Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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We can always reverse engineer a day of course with Astrology charts.
But don’t we need to go back to what rules for Event Charts that Fith Essence has quoted a few times?
If we don’t, then we are working “willy-nilly” and all over the place.

In otherwords, the many charts done here point to Kyron’s probable death.
However, when that probable death took place, can legitimately be surmised by manipulation of the computerized charts and working on the transits and progressions of planets.

Usually in Astrology we look for what is called “Testimonies” and 3 are necessary to even begin to take a chart seriously.

Are there 3 in this chart?

I can see by erecting it and looking briefly that Regulus (Alphard to be exact) rises at the 11:24AM time on June 4th, 2010.
I can also see that Scorpio (water ) is at the I/C and of course as mentioned for this day as well, both POF and Mercury (the lower mind symbol) is conjunct or near conj. Algol and the other stars that predict trouble at the MC (the public arena) in an Earth sign.

Having the D/C cusp as on this chart, with the Black Moon Lilith right on the cusp of the 7th house of open enemies, (within 15minutes) also is intriguing because of the kind and the noteiriety of this case thus far.

So, it’s a potential chart for a potential event that has some merit, imo as hypotheticals

In natal astrology there are some Astrologers (I’m not one of them) who will not do a chart until it has been Rectified first, thus giving every time of birth a question mark until the Astrologer feels the time is confirmed by testimonies in the chart beyond the clock time of birth.

So, rectification in this manner would suggest even the birth time (for some) is seen as a hypothetical until rectified.

I’m not beating around the bush here, I’m trying to say that I think the guidelines in place by Fifth Essence make the most overall sense, although I’m also intrigued by the chart itself for this time and place.

Perhaps I’ll check further and comment again later if permissable to do so for the benefit of those who ask and find interest in this point in time on June 4th, 2010,

I'm sure the others have their own take on if he is in water or in the earth itself., or even (as I've also been told by other internet astrological bloggers) still alive somewhere.

It's all about the probabilities and the weight towards one end vs another, imo

For the Weighing , here are a few of the ARabic Lots found in this particular timed chart (hypothetical time) based on rather a good investigation of the potentials, imo.
YET< I don not agree that it's so much water that he would be found in water!
There are two angles in water, but the MC is in Taurus (earth)
So, from this I am not convinced of a water focus.

Hour of Jupiter:

1)PO Fatality &#8211; Jupiter RX conj. &#8220;Scheat&#8221; (found in 8th conj. Uranus)
2)PO Mother - 20°52min. Aries
3)PO Mother and /or Family &#8211; 8Taurus (conj. &#8220;Hamal&#8221;)
4)PO Slyness &#8211; 21Libra 21min.
5)PO Deceit - 13AQ &#8211; (conjunct &#8220;Algrorab&#8221;) (dishonesty, slyness, malvolent, misrepresents are all keywords)
6)PO a Disaster &#8211; 3°Virgo
7)PO a murder (1) 27°Capricorn
8)PO a murder (2) 27°Cancer
9)PO a Reprisal = 20°Taurus 31&#8217;
10) PO Punishment &#8211; 12° Gemini 27&#8217;

"T" Square exists between PO Mother/PO Slyness/ PO Venus

4th house cusp in this timed event is 19Scorpio, (the evil degree) or "no good to come from it" as noted by Charubel in his work of Degrees although it's possible he didn't give it this phrase.

I suppose the next thing to do, would be to check all of these Parts against the various charts we already have should someone wish to pick this up.


Hi Leo!

Question: Since Water & Earth both show, could Ky possibly be in mud or sludge? What about Wetlands?
Hi Leo!

Question: Since Water & Earth both show, could Ky possibly be in mud or sludge? What about Wetlands?

This question is not in my area of strength or expertise, and this is far too important for me to guesstimate.

I'm waiting on the others because they have more hours in then I do in this
department of Astrology.

Thanks for asking however.

I do think it's a reasonable question to ponder and an important one, (both geographic location and the moist or dry areas should be answerable and in the Horary Charts) as well as given earlier by Mircea as the (distance)

It's just a matter of discernment with knowledge of years invested in Horary to do this adequately enough.

I think it was either this case or Steven K's case that the forum got into the question of distance and how to find the person in the Horary charts or Events charts.

What you ask is a logical question too, because we do have the associative symbols for both.

For any wishing to tackle this important and most timely question, here is the link that was posted on the forum awhile back and perhaps has some key information here to help us:
Tuba, I see you on here...please don't go away. Give me a sec to type something up.
I have a couple of addresses for DLS, the friend of step-mom that is much sought after for questioning.

One of the addresses is her condo that is for sale. There are wetlands, or greenlands, out back of the condo. This is in Tualatin, OR.

She had a previous address which is located in Hillsboro, OR. It is a house and farmland. The farmland backs up to Lodie.

Now remember a truck was sighted coming off of Lodie and reported to the authorities? The person reporting it actually called it in twice bc he didn't get a response? He said the driver looked like step-mom. Step-mom & DLS appear similar, sharing some of the same traits. Could this be a decoy or somebody that step-mom is setting up for a fall in such a way as Casey did to Amy? Step-mom & DLS have been friends for approx 7 years, so step-mom would be familiar with this land in Hillsboro, as well as the condo in Tualatin. Is it possible that maybe a body could have been placed in one of these areas and then moved?

DLS harvests worms for composting. I don't know if that means anything but is there anything related to living green in the charts? Paulette maybe could help out there with the asteroids? I keep going back to the sludge, wish I could let it go.

Would a chart show if this person could be connected or not? Since she's been sought after in the news, is it safe to post her birth date? Or do you already have it and maybe holding it for the right time to post, ie if maybe she's named as an actual accomplice?

EVENT Charts provide us with forensic details of activity that we know already happen using specific times we are sure of as provided by LE. The findings in those charts give us an up-close picture of the activities, environment and notable influences that likely came in to play resulting in a life changing situation, a loss or damage.

In the case of young KYRON, it appears his demise occurred shortly after the 9 a.m. Having ZERO(0)degrees (degree of Homicide)Leo on the 9am. chart ASC tells us, MURDER was in the air, also the perp was very sure about ending his life as 'swiftly' as possible. (unstable Mercury in crisis at 21.21degrees Taurus-a FIXED sign). Getting the job done as quickly as possible and out of the way was of utmost importance to the perp. No stopping them. Appears to be premeditated. Had other plans lined up for that day and was in a hurry to get on with their 'other' interests.

As some may have noted in past cases, no one method has ever been consistent that I am aware of in 'locating' a victim, utilizing both Event and Horary charts. In some case instances, a couple methods have worked out, other times, no, but often the environment itself turns out to be more predictable and does coincide with the surroundings of the find.

I ask you all to seriously say
PRAYERS for KYRON's family who want to hold on to hopes of a live KYRON coming home. Unfortunately, ALL Event charts lead us to believe otherwise, confirmation after confirmation, sorry to say.
As much as we are driven to solve the mystery of his disappearance as though KYRON was one of our own, we remain on the outside looking in. The anguish and fear that plagues the Family must become more pronounced as each day passes without him in sight.

KYRON, we all want you to come home. GOD SPEED.
Hello folks,
This is my first post on this forum. I have lurked for a while. You guys are amazing and I have to say, I'm impressed!

DOB: 12/01/1960
40.85°N 73.87°W

Time of questions:

In typical sagittarian form, I have several questions :)

Have all 4 of the parents charts been cast?

Also, I am unable to convince myself the SM is the perp. On face value, this case seems so complicated, and yet I still believe all a sexual predator had to do was arouse the curiosity of this child to lure him away from the group.

Can you give some insight on this?

(Also, OT, when I had my chart done previously on a computer, my rising sign comes up as sagittarius. When it is hand done, it comes up scorpio. Why the difference? Is it possible to have my chart cast?)
We don't read each other's charts here. I was going to look up your ascendant, but your coordinates seem incorrect. Minutes only go up to 59 (40.85°N 73.87°W). A place name would help.

I was coming here to refresh my memory on this case and the charts when I saw your post. Have you read Kyron's astrology threads all the way through, I believe some of your questions are answered in these two threads. I can't answer your questions because I'm "rusty" (translation: old and can't remember what I read last week).
Bronx, New York.

Rusty is good :)

(You know I have to say that, I'm getting Rusty too!)
We do a lot of work here but it isn't personal. Sagittarius is a Sign of long ascension; it takes its time going over the horizon. For that reason, I am surprised that an astrologer would imagine that you had any other Sign rising when born on the first of December at 6:54. Your Ascendant is 6:59 Sagittarius.

Feel free to suspect someone other than the stepmother. It was a bad day for her in that she has a natal square between the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in II and on this day, June 4, the Sun and Moon compounded the square because the Sun was in II and the Moon was in Pisces. What is worse is that those positions afflicted Kyron all the time, as his Sun is opposite hers and his Pluto is opposite her Moon. And this woman had Saturn on her Pluto on June 4. Kyron's Sun also opposed her afflicted Mercury and his Mars was on her south lunar node. Her Mars - Saturn opposed his Venus. The very best that could be heard from them was constant squabbling but there is nothing as ruthless as Saturn-Pluto. Let's not forget that the Mercury at crisis on June 4 was the same Mercury TMH has by progression, 21° Taurus.

Half a year ago, she bargained with a landscaper whom she asked to kill her husband for money. When she says she said goodbye to Kyron, her own Uranus was conjunct House 4 of endings on the Fixed Star Vindemiatrix, bringing death to a family member. Saturn in the chart for June 4 not only squared Kyron's own Saturn exactly but was on her Pluto. Her Neptune at 0° Sagittarius was operating smoothly with Uranus, also at 0°, of the Sign Aries. It really is no mystery, flying monkey, why she is the focus of the investigation.
Thank you, Tuba for taking the time to answer my questions and clarifying that personal question.

I may sound totally ignorant, but I have to ask, given all these factors, you say Saturn/Pluto is the worst, is there a possibility that TH did not know she wouldn't see Kyron again, or does this Saturn/Pluto connection indicate a hands on involvement?

If I remember correctly, ages ago, Pluto in the 12th house was the house of the Assasins?
Is this accurate?
Wow! I looked up Pluto in the twelfth house and found the description so apt to what's going on here, down to LE being in no hurry to arrest SWMNBN. I'd hate to see someone made into a champion of the underdogs.

Twelfth House
Pluto is in the twelfth house denotes a preoccupation with the mysteries of life and death, and matters relating to a higher consciousness in life. This placement sometimes shows association with social outcasts or subversive elements. At its worse, it can show force your will upon others, while at its best it may make you a champion of people who are very unfortunate. Karmic influences over which you have little control may affect your life.
Scylla (155) and Charybdis (388) represent inescapable danger in Greek Mythology. They inhabited opposite sides of the straight of Messina. Scylla is a six headed monster that reached out and grabbed sailors as their ship passed to close to her. Charybdis, on the opposite side of the strait was a whirlpool that sucked entire ships to the bottom of the ocean.

The strait of Messina seems to represent a narrow passage that one must pass through which is beset on both sides by danger. If you attempt to avoid Scylla, you&#8217;ll come to close to Charybdis, and vice-versa.

Asteroid &#8220;Righi&#8221; (16766) seems to mean to manipulate or be manipulated.

&#8220;Porter&#8221; (1636) a personal name

Kyron has &#8220;Righi&#8221; 19:32 LEO, it was transited by &#8220;Porter&#8221; 20:13 LEO on the 4th. (It&#8217;s obvious that this child didn&#8217;t attempt to manipulate Ms. Porter.)

SWMNBN has &#8220;Charybdis&#8221; 13:11 ARIES, and &#8220;Porter&#8221; 13:13 LEO, in the natal chart. Ms. Porter represents the Straits of Messina, thus SWMNBN must pass closer to Scylla or be caught in the whirlpool & drowned. That won&#8217;t work either, because SWMNBN has &#8220;Scylla&#8221; 16:35 Capricorn, which was transited by the NN on April 8th. And it&#8217;s trine to Kyron&#8217;s Sun 16:43 Virgo. A last ditch attempt is made on June 4th to manipulate Ms. Poster & Charybdis. &#8220;Righi&#8221; is transiting SWMNBN&#8217;s natal Charybdis at 13:05 Aries.

snipped from the article below: &#8220;There was no expectation on the part of Skyline School that Kyron Horman would be in class after the science fair the day he disappeared, according to multiple sources.&#8221;

Kyron has &#8220;Scilla&#8221; 5:13 CAP. On April 8th &#8220;Charybdis&#8221; & Pluto were transiting at 5 degrees CAP. This is exactly trine to SWMNBN&#8217;s Mars/Saturn conjunction 5:39 & 6:10 Taurus.. It seems obvious that any attempt to conspire against this child will end in disaster for both parties.

Tell me true, do you really think there&#8217;s anyone else on the planet or within striking distance of Kyron that has this configuration of dangerous asteroids?

DS and atty called to Grand Jury
Stepmom's Friend Subpoenaed By Grand Jury

POSTED: 12:19 pm PDT July 26, 2010
UPDATED: 12:24 pm PDT July 26, 2010
DS subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury Monday morning.

Also Monday, FOX 12 learned the missing boy's father, Kaine Horman, found out his wife paid $350,000 to Stephen Houze, her lawyer, to keep him on retainer for the case.

A motion was filed in a restraining order filed by Kaine Horman against his wife that demands Terri Horman disclose how she got the money or be forced to by a judge.

Actual MOTION to SHOW CAUSE:registered in the clerk of courts office 7/26/10 @ 9:06a.m.
(scroll down to get the scrib copy of document)
Let's hope D's testimony brings Kyron home. Is a chart possible for the time of the testimony to the GJ?
Let's hope D's testimony brings Kyron home. Is a chart possible for the time of the testimony to the GJ?

I believe this qualifies as an EVENT as it's NOT a common every day sort of activity. (subpoenaed by GrandJury)

We would need the EXACT Time she entered the courtroom or the exact time she left the courtroom including location. The time of posting the story in the news is not sufficient.

Don't know if the subpoena itself is available through county clerk records, but if a confirmed time of delivery or recordation was available, that too would be a valid time to work with.
I believe this qualifies as an EVENT as it's NOT a common every day sort of activity. (subpoenaed by GrandJury)

We would need the EXACT Time she entered the courtroom or the exact time she left the courtroom including location. The time of posting the story in the news is not sufficient.

Don't know if the subpoena itself is available through county clerk records, but if a confirmed time of delivery or recordation was available, that too would be a valid time to work with.

Hi Fifth!

Here it tis:

Spicher wasn't called in until sometime after 11:20 a.m., and was done before noon, her lawyer said

FYI to our astrologers:

I'm bringing this article here because recent charts indicated something about the stepmother and her solidifying her money issues - and this article directly concerns exactly that.

All these recent legal manuveurs and quotes from the Sheriff's office seem to all be pointing to a psychological "squeeze" on TH to start to cooperate and give some information up.

There is also the possibility she (or her lawyers) could work out a potential lesser charge case imo, such as manslaughter, if they'd start to take the "bait" or the squeeze . I'm sure her lawyers are aware of all of this however, and so far, no takers.

Here is a portion of your link's article, which suggests a time of the Grand Jury convening, and I wonder if this Grand Jury will indict or not indict?

With enough of evidentiary, Evidence or no?

Also today, DeDe Spicher, a close friend of Terri Moulton Horman who was a visible presence beside her after Kaine Horman left the house and obtained a restraining order, appeared before a Multnomah County grand jury at 11:20 a.m. this morning in response to a subpoena, her lawyer Chad Stavley confirmed.

Spicher appeared very briefly, but is expected to return before the grand jury for a more extensive session at a later date, Stavley said. Stavley could not accompany his client as the proceedings are closed and secret.

"It's just an investigative grand jury,'' Stavely said. "Today was a preliminary, very short session. I anticipate she'll be back in front of the jury sometime in the future.''
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