FL - Trenton Giachetti, 5 mos, drowned in bathtub, Ormond Beach, 6 April 2009

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Aug 18, 2008
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"No one knows how the baby got into the bathtub and the water was running," said neighbor Rebecca Williams, a mother of five whose eyes welled with tears. "How does a 5-month-old walk to the bathtub and turn on the water?"

"She said she didn't want him," first cousin Amy Bloomfield remembered Giachetti saying. "We should have taken that baby from her. This is our fault. We should have done something."
heh another one that should be put to death imho ... babykillers =put to death
While I can't lay all the blame on the family, if they knew she did not want the baby and thought even a tiny bit that she might harm him, they should have stepped in and done something about it. AAAARGGGHH, I am so frustrated reading about all of these sorry azz parents murdering those sweet babies.
OMGosh this baby lived less then 3 miles from my in laws.......So tragic.
heh another one that should be put to death imho ... babykillers =put to death

I respectfully disagree. You love your child, your dress her all up pretty. Others do NOT want their children - and that IS ok. No one should be forced by society or otherwise to give birth to, or keep, a child they do not want. When society understands, wonderful, perfect mothers included, THEN, and only THEN, will our society become one that is workable. Until THEN there WILL be dead children and there will be "perfect" parents screaming for the blood of those who are less than perfect.

Edited to add: I respect YOUR motherhood. The motherhood, or lack thereof of others, needs to be RESPECTED also by others.

My opinion only
I respectfully disagree. You love your child, your dress her all up pretty. Others do NOT want their children - and that IS ok. No one should be forced by society or otherwise to give birth to, or keep, a child they do not want. When society understands, wonderful, perfect mothers included, THEN, and only THEN, will our society become one that is workable. Until THEN there WILL be dead children and there will be "perfect" parents screaming for the blood of those who are less than perfect.

Edited to add: I respect YOUR motherhood. The motherhood, or lack thereof of others, needs to be RESPECTED also by others.

My opinion only

Wow! If someone doesn't want a child, then they should make other arrangements. YOU DON'T KILL A CHILD!!! No one said anything about being a perfect mother. GMAB. Raising a child is hard, hard work, and my child is only 3. It gives no one the right to kill or abuse an innocent child, because it's hard. No one "forced" this lady to give birth. I can't believe some people give people an excuse to kill a baby, because they weren't "perfect." :furious:

My opinion only.
Wow! If someone doesn't want a child, then they should make other arrangements. YOU DON'T KILL A CHILD!!! No one said anything about being a perfect mother. GMAB. Raising a child is hard, hard work, and my child is only 3. It gives no one the right to kill or abuse an innocent child, because it's hard. No one "forced" this lady to give birth. I can't believe some people give people an excuse to kill a baby, because they weren't "perfect." :furious:

My opinion only.

I managed, by the Grace of God, to rear 6, including twins, to adulthood. However, it wasn't an easy road and I sometimes thought it would be nicer withouth the whole lot. So sue me. I NEVER said KILL a child. Do NOT put words in my mouth. I do, however, get totally sick of hearing from those who think they are PERFECT, who have NEVER had an impure thought while raising their children. NO, murdering your child is not the answer, but neither is allowing a mother who is not ready or willing to be a mother, to go it alone. Sorry, but I get soooooo SICK of perfect "mothers". Only in your dreams, only in your dreams is any mother perfect. Fact is - I know a LOT of mothers who would love to deep six the kiddies. Sorry, just a true fact, palatable to the perfect ones or otherwise.
I respectfully disagree. You love your child, your dress her all up pretty. Others do NOT want their children - and that IS ok. No one should be forced by society or otherwise to give birth to, or keep, a child they do not want. When society understands, wonderful, perfect mothers included, THEN, and only THEN, will our society become one that is workable. Until THEN there WILL be dead children and there will be "perfect" parents screaming for the blood of those who are less than perfect.

Edited to add: I respect YOUR motherhood. The motherhood, or lack thereof of others, needs to be RESPECTED also by others.

My opinion only

I don't care how much you don't want your child, it will NEVER be ok to kill it. No one forced that *itch to have little Trenton. She could have chosen adoption, abortion, or for God's sake used freaking birth control or kept her legs shut. If you don't want children, don't put yourself in the position to have them. That would keep a lot of babies from dying at the hands of merciless so-called parents.
I managed, by the Grace of God, to rear 6, including twins, to adulthood. However, it wasn't an easy road and I sometimes thought it would be nicer withouth the whole lot. So sue me. I NEVER said KILL a child. Do NOT put words in my mouth. I do, however, get totally sick of hearing from those who think they are PERFECT, who have NEVER had an impure thought while raising their children. NO, murdering your child is not the answer, but neither is allowing a mother who is not ready or willing to be a mother, to go it alone. Sorry, but I get soooooo SICK of perfect "mothers". Only in your dreams, only in your dreams is any mother perfect. Fact is - I know a LOT of mothers who would love to deep six the kiddies. Sorry, just a true fact, palatable to the perfect ones or otherwise.

Like my post or not. Women who do not want to have babies and take care of them should not have babies. I agree with you that society should not force a woman to birth a child but I do think that society should force sterilization for woman who keep having unwanted children and forcing the children to suffer and even die. That's my opinion 100%.
I managed, by the Grace of God, to rear 6, including twins, to adulthood. However, it wasn't an easy road and I sometimes thought it would be nicer withouth the whole lot. So sue me. I NEVER said KILL a child. Do NOT put words in my mouth. I do, however, get totally sick of hearing from those who think they are PERFECT, who have NEVER had an impure thought while raising their children. NO, murdering your child is not the answer, but neither is allowing a mother who is not ready or willing to be a mother, to go it alone. Sorry, but I get soooooo SICK of perfect "mothers". Only in your dreams, only in your dreams is any mother perfect. Fact is - I know a LOT of mothers who would love to deep six the kiddies. Sorry, just a true fact, palatable to the perfect ones or otherwise.

There are numerous birth control methods on the market. Health Departments provide free birth control pills. Why are women having unprotected sex and spouting out babies over and over and then complaining that they are being forced to be a "mother"? GMAB. These women are totally irresponsible. They should not be allowed to procreate at all.
WOW Blackwatch........I know a lot of mothers and NONE that want to "deep six the kiddies"

And this is coming from an admitted NON PERFECT mother.

Did society force that mother to give birth to or keep that baby........hell, isn't there a law now that protects mothers who just bring their kids to the ER/church..no questions.

You may be sick of "perfect mothers" outrage, I'm sick of excuses being made for these losers.
I respectfully disagree. You love your child, your dress her all up pretty. Others do NOT want their children - and that IS ok. No one should be forced by society or otherwise to give birth to, or keep, a child they do not want. When society understands, wonderful, perfect mothers included, THEN, and only THEN, will our society become one that is workable. Until THEN there WILL be dead children and there will be "perfect" parents screaming for the blood of those who are less than perfect.

Edited to add: I respect YOUR motherhood. The motherhood, or lack thereof of others, needs to be RESPECTED also by others.

My opinion only

I respectfully disagree,abortions are legal in most states no one is forced to give birth.Its not society that needs to become workable its the welfare system that needs to change.When our government stops giving the drug addicts and the lazy people who do not want to work for a living,a check ,foodstamps,free medical care,and rent that is just 30% of what their welfare check is.Then and only then will people like this stop having babies they don't want,its sickening that woman like these can have babies and get supported because of their baby and then murder them.Welfare was started to help families short term till they got back on their feet,instead a lot of women use the system to support their habits then discard their children like trash.:furious: I will never respect an abuser or a murderer of an innocent child. :furious: Maybe if the egg donor's weren't given a free ride and had to work for a roof over their head and food in the frig maybe they would think twice before even getting pregnant,let alone having a child they really do not want.People like this woman make me sick to my stomach.Motherhood is not a word that I would use when referring to people like this.:furious:
Getting back to this mother who drowned her little guy....it isn't going to matter what kind of a mother she was...if she wanted her baby boy or not...if she was a druggie...if she was planning on moving to make a new start...or any thing else. The bottom line is that she made a choice to end her baby boy's life by drowning him in the bath tub and now she will suffer the consequences. I'm sure a defense attorney will make many excuses for the mom but a jury is going to find her guilty. She will no doubt spend a good part of her life in prison where there are no children. She won't get pregnant unless she takes up with a male guard and maybe she will get clean from drugs while she is there. All of her needs will be taken care of. Sounds like she will have a better life than the one she has been living anyway. I know the baby boy is in heaven in God's arms and he is safe and happy now. It's just to bad that the relatives didn't act sooner.
I respectfully disagree. You love your child, your dress her all up pretty. Others do NOT want their children - and that IS ok. No one should be forced by society or otherwise to give birth to, or keep, a child they do not want. When society understands, wonderful, perfect mothers included, THEN, and only THEN, will our society become one that is workable. Until THEN there WILL be dead children and there will be "perfect" parents screaming for the blood of those who are less than perfect.

Edited to add: I respect YOUR motherhood. The motherhood, or lack thereof of others, needs to be RESPECTED also by others.

My opinion only
well then she should have used protection or arranged to have the baby adopted at birth .. nobody should kill a child because he or she isnt wanted .. i dont care who it is . i also respect your opinion but there are just too many excuses to kill a child these days .. and its getting old and something NEEDS to be DONE about it ..
I respectfully disagree,abortions are legal in most states no one is forced to give birth.Its not society that needs to become workable its the welfare system that needs to change.When our government stops giving the drug addicts and the lazy people who do not want to work for a living,a check ,foodstamps,free medical care,and rent that is just 30% of what their welfare check is.Then and only then will people like this stop having babies they don't want,its sickening that woman like these can have babies and get supported because of their baby and then murder them.Welfare was started to help families short term till they got back on their feet,instead a lot of women use the system to support their habits then discard their children like trash.:furious: I will never respect an abuser or a murderer of an innocent child. :furious: Maybe if the egg donor's weren't given a free ride and had to work for a roof over their head and food in the frig maybe they would think twice before even getting pregnant,let alone having a child they really do not want.People like this woman make me sick to my stomach.Motherhood is not a word that I would use when referring to people like this.:furious:
i agree !! i had to work my A$$ off to support my son ALONE ..i used to party and when i got pregnant i felt ok this is my responsiblilty whether i like it or not now i have a baby to take care of

if you can use your brain enough to spread your legs and get knocked up then you can think about the consequences afterwards which is what i and many many other mothers did as well .. i agree no exuse for this period .
I managed, by the Grace of God, to rear 6, including twins, to adulthood. However, it wasn't an easy road and I sometimes thought it would be nicer withouth the whole lot. So sue me. I NEVER said KILL a child. Do NOT put words in my mouth. I do, however, get totally sick of hearing from those who think they are PERFECT, who have NEVER had an impure thought while raising their children. NO, murdering your child is not the answer, but neither is allowing a mother who is not ready or willing to be a mother, to go it alone. Sorry, but I get soooooo SICK of perfect "mothers". Only in your dreams, only in your dreams is any mother perfect. Fact is - I know a LOT of mothers who would love to deep six the kiddies. Sorry, just a true fact, palatable to the perfect ones or otherwise.
deepsix the kiddies ? wtf ? im sorry but whoa !!?!... and i DO NOT think im a perfect mother by any means however i wouldnt hurt my or any innocent baby for any reason NONE .you almost sound like you know where this mother is coming from ... and if so i commend you for not hurting your kids
I don't care how much you don't want your child, it will NEVER be ok to kill it. No one forced that *itch to have little Trenton. She could have chosen adoption, abortion, or for God's sake used freaking birth control or kept her legs shut. If you don't want children, don't put yourself in the position to have them. That would keep a lot of babies from dying at the hands of merciless so-called parents.
post of the month right here ~!
I managed, by the Grace of God, to rear 6, including twins, to adulthood. However, it wasn't an easy road and I sometimes thought it would be nicer withouth the whole lot. So sue me. I NEVER said KILL a child. Do NOT put words in my mouth. I do, however, get totally sick of hearing from those who think they are PERFECT, who have NEVER had an impure thought while raising their children. NO, murdering your child is not the answer, but neither is allowing a mother who is not ready or willing to be a mother, to go it alone. Sorry, but I get soooooo SICK of perfect "mothers". Only in your dreams, only in your dreams is any mother perfect. [B]Fact is - I know a LOT of mothers who would love to deep six the kiddies. Sorry, just a true fact, palatable to the perfect ones or otherwise.

That is very scary to know.Who said she was forced to be a mother? I guess she was forced by the same person to be a drug addict. thats what she is.
deepsix the kiddies ? wtf ? im sorry but whoa !!?!... and i DO NOT think im a perfect mother by any means however i wouldnt hurt my or any innocent baby for any reason NONE .you almost sound like you know where this mother is coming from ... and if so i commend you for not hurting your kids

Many mothers I've spoken with had thoughts of "deep sixing" the kiddies at one point or another, those who were honest enough to talk about their feelings. Having negative feeling about your children isn't a crime - acting on it is where the problems come in.

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