FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #7

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this is the entrance to the apts next to the sheds, only entrance on Gano, before Debarry.....
To me this could be logical. Someone needed to stay home to wait and see if she showed up? Just a thought.

THEN, why not the ADULT go looking and tell the kids to stay inside and look the doors!!
lots of under cover driving around, was followed a little...LOL...I looked inside those dumpsters inside of little brown fences, they are unlocked, just small dumpsters....I am talking about the ones in the apt, next to sheds...

Right and if you get on google maps streetview and walk all the way down that road until it deads ends, I believe we counted 3 of those fenced in areas. Shutterfly had an EXCELLENT post about how she could have potentially cut through that area. Let me bring it to the front!!!
Tarabull, the ones that are in bold color are the ones that have current tags and registrations.
THEN, why not the ADULT go looking and tell the kids to stay inside and look the doors!!

IDK, maybe because the kids might be more aware of where she has a tendancy to run off to??

I am not arguing with you either :) I think this could go both ways, just like to talk aloud!
If this is TRUE, that coincides with what they are saying in the Astro thread. They are looking into WLK as having a female acomplice but not in the manner of the crime. Anyone have that link on that obit?

this is the link to the sherrif briefing when they slip up twice and say "people"
uncut sherrif says body is identified as somer thompson
Hi! First time posting here, unfortunately it turned into a book, so I apologize in advance if this is OT or a repeat of information. Here are some of the things I have noticed:

There are discrepencies in the police report between SP and DT statements. SP says he received a text message from DT at 4pm asking how were the kids; he told her Somer didn't come home. DT says she received a text message from SP saying Somer didn't come home from school.

There have been conflicting reports on the "squabble" as the reason for Somer running off. Not sure if this will work (see what you have to go through with newbies), but here is a post I hadn't noticed before:
During an interview, DT is asked "What was the squabble about?" and she states "I have no idea. I really have no idea?" How does a mom not know that? It was the last time her children spoke with Somer and the nature of the fight could indicate where she would go or what she would do. Unless she was told by LE not to mention it, but that doesn't make sense either.

Is there a pattern here that BSU alludes to in following most of the interviews, body language/discourse, police report etc.? If you go in the opposite direction of the investigation, back to the very beginning, the focus is on the home, mom, Sean and the kids. The kids come home without Somer, worrisome but not unusual, there is even a list of friends to call. Sean is familiar with the family, he has been to the house many times (pr) He sends the kids out twice, the last time saying "go look really good for Somer before I call your mom." He didn't send a text to DT, he had the kids looking until mom shows up and then we really don't hear about him again.

DT says she received a text from Sean saying Somer did not come home, and in a panic she leaves work early (4pm) to go look for a child that is known for not coming home on time. Afterwards, when asked, she said she just knew this was different as in something bad has happened. Nothing wrong with this, but if she was so sure that something bad has happened why didn't she dial 911. If that were my child, I'd be on that cell so fast, every one from the police to the president would be waiting for me at the house.

So, from 4-5 or so she looks around the neighborhood, and then flags down an officer, and tells him her daughter is missing. Does that mean if she didn't see an officer she would have just kept looking? And why keep looking if you are sure something bad has happened? Has anyone heard an accounting of that time from mom, boyfriend, son?

In this interview with DT, where she is describing the clothes Somer was wearing when she disappeared, DT appears to be crying and wiping her tears away with a large tissue; however, it is apparent there are no tears on her face. It's not the absence of tears that bothers me, it's the pretense of wiping away tears that don't exist. So, what would be the reason for pretending to cry by wiping away no tears?

May be every thing can be explained away by grief, fear and panic. Grief can do crazy things to people, I've been there, but the pretense of grief is really puzzling. No accusations or implications meant for any particular person JMO and hope I haven't offended. Thanks for reading my book!

How can the Mother know what the squabble was since she didn't talk to Somer or the other children to find out anything? I don't think she has a crystal ball to know what happened at school that day or on the walk home with the other children.

TXT messages back/forth with SP and Mom-- LE can review records--- I am going with SP didn't want to txt her with false alarm that Somer was not home, hence she txt to see how things were going since they were suppose to be home.

IF going down the road it was SP -- after following the timeline I have to go with this: How would he have possibly known Somer was going to take off that day away from the group? She was not seen by any witness's going in the direction of her home or even arriving home.

Mother was at work-- I believe she is with a Dr. Office and I'm sure LE has checked her out. Since Somer did have a history of not returning home this time was indeed different-- why-- because they always located her in the past and this time it was not working.

I don't know diddly about real tears, fake tears, no tears, etc. so when it comes to Mother's on television with missing children-- most of the time I can get a clue and this time I just do not see that at all. Also I have made note: Dieanna's story has not changed-- and as MK always says-- the truth never changes.

Welcome to the board. :)
( I did this in the wee hours so as not to clog up the flow of the thread. I didn't mean for it to take up this much space. If I blow the margins I apologize)

I was seven, once upon a time. I don't know why but I feel in my gut that Somer is like the seven year old I was. Sensitive, dramatic, and generally opinionated. I see a child who's sweet as candy but one who tells you what she thinks whether you want to know or not. Those traits got me picked on a lot too. She likes treehouses. Interesting, so I'll assume from that and just looking at pics of this precious lil girl, our Somer is a tomboy, betcha. Our baby gurl just doesn't look too 'gurly' to me. So, I need a place to hide because I'm pizzed. I got in a fight at school and now my sister wants to play 'mommy' and I ain't havin' it....sheesh. I want to hide and to disappear. I want to punish and I say I'll NEVER go home, but I'm seven and I'm programmed to go in that direction even if I dally along the way. At seven being "first' is supreme at whatever it is. Making it home from school first is just THE BEST, especially if you 'got the jump' on that sister of yours after she reamed you a new wa~hoo because of that fight at school. I want to get home FIRST so I can tell mom my version of that fight before SHE gets there. She's gonna blame it on me. She's my older sister, blaming me is like her job. And we know mom will call! She always does. I want to hide from sis AND I want to get home first. Easily done.

Okay, an interesting remark I heard Beseler make early on, was that they were going to check everything including sewers. Don't ask me where I got that but it came from video from Beseler's mouth, after Somer had been found, I swear. I ASSume he meant for evidence of Somer's presence there or of the crime.

What I found is that possibly Beseler didn't mean sewers at all, but rather the drainage/rainwater run-off system. Remember the video of creepy dude in the hat with the stick? He was walking what appeared to be a creek. It's not a creek. It's part of this drainage system. I think he was walking the area of the drainage system between Gano and Debarry. You'll see that later.

People seem to be 'putting' Somer at 1080 Gano. The little boy said at the tanks. This Kyle said he saw her at 1080 Gano. I believe someone else said they believed that they saw her at the intersection of Grove Park and Gano. Her sister said in the police report at the area that would have to be Solomon and the tanks.

I found something interesting which I think could back up ALL of these accounts. I found a serious shortcut and if I was seven, and my older brother had shown it to me....and I am SURE he had...then I'd go this way because it's just too cool to resist. I knew before that the city easment existed but I didn't know until now that there were tunnels under all these roads at points along her route. What better way to hide?!? I lived in the drain pipe down the street from my house when I was a kid. It had tadpoles!!

The drainage system....here's the whole thing...I traced the path in yellow. The red box is 1080 Gano and there is an access path that runs down beside 1080 to a drainage pipe at Grove Park Ave.

Let's say Somer hides here first and let's her sister and her brother pass........


....then she continues up Gano just a few yards to 1080.

...but what she's after, and maybe has to go through, or is used to going through the yard at 1080 to gain access to, is the drainage ditch behind the fence, pictured on your right (below). It appears to be a part of the 1080 property. It's not. It's city owned and labeled drainage/rw. Maybe she see's this Kyle, not expecting anyone to be there. So she says something that to her sounds 'adult' to Kyle in passing. She wants it to look like she's looking at the house, not tresspassing. To her this sounds reasonable for a seven year old to say.


Now one of two things happens.
A) She goes down through the area beside 1080 to get to this.....on Grove Park....

(this is on the side of Grove park that backs up to 1080) see the drain pipe just above the car's roof, it's a big 'un, and it goes right under Grove Park Ave.


Here's the other side...


Or B) instead of hitting this pipe at Grove from the access beside 1080 she continued up Gano just past Grove Park. Remember, she waited to see her sister and brother pass. They aren't looking behind them for her. But she's still trying to beat them home without being seen.

Here's where (on Gano) the pipe continues and the 'creek' runs behind the houses all the way to Debarry. This is the Grove Park side. That tunnel I showed you above, on Grove Park, feeds this end.


This is the end of the pipe that extends past Gano and all the way to Debarry in the form of a creek. I'm guessing the video of the creepy hat, stick dude was taken somewhere between here and the Debarry end of the system.


This is the same drainage system at Debarry. It's on the right if you're going up Debarry to Horton....see the sheds?


Here's the other side where this system feeds into the retention pond behind Horton...


Theoretically, it's possible that Somer was actually ahead of her siblings at some point and that somewhere in the vicinity of this drainage system, if she was walking it to try and beat them home AND hide, she ran headlong into this tragedy somewhere along the way. And to be so little, she'd probably have to follow the system all the way up in order to avoid the fences seperating access to the tunnels from passers by on the roads. They were searching these area's. We saw the proof of that in the creepy hat, stick dude video. If she did go this way, she could get from 1080 Gano or from the Grove Park drain pipe, all the way to Debarry, without being seen. And it would also mean that our monster is still right there. I'm thinking maybe they found ziltch at 1080 Gano. This 'creek' running all the way from Gano to Debarry has got to be a magnet for the kids.

Just a thought. Now you can beat me for hijacking the thread.

Right and if you get on google maps streetview and walk all the way down that road until it deads ends, I believe we counted 3 of those fenced in areas. Shutterfly had an EXCELLENT post about how she could have potentially cut through that area. Let me bring it to the front!!!
yes, she could have walked thru the area from Gano to Debarry, but the only access to that ditch area would have been past Grove Park St, where the crossing guard said she never made it....the ditch area that was accessible starts right before that sign I just posted of the condos....the ditch area is not enclosed, kids could take this route and cut thru to where the stick man was, a few blocks from her home, cutting out the corner of Gano and Debarry....
THEN, why not the ADULT go looking and tell the kids to stay inside and look the doors!!

With him NOT having children of his own he is probably not a good judge of parenting, Indigo or not. AND he probably thought her siblings knew the neighborhood and her friends well enough to find her. I don't think he wanted to panic Dienana if they were able to locate Somer first, prior to making a txt or call to scare her.
I wonder if the two boys you saw are older than 18. I saw two at the command center that day walking around but they were not in the search groups that I know of. I wonder if they are the same two. Can you describe the two you saw? Thank you for the pictures.
IDK, maybe because the kids might be more aware of where she has a tendancy to run off to??

I am not arguing with you either :) I think this could go both ways, just like to talk aloud!

Don't worry I'm not taking it personally..I think its great that we are all trying to come up with theories and ideas in order to find this psycho.
That is the end conclusion in all of this, lets just find this horrible person or persons. I think I've decided after catching the slips of the sherrif that "people" are responsible not just one.

If someone was watching my child for the first time, like Sean was doing, I would call immediately after school to make sure they were home. Has Sean ever had prior babysitting experience with kids before?
I want to know who Somer had a fight with and why? Could someone of actually found her when they were out looking and Sean got mad and took it out on her? I don't know..just thinking

But, I think there were 2 people involved with this..maybe a SO and a wife or girlfriend that knows about it
OK, I know SP has pretty much been discounted by everyone, but I want to run a quick scenario past
you to see what you think.
Let's say he left the house to "meet" the kids with the excuse of walking them home if questioned. Although
this doesn't fit in with the "lazy" impression I have of him, just roll with it :)
He finds Somer alone and upset, so engages her in a game of "well, let's just beat those other kids home"
(mentioned already that Somer probably would've enjoyed it...but did Somer know Sean? How close is he to
the family?)
Anyway, they race home, so are now a few more minutes ahead of the siblings. He knows time is tight, so either
incapacitates her or does something terrible, then hiding her (even in a closet) knowing the kids are about to be
Which is why he immediately sends the other kids out to look for her. He has to do something with her, can't just leave
her in the house. He would at this point do whatever it is, or dispose of her in some way before they return.
He wouldn't have had time to call the mom, hence her calling him first. Who even knows where he was when answering
the phone.
It's just a thought, I haven't looked much into him at all...just a lot of unanswered questions.
I'm especially interested in why he was having lunch with mom...what is their relationship? Old classmates? Best
friend's boyfriend? And then was he known to the children? I'm assuming mom wouldn't leave someone the kids
wouldn't even know at her house to await them...but that again begs the question HOW did they know him, and why
would he be spending time at the home?
Ugh, I think I've raised more questions than I can handle right now :(
yes, she could have walked thru the area from Gano to Debarry, but the only access to that ditch area would have been past Grove Park St, where the crossing guard said she never made it....the ditch area that was accessible starts right before that sign I just posted of the condos....the ditch area is not enclosed, kids could take this route and cut thru to where the stick man was, a few blocks from her home, cutting out the corner of Gano and Debarry....

Hmm, Okay I am getting confused. Darn I wish we had a live interactive map we could draw on to show one another ideas ;)

Also, just :twocents: I know the crossing guard said she did not see her but is it possible she skipped and hopped by without her being detected???

I just don't feel it is SP or siblings or anyone having to do with the family. I know we need to look at everything unbiased. Not the area I am focusing my energy on. I don't think there would be undercover cops and John Walsh planning AMW if this was the case is what my own logic tells me, JMO
Did LE slip up and say "people" after the autopsy results were back?

If so - then maybe there is physical evidence, sexual in nature, of more than one perp?

But would they have been able to separate out more than one sample so quickly? I dunno.
she could not have accessed the drainage between the homes, and they are fenced together...she would have had to go down to Grove Park Ave, where she never made it....once past that crossing guard, if she crossed the street, she could have taken that short cut....
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