Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Question for the cult (described yesterday). Since all cult members, including Baez, have owned in public to the certain knowledge that Idol lies like a flatfish, why would any and all of them assume that she would for once in her life tell it straight when accused of capital murder?

We can see that, Tuba, but the cult are baffled at how we don't get it. To them it makes no sense. Yes, she has lied in the past, daily, several times a day, lying to be lying (words from her bro), but now, NOW, she is telling the truth, even though there is nothing substantial to back her words. :rolleyes: How foolish of us to be so blind. How dare us, the sheriff's office, and the state of Florida!
I do not know if this is an appropriate question. Is there any way to tell if KC will get the death penalty by looking at her natal birthchart. Thank you
I do not know if this is an appropriate question. Is there any way to tell if KC will get the death penalty by looking at her natal birthchart. Thank you

I think that may fall into the forbidden area of "predicting". However, it would be interesting to look at the charts of others who have been given the death penalty, and of those executed, then comparing them to Casey's chart as a learning tool. Also, you'd want to look at charts of those who escaped the DP in some way: not convicted, convicted with a lesser sentence such as life in prison, those who appealed and got a lesser sentence, those who sat on death row and died a natural death.......

That's actually the way one learns astrology, by comparing many, many charts with similar situations.
I think that may fall into the forbidden area of "predicting". However, it would be interesting to look at the charts of others who have been given the death penalty, and of those executed, then comparing them to Casey's chart as a learning tool. Also, you'd want to look at charts of those who escaped the DP in some way: not convicted, convicted with a lesser sentence such as life in prison, those who appealed and got a lesser sentence, those who sat on death row and died a natural death.......

That's actually the way one learns astrology, by comparing many, many charts with similar situations.

Actually, Tuba covered this a few posts back. If I understood her interpretation of the chart for the notice of the intent to seek death penalty. Casey will be convicted but she will not receive the death penalty. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Actually, Tuba covered this a few posts back. If I understood her interpretation of the chart for the notice of the intent to seek death penalty. Casey will be convicted but she will not receive the death penalty. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

I remember that post too. Normally when it's a first offense regardless of the crime, unless the person went on a rampage killing spree, they won't receive death but will get life without parole. The prosecution can file for the penalty to ensure the lesser punishment will be life. If you ask me, when you kill your own child, 23 hours a day by yourself for the rest of your life is much worse, especially in an environment that doesn't take well to baby killers.

Quick question, last night on NG a friend of Casey's said that she wasn't smart enough to do this herself...I agree but has there been any indications in the charts that someone was with her? She was all of 100 pounds soaking wet, how did she transport the body several times by herself?
Forgot to put another questions in here that is disturbing me. Everyone is concerned with who the father is and if he died etc.....I would like to know WHY CA had to hide and lie about Casey's pregnancy....I'm starting to think that this person is married, alive and maybe a public figure of some sort. Not usual to hide something like this when eventually the baby will be born. Casey did tell a friend that he worked at Universal and they went to a hotel near by...I'm thinking that's not too far from her fragmented truth....
Respectfully snipped & bolded ~
IQuick question, last night on NG a friend of Casey's said that she wasn't smart enough to do this herself...I agree but has there been any indications in the charts that someone was with her? She was all of 100 pounds soaking wet, how did she transport the body several times by herself?

I saw this on NG also and just shook my head. My question to Casey's friend is: "how smart do you have to be to kill a defenseless 2-year old?" KC lied to her family about being pregnant and got away with it for many months, she lied about having a job and got away with it for years. She lied about where she was for 31 days. She lied about the Zanni car wreck and visiting her "boyfriend." All of which apparently happened AFTER Caylee went missing. In her family - you don't have to be smart, just a liar. And it does not appear that she needed to be a good liar. More evidence of that cult like attitude we see.

Your post above, FifthEssence, reminds me that since so many people are interested in the dynamic of Cindy Anthony they would likely be very interested in reading Kathleen A. Burt's treatment of Gemini in her book Archetypes of the Zodiac. Alibris has some copies that are affordable (and also astronomically priced). The book is written from a Jungian and mythological perspective. The treatment of Gemini is superior, as is Scorpio and of course all the others. It gives invaluable insight into the duality that is Gemini. Check it out. I will put this info in the Library thread as well.

Edited to add
As an astrologer Fifth, I'm sure you have already checked it out, that comment was for others! :D ;)
Speaking of outside astrologers, Antero Alli (of Seattle) wrote about II: "Continually interacting to gather enough information about its options." Cindy is transparently doing just that. Some of that gathered information adheres for later use in retaliation too, Mercury sextile Mars in Pisces and square Pluto in Leo, always with 60 lbs. of steam pressure behind the retort. We sure saw that in the tic toc at Morgan & Morgan. Information as ammunition, that's Cindy version of II.
In July interviews with the police, Cindy presented the story of the caravan to Tampa and was assured that this never took place, her daughter remaining always in Orlando, provably. But why did Cindy present it? As Salem writes, it had to be a lie.
How & why on God's green earth would a mother socialise with named kidnapper (in carefree spirit and on assignment yet) after the abduction? And the prisoner fully believed "the kidnapping" had occurred on June 9th! Z.F.-G. and the caravan were supposedly careering down the freeway long after the launch of 31 days in which Prisoner had not seen her daughter.

In this maddest of all clangers, if Caylee were along for the trip, Blanchard & Sawgrass never happened and if she was not, what is Prisoner doing with the kidnapper? Enjoying her company, staying with her in the hotel, seeing Busch Garden, visiting this felon in hospital. This is the sort of rebuttal that rocks Cindy like heavy return fire and puts wind in her jaws.
For Jersey Girl, Josh O. was checked out. He has two Fire Sign placements the same degree as Caylee's, which causes further scrutiny. However, post hit & run injury in 2004, his body was not in shape to work at Universal and take Prisoner to a hotel so as to conceive Caylee. Stranger things have happened but to me, not feasible.
In July interviews with the police, Cindy presented the story of the caravan to Tampa and was assured that this never took place, her daughter remaining always in Orlando, provably. But why did Cindy present it? As Salem writes, it had to be a lie.
How & why on God's green earth would a mother socialise with named kidnapper (in carefree spirit and on assignment yet) after the abduction? And the prisoner fully believed "the kidnapping" had occurred on June 9th! Z.F.-G. and the caravan were supposedly careering down the freeway long after the launch of 31 days in which Prisoner had not seen her daughter.

In this maddest of all clangers, if Caylee were along for the trip, Blanchard & Sawgrass never happened and if she was not, what is Prisoner doing with the kidnapper? Enjoying her company, staying with her in the hotel, seeing Busch Garden, visiting this felon in hospital. This is the sort of rebuttal that rocks Cindy like heavy return fire and puts wind in her jaws.

Goes to prove once again that CA is as big a liar as her daughter. I cannot wait to see CA blown out of the water in court. She deserves it 100% for all her KC lies. Playing LE, SA, and the public for fools is going to blow so high in court the roof may be on the front lawn. Gorgeous will just sit there and watch it happen, probably laughing on the inside at what fools her parents look like on the stand. I am sorry for the A's in one way, then not at all in another. This whole case for them is like Caylee Who anymore. They like to play games, they will find out they do not have a clue how to play this one. :woohoo:

Tuba thank you so much for all you do it is so interesting.

As Soulscape always reminds us the 0° Aries point of the Zodiac is so important. It is a degree of excitement and notoriety and beginnings. All the more so, at the ingress of Mars onto the degree, which occurs on Wednesday, April 22. It is a signal astronomical and astrological event and it takes place at 8:45 a.m. in Orlando. How strange to see the prisoner's poor judgment splashed all over the map. Battle Royal in the offing with Defense and Prosecution exactly squared off and Mars ruling the police investigation, H. 6 and the H. of homicidal Circumstances, 11. It is also, 11, the H. of Planning and the Sun is there on a degree of planning, ruling H. 3 of evidence.

Moon and Venus are desperate and dispose of the Mercury in Taurus and somehow, we see that because they are elevated in House 10, on view. Either we will be seeing the infirmary video or some look at prisoner even more recent and just as fraught.
For Jersey Girl, Josh O. was checked out. He has two Fire Sign placements the same degree as Caylee's, which causes further scrutiny. However, post hit & run injury in 2004, his body was not in shape to work at Universal and take Prisoner to a hotel so as to conceive Caylee. Stranger things have happened but to me, not feasible.

Thank you so much Tuba. I was thinking the same thing (difficult during recuperation), but was hoping a chart could rule him in or out to put the talk to rest. I feel so bad for his family b/c he's been dead for a couple of years and now his name is plastered in a ragmag. If he's not the father, then his family was put through even more heartache for nothing. So very sad. Again, thank you for this information. :blowkiss:
I would like to ask the astros if this week the stars will be bringing relief to the prisoner, more of the same, or somewhere inbetween. LP is scheduled to be deposed this week, and I wonder what effect that might have on cult's leader.
Idol and the lawyers of her cult will be deep in conference this week, on many occasions. The Sun is on her Lunar Node in Taurus sextile the asteroid of strategy, Pallas Athena but Juno of committed relationships and jealousy is on her Jupiter. Both Mars and Venus, yes together, galvanize her Sun at the end of Pisces and draw attention to love behind bars. The square of poor judgment has already formed in the Fixed Signs of Taurus and Aquarius; being that Mercury is in exact aspect to her own Mercury, Idol is the one exercising poor judgment and making news in Orlando. The Mars ingress chart for Wednesday is set for Orlando and is already on the board. By Wednesday, the Moon will join Mars and Venus atop the Sun of Idol. "Scandal!" is a cry produced from the mouths of non-believers and does not receive cult attention.
I have been wondering why we have never heard more about the lady from LP's office (Tracy?) and what she may have learned while living in the house. At one point didn't detectives go to CA to interview her and she obtained a lawyer? Will anything she saw or heard make it into the trial? Do you think she under some type of non-disclosure? I haven't seen her on any of the witness lists. Is there anything in the stars that indicates she may have some type of valuable info to offer?
I was just curious of Dominic Casey...will he ever be deposed? I know that he got out of the first appointment and have never heard since what the result of that was? Rescheduled??? I truly believe he has the answers to some of the questions regarding the knowledge of the body prior to it being found...also wasn't there some news recently that the A's ow him money and there's a dispute over that?
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