Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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I am not sure until I hear from Fifth Essence whether I should be posting interpretations at this point.

The transiting Moon is square tr. Pluto, and opposite tr. Saturn right now, forming a t-square. This should be a familiar refrain by now.

It suggests that today's testimony is very important.

As I listened to all the witnesses today, without even looking at a chart, I thought the testimonies were very important to the case. Good deal. Please do give astrological interpretations, this is the astrology forum, ya' know. :wink:
GA back on the stand about 3:23 (CNN)

sidebar - just seconds

JB questions GA 3:25 (CNN)

George's Mercury (retrograde) or his third house ruler must have hard aspects because he can't think fast. He gets stumped and flustered. JB is trying to frame him and GA can't think of proper answers. :eek: Wish we had his exact birth time. He tries to answer so he doesn't look bad but doesn't know how!

About 4:12:50, JA asked a question that "saved" GA, "if you had thrown the body into the swamp, there wouldn't have been any evidence in the trunk?". This might be an important time.
What I found so far:

Pluto breaks through illusions, in search of the utter truth. These are not Saturn truths, when we see things for what they are in a mundane or material sense. Pluto probes much deeper, shining light on our darkness.

Am I on the right track?
Just read twitter post that Lee was in court when Mallory testified this morning.

TL told to stand down at 4:39 without being questioned.

Lots of hassling and bickering between FG, JB, and HHJP about text messages state wants to submit.

The stars must be lining up in a cranky way. Everyone seems to be snipping at each other.

Just dismissing the jurors and wishing them fun watching the Lightning game tonight. 4:32:51

Judge says they'll have to go over the text messages more thoroughly because he doesn't believe they are relevant.

Five minute recess 4:44:17 - they need to make copies of text msgs for judge and DT.
Was quite shocked when HHJP said in regards to the admissibility issues with the texts between ICA and Tony, "well then why didn't she just kill her parents instead to get them out of the way"!
I am so sorry, friends. I am going to have to withdraw from further participation in this forum.

There have been more problems with my return than I had expected, and my situation is not such that I can deal with these on a full time basis. My husband only has a few short years left, and I want to have quality time with him.

I have explained my reasons to Fifth Essence and Soulscape. I hope they will be able to carry on. Please know how much I regret it hasn't worked out.
Housemouse, I am so sad and sincerely sorry. I hope you and your husband will be alright. You are both in my prayers. I have loved this time with you, I am going to work hard on my studies, and will think of you and your lessons when I do~ Frigga
I am so sorry, friends. I am going to have to withdraw from further participation in this forum.

There have been more problems with my return than I had expected, and my situation is not such that I can deal with these on a full time basis. My husband only has a few short years left, and I want to have quality time with him.

I have explained my reasons to Fifth Essence and Soulscape. I hope they will be able to carry on. Please know how much I regret it hasn't worked out.

Thank you so much for ALL you have done. (((hugs))) and prayers for you and your husband.
The midpoint conjunction between ICA and Baez (Pluto/Saturn) brings alignment and energy to their relationship- is that correct?
I will keep you and your husband in my heart and prayers housemouse. Take care my friend.
I am so sorry, friends. I am going to have to withdraw from further participation in this forum.

There have been more problems with my return than I had expected, and my situation is not such that I can deal with these on a full time basis. My husband only has a few short years left, and I want to have quality time with him.

I have explained my reasons to Fifth Essence and Soulscape. I hope they will be able to carry on. Please know how much I regret it hasn't worked out.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Please know that I will be thinking of you and sincerely appreciate your input on WS...You will be greatly missed....
I am so sorry, friends. I am going to have to withdraw from further participation in this forum.

There have been more problems with my return than I had expected, and my situation is not such that I can deal with these on a full time basis. My husband only has a few short years left, and I want to have quality time with him.

I have explained my reasons to Fifth Essence and Soulscape. I hope they will be able to carry on. Please know how much I regret it hasn't worked out.

You are on my mind. My sincere thanks for your excellent participation. Both you and your husband will be in my prayers.
Was quite shocked when HHJP said in regards to the admissibility issues with the texts between ICA and Tony, "well then why didn't she just kill her parents instead to get them out of the way"!

Do we know if a horary chart was ever cast asking the question: "Was she planning on killing her parents?"
An interesting connection between Baez and ICA -

Baez's Saturn/Pluto midpoint is conjunct Casey's Saturn/Pluto midpoint. This is so unreal!

Could you elaborate on this, housemouse. Not having an Astro mind or ability, I would like to hear your view of what this is saying to you. TYVM

Sorry, if you already answered this, I had not finished the thread.

Oh housemouse, I didn't see your post about leaving when I posted this either. I am so sorry, but I understand the importance of the quality time with your loved one. You both will be in my prayers and I have sincerely enjoyed your insight into this case. Thank you so much. With love and God's Blessings. Taking A Look
housemouse, we're so grateful whenever you stop by, not just because of your intellect, but because we miss you when you're not here. We understand your problems, I wish I could help, having had to take care of loved ones who were seriously and terminally ill, I understand. It's draining, there's no time for anything else. Please know we'll keeping thinking of you and dear Mr. Mouse.

I'm so very grateful for all you've done for us. Take care and try to get some assistance. :blowkiss:
Moon past that Saturn/Pluto midpoint, and is now coming up on her Venus/Neptune midpoint. So, is between the two of these now, linking them together.

This could explain all the flirty chumminess we saw today. Let's not forget, they have a Venus/Neptune connection in their natal charts, if I remember correctly. Mood swings, I think.

Check this out, a heated exchange between Baez and Casey:

I commented about this at the time. At first, they were all chummy, flirting, she was giddy, suddenly, they stood up and this exchange happened. Here's the post I made about it earlier:

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Or maybe they had two spats today?
Do we know if a horary chart was ever cast asking the question: "Was she planning on killing her parents?"

No horary charts concerning questions such as these are in the works at this time.

It is all we can do to keep up with what is transpiring daily at this trial.

Again, I express my gratitude to everyone who is taking the time to clock the activities. It is most appreciated.

Moon past that Saturn/Pluto midpoint, and is now coming up on her Venus/Neptune midpoint. So, is between the two of these now, linking them together.

As Housemouse told us earlier, Ebertin interprets SATURN/PLUTO = MOON as "the tragic destiny of a woman."

For VENUS/NEPTUNE = MOON, Ebertin gives the following:

...a chaotic emotional life
...a dreamy nature inclination to be influenced or led easily by other people
...a renouncing, unhappy or disappointed woman

Put together, we could be looking at the "tragic destiny" of a "renouncing, unhappy or disappointed woman," one with a "chaotic emotional life, dreamy nature, and an inclination to be easily led/influenced by others."

I am so sorry, friends. I am going to have to withdraw from further participation in this forum.

There have been more problems with my return than I had expected, and my situation is not such that I can deal with these on a full time basis. My husband only has a few short years left, and I want to have quality time with him.

I have explained my reasons to Fifth Essence and Soulscape. I hope they will be able to carry on. Please know how much I regret it hasn't worked out.

Dear Housemouse,
Thank you for all the inspiration, knowledge, patience that you have graced this forum with. I personally am so appreciative of your time and talent that you have so willing shared. Blessings and hugs a plenty to you and Mr. Houseman. Our first priority is our love ones and Mr. Housemouse must be a wonderful person to have found you and vice versa!:seeya:
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