FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #6

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If this doesn't put things into prospective where SO's and children (especially Somer) are concerned, I don't know what does.
The poor baby was literally surrounded by SO's

Have added one more undesirable Predator to the map you put together.


Note the BULLSEYE marking on the very WEST side of the map. This person resides about 1 mile West of the DeBarry+Gano intersection.
Mother talks about grief, anger, and determination.


When reporter ask her of anything strange or different she starts talking about the day she flagged down the officer, and she knew this was not like Somer going to someone's house. The video goes black and no audio when she starts talking about her and the officer going to the OPAA Parking lot. grrrrr... What is OPAA... anyone know? Also, at least for me the video blacks out and silent again toward the end.
Did LE and Media decide this was too much info or is this just my computer failing to play all of this?
No... he did the edit the day she was found in the landfill. I had made the comment at the time: WTH was so important about the computer during such a crisis??
AND I also commented on him telling the children to go out and look for Somer, then when they return with NO Somer, he tells them to go back out and look real good! (in the police report also) Why didn't he go with them, and why send children back out into danger? kwim?

I don't think single people w/no children see things the same way parents do. It probably never occurred to him that she was in danger. Evidently this was the one and only day he had waited for the kids to come home from school.
Mother talks about grief, anger, and determination.


When reporter ask her of anything strange or different she starts talking about the day she flagged down the officer, and she knew this was not like Somer going to someone's house. The video goes black and no audio when she starts talking about her and the officer going to the OPAA Parking lot. grrrrr... What is OPAA... anyone know? Also, at least for me the video blacks out and silent again toward the end.
Did LE and Media decide this was too much info or is this just my computer failing to play all of this?

Orange Park Athletic Association

I like to throw darts blind folded, but I am gonna guess that the le will have someone on there target by the middle of the week, hopefully it will hit the perp right between the eyes. I hope I am rite on this one...
I just finished reading all of the posts from last night and earlier this morning and I just want to throw my opinion out there.

The man in the hat with the stick who was interviewed and searching for Somer: his comment about the area that was being searched sounded fine to me. It was an area that she would have gone by on her way home. Going by doesn't necessarily mean actually traveled on or in but that it was in the immediate area and a place she could have easily decided to go through.

As far as him looking like one of those RSO's...I don't see much of a resemblance at all.

The three pictures that were posted: I do not believe Kyle R and SP are the same person. Does anyone know if this Kyle R has been questioned and cleared? At this point I cannot recall reading or seeing anything that puts this SO near Somer or the immediate area.

The comment from Kyle at the construction site was quite odd to me but I suppose it is something a child might say considering she went past this place everyday on her way home from school. The reporter in the video clearly states that both Kyle and Vinson have been cooperative and that neither have been arrested or are considered suspects at this time.

SP has fully cooperated with LE, all his details are on the police report. I see no reason to suspect him. I can understand him changing his web-page, he wants to protect his privacy. Keep in mind Diena's MySpace page was changed the same day. Totally understandable. There are some very vicious people out there and I bet they had already received calls and emails asking where poor Somer's body was. Can you imagine receiving those and having nothing to do with it?

The SO on the police report however...nothing much has been said about him at all. I would like to know more about him. Why is he on the report? He must have been in the immediate area and recognized imho to have been included on the police report.


G'morning one and all

R&R....i know this a lot to ask but do you think you might be able to find these comments??? or should we just check for records and see for our selves???

Sorry to post again on this request but for some reason I'm stuck on it. I did find numerous traffic offenses for SP, just like R&R stated. However, I could not find any sex offenses. Playing devil's advocate here: when someone is accused but not convicted, it obviously does not make them an RSO. However, there should still be some record of the initial charge. Is that info available without paying for it? Just an idea that I want to follow up on so my mind will move on. Thanks!
OPAA is the orange park athletic association. In other words, it's the park across the street from the gano address
In the past I learned about indigo children but adults not so much - got me wondering & I found this:http://www.metagifted.org/topics/metagifted/indigo/adultIndigos/areYouAnAdultIndigo.html

This is a must read, actually some of this is kinda frightening all things considered....

Indigo Adult Characteristics

- Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.

- Are very creative and enjoy making things.

- Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.

- Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.

- Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.

- May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.

- Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.

- Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.

- Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.

- May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).

- May have trouble with RAGE.

- Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.

- Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.

- Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.

- Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."

- Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.

- Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.

- Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.

- Have strong intuition.

- Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.

- Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

- May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.

- May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

- Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.

- Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.

- When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.

- Please note, anyone could have a few of these traits, but Indigo Adults have most or all of these 25 characteristics.

What a load of you-know-what! Can't focus but prefer to be team leader. Deep empathy for others but may be in a rage.

Sounds like typical adolescent behavior where the amygdala rules & the frontal cortex isn't developed yet.
One thing that bothers me about the supposed comment that little Somer made to the guy working on the home.....wasn't it the INSIDE of the home that they were working on?? Meaning she would have had to of gone INSIDE???
My 1st post, so please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong :p I've been reading thru the posts and something really stands out to me regarding the fact that Somer apparently "wandered" on her way home from school from time to time. The quote from her babysitter said it could be anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour for her to return home from school. And it didn't appear anyone really followed up on that issue...other than the mom had a list of Somer's friends phone numbers to call to see where she was. Isn't it possible that Somer had already become "acquainted" with someone in the neighborhood? Someone could have already been luring her in for some time. This could have been in the works for awhile
Don't know if they were inside or out. I guess it's possible they were outside or inside at the windows or something.

BUT, the reason it doesn't seem right to me is because.....I find it hard to believe that an upset little girl who had run away from her siblings would stop and compose herself enough to make a comment like that to anyone.

So many others say they saw her running away, looking upset, frowning, etc. Why would she stop and at that house to say that and apparently she didn't look upset or anything to them because it wasn't mentioned. Doesn't make sense to me.

One thing that bothers me about the supposed comment that little Somer made to the guy working on the home.....wasn't it the INSIDE of the home that they were working on?? Meaning she would have had to of gone INSIDE???
Mother talks about grief, anger, and determination.


When reporter ask her of anything strange or different she starts talking about the day she flagged down the officer, and she knew this was not like Somer going to someone's house. The video goes black and no audio when she starts talking about her and the officer going to the OPAA Parking lot. grrrrr... What is OPAA... anyone know? Also, at least for me the video blacks out and silent again toward the end.
Did LE and Media decide this was too much info or is this just my computer failing to play all of this?

This would be the baseball fields across from 1080 gano
One thing that bothers me about the supposed comment that little Somer made to the guy working on the home.....wasn't it the INSIDE of the home that they were working on?? Meaning she would have had to of gone INSIDE???
I didn't read or hear anything that suggests that. Workers go in and out of the place they are working on all the time. Carrying in supplies and carrying out rubble.


My 1st post, so please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong :p I've been reading thru the posts and something really stands out to me regarding the fact that Somer apparently "wandered" on her way home from school from time to time. The quote from her babysitter said it could be anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour for her to return home from school. And it didn't appear anyone really followed up on that issue...other than the mom had a list of Somer's friends phone numbers to call to see where she was. Isn't it possible that Somer had already become "acquainted" with someone in the neighborhood? Someone could have already been luring her in for some time. This could have been in the works for awhile

I can't believe that a 6-yr-old would wander around for up to an hour without someone calling the police. If it were one of my children, I would go ballistic within five minutes of running around and not being able to locate them. I understand that it wasn't the mom, though - it was the sitter. But still - I babysat alot as a teen, and I would've been searching myself and then calling the parents ASAP if I didn't find a child pretty quickly. Just b/c it's her normal behavior doesn't meant it's safe. And, yes, it's possible that she became acquainted with someone during that time - someone a young child should not become acquainted with.
My thoughts exactly. But if the mother had actually put together a list of phone numbers to call...it seems to me that this was something that had been going on for awhile. And I'd like to know if when they called the numbers that they ALWAYS found her at one of the friends' homes....or did she just show up at home and no one asked further about where she had been. Pure speculation but IMO it sounds like she was already being set up by someone.
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