murder of a little girl - is the catalyst for many remarks we may make out of frustration - at least in my case. I want this to be over, I want the family - the whole family - to have peace and reconciliation and healing. I do not think this can happen unless elements that literally and figuratively stand in the way can be removed. And this is a sad example of what is going on right now in other places and every bit of it can be avoided. Mothers of the world, unite. Protect your children and if you have to live without a man, remember that most football players caught on screen do not wave and mouth the words, "Hi Dad!" Soldiers dying on the battlefield cry for their mothers. It is a sacred gift and with any sacred gift comes an awesome responsibility, but we are never alone.

I hope I do not offend or violate TOS by posting this, my personal tribute and prayer for Somer. The little girl who dreamed of being a ballerina. God Bless You all

ChickP The Dying Swan


I have no idea what you are talking about in the bolded part.
I never questioned our sincerity. And trust me, I have complete respect for WS.
Can you explain what you mean by this.

Can someone else help me out here? I have tried repeatedly and seem to be ignorant of explaining myself. TIA
Can someone else help me out here? I have tried repeatedly and seem to be ignorant of explaining myself. TIA

You have explained my question?
It's a question. All I need is an answer.

ETA: I don't understand what you are asking me to do out of respect for WS.
On a recent video, it is the one that is reporting on her interviews with police outside the home. Her demeaner at the time is pretty matter-of -fact looking. But, what I am curious about this time is also how she is dressed. She is not wearing scrubs or what might be described as work clothes. Was this what she was wearing from the time she flagged down police? Did she stop in the interview to take a shower, change clothes to this really low key relaxing at home wear? If, she changed when did she, and what did LE ask to do or see about what she was wearing before? Is this the way PC was dressed throughout? It looks like something he might have been wearing all day since work, to me.

Speaking as someone who worked in a medical office as a receptionist/medical clerk, I never wore scrubs. The nurses, lab techs, CNAs did, but the desk personnel did not. However; like you, it had crossed my mind if what DT is wearing in that interview was the way she was dressed for work that day...Monday. Usually people dress down more on Fridays in my experience. I didn't notice seeing CP in that video or how he was dressed, but I would guess that DT probably had changed clothes. I don't know that it matters a whole lot, just an observance.
My questions were not from a fashion pov. I was asking from an evidentiary standpoint. She has changed, I would think since she came home from work, at some point, while PC still appears to be wearing what he might have had on since work. I was wondering if LE would have bagged her clothes she was wearing before, if she changed, showered or whatever. Or was this what she had on since the flag down which would have indicated a stop off at home that was not noted in the MPR. That's all.

Good point, did LE bag her clothes - never thought about it. And, heck yeah, the showering would have been really significant! Do you imagine they would have let her do that or are you saying she could have gone someplace else and done that? Where would she have other clothes, for example?

No, Hounds I didn't think you were talking about fashion, I just got off on a blab. Still think after she went home she could have just run to the bathroom and put on warm clothes. PC is wearing short sleeves and shorts everywhere you see him, usually, I didn't notice what he was wearing on this video, but he sure is RIGHT THERE. Wonder if SP was still there, or went home, just curious. I'd think LE would insist everyone remain right there until they made the decision to let them go?
I never said that I thought Somer had fetal alcohol syndrome....I do think that she had some form of "cocktail party syndrome" (which can be related to ADHD and some learning disabilities)

I have been "bothered" by the fact that she would go up to construction workers and "tell them they were doing a good job"

I recently "met" a young boy, maybe 9 or 10 years old, while waiting for a take out order at a restaurant...he was with his older (quieter) brother and dad...

he came right up to me and asked me what I had ordered, told me what he ordered...he grabbed my (distinctive) key ring that was on the counter and began playing with it, asked me my name, told me his name first and LAST !!!!....he began shaking my keyring (has little water/fish in it LOL) and his dad made him stop and got him back over with him...he was talking loudly and talking to the girl behind the counter ,saw her name and was calling her by name...while the dad was paying he rushed over to a booth (it is a rib place) and began talking to an older couple.....and even tried their sweet potato fries till his dad screamed for him

he rushed off but stopped, called me by name and told me to enjoy my dinner

now THIS reminded me so much of these 2 kids..."cocktail party"....overly friendly to adults...call you by name....look you right in the face...very inquisative...overly demonstrative....no sense of "boundaries"....

not nec fetal alcohol....can be "Williams" (genetic syndrome...and the original diagnosis of cocktail party)....or a form of that....cause it is not always all the symptoms

or it can be seen in SOME kids with ADHD....or in cases of "arrested hydrocephalis"...where apparently they did not develop the large head but still had some pressure problems in their brain....it is also seen in kids with some form of "neuro learning disorder"

if you have seen it, you won't forget it...

these kids are impulsive...and want to be around adults more than kids...they sort of "parrot" talk...hard to describe

and again I am NOT "blaming" Somer...but I am trying to figure out why/how someone would murder a little girl....I feel that somehow someone found it "easy" to get Somer alone !

I think it is a possibility that she had a form of this "over eager, over friendly" syndrome that would leave her vulnerable to an adult or an older teen
I don't think disagreeing with someone is villifying them.

We discuss different issues here and all members are not gonna agree.

Having a disscussion of why someone thinks DT is horrible and someone else says they don't think she is...that's just disscussion as far as I'm concerned.

I say sleuth away. But I'm sure there will be someone or many someones who don't agree and may say so. JMO

Healthy discussions about issues that we may not agree about for different reasons is one thing.

You state here that if "someone thinks DT is horrible and someone else says they don't think she is..." is just a discussion. If you feel that way, why do you keep posting that everyone who questions her behavior is out of line?

You continually send posts to my attention with pointed questions to me, as an individual, with inflammatory comments which either outright accuse me of being judgemental or infer that I don't know what I am ever talking about. You never discuss any of the information I post. You simply take one or two sentences out of context and attack me. So why don't you go back and answer the questions I have asked or post respectfully your differences of opinion instead of speculating on how I would act as a grieving mother? I find it very offensive, especially since although nobody is ruled out as a suspect, I live in a different part of the state and can account for my whereabouts.
I think the family was the inital focus of the investigation. If the sheriff thought DT had anything to do with it I don't think he would have asked a lawyer to represent her.

It's been my feeling or impression that the lawyer was obtained to help her through the interviews )an anchor on CBS I think introduced him as an entertainment lawyer but as someone also hired as liason between DT and LE) as she has a tendency to get wordy and speak in discrepancies. Perhaps it was also to not impede the investigation, incriminate herself or unintentionally incriminate another person who may or may not be guilty.
Healthy discussions about issues that we may not agree about for different reasons is one thing.

You state here that if "someone thinks DT is horrible and someone else says they don't think she is..." is just a discussion. If you feel that way, why do you keep posting that everyone who questions her behavior is out of line?

You continually send posts to my attention with pointed questions to me, as an individual, with inflammatory comments which either outright accuse me of being judgemental or infer that I don't know what I am ever talking about. You never discuss any of the information I post. You simply take one or two sentences out of context and attack me. So why don't you go back and answer the questions I have asked or post respectfully your differences of opinion instead of speculating on how I would act as a grieving mother? I find it very offensive, especially since although nobody is ruled out as a suspect, I live in a different part of the state and can account for my whereabouts.

I respectfully disagree with pretty much this entire post.

I have never attacked you. If you feel I have, please quote the attacks so that I can review/apologize if I need to. IMO there is a difference in disagreeing with you and attacking you.

I do quote you when I disagree with what you say so I can give my opinion. It's not just you. That's how I communicate with everybody.

I did not try to imply how you would act as a grieving mother, my point was that I don't think any of us know how we would act. That's opposite as to what I'm being accused of IMO.

I simply asked you to explain what you meant by this....
You have made your feelings clear and I respect them. SO please do not question my sincerity or the viability of what I say out of the fullness of my heart and the desire to see this horrible situation come to an end. Out of respect for WS.

If you do not want to, that's fine. I just asked for an answer.
My questions were not from a fashion pov. I was asking from an evidentiary standpoint. She has changed, I would think since she came home from work, at some point, while PC still appears to be wearing what he might have had on since work. I was wondering if LE would have bagged her clothes she was wearing before, if she changed, showered or whatever. Or was this what she had on since the flag down which would have indicated a stop off at home that was not noted in the MPR. That's all.

Houndstooth, I never even thought of that, but that is interesting. As for myself, I can't see me taking a shower and changing clothes while I was looking for my child. I would have searched in the clothes I left work in. If I was cold, I would have just put on a jacket or coat over what I already had on. But, I cannot judge anyone by what I would have done. I have this little thing that always happens when I am very worried.....my hands tremble and my whole body shakes inside to the point that my teeth chatter, so I did pay attention to DT's hands during the interview with the sheriff while she was holding up the flier with somer's picture on it.......steady as a rock.
Do we have a link or a verified source that states Sheriff Bessler asked the attorney to represent her?
Until fairly recently, WS was the only investigatory website I knew of where people were strongly discouraged from posting comments that were confrontational to other posters. I have great respect for this site. I think it is counter productive to get into pushing buttons or semantics for the sake of argument. IMO the best way to handle it from now on is not to respond. If people want to attribute that to my being "guilty" or "wrong", that will be in their own head(s).
Houndstooth, I never even thought of that, but that is interesting. As for myself, I can't see me taking a shower and changing clothes while I was looking for my child. I would have searched in the clothes I left work in. If I was cold, I would have just put on a jacket or coat over what I already had on. But, I cannot judge anyone by what I would have done. I have this little thing that always happens when I am very worried.....my hands tremble and my whole body shakes inside to the point that my teeth chatter, so I did pay attention to DT's hands during the interview with the sheriff while she was holding up the flier with somer's picture on it.......steady as a rock.
What if D did not return to work after lunch with SP. That would make more sense of the casual attire she was wearing when she flagged the officer down.
Maybe we should stop bickering.It is doing nothing to find out what happened to little Somer.What somers mother was wearing,the bashing ect...is just crap.It is getting us no where and it's rude.I'm tired of hearing it it all.We need to stick with the few facts we have. I hope LE will let us know something soon.I pray there is an arrest soon and justice is done for this pretty little girl.
Disagreeing is not being confrontational IMO. It's disagreeing.
I never said that I thought Somer had fetal alcohol syndrome....I do think that she had some form of "cocktail party syndrome" (which can be related to ADHD and some learning disabilities)

I have been "bothered" by the fact that she would go up to construction workers and "tell them they were doing a good job"

I recently "met" a young boy, maybe 9 or 10 years old, while waiting for a take out order at a restaurant...he was with his older (quieter) brother and dad...

he came right up to me and asked me what I had ordered, told me what he ordered...he grabbed my (distinctive) key ring that was on the counter and began playing with it, asked me my name, told me his name first and LAST !!!!....he began shaking my keyring (has little water/fish in it LOL) and his dad made him stop and got him back over with him...he was talking loudly and talking to the girl behind the counter ,saw her name and was calling her by name...while the dad was paying he rushed over to a booth (it is a rib place) and began talking to an older couple.....and even tried their sweet potato fries till his dad screamed for him

he rushed off but stopped, called me by name and told me to enjoy my dinner

now THIS reminded me so much of these 2 kids..."cocktail party"....overly friendly to adults...call you by name....look you right in the face...very inquisative...overly demonstrative....no sense of "boundaries"....

not nec fetal alcohol....can be "Williams" (genetic syndrome...and the original diagnosis of cocktail party)....or a form of that....cause it is not always all the symptoms

or it can be seen in SOME kids with ADHD....or in cases of "arrested hydrocephalis"...where apparently they did not develop the large head but still had some pressure problems in their brain....it is also seen in kids with some form of "neuro learning disorder"

if you have seen it, you won't forget it...

these kids are impulsive...and want to be around adults more than kids...they sort of "parrot" talk...hard to describe

and again I am NOT "blaming" Somer...but I am trying to figure out why/how someone would murder a little girl....I feel that somehow someone found it "easy" to get Somer alone !

I think it is a possibility that she had a form of this "over eager, over friendly" syndrome that would leave her vulnerable to an adult or an older teen

When I was a kid her age I knew everyone in my neighborhood on a first name bases and knew everything that was going on. I talked to adults and kids. I was taught manners and was never like that kid you talked about. Any construction site was a magnet for us kids. So much stuff for forts and playhouses and exploring. They used to love giving us junk to drag home. My best memory is a friend who took home a wagon load of cement the cement truck driver gladly filled for him. I think Somner could have just been a normal outgoing kid.
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