Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Praying for Tori this day May 27th

Been keeping an eye out for some news on her discovery, I can't understand why they haven't found her yet when they took the perp with them to point out where she is.....frustrating!
Me too, OldSoul2. We all just want her to be found, as I'm sure the men and women out there doing their jobs want the same. Certainly, the public pressure is on and adds to it for everyone. We want as much evidence to be found as possible, so come court time, the Crown can present the best possible case against the two accused. Unfortunately, I'm no different than most - we'd like that "yesterday" please? lol ... Patience, they say is a virtue - hmm, not sure I can honestly say one of my strengths.

Remember too, this is a vast area they're painstakingly searching, mostly comprised of farmland, and even though they are concentrating on an area north of Guelph, it's still lots of land to search through.

And, once Mercury goes direct, I'm hoping we'll see some sort of progress/more information come to light.

But heh, doesn't keep me and others praying right along with you! Prayer should never be underestimated.
Thanks to all for directions, maps and mileage conversions.

What I am about to post is purely speculative. We look again to the Missing Persons Report chart, for guidance on where Tori may be.


Recall VENUS symbolizes Tori, here at 00 Aries on the Descendant.

The Part of FIND is posited at 10 Gemini in the 9th House, disposited by MERCURY at 28 Aries in the 8th House. The highly dignified SUN is located at 19 Aries on the dark side of the 8th House cusp. Notice MOON is in 10th degree, same degree as FIND.

The planets/points that attract me are FIND, its dispositor MERCURY, plus SUN and VENUS. If I add the degrees together (10 + 28 + 19 + 00) I get 57 (58:43 if incl. minutes) --- so approx. 58 miles, maybe 68 if MOON's degrees are included.

If this chart were layed over a Land Map, the direction would be NNE (FIND in 9th House).

Both Gemini (sign containing FIND) and Libra (sign containing MOON) are Air signs, suggesting she is out in the open --- covered up, perhaps, but above ground and not in the water. As mentioned before, Part of Death is in Aries, disposited by MARS in Pisces, so water is relevant. She may be near or closeby water, but I don't think she's in it...

The location is likely secluded because FIND is in a cadent house.

Gemini locations include: hilly and high places, areas reached on foot usually requiring a climb.

Libra locations include: hillsides, mountain meadows, trees, hunting areas, detached buildings in clean or barren gravel fields. (Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson).


In one of the news reports where a helicopter was flying over the land, I saw an area which appeared to me to be a gravel pit. It was hard to tell, but I will see if I can find the video later as I have some errands to run.

In the video there appears to be hills of (I'm assuming) gravel and water amongst the heeps. I can't recall the location whether it was Guelph, Rockwood etc. but will forward video once I find it. This poor family needs to find their precious little one. My heart breaks for them.
God bless you all. I know nothing about your science but I've been reading this thread since about 11:00 pm last night. I'm overwhelmed by your knowledge/wisdom.

I'm wondering if any of you can tell from Tori's charts if she had any special psychic gifts. We are tremendously sad in Wellington County. Residents here in Guelph, Fergus and surrounding areas are all looking for this little child; she is always on our mind and we continue searching for her everday. LE are going 24-7 and have already covered enormous territory. It's as if this girl is communicating with us all. I can feel a "pull" that has something to do with the imperative and urgent need to find the body. I don't know any of the people involved in this tragedy but, I've had horrible nighmares about whatever befell this child--and this has never happened to me before.

(BTW, I'm not a "nutter.")

Rest assured, the police are searching throughout southern Ontario and are leaving no stone unturned. Some of the searching going on is not necessarily being covered by the media.

Yesterday they moved the main search HQ from Fergus back to Rockwood; for those unfamiliar with the landscape, Rockwood, as Menci mentions, contains huge limestone cliffs and is a beautiful conservation area with peaks, valleys, caves, water. Link:

If any of you can help locate the body, please don't hesitate to call the LE.
If I can help you at all, please ask.

Thank you for letting me share. I think you are on the right track with this. I suspect, this is going to be a very ugly story when the truth comes to light.
Dear Guelphite,

From a fellow "Guelphite" - just wanted to say thank you for your sincere warmth in your post. I can't say as an astrologer about what gifts if any Tori may have had, (I would want to look at her birth chart and know her birth time, for the astrology that I personally practice),but I can tell you with a genuine caring heart, that it doesn't take too much to realize that from what little we've gleaned about Tori through the obvious media reports, she was a very special little girl whose time came much too soon.

I can well understand the grief the community that has come to know Tori must feel, let alone those in her hometown of Woodstock. Some people (Woodstonians) are even at a point of palpable anger and fury, though on one-hand understandable, and perhaps inevitable, and I do pray that all those impacted and affected, directly or indirectly - and dare I say, there are many people more than we may at first glance realize, that they all find a way to get past this "collected feeling of anger", and though very hard it may well be for some more than others (not even mentioning her immediate family members and close friends, acquaintances), as we all handle our emotions differently. There is, therefore, a real need for people to grieve, to say goodbye - a strong, urgent need by all that her remains are found - more to put her sweetness to rest, than to collect forensic evidence.

And, so for this, I think, I can say we all pray. So, where there is grief, sadness and even utter despair, there is also some brightness too. We must not forget to look that there is good too - though hard to see for some of us.

But, as this tragic story has unfolded and has virtually gone from every corner to every corner, nation-wide, I truly believe that despite what may still come, we will also see many acts of kindness from others, and just much goodness outpouring - L O V E - in this our crazy world. Tori will be more than remembered. Not to diminish other families who have lost a young child (the Parrot girl, Holly Jones, to name a couple), but perhaps Tori's brief stay on this earth will leave a legacy for many years to come. Improvements to the Amber Alert in Canada, for one? 'Tis all good. It's all good.
Charges against Terri-Lynne have been upgraded to First Degree Murder


No details were provided in court as to why the charges against McClintic were upgraded to murder. The Oxford police only confirmed in a news release that the charge of accessory after the fact to murder had been upgraded to first-degree murder.

Thank GOD! That's what my hunch was all along. I think no body, no cookie! Either she led them on a wild goose chase because she's afraid of the DNA on the evidence...(I think Tuba talked about that) or LE told her if she points them to the remains with a confession they will give her lesser charges. I think she knows exactly where Tori is....the charges have been upgraded...that means she was there with him and knows. LE...keep putting on the pressure!!!!
Charges against Terri-Lynne have been upgraded to First Degree Murder


No details were provided in court as to why the charges against McClintic were upgraded to murder. The Oxford police only confirmed in a news release that the charge of accessory after the fact to murder had been upgraded to first-degree murder.

Her 'blatantly dark' chart led me to suspect she was involved.

See: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - Victoria (Tori) Stafford - Canada[/ame]

Thank you for this update, Fifth.

Based on an un-official psycho-analysis done on TLM, I also was inclined to opine her involvement was less innocent than the initial charges against her indicated.

Soulscapes, I've wondered about the "hidden" or "concealed" aspect in MR's chart that you composed. Do these astro-influences also influence things like the media's coverage of MR? Why I ask is because there seems to be a surplus of information WRT the victim (including family and friends) and TLM; yet, we get very little open source/media information about MR and family.

Please forgive my lack of astro-knowledge. I had my chart done years ago and was amazed at how accurate it was. So I respect the work you all do; I just don't know how it works.
Based on an un-official psycho-analysis done on TLM, I also was inclined to opine her involvement was less innocent than the initial charges against her indicated.

Soulscapes, I've wondered about the "hidden" or "concealed" aspect in MR's chart that you composed. Do these astro-influences also influence things like the media's coverage of MR? Why I ask is because there seems to be a surplus of information WRT the victim (including family and friends) and TLM; yet, we get very little open source/media information about MR and family.

Please forgive my lack of astro-knowledge. I had my chart done years ago and was amazed at how accurate it was. So I respect the work you all do; I just don't know how it works.

Hello Guelphite,

Your question is very difficult to answer without having MR's time of birth. If, for example, his natal NEPTUNE were conjunct or close to natal MIDHEAVEN or ASCENDANT, or if he had Pisces on the natal MIDHEAVEN or ASCENDANT, that would tend to make him 'invisible.' There may be other information that could be ascertained if we had the actual time of birth. Without it, we can only speculate.

Terri's lawyer is going to try to postpone court proceedings until a body is found. I should hope the Crown Attorney will not allow that considering both Terri and Michael know where the body is and are not telling. The Crown have to have enough DNA evidence showing Tori was murderered and by the two in order to charge them both with 1st degree murder without having her body.
In one of the news reports where a helicopter was flying over the land, I saw an area which appeared to me to be a gravel pit. It was hard to tell, but I will see if I can find the video later as I have some errands to run.

In the video there appears to be hills of (I'm assuming) gravel and water amongst the heeps. I can't recall the location whether it was Guelph, Rockwood etc. but will forward video once I find it. This poor family needs to find their precious little one. My heart breaks for them.

My apologizes SS, I have been searching for the news report video but am not having any luck. I think I'm going to look on G-Earth. I'm pretty sure it was the few days TL went up with LE. Could anyone confirm for me if that was Guelph or Fergus they were searching with TL by helicopter? Thanx!
My apologizes SS, I have been searching for the news report video but am not having any luck. I think I'm going to look on G-Earth. I'm pretty sure it was the few days TL went up with LE. Could anyone confirm for me if that was Guelph or Fergus they were searching with TL by helicopter? Thanx!

It was Guelph ...........


  • Helicopter Guelph May 21 2009.jpg
    Helicopter Guelph May 21 2009.jpg
    36.6 KB · Views: 21
Guelph and Fergus are surrounded by water; we are part of the Grand River Watershed which empties into Lake Erie.

This is a good map of the area and is roughly the search area for Tori. The searchers have not gone much above Belwood Lake to the north. To the south they have not ventured much below the Hwy 401. They have concentrated their search in the NE:
Thank you for that excellent map. I am going to be looking on-line for wells in the Grand River Valley between now and tomorrow evening.
Thank you for that excellent map. I am going to be looking on-line for wells in the Grand River Valley between now and tomorrow evening.

Hi Tuba, I been looking at maps all evening in the NNE direction of Woodstock .... when you say wells do you really mean wells as in "drinking water wells" or are you meaning something else ... I am thinking you mean something else because I don't know how you would find drinking wells online? I was actually looking at the Halton Hills area (Niagara Escarpment Region). I will help look if I know what wells you are looking for.
Hi Tuba, I been looking at maps all evening in the NNE direction of Woodstock .... when you say wells do you really mean wells as in "drinking water wells" or are you meaning something else ... I am thinking you mean something else because I don't know how you would find drinking wells online? I was actually looking at the Halton Hills area (Niagara Escarpment Region). I will help look if I know what wells you are looking for.

This might be obvious - but just in case it's not...

Many rural properties have private wells. We did - and it was pretty easy to access. My husband alone could remove the cement cover.
Tuba, honey you can't do that to us... explain yourself <---- I am only joking, lol

Why are you looking at wells? and if it is something in the chart, could you tell us what it is in the chart, so we can know what a well looks like on a chart.
If I remember correctly...Soulscape said "Not in water but near it" and that she is exposed...which would mean she is not dispersed in the well but water did show in the chart therefore there would be some kind of water matter near where she is that would include (lake, stream, well etc..)........ she also mentioned hills or hilly area...I could be wrong but usually wells are drilled from natural springs that come originally from mountains, also it could be a ditch (concave but nevertheless hilly) near a drilled well? Could they be constructing something in one of these areas or creating or fixing a water system? No one would leave a body exposed above ground unless it is hidden in either woods, ditches or an abandoned house.
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