Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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No, it doesn't appear at all to be a runaway case Boxermom.

Each chart we create we can add new and interesting data to see what comes up.
Some use the Arabic Lots and I seldom do. But I may later on in this case.

For now I’ll show you two variations of the “Last Seen chart” and in this 2nd one, I’ll insert the TNPs in only one of them.

In this case we are seeing Kronos & Hades in the 2nd
and 3rd, the “near future” is Hades 29th degree and Kronos in the 3rd house not sure, but very close to the apt. she was in.

Vulcanus (like it sounds) often said to be likened to Pluto is very destructive (like a volcano) and here it falls on the I/C cusp in the 4th house conjunct the cusp. This “appears to me for now” to say, “close to home” or where she was in Pikesville, outskirts

Baltimore City (north) and generally speaking can be a rough neighborhood. There are malls nearby. And she said (reportedly) she was hungry, and was leaving to get some food.

IF this was the case, you’d think we would see something in the 5th of self-indulgence, recreation, but we do not.

We see only Hopi meaning “ambush”

All those many planets in the 6th house.
Zeus (overpowering) conjunct Moon (the event co-ruler) same degree and within minutes.

Next, Saturn and the Vertex in this house.

Apollon means many. Meaning more then one of anything. Perhaps I should not have inserted the TNPs after all (see what I mean by we can confuse our symbology sometimes by our choices) it appears to be saying there are more then one here. Sometimes as I often take on these cases by myself, I do stick my neck out a bit too much "me thinks",
but yet I hate when a request goes unanswered and someone is missing, so I make the attempt regardless.:innocent: I know what it's like when your child is missing.
I'd rather take the chance and do something, and be wrong then, if the other choice is doing nothing. So forgive me if I am wrong in the end. I don't claim perfection here.

Venus ruler of the Chart in the 7th house of the other. Venus is nearing the 21st of Scorpio, a “Definite Loss” degree.
Venus conjuncts Atropos, so I don’t like it here. It’s too frightening actually.

As I move to the 8th house I know I don’t like it for certain, as we see Mercury the ruler of the 6th of decision making, in this house perhaps the killer conjunct Cupido and Vesta.
Then there is also the North Node (fate) and Lachesis in the same degree within minutes, and Lachesis decides the moment to die.
Pallas is here too, (premeditation?)

Part of Fortune in 21Aquarius, squares Venus the Ruler of the Chart or the young woman in question and also is semi-square to the Sun (possibly the event itself) found in the 9th between Mars & Pluto
Death and destruction to the physical body, is how it appears thus far.

Asteroids Astrae (a witness) and Persophone (abduction) in the 12th. Take that as you may……sounds to me to be literal.




This case has caused consternation and bafflement and a buzz that will not quit. The young mathematician and code expert's life was snuffed out in a silent but sordid manner, his nude body folded and stuffed into a 32" sports bag that was then padlocked. He was about to take up a foreign undercover assignment. On 11 August, he returned from the U.S. where he conferred with our security agents. He was captured on CCTV on the 14th and 15th while shopping in London but he lived the secret, private life of a spy so there was no one to question, no one outside of M16 who would know his whereabouts and they did not. Thus, the police were called in to try the residence.

Note the extremely tight Moon-Mercury quincunx; Gareth Williams owed no one money. The Sun is also quincunx Uranus and Jupiter and there will be a Full Moon this month that fills the other arm of a YOD, the Sun making a sextile with Jupiter-Uranus here. This is the crossroads leading into February's inquest. When Neptune adds his reaction point opposite this August Sun, as he enters Pisces, the pieces all fall into place.
Welcome back, Soulscape and Happy New Year!
Thank you for all your efforts Leomoon. I take it from your charts, that Phylicia is likely not still alive? Is that a correct interpretation? The latest news release, which I have snipped from below, has some troubling information about the sister Phylicia was staying with and the things going on in that apartment. Is there anything in the chart to indicate whether her abductor was someone she knew or a stranger? Phylicia is such a beautiful young girl. It is not hard to imagine the awful things that could have happened, if the information about dozens of men coming and going in that apartment is true. Being from a rural area, she probably was very naïve about the potential for very real danger.

Sallis [Phylicia's mother] says she just found out that her Phylicia Barnes’ sister created a bad environment for Barnes at her apartment, where she was staying.

Sallis says there was not only lots of alcohol and marijuana, but also men — more than a dozen of them — coming in and out of the apartment.
“You allowed her to drink. And you drank vodka with her. You’re 28 and she’s 16-years-old. And then I find out that you’re allowing her to smoke marijuana,” said Sallis.

Sallis said her daughter was uneasy around one of the men.

“She’s a country girl. She doesn’t know anything about hard city life,” said Sallis.

Baltimore City Police say they are worried about what happened to her.

“I have to tell you that we have very serious concerns now into several days,” said Police Commissioner Fred Bealefeld.

“She would’ve used her cell phone at least once and that hasn’t been the case,” said Anthony Guglielmi, Baltimore City Police spokesperson.

Baltimore City Police have served a search warrant at the apartment of the missing teen’s sister on Eberle Drive in Northwest Baltimore. It’s not clear what they were looking for. They still do not have any suspects or even a person of interest yet.

City Police have two teams of detectives searching for Barnes. They have used dogs and their chopper. They’ve also sent text messages to 25,000 people in Baltimore and are pressing the national media for attention. The FBI is also now part of the search for the missing teen.
Note the extremely tight Moon-Mercury quincunx; Gareth Williams owed no one money. The Sun is also quincunx Uranus and Jupiter and there will be a Full Moon this month that fills the other arm of a YOD, the Sun making a sextile with Jupiter-Uranus here. This is the crossroads leading into February's inquest. When Neptune adds his reaction point opposite this August Sun, as he enters Pisces, the pieces all fall into place.

I haven't had a chance to take a peek at his natal chart yet, but here is the information.

Seems he was into some kinky type of sexual dramas and clubs and those people seen leaving may have been involved with him in this manner.

Bondage, etc. According to info. on his computer and what the police gathered.


A press release from the Metropolitan Police today...
OFFICERS from the Homicide and Serious Crime Command investigating the circumstances into the death of Gareth Williams (date of birth 26.09.78) in August continue to appeal for information.

Police have issued two e-fits of a man and a woman they wish to speak with in connection with the enquiry.
They are described as of Mediterranean appearance, aged between 20-30 years-old.

Police would also like to hear from anyone who met Gareth on a visit he made to a drag cabaret - 'Bistroteque' in Mile End on 13 August 2010. Gareth had bought tickets for two other shows at the same venue. They also want to speak to anyone who saw Gareth in May 2010, at the 'Barcode' gay bar in Vauxhall, south London, when there was an unconfirmed sighting of him

The Press Association give this a strange spin...

Spy may have died at hands of sex partner
(UKPA) -

MI6 spy Gareth Williams may have died at the hands of a mystery bondage sex partner he met on London's gay scene, detectives suggested.

Investigators said the 31-year-old codebreaker was immersed in the capital's thriving gay nightlife and had repeatedly visited extreme bondage websites. He also had a secret passion for fashion and hoarded unworn women's designer clothes worth £15,000 in his wardrobe alongside several wigs.
BoxerMom: post 121 is outlined what I think and yes, I think they overpowered her (Mars and Pluto with the Sun semi-square to the chart's ruler Venus).

This is a very notorious part of the city for drug dealers, and to tell the truth there isn't much there in Baltimore that isn't saturated with drugs and dealers.
It certainly is no place for a rural or naive 16yr. old girl, and I'm very surprised her mother didn't know this ahead of time.

She was supposedly visiting her father in the city there, and this is his 2nd family I presume.

What is it the disciple of Jesus said about the town where Jesus grew up?

Nazareth!" exclaimed Nathanael. "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"

Well that's how I feel about Baltimore quite frankly.

Her mom let her go there likely thinking she had a cell phone, I suppose, and was in good hands with the father's attendance.

Unfortunatley we know too late, that wasn't so.
Amy Bradley disappeared from a Cruise Ship with parents

Here is a timeline of events including a few photos:

Background: (early morning hours? Last Seen with no time given )
It is known that the last person seen with Amy in the early hours of the morning was a cruise ship band member of a group known as 'Blue Orchid' by the name of 'Yellow'...and, there were other crew members who spent time with Amy, as well...Katalin (from Hungary); Eduardo Cabrito (a waiter); David Cato (a waiter); and, Patrick (a waiter).

Furthermore from MySpace a quote taken from the Dr. PHil show that Ivy (Amy's mom) was on says in part:

"There was a bass player who I noticed. And he was a very unsavory looking character. Amy told her brother, Brad, that the bass player had been hitting on her. She said that he was a real jerk." Iva continues, "At about 1:00, Ron and I decided to go to bed. Some time between 5:15 and 5:30 my husband woke up and he saw Amy asleep on the deck. And about a half an hour later, at 6:00 a.m., he woke back up. He saw that Amy was no longer on the balcony." "I immediately thought that she was up on the top deck," says Ron, "and so I left to try and go up and find her. When I couldn't find her

See TR Pluto (destruction and transformation ) stations exactly over natal Neptune (deluded or confused, could also be saying "fooled by someone) conj. Violent star “Antares” in Tropical Sagittarius, and TR Atropos conj. “Algol”, (death)

The old axiom “The natal doesn’t bring what the natal doesn’t promise to you” holds true here as with all.

In her natal map, Amy had Mars square Pluto and Pluto square Saturn . These are the 3 primary
Malefics and all 3 in harsh aspect to each other when she was born.

I don’t think that Amy is alive and being used in the sex trade as has often been suggested over the many years now.

However, I will check further and see what I can when I have the time, unless others wish to do so and post on this baffling case.

This natal chart is for the Sunrise on the day she was born, and the houses are to be ignored:

At this point in time, Amy was already in the hands of others (11th house Neptune ruler of this chart 1 degree AQ, conjunct Altair, moved quickly by the group. Persophone (asteroid for kidnap) conjuncts both Neptune and Uranus (unexpected) event. The Moon (co-ruler of this chart) is within minutes of Uranus and also conjunct Venus in Aquarius.

Amy is held captive (12th house of imprisonment) however, there is no luck for her at all, even with Jupiter on the Ascendent. Jupiter (other chart ruler) squares Pluto and opposes the NN conjunct the South Node.

Toro (brutality,rage,violence, martial arts) completely overtakes her (1st house) conjunct the Sun (the event itself) with Astrea (the witness) here, there was more then one person.

Ceres (the wound) shows no mercy in Aries conjunct Mars in the maximum 15th degree and opposes the Black Moon Lilith, in the murder degree at 11Libra conj. Vindiamiatrix in the 7th house of others.

It appears to me that this chart is showing her being held captive by a group probably in a cabin alive yet very near death or gone by this time.

The decision was made (Chiron at the evil degree 18.30 Scorpio) to rape and then use and discard her (Pluto conjunct Violent star Antares in the 9th square the Node and square Jupiter original ruler of Pisces and this chart's ruler

I don’t think she made it off this ship other then overboard or whatever other method they had to dispose of her body.


In what ways does the Last Seen horoscope help us solve the mystery of this prominent national defense consultant's disappearance and death by homicide? The Houses 3 and 4 must be read together as they bear the same Leo Sign. The event Sun is based upon those two areas of life. He had, from what we know, made the commute from D.C. to Delaware by train; he lives in New Castle, so he also made the trip to his lawyer's office in Wilmington. Or I suspect he did because Marin's office is two blocks from the Du Pont Hotel where the victim was last seen. This House 3 trip led to his demise, House 4.

Although his body was dumped from a refuse truck in broad daylight, there was secrecy in how he met his end because House 4 holds an intercept, Virgo. Although Mr. Wheeler was a public figure and well known with a fine reputation, there is one with a higher profile and more stick, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the Pisces House 10 intercept, who wanted him doused and this directive was covert. (The intercept) Against this unseen threat, Wheeler was an unfortified Mercury in exile, Sagittarius, away from his own people, in an uncongenial environment and unable to act in his own name up against the powerful duo of Jupiter in dignity by Sign and angular House, able to call the shots and put the cross on anyone they chose. By now, we know Uranus breaks the law at the drop of a hint and Saturn squared by Mars forgets his Libran upbringing. Of course, it is clear Mercury is square Uranus-Jupiter; Mars square Saturn is the manner of death.

The Point of Fatality is intercepted in House 4 at 5°07' Virgo, as noted in the right margin of the chart. Interesting that Pluto is exactly trine from the House of adversaries. Pluto, too had a hand in this because he is conjunct the north node of the Moon, Wheeler's associates, and opposite a point of personal loss in House 1 of the self. As stressed in past charts, when II rises, due to the arithmetic of the Part of Peril, the part is always found on the rising degree. Therefore, even as he stood by the hotel, he was already a marked man.
To follow up, a parking lot attendant talked to the victim the day before his Last Seen. He was wobbly and carrying one of his shoes, freezing cold and unsure of his car's location. He told the attendant he was not drunk. She also thought he looked roughed up. He did ask if he could get warm inside, where surveillance video captured him and I believe this encounter is the Mercury to Mars semi-sextile that occurred before Last Seen. Mars does rule the House of valets and attendants, 6.

The Moon had not yet touched Venus and those planets are not the attendant. But after he was seen next to the Du Pont, he did have contact with Venus & I don't want to understate her importance. Not only was she square the Part of Death, but the midpoint of Venus and Neptune is the Sun! Further, the Part of Deceit & Trickery of Men by Women, a formula which in no way includes the planet Neptune, is found at 26°33' Leo and that is opposite Neptune. The cash & money House, 2 is involved here too because the Moon rules that and both Moon and Venus are in the House of services and in Scorpio. From the position of the Sun, it seems he was waiting because he was to meet her at the hotel entrance. Although the chart in no way taps her as his killer, her presence facilitated the crime.

From the first reports, there are floorboards pried up in the living room of his house in New Castle, rung round with yellow tape. The Part of Secrets does fall in the Fourth House intercept at 1°59' Virgo but is not making significant aspects to the Last Seen and the factors leading to his death. He may well have been in possession of classified material because House 2 is important here and was eclipsed. The Part of Death is after all in House 3 and the Sign of documents rises.
I've had the time to look at his natal chart and this is what I've found:

Natal Venus in Scorpio (in Detriment) with Mars strong in it’s own sign of Rulership
The day he was last seen in London, 2 days after his evening at a “Drag Cabaret” on the 13th of August – is probably by transit marking his demise as
TR Lachesis is stationed over his natal Uranus within minutes of being exact

TR Vulcanus is over his Natal Moon and the Moon the day of his birth, may (If born anywhere near Noontime,) conj. Procyon: (note: his natal Moon is square to Mars)

“Linked with positive stellar bodies, success is made greater, but the native, in order to avoid a fiasco, has always to take care not to be imprudent. Especially dangerous is Procyon configured with Mars and Pluto. With the Sun, a valiant demeanor is indicated.”
[Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.43.]

Transiting Mercury is very critical this day at 17 degrees Virgo (mutable) and direct motion conjunct his own natal Zeus at this degree. Something else I find interesting is that TR Moira conj. “Regulus” at 0Virgo while his natal Moira is conj. Regulus at 27deg.59min.Leo (promise of a fall)

Was it the Transit of Pluto rx back and forth trining this area of Regulus that brought about the fated fall? Or the Moon this day transiting over Cupid and therefore, creating a potential sextile to this area

Looking further at his next Solar Return (sans the houses)
since we do not have the time of his birth:

Coming upon the 2010 Solar Return birthdate of September 26, 1978:(which obviously killed in late August he didn't make)

In his 2010 Natal Solar Return (had he had it done just prior to the death on his last birthday ), he would have been told to be careful, as he had S/R Venus conjunct his natal Uranus & Venus (which was already in a critical degree in Scorpio) and therefore, a transit on the S/R at near 11Scorpio, conjuncts fixed star Crux (a cross or burden to bear) doesn’t auger well to start off the new Solar Year in one's social or love life.

Transiting Admetos (TNP is stationed over his natal Hades at 28 deg.Taurus in the S/R for 2010
(had he lived) with the Transit of Vulcanus over his natal BML, all worthy of being warned to be careful of where and who he solicits as friendships.

With TR Saturn over his natal Apollon in the same degree or 7Libra conjunct to Thuban in Draco, he would have been warned further that
This position is a warning to him of others (in the plural, as it’s Apollon) and Saturn is often serious in the delivery of it's lessons

Draco gives an artistic and emotional but somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends but danger of robbery and of accidental poisoning. It was said by the Ancients that when a comet was here poison was scattered over the world.

By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Mem and the 13th Tarot Trump "Death." [Robson*, p.43.]

Unfortunately in this case and in retrospect, we don’t have his D/C cusp to wonder about, except aloud when it comes to this warning seen on “The Constellation of Words”

“If setting and if Mars is conjunct the descendant or in harsh aspect with it, it is said to presage the native being burned in his own house or killed by public execution”. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.6.]

Dennis Hancock:
missing 12/14/10 Roanoke, VA
Last Seen @10PM

Until we have his DOB there is nothing much more to say, at least from my end of the reading.
Perhaps someone else will pick it up for you and comment.

Looking at the Last Seen, we see POF in the same degree as the Moon in the 8th of death. Moon is the co-ruler of the event chart (any event chart)
Supposedly, they say on Forensic Ast. that the POF (fate) with the same degree as the Moon is an indicator of death or fated.
I don't like the Algol MC that is worrisome for him.
I put Anubis (asteroid for suicide) #1912 into the chart and see it is conjunct the MC and opposed to the 4th (endings house)
so that doesn't fare well for the ending of this man.
The Sun which rules the event or the man is in the 4th conj. Pallas (pre-meditation) in the 5th of recreation ........
and/or lovers.
I see that Neptune sits on the cusp of the 7th, (the house of others)...
As a matter of fact, Neptune, Chiron and the D/C cusp are ALLin the same degree all only minutes apart.

Did he meet up with someone that fooled him ultimately is the question in my mind.
The Ruler of this chart Saturn on the Moon’s Day a Monday is seen in the 9th house of education and it was at school, that this young girl was last seen going into the High school this day however she did not show up for
the 1st period .

The question is, did she go willingly with someone, or not?
Photos can be seen here:

There is also an 18 yr. old boy, a friend of her's involved according to the missing person’s link whose company she may be in being mentioned. I’ve looked up the age of majority in the State of Va. And it is 18 yrs. old.
(States by alphabetical order for age of majority):

The TNP Admetos, always a stranglehold on a person it is said, appears in the 4th conj. “Algol” and opposes Venus, the Ruler of the 5th of the child , thus Hope is represented by Venus.

All in all, after reading and considering the Myth of Demeter, Hades and Persephone in this link, I have come to the conclusion that the planets are showing that she is indeed in some danger with the boy who is legally considered an adult in this State,

as Venus is square to Neptune, opposed to Admetos (a long standing problem she felt at home) conjunct Algol, and may be acting out inappropriately with the one who is holding her hostage in particular perhaps body and her mind in the house of captivity or (12th house Mercury, Pallas (pre-meditated event) Moon (co-ruler of the chart) Pluto (Hades in Greek mythology) and the South Node posited in the 6th conj. Kronos & Hades in a critical degree.

The mythology which today is invoked in this drama unfolding, is the one of Demeter, Persephone and Hades which can be read here in which the astrologer suggests that the two better known writer/ astrologers who write authoritatively on these asteroids, (Demetra George and Liz Green) have taken the meaning of these asteroids, in a more narrow light when they suggest that Persephone colludes in her own kidnapping.

note: other more familiar names for these archetypes are Demeter (Ceres) Persephone (the daughter of Demeter) and Hades (Pluto)

Scroll down to: "A closer look at the Demeter-Persephone-Hades myth"

Perhaps the writer is correct in her deeper look at these myths in Astrology which we base our Archetypes upon. Certainly worth pondering. :waitasec:

The connection here to this young man, seen by the cusp of the 5th house , is not a healthy one and the young woman therefore, is not of her own mind to be with him as a minor in this case whether she went willingly or by force. The force often can be subtle force but still forceful in the subtle way it is delivered.
As usual, we can see more if we have the date of birth of both of these people mentioned in the Report.


ETA: add'l info.
School Resource Officer Andy Jones says, "She had someone call the school, pretend to be her father saying she had a doctors appointment."
Jones believes Calhoun left school before first period
and got into the car with her boyfriend, 18 year old Alex Qualls.

Hope's mom, Angie Calhoun didn't know anything was out of the ordinary until later Monday, when she got a text message from her daughter Hope.
Angie Calhoun says, "She was apologizing, wanting her little sister to be taken care of, Alyssa. It was sort of like a goodbye see you some day."

Later video surveillance footage has surfaced, showing John ambling through the ninth and eleventh floors of a Wilmington office building at 8:30 p.m. the night police say he died. They also have ascertained the manner of death but are holding that close at this time.

The Mercury who served as John's significator in the earlier chart is still crucial in this later CCTV; it is very close to antiscion of the Sun which here takes over as ASC ruler. Furthermore, the Sun on the night he was killed was conjunct John's natal Mercury and opposite his natal Saturn, both afflicted by 6° Neptune in Libra at birth.

Venus is on Sepharial's degree of "Dissipation" and the Sabian symbol is of like nature. Unfortunately this woman who was on the scene remains in the shadows. She and slippery Neptune at the DSC make an unsavory pair. John has been accused of setting a smoke bomb or two off at the real property of the Marini neighbors with whom he is in legal dispute. If he did this, it was done shortly before he went to Wilmington from his home in New Castle. Reports persist that his house was the scene of loud t.v. and/or radio for days before he arrived home although other family members were also gone. And we do know about the pried floor boards. Note that on House 12 of crisis which bears the Sign Cancer of realty & home, Vulkanus conjoins the cusp: extreme force, might and power which corresponds with the continuous blaring audio heard by neighbors.
natal chart for Jared L.
2 Quincunx (please pay attention to the broken green lines in his natal map with the planets that are involved as outlined below in my text)

Mars quincunx Pluto
a health aspect that shows where the stress will have to ‘give” eventually when it finally comes out. Two malefics in such stressful aspect to each other, and Mars in the sign of it’s Ruler Aries so very strongly felt and exerted.

Jupiter is another in peril in his natal chart.
Both in detriment in the sign of Gemini and Quincunx to Neptune is a position that may reflect his growing schizophrenic behaviors they spoke about on TV News tonight.

His My Space,You Tube and other reaching out he was doing but in the most inappropriate and violent manner. His My Space said, he wanted a Police Officer and was taken down.

Jupiter is about expansion but again, in Detriment for this young man, and Neptune often more then not, undermines as it did for him.

He tried to join the military Army in 2008 but was turned down after being tested. The Army will not say why they turned him down.

You can see the 2 Quincunx aspects I point to by following the broken green lines between those planets.
It’s a shame but a harsh reality in our society that the mentally disturbed individuals even when seen by their loved ones and families, as such often stay either in denial or turn their heads and “hope” they outgrow their state of mind. And as this case shows, seldom does this happen without much intervention by the medical community first.
I reflect today on the sad state of this country, both the hate and anger as well as despair by those without the proper health care available to them, such as this young man’s overall condition.

He was turned away from not only the Army in 2008, but also from his local Community College (thrown out) and told he needed to get a mental health evaluation.
This would not have been the case in the U.K. I don’t think. There is help available and free health care for all, including those with psychological issues such as he had.
But then again, someone in his family or loved ones would have to have initiated it in his behalf even in Europe .

My chart when the information came onto my local news put the timing at 10AM, so that is the chart I erected (not having a 10:10timed chart to share):

Fomalhaut at 3Pisces - fixed star of Persian Royalty is rising for an “Immortal Name” to be remembered from this shooting event.

The shooter is on record (his MySpace) saying he wanted his name remembered!

The Moon is conj. The ASC and square the IC or the Moon’s rightful house, 4th Hs.

This shows the tragedy itself as being monumental, as 12 were shot in all , 6 killed including a 9 year old child.

The 5th house of children is ruled by the Moon. The shooter indicated by the ruler of the 7th house is Mercury and he planned this shooting well in advance (Pallas conj. Lachesis and conj. Fixed star FACIES quite ruthless) at 7Capricorn36min. Pallas Athena indicates advanced planning or pre-meditation.

Pallas also conjuncts Pluto at 5Capricorn with Lachesis, (choosing the time of the deaths) in between the two, the asteroid and the planet.

The Ruler of the shooter is Mercury square Jupiter Uranus and the Black Moon.

Natal for Christina: (no time of birth known now, although there is a book about the children who were born on 9-11-2001, and she is one of 40 listed in that book, so perhaps someone will find it there) someday.

Little Christina Green shared with her killer these positions exactly (as to sign and degree)

Sun in 18Virgo

Mercury in 14Libra

A Quincunx with Jupiter (but in her case, it's Jupiter quincunx to Pluto (destruction)

She also had:
Sun square Saturn) Sun square Pluto
Is not an omen, but a very harsh position for the Sun bringing about potential for tragedy

Her natal Mars was not only exalted (strong) for asserting herself, as she did in school participation and in so many other ways, but was unfortunately afflicted too for it fell in the 0-1 degree of a Cardinal sign which points to a critical beginning. Mars opposed the Moon and opposed the North Node.

We can also realize that these same positions of Mars were likewise, the ones for 9-11 for the country.

Same with the Quincunx to Jupiter!

When Christina was taken away, she had Transiting Lachesis with Pluto conjunct her natal
South Node, usually seen as a fated time for some type of event that will be meaningful when the Nodes are involved.

For Christina, the Transiting NN at 2Capricorn may have been a trigger to that very critical Mars in Capricorn to reflect the passing from this life into the next.

thanx! leomoon :) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY too!!

do you have any thoughts in regard to the shared placements between victim and killer?
Natal for Christina: (no time of birth known now, although there is a book about the children who were born on 9-11-2001, and she is one of 40 listed in that book, so perhaps someone will find it there) someday.

Little Christina Green shared with her killer these positions exactly (as to sign and degree)

Sun in 18Virgo

Mercury in 14Libra

A Quincunx with Jupiter (but in her case, it's Jupiter quincunx to Pluto (destruction)

She also had:
Sun square Saturn) Sun square Pluto
Is not an omen, but a very harsh position for the Sun bringing about potential for tragedy

Her natal Mars was not only exalted (strong) for asserting herself, as she did in school participation and in so many other ways, but was unfortunately afflicted too for it fell in the 0-1 degree of a Cardinal sign which points to a critical beginning. Mars opposed the Moon and opposed the North Node.

We can also realize that these same positions of Mars were likewise, the ones for 9-11 for the country.

Same with the Quincunx to Jupiter!

When Christina was taken away, she had Transiting Lachesis with Pluto conjunct her natal
South Node, usually seen as a fated time for some type of event that will be meaningful when the Nodes are involved.

For Christina, the Transiting NN at 2Capricorn may have been a trigger to that very critical Mars in Capricorn to reflect the passing from this life into the next.


Thanks for posting this chart Leomoon. As soon as I saw that little Christina's birthday was 9/11, I wondered about her natal chart. I also happen to have a 9/11 birthday with natal sun at 18Virgo. Thought that was interesting and a little eerie.
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