Florida Bar Allegedly Prepares Case against Baez

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rut roh.....I sense more stomach pains a coming......

Lol! Could be! I've always thought it was odd how so many people in this case feel they need a "spokesman" and/or "media person"! I mean, this is a murder investigation, not a Broadway play!

I did not click through all the pages, but I believe it's in that article
Thanks, friend. I saw it. Great investgative reporting IMO.

Snipped from above article:

The Bar closed a similar investigation last fall, and Baez' new spokeswoman, Marti Mackenzie, said she expects them to close this one as well.

Marti- spin, from the root word- SPIN-STER is what you will end up as if you stick your neck out for this guy/situation.
Think the bar was a tad short sighted in the past. If they had only known.
Thanks, friend. I saw it. Great investgative reporting IMO.

Agreed. If I had to guess, and maybe this is unfair speculation on my part, I would say Blink had sponsorship on this one.. In other words, not seeing this one failing, imo.. jmho
Quote Angel who cares in daily updates thread-
Casey Anthony's defense attorney center of another Florida Bar inquiry
Amy L. Edwards | Sentinel Staff Writer
2:43 PM EST, February 23, 2009

A Bar spokeswoman couldn't disclose details about the inquiry, but said it pertains to Baez's relationship with his now former media relations company.
Since fall, Baez's law firm referred news reporters to a spokesman named "Todd Black" with a company called Press Corps Media.
Black never agreed to in-person interviews with reporters, would not provide his photograph, and did not reveal his true identity.

Timothy Chinaris, an attorney representing Baez in that inquiry, told the Bar that Press Corps Media was retained by a Connecticut family.
Chinaris said his client had not paid and will not pay "any part" of Press Corps Media's fees or expenses.
Baez has since hired a new spokeswoman. An attempt to reach her this afternoon was not successful.


Thought I bring this thread back with this updated info, as there is now ANOTHER Bar investigation going on....think this bring out WHO the money people in CT are?

Lord I hope so!
Agreed. If I had to guess, and maybe this is unfair speculation on my part, I would say Blink had sponsorship on this one.. In other words, not seeing this one failing, imo.. jmho
It totally amazes me that so much goes unnoticed...or unheeded. The whole thing stunk, IMO, from the getgo. Hope there is a "happy ending".
Seriously. How do these alleged professionals function? In a vaccum?
We would have all been "sent packing" ions ago..
What has he done unethical?

I think it is unethical for an attorney to have a client at his office hour after hour day after day the way Casey was when she was out on bail. I've never heard of such a thing before this. Most attorneys set a time for an appt with their client....you discuss your business and you are on your way. Those visits day after day seemed to led up to the hugging between Baez and Casey at the jail. I've also never heard of an attorney spending time at the jail with one client day after day. Does he not have any other clients?

I don't think that Baez should be able to move letters back and forth between Casey and her parents, etc. I've never heard of that happening before either. There is a reason why letters have to go through a guard or person working for the jail. Especially letters coming into the jail. They look for contraband. I think this attorney really pushes the client/attorney boundarys. Casey is a client...not a friend or girlfriend.
And another bump for discussion

Thanks PH. More fuel for the fire.

It seems the bar had Jose's number long ago and they gave him a second chance, that he obviously didn't deserve.

A leopard doesn't change their spots, in this case he tried some white wash. Like everything else not done for the right reason, it couldn't take the test of time.

Can't wait to hear everything in Judge S's report.
Thanks PH. More fuel for the fire.

It seems the bar had Jose's number long ago and they gave him a second chance, that he obviously didn't deserve.

A leopard doesn't change their spots, in this case he tried some white wash. Like everything else not done for the right reason, it couldn't take the test of time.
Can't wait to hear everything in Judge S's report.

Thanks PH. More fuel for the fire.

It seems the bar had Jose's number long ago and they gave him a second chance, that he obviously didn't deserve.

A leopard doesn't change their spots, in this case he tried some white wash. Like everything else not done for the right reason, it couldn't take the test of time.

Can't wait to hear everything in Judge S's report.

Is there a date set for some kind of hearing or disposition on this complaint? I just don't know how this sort of thing works. I agree...JB has completely pushed the envelope on the KC issue. Waaay out of line. As I said in another thread, I've never heard of ANY attorney taking a felony case without up front payment. KC supposedly told him over the phone that she had thousands of dollars and he took the case on a "promise of payment" from a liar and a thief. The whole thing stunk from the get-go.
Thanks PH. More fuel for the fire.

It seems the bar had Jose's number long ago and they gave him a second chance, that he obviously didn't deserve.

A leopard doesn't change their spots, in this case he tried some white wash. Like everything else not done for the right reason, it couldn't take the test of time.

Can't wait to hear everything in Judge S's report.

I have a (hopeful) suspicion that the Sentinel's two part article on JB is the lead-in to hearing the results of the current complaints by both Judge Strickland and DC.

I've always been somewhat suspicious about the trail we'd find if you 'follow the money', but after reading today about JB defaulting on child support, loans, leases, NSF cheques, etc., I am more firmly convinced that there is likely to be something very, very wrong in how the defense has been funded.

I don't think he has an ethical bone in his body.

You have to wonder if his ex-wife is sitting back and saying, "I wish the FL Bar would depose ME! I'd tell them a thing or two!"
I have a (hopeful) suspicion that the Sentinel's two part article on JB is the lead-in to hearing the results of the current complaints by both Judge Strickland and DC.

I've always been somewhat suspicious about the trail we'd find if you 'follow the money', but after reading today about JB defaulting on child support, loans, leases, NSF cheques, etc., I am more firmly convinced that there is likely to be something very, very wrong in how the defense has been funded.

I don't think he has an ethical bone in his body.

You have to wonder if his ex-wife is sitting back and saying, "I wish the FL Bar would depose ME! I'd tell them a thing or two!"

Oh, this is interesting. I hadn't heard about JB financial woes. The ex-wife, is there just one? Is he about to have a second one? I can't imagine what KC and JB said behind closed doors to Judge S that made him say everything was OK. JB has got to see KC as the goose laying the golden eggs. I still think there might be more than financial goals--remember all those long hours KC spent at his office? Wonder if they can depose his secretary. Do they have privilege of some kind?
Oh, this is interesting. I hadn't heard about JB financial woes. The ex-wife, is there just one? Is he about to have a second one? I can't imagine what KC and JB said behind closed doors to Judge S that made him say everything was OK. JB has got to see KC as the goose laying the golden eggs. I still think there might be more than financial goals--remember all those long hours KC spent at his office? Wonder if they can depose his secretary. Do they have privilege of some kind?

Pretty sure all JB's staff would be protected from being deposed.
Oh, this is interesting. I hadn't heard about JB financial woes. The ex-wife, is there just one? Is he about to have a second one? I can't imagine what KC and JB said behind closed doors to Judge S that made him say everything was OK. JB has got to see KC as the goose laying the golden eggs. I still think there might be more than financial goals--remember all those long hours KC spent at his office? Wonder if they can depose his secretary. Do they have privilege of some kind?

IMO, JB had Casey at his office every day to keep her from talking to GA and CA too much (fighting) and keep her out of sight from the media and protestors. I wouldn't blame him for doing that, if that was his reason.

It's true that JB's previous problems with the Bar were 10 years ago, but I believe that anyone having a career in law, whether it be a judge, attorney, or member of law enforcement, should be held to a higher standard, and should not be breaking the very laws they have sworn to uphold. In light of the fact that he is literally holding his client's life in his hands, he'd better be without spot or reproach...it's that serious, IMO.
IMO, JB had Casey at his office every day to keep her from talking to GA and CA too much (fighting) and keep her out of sight from the media and protestors. I wouldn't blame him for doing that, if that was his reason.

It's true that JB's previous problems with the Bar were 10 years ago, but I believe that anyone having a career in law, whether it be a judge, attorney, or member of law enforcement, should be held to a higher standard, and should not be breaking the very laws they have sworn to uphold. In light of the fact that he is literally holding his client's life in his hands, he'd better be without spot or reproach...it's that serious, IMO.

Actually, his problems with the Bar BEGAN 10 years ago. It took until September of 2005 for him to be admitted, so technically the problems continued until 2005. Then there is the little issue mentioned in part 2 of the OS article -- JB still owed his ex-wife $4000 in back child support in 2007! This had to be an amount owed from the past (during the years he was not admitted to the bar), because his daughter is about the same age as KC, beyond the age of needing to pay child support. Did he come to some agreement to pay the $12,000 to satisfy the Bar, and then not pay it all? This looks just as fishy and slimy as his NON non-profits he formed to show the Bar that he was "rehabilitated".
I have a (hopeful) suspicion that the Sentinel's two part article on JB is the lead-in to hearing the results of the current complaints by both Judge Strickland and DC.

I've always been somewhat suspicious about the trail we'd find if you 'follow the money', but after reading today about JB defaulting on child support, loans, leases, NSF cheques, etc., I am more firmly convinced that there is likely to be something very, very wrong in how the defense has been funded.

I don't think he has an ethical bone in his body.

You have to wonder if his ex-wife is sitting back and saying, "I wish the FL Bar would depose ME! I'd tell them a thing or two!"

I totally agree my friend, while I doubt he knew what he was getting with KC and vice versa; they truly deserve each other in that sense. But in the eyes of the law if he is guilty of any of the the suspected crimes he won't be sitting at the front table when KC goes to trial.

Better to get all the cards on the table now, than to give KC cause to appeal later.

After my divorce, my ex acted the same way JB did to his family (assuming here he didn't bother to spend anytime with his dd while he was so busy taking care of me, me, me...) I didn't have the time or money to keep taking him back to court (he knew and counted on this).

I felt quit satisfied down the road when he was incarcerated for 30 days for something I doubt he was guilty of. (I wasn't involved in any part of it.) When Karma comes looking you better hope your accts are in order.
Is there a date set for some kind of hearing or disposition on this complaint? I just don't know how this sort of thing works. I agree...JB has completely pushed the envelope on the KC issue. Waaay out of line. As I said in another thread, I've never heard of ANY attorney taking a felony case without up front payment. KC supposedly told him over the phone that she had thousands of dollars and he took the case on a "promise of payment" from a liar and a thief. The whole thing stunk from the get-go.

With the forms KC would have filled out immediately, not to mention GA telling Baez up front KC had nothing; JB has known from early on any money paid would not be coming from her. My guess is JB smelled a cash cow and took full advantage of KC in this respect. Need to wonder if she is aware just how much dough her pix and vids have pulled in to pay the piper. Or does she think it's all sitting in an acct in her name, ready to pick up where she left off partying. This time with a bank acct in her name, instead of everyone else's.

I went to the Fl Bar website and found nothing about any complaints against JB. The minutes from the last meeting in April, mention nothing and he is still listed as a member in good standing with no complaints listed, as of last night.

This is interesting, with all the whining JB has done after every doc drop, and complaints of evidence showing his client in a bad light. (It is what it is; IMO.) Saying KC has been tried in the media and by the public so she can't get a fair trial. Would his peers say he brought it on himself?

Snipped from: http://www.orlandosentinel.com

Who is Jose Baez? Defending Casey Anthony brings celebrity, headaches

Since then, he has appeared on Good Morning America and 20/20 on ABC, The Early Show on CBS, Today on NBC, Larry King Live on CNN, Geraldo at Large on Fox and others.

Last summer, he traveled to New York City, where he and his wife spent part of a day sailing with Fox's Rivera. Photos of the outing show a grinning Baez on deck with Rivera.

Heavy media schedules by defense lawyers raise the eyebrows of some seasoned lawyers. University of Florida law professor Michael Seigel, a former federal prosecutor, said any lawyer who goes public risks being accused of tainting the jury pool.

"It's very dangerous," Seigel said "Unless you are very skilled at it, it can truly backfire. ... Most of the best attorneys around the country tend to be very quiet. They wait to try the case in a courtroom setting."

I've wondered from day 31 what happened to "no comment!" We don't see any of the many other names associated with this case making the types of statements that flow from JB like a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth that JB has been affected with since day 31.

Is this one more "my bad" that Jose has been blaming on everyone else?

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