France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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Mohamed Abdeslam, the brother of two suspects linked to the attacks on Friday in Paris was released by Belgian police this afternoon after several hours in custody. He spoke to the press in the eastern Brussels suburb of Molenbeek:

I was accused of committing an act of terrorism … but I have not in the slightest way been connected to the operation in Paris. I have worked for the local council for 10 years and I’ve never had a problem with anyone … My parents are completely shocked by the tragedy. My two brothers are normal and I have never noticed anything strange.”
“My brother Salah [currently the subject of a Europe-wide manhunt] still has not been heard from, perhaps he just isn’t daring to show himself to the authorities. We don’t know where he is or have any information.
“We did not know that Brahim [the suicide bomber at a cafe in the 11th arrondissement] was in Paris on Saturday. My brothers are big boys, we don’t ask them what they do with their time. Although some people won’t believe me, my family and I are extremely affected by this, we are thinking about the victims. You must understand that for my mother, [my brothers] are just her children.”

Whether you believe him or not, it's important to give another perspective - he was interviewed on camera 30 mins ago.
The unlikely jihadi: How party-loving Paris bomber drank and ran a club closed down for drugs in the Belgian hotbed of terror

Ibrahim Abdeslam drank and ran and went to clubs, it has been reported
Bar he ran was closed down for being a drug den, it is claimed
Police have made a series of arrests in Molenbeek linked to Paris attacks
Mayor of Brussels suburb describes it as a 'breeding ground for violence'
The neighbourhood has been repeatedly linked to terror plots in the past

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Thought -provoking piece by Piers Morgan in D Mail today

I want social media to blow up with furious Muslims attacking ISIS, with the same velocity deployed by those callous suicide bombers.
I’ve said many times that ISIS are not ‘real’ Muslims and been mocked for it.
But they’re not.
They’re just medieval gangsters who’ve stolen a religion and abused its true meaning to wage a new world war.
I believe the vast majority of decent, law-abiding and peaceful Muslims hate what ISIS are doing.
I just can’t hear or seem them say it.
It’s time for them to show the same courage that Zouheir showed outside the Stade de France on Friday night.
( Zouheir is the Muslim security guard at the stadium who stopped the bombs from exploding inside the stadium.)

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Obama speech in Turkey this afternoon - don’t shoot first and aim later

"A visibly emotional Barack Obama rejected growing clamour for a US-led ground invasion of Syria on Monday in the most passionate defence yet of his strategy of trying to contain Islamic State extremists rather than treating them as a conventional enemy.
“It’s best that we don’t shoot first and aim later,” said the US president during an intense press conference at the G20 summit in Turkey that saw reporters urging him to “take out these bastards”.
Pressure has been mounting among American politicians for a more robust military intervention against Isis in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Paris on Friday.
But Obama accused his critics of failing to explain what ground forces would do once they had retaken territory controlled by Isis and suggested the strategy could be a slippery slope toward the US occupation of other countries such as Yemen and Libya."

Why boots on the ground "won't work"
The strategy that we are putting forward is the strategy that is ultimately is going to work. It’s going to take time.
It is not just my view, but the view of my closest military and civilian advisers, that [boots on the ground] would be a mistake. This is not an abstraction. When we send troops in, those troops get injured. They get killed.
This is not a traditional military opponent. We can retake territory and, as long as we keep our troops there, we can hold it, but that does not solve the underlying problem of eliminating the dynamics that are producing these kinds of violent, extremist groups

on Jeb Bush's earlier comments on prioritising Christian refugees from Syria:
That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are.
The people who are fleeing Syria are the most harmed by terrorism. They are the most vulnerable as a consequence of civil war and strife.
They are parents. They are children.
They are orphans and it is very important ... that we do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism.
British Home secretary, Teresa May, on fire- arms control in Europe.
Bear in mind that there are currently 4-6 million assault weapons floating around Eastern Europe at the moment, leftover from the Balkan Wars and that's not counting all those "obsolete" Russian Kalshnikovs.

Like terrorists, these things get around and are very difficult to restrict, but she says she can do it! Talk is cheap Teresa!

The UK has some of the toughest firearms laws in the world. The sorts of weaponry used in the attacks in Paris in January, and those that appear to have been used last Friday, are not readily available in the UK. We must therefore focus on tackling firearms entering and moving throughout the EU, and ensuring that we have the right capabilities at the UK border to detect firearms being smuggled in.
This Friday I will attend an extraordinary meeting of the European Justice and Home Affairs Council where I will press the need for greater information sharing, passenger name records, and action on firearms. In the UK we have seen tough legislation work and so we want to see action taken to make a difference to the availability of firearms in Europe, particularly assault rifles.
Glad to hear Louisiana is on the refusal list!!!

OT- As I child I remember the influx of Vietnemese refugees into south Louisiana and we (family and church) assisted by providing food, clothing and shelter. No one was fearful that evil lived among them.

It's a sad world in which we live when steps such as restricting refugees becomes necessary.
OT- As I child I remember the influx of Vietnemese refugees into south Louisiana and we (family and church) assisted by providing food, clothing and shelter. No one was fearful that evil lived among them.

It's a sad world in which we live when steps such as restricting refugees becomes necessary.

I remember the same thing, except I lived in a small town in WI. The churches helped, though people weren't fearful, I will say there were several town's folk that resented it, and would say terrible things. I also remember a fight happening on the pier between a Vietnam vet and a Vietnamese man fishing, it didn't go well. Hatred and stupidity was in full bloom.


Muslims around the world, from religious leaders and politicians to ordinary people, meanwhile, are condemning the attacks.

In an official statement, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani called the attacks a “crime against humanity.”

In the name of the Iranian people, who have themselves been victims of terrorism, I strongly condemn these crimes against humanity and offer my condolences to the grieving French people and government.

Indonesian president Joko Widodo condemned the “violence that took place in Paris,” and called for more international cooperation to fight terrorism.

Leaders of Arab states called the attacks immoral and inhumane. Qatar’s foreign minister Khaled al-Attiyah denounced the “heinous attacks,” adding, “these acts, which target stability and security in France are against all human and moral values.” Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks “criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values.” The Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to “root out this dangerous and destructive plague.”

I have seen many tweets and FB posts from Muslims, worldwide, condemning ISIS, terrorism and the Paris attacks.
Photo of the woman saved (by Ludovic, the Congolese Fedex driver) in the hail of bullets that I linked to previously.

As a bullet whizzed towards Chloe, frozen in her horror, her friend Ludo Boumbas threw himself in between her and the gunman.
Ludo sacrificed himself, but Chloe survived the deadly assault with a bullet wound to the arm.
She now lies in a hospital bed, remembering her many friends and colleagues who died during the birthday celebrations.

She was on morphine and was in shock. She would barely speak,' said the manager of Café des Anges, 27-year-old Virgile Grunberg, who went to visit Chloe in hospital.
'She felt guilty because Ludovic died for her. She just kept repeating his name again and again.'

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hasn't Germany took in a-lot of refugees yet Paris was attacked....this has sweet F A to do with the refugees ...The refugees are running from the same thing...ISIS want to mess up these people finding safety ...they want you to fear the refugees ...
There are humane ways to assist true refugees while not endangering the citizens of the countries accepting those refugees. Refugee camps could be set up, away from large population centers. One goal of helping refugees is to repatriate them to their homes once the threat has ended. It seems like the world is doing the opposite now.

If I was on charge I would use our national parks to set up comfortable, safe camps. Single men aged 18-50 would be under more scrutiny. None of the refugees would be free to travel. If they wish to leave the camp they would not be prohibited but they would also not be allowed to remain in nor return to the country that gave them safe haven.

"Global hackers’ group Anonymous has declared a cyber war against the Islamic State, after attacks in Paris left 129 people dead and hundreds more injured on Friday.

“These attacks cannot remain unpunished,” someone in a Guy Fawkes mask says in French in video posted by the group to YouTube on Monday.

Describing members of the Islamic State as “vermin that kill poor innocents,” the Anonymous member said the hackers would track down members of the extremist group.

“We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. Expect many cyber attacks. War has been declared. Get ready,” the person said".
ISIS warns Washington is next and talk random BS in a new video:

ISIS vows to attack Washington next in chilling new video and vows EVERY nation involved in Syrian airstrikes will 'suffer France's fate' as CIA director warns 'this is not a one-off'
The film, which appeared on a site used by ISIS to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday's Paris shootings.
A message to countries involved in what it called the 'crusader campaign' was delivered by a man dressed in fatigues and a turban, and identified in subtitles as Al Ghareeb the Algerian.
It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video, which purports to be the work of ISIS fighters in the Iraqi province of Salahuddine, north of Baghdad.
The video was released by a group which dubs itself 'Wilayah Kirkuk' or 'State of Kirkuk' -- a city in north Iraq which is currently under ISIS control.
It said of the attack at the Bataclan Theatre: 'The targets included the Bataclan theatre for exhibitions, where hundreds of idolaters gathered for a concert of prostitution and vice.

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Not going to quote any more of the B.S. script from these buffoons on their video, but link is as above if anyone wants to mock them
From Hollande's speech 2 hrs ago - European issues:

Hollande calls for controls on EU borders

and thankfully, on their state of emergency powers , an extension

Hollande says he will table a bill to extend the state of emergency in France by three months, and said the French constitution must be amended for crisis situations. ( Can any of our British WSers imagine that happening here? Haven't got the courage?)

heyya cottonweaver,

Don't need to imagine.

When the current changes,
it moves quickly.
The public mood changes,
internment becomes a possibility.
The next thing you know the army is doing a home by home search,
room by room, looking in your closets and under your bed, for terrorists, hostages, and weapons.
The heightened sense of insecurity should not jeopardise the rights of refugees, said Greece's junior minister for migration, Yiannis Mouzalas.
He said: 'There could be more [terrorists]... are we supposed to toss 100,000 people in the sea?
'Greece and Europe must keep a very fine balance between security and human rights.
'Most of [the terrorists] were born and raised in Western countries. They leave Western countries with legal Western passports, go to jihad and return.

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What we all have a right to know is, every citizen from each nation - exactly how are these people processed, we want the detail. It's been sadly lacking up til now.
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