Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

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This is the chart I am working from. Not very considerate to omit it. I was going to borrow one of the charts already mounted but no one else has cast the horoscope for 9:15 a.m., June 4. So, here it is, including the Part of Fortune.


I think that doing a 9:15 a.m. chart makes a lot of sense, especially under the following assumptions:

1. Kyron was taken from the school by someone he knew.
2. From Kyron's view, the "event" didn't begin until the person he knew did something suspicious.
3. Cell pings on Sauvie Island after TH left school.
4. Mapquested SI drive from Skyline Elementary: 15 minutes
5. Perhaps the "event" started on SI, at or after 9:15

The elaboration is at #417 above. I will add that Saturn has a peculiar relation to the Fourth House cusp. It is the aspect virgintile, 18°, meaning: the doorway. So again, there is the theme of key and lock and the location where Kyron was seen, also in a doorway. And the aspect between Venus and Uranus is the tredecile, known for noticeable timing.
Underneath my horoscope in script, I wrote Uranus is semi-sextile Uranus. Drivel. I meant to write Part of Fortune is semi-sextile Uranus, 30°.
The elaboration is at #417 above. I will add that Saturn has a peculiar relation to the Fourth House cusp. It is the aspect virgintile, 18°, meaning: the doorway. So again, there is the theme of key and lock and the location where Kyron was seen, also in a doorway. And the aspect between Venus and Uranus is the tredecile, known for noticeable timing.

Tuba, what do you see as a translated description linking the key and lock, doorway and noticeable timing?

Could one possibility be something like 'this opportunity or action must be taken before the school year ends, during a busy day at the school?'"

Thank you for all the work you are doing to help Kyron.
Your speculation is very welcome. Locked doors are a part of the picture. I guess that even without the help of the planets, we would deduce that our perpetrator had the gift of timing because there were so many potential witnesses, if he or she erred in timing movements.

On another note, we know the Kyron's stepmother is represented by the )( Moon. Not only is that her Sun Sign but the Moon ruled her farewell to Kyron, an action identified to her and no one else. Additionally, Paulette found asteroid Terri for us and on June 4, there it was, conjunct the Moon. However, The II Sun colored all happenings hither & yon on June 4 and likewise, the Moon in )( colored the activity of the day with the special message of Pisces: enforced, involving bondage & the biding of time, unfortunate. Whenever the Moon is square the Sun, there is temptation to force matters. An attempt to coerce another to do something that the escapist Moon is unwilling herself to do.

The Sign belonging on House 5 in the natural zodiac is rising here, at 9:15 a.m. and in that complicated House, there is nothing encouraging. Scorpio always complicates, there is an intercept ruled by a planet very badly conditioned, and the ruler of the cusp is at violent odds with the ruler of the intercept, Jupiter square a Capricornian Pluto. Someone held against his will. The node of associations and associates at the same degree as the Sun---no one comes to assist, no one.
thank you Tuba.. wow.. how telling is that (confirming in my personal thoughts)

When will this plot come to light? I see it as being planned.

Also, some questions about the 4th house and how empty it was... do you think there could be some marital problems going on between TM and KM? I am not sensing serene surroundings there and wondering if bio mom being so far away plus fractures within Kyron's closest family unit (TM and KM) could be the reason for the emptiness in that very vital house of the family?
thank you Tuba.. wow.. how telling is that (confirming in my personal thoughts)

When will this plot come to light? I see it as being planned.

Also, some questions about the 4th house and how empty it was... do you think there could be some marital problems going on between TM and KM? I am not sensing serene surroundings there and wondering if bio mom being so far away plus fractures within Kyron's closest family unit (TM and KM) could be the reason for the emptiness in that very vital house of the family?

When looking at news footage of the Hormans together, I was put back when I saw TH push her husband to the microphone. Did you notice that? Has that ever happened to you? I've had the experience and it is not a welcome one. He was taking the moment to compose himself before speaking in public. Other than her gesture there and the mugging, no signs of dissension. However, when the Moon is square the Sun in any chart, there is male - female disharmony, so I'm sure your concerns are well founded.
When looking at news footage of the Hormans together, I was put back when I saw TH push her husband to the microphone. Did you notice that? Has that ever happened to you? I've had the experience and it is not a welcome one. He was taking the moment to compose himself before speaking in public. Other than her gesture there and the mugging, no signs of dissension. However, when the Moon is square the Sun in any chart, there is male - female disharmony, so I'm sure your concerns are well founded.

I did not have the same interpretation. But I definitely noticed Terri doing this the first time I saw the video.

What I saw (or my interpretation of what I saw) was that Terri reached to lightly touch the backs of BOTH Tony and Kaine, as it was each one's turn to leave her side and walk to the microphone.

I suppose we see & interpret in the way we are familiar with from experience. My family happens to be very demonstrative - we use exactly that sort of touch as a gesture of love & support.

So, yes, it's happened to me a lot, and I welcome it, (from close family) probably because it's not a surprise.

Thanks for the astrological tip (heads-up) regarding increased potential for male-female disharmony. That would be good to know, if only I had the skills for reading this stuff the astros have. :)
I did not have the same interpretation. But I definitely noticed Terri doing this the first time I saw the video.

What I saw (or my interpretation of what I saw) was that Terri reached to lightly touch the backs of BOTH Tony and Kaine, as it was each one's turn to leave her side and walk to the microphone.

I suppose we see & interpret in the way we are familiar with from experience. My family happens to be very demonstrative - we use exactly that sort of touch as a gesture of love & support.

So, yes, it's happened to me a lot, and I welcome it, (from close family) probably because it's not a surprise.

Thanks for the astrological tip (heads-up) regarding increased potential for male-female disharmony. That would be good to know, if only I had the skills for reading this stuff the astros have. :)


Can you post the link to this Video, as I cannot find it.


BBM: Is it possible then that a female that is involved in some sort of occult had Kyron at 9:15 AM???

Sorry, but I can't understand astro so is it possible there is a male involved along with the female?

Can you post the link to this Video, as I cannot find it.



Happy to oblige Leomoon. It's the first press conference.

Here is the link:

and here is the WS link to various media (no discussion) on KYron's case should you wish to peruse:
[ame=""]Kyron Horman - Portland, Oregon MEDIA AND IMAGES LINKS - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Please correct me if I am wrong but basically what everyone has come to agree is that, the female that we have all thought, IS responsible for the disappearance but not for what ultimately happened it was part of a plan that went wrong, and she is not in this alone, and this happened in private possably a locked room of some sort in which he is/was at. I am a bit confused myself reading this.
Please correct me if I am wrong but basically what everyone has come to agree is that, the female that we have all thought, IS responsible for the disappearance but not for what ultimately happened it was part of a plan that went wrong, and she is not in this alone, and this happened in private possably a locked room of some sort in which he is/was at. I am a bit confused myself reading this.
Unfortunately, you are right on target... : (
I'm not sure how to answer your first question without infringing on the TOS rules. :waitasec:

The second question I'll have to study the chart a bit more to answer, but I can say that in MY interpretation, a female has the primary (and possibly only) role. I'll try to answer your question a little later today as I have to engage in real life this afternoon. LOL.
I have to do real life today as well but wanted to say that there are a few aspects that point to the possability of at least two involved, I cant tell you right off the top of my head because I dont have the charts at my disposal at the moment, but if you read back through this thread it is mentioned in the posts. Although only one may be responsible for the act of his disappearnce from the school, its possable that more than one is responsible for the situation as I see it, I hope that makes sense.
Since the first charts were posted, it became evident a FEMALE plays a major role in the disappearance of KYRON. Different astrologers with different backgrounds, all come to this same conclusion.

Go back to the beginning of this thread starting with post #1 and read what aspects were emphasized (female-female-female), and continue through the thread looking for all/other EVENT charts and accompanying notes.

FEMALE for sure w/a possible male tying in with this FEMALE but in WHAT capacity, I personally am not sure. Again, possible male association?/tie-in? noticed early on in the charts.
Please correct me if I am wrong but basically what everyone has come to agree is that, the female that we have all thought, IS responsible for the disappearance but not for what ultimately happened...

A female may have been used to lure him away, but the suspect will end up being a male.

It seems everyone has forgotten that Pisces is a mutable sign. The Moon is in Pisces, so it does not automatically mean it is a woman, even more so since these are effectively mundane charts.

The Moon can most certainly represent a male and also anyone in the common trades. According to Lily, Bonatus and many others, the Moon denotes common People, Travelers, Pilgrims, Sailors, Fishermen, Fish-mongers, Brewers, Tapsters, Vintners, Letter-carriers, Coachmen, Hunts-men, Messengers, Mariners, Millers, Malstors, Drunkards, Hackney-men, Water-men and Water-bearers, to name but a few.

pittsburghgir said:
lUnfreakingbelievable. There are no words. Poor Kyron. He's missing, and his folks are working out at the gym.

Sentiments like that are common among people who lack understanding.

Everyone grieves differently and in different ways. I'm certain the media is equally disappointed that the parents aren't flailing around on the ground sobbing, because that makes really good news, increases ratings, and brings in lots of advertising revenues which benefits the share-holders tremendously.

It's possible the parents are in shock and refuse to admit that he's gone. That type of denial is quite common and people tend to go on doing the things that are most comfortable to them.

In any event, I'm not really sure what the grieving process has to do with forensic astrology.

FifthEssence said:
After going through this whole thread and looking at the charts and Astro analysis, I can't find any focus on a man with white hair & a beard.

The Moon, Libra and Pisces symbolize the color white.

Capricorn's often have beards.

Paulette said:
Would a polygraph be "physical evidence useful forensically"?

Polygraphs' are testimonial evidence, not physical evidence. The result is that polygraphs fall under the 5th Amendment and protection from self-incrimination.

Polygraph's are only admissible if both the Prosecution and Defense agree, otherwise the Defense simply files a Motion in Liminie, which just about any 4th Grader can scrawl in crayon on paper.

Polygraph's are only as reliable as the operator. In my opinion, if the polygraph operator does not interview the subject for at least two to four hours prior to administering the polygraph, then the polygraph results are flawed and of no value.

mom_of_five said:
Last aspect Moon (female perp) makes before leaving Pisces is opposition to Saturn (associated with child)

Actually, the last aspect the Moon would make is a conjunction with Jupiter before leaving Pisces.

Leomoon80 said:
We really need to recall our Derivative houses perhaps more helpful now then ever before.

Just count the houses. If the 8th House represents the murderer, the 4th from the 8th (counting the 8th) is the murderer's home. The 3rd from the 8th (counting the 8th) would be the environment. The 6th from the 8th (counting the 8th) would give hints to the murderer's daily routine or field of work.

Emma Peel said:
and here is the WS link to various media (no discussion) on KYron's case should you wish to peruse

How do you keep the media info from prejudicing the readings of your charts?

Not sure what you are asking/saying/implying regarding the news and it's influence, and have to wonder why you would ask such a question.
We rely on the news for dates, times and event info. IF it happens that some piece of news comes out that happens to relate to one of the chart discussions, particularly if it has a tie-in to something one of the Astros noted, I see no problem with that.

Pisces is a feminine Sign and that is determinative, not whether it is common or mutable.

I don't think the one poster you copied in your post was asking if a poly would hold up in court. Although I can't speak for her, seems she was wondering if it could be used forensically.
We all know, regardless if a poly is or is not allowed in a trial setting, Law Enforcement does use whatever they obtained in their profiling when considering If X-party should be looked at more closely. All part of the investigative process.
'Limine' is the correct spelling for the motion you mentioned.

Unfortunately, Mircea, you have misunderstood the nature of Event charts. They are in no wise equitable to Mundane charts: planets read differently, Houses read differently. Separate art.

Please keep in mind astrologers come here with different backgrounds, skill sets, and disciplines.
We respect that. (in your case, I see you adhere to the Ancient methods)

Thank you.
Noting the 8th house in one 9AM and the 9th house in the other wherein,
Jupiter moves in residence with Uranus at 9:15AM:

I refer back to the lord of the 7th being Saturn (co-ruler) and Saturn posited in the 2nd house and opposing Uranus, Quincunx to Neptune and square to Pluto, telling me the child didn't live long after he was kidnapped.

I wonder however, if the intercepted signs in the 9th (9:15AM) point to
his being handed over to another?

Jupiter (late degrees Pisces) the 1st person, Uranus 0 degrees (a new crisis
and change) in Aries the 2nd person?

At 9AM Jupiter WAS in the 8th house in the latter degree conj. Scheat.

Could be in water.
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