France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #3

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[Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team

QUOTE]How $700-a-month ISIS video producers dictate the terrorist group's every action and receive better treatment (and better salaries) than any of their peers
Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team
The men told them they received intense training to get approved
Once approved, they receive $700-a-month and state-of-the-art gear
Every day they get a slip of paper with an assignment to go and film
The operation is run out of a house in Raqqa where they edit all their clips[/QUOTE]

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EXCLUSIVE - Extraordinary lengths five young Syrian men went to in bid to enter US amid ISIS fears: Greek passports forged in Brazil, hopping from country to country and not checking luggage to avoid scrutiny

Lots of photos

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bbm, I call BS on them fleeing isis.

"They entered at a blind spot," he said.

The Honduran police have identified the Syrian woman as 39-year-old Hanna Maissoun. The two Pakistanis are Muhammad Shafiq, 30, and Nassem Abbas, 21, the police said.

The five were part of a wider group of seven Syrian nationals who acquired forged passports in Brazil and then went by land to Argentina on their way north, a U.S. government source familiar with the case said.

They should be sent/shipped back, they are very dangerous, (imo) people to go to this extent to enter illegally tells me they should be sent back. jmo
[Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team

QUOTE]How $700-a-month ISIS video producers dictate the terrorist group's every action and receive better treatment (and better salaries) than any of their peers
Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team
The men told them they received intense training to get approved
Once approved, they receive $700-a-month and state-of-the-art gear
Every day they get a slip of paper with an assignment to go and film
The operation is run out of a house in Raqqa where they edit all their clips

Read more:[/QUOTE]

snipped from the link.

The security man then asked Mikhail if he and the others had received yellow fever shots. Mikhail appeared unclear, even though their travel documents said they had been vaccinated.

But the passports were so well forged, it still wasn't clear that there was anything wrong. It was only when the Hondurans made transatlantic calls to Athens that they learned something was wrong.

'The Greeks called back at 4 in the morning to tell us that four of the passports had been stolen and the fifth one was lost,' a Honduran source said.
[Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team

QUOTE]How $700-a-month ISIS video producers dictate the terrorist group's every action and receive better treatment (and better salaries) than any of their peers
Washington Post interviews with IS defectors reveal tight-knit media team
The men told them they received intense training to get approved
Once approved, they receive $700-a-month and state-of-the-art gear
Every day they get a slip of paper with an assignment to go and film
The operation is run out of a house in Raqqa where they edit all their clips

Read more:[/QUOTE]

Started a thread a while ago concerning analysis of those videos for anyone who may be interested..
Hacktivists associated with the Anonymous collective claim they have uncovered Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) plans for Sunday attacks in Paris, as well as the US, Italy, Indonesia, and Lebanon.

A report was published online on Saturday confirming that Anonymous has allegedly identified three “at risk” events in Paris, including a demonstration by Collectif du droit des femmes, a women’s rights group; concerts by Cigales Electroniques with Vocodecks and RE-Play & Rawtor; and an event called Concrete Invites Drumcode featuring Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, and Joel Mull.
Below is a perfect example of bias journalism

Three days after teams of Islamic State terrorists brazenly carried out raids across Paris that left 129 people dead, President Obama labeled the slaughter a "setback" in responding to questions about his policies.

Hotel Attack in Mali Is a Setback in Fight Against Extremism

bbm It was not taken very well that the word, setback was used in describing the murder of 129? innocents, and now today the times uses it in the mali murders as if it is OK now to use instead of murder. jmo idk Just very Sad.
Looking at some economic sources and implications of isis income.


Here's How ISIS Keeps Selling So Much Oil Even While Being Bombed And Banned By The West

AMMAN (Reuters) - Islamic State is still extracting and selling oil in Syria and has adapted its trading techniques despite a month of strikes by U.S.-led forces aimed at cutting off this major source of income for the group, residents, oil executives and traders say.

While the raids by U.S. and Arab forces have targeted some small makeshift oil refineries run by locals in eastern areas controlled by Islamic State, they have avoided the wells the group controls.

This has limited the effectiveness of the campaign and means the militants are able to profit from crude sales of up to $2 million a day, according to oil workers in Syria, former oil executives and energy experts.

U.S.-led forces want to avoid hitting the oil installations hard because it could hurt civilians more than the militants and could radicalize the local population, analysts say.

On Thursday the United States threatened to impose sanctions on anyone buying oil from Islamic State militants in an effort to disrupt what it said was a $1-million-a-day funding source.

Local businessmen have continued to send convoys of up to thirty trucks carrying oil from Islamic State-run wells through insurgent-held parts of Syria during broad daylight without being targeted by the air strikes. The militant group has allowed convoys to pass more quickly through its checkpoints.

It has been a major source of income for hundreds of thousands of families in rural areas of north and eastern Syria, where people have been displaced or lost jobs.

to read more
Such changes are at the heart of an expanding internal Pentagon investigation of Centcom, as Central Command is known, where analysts say that supervisors revised conclusions to mask some of the American military’s failures in training Iraqi troops and beating back the Islamic State. The analysts say supervisors were particularly eager to paint a more optimistic picture of America’s role in the conflict than was warranted.

Staff members at the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence are also poring over years of Centcom intelligence reports and comparing them to assessments from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and others.

IMO they have been told to stand down. jmo idk
Such changes are at the heart of an expanding internal Pentagon investigation of Centcom, as Central Command is known, where analysts say that supervisors revised conclusions to mask some of the American military’s failures in training Iraqi troops and beating back the Islamic State. The analysts say supervisors were particularly eager to paint a more optimistic picture of America’s role in the conflict than was warranted.

Staff members at the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence are also poring over years of Centcom intelligence reports and comparing them to assessments from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and others.

IMO they have been told to stand down. jmo idk

I see where this is headed!
But I will keep my mouth shut don't want time out or my post deleted.
At my rate I will never reach 700 post.
Belgian Terror: Brussels on Lockdown

TODAY 3:30 pm

“The impact of our decision is enormous,” Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said of the city shutdown. “But if something were to happen, the impact would be even bigger.”

As Belgian police locked down the city, investigators continued to hunt for one of the Paris attackers, Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old French national who lived in Brussels and may have returned after the attacks.

Brussels Hunkers Down Amid Warning of Paris-Style Threath
Dave Urbanski, The Blaze

Nov. 21, 2015 4:01pm

Officials across Europe, the Mideast and in Washington are trying to determine how a network of primarily French and Belgian attackers with links to Islamic extremists in Syria plotted and carried out the deadliest violence in France in decades — and how many may still be on the run.

Visual tour of Raqqa

9 young men and their paths to terror in Paris By Missy Ryan, Emily Badger and William Booth
By Missy Ryan, Emily Badger and William Booth WASHINGTON POST

November 21 at 5:39 PM

Empty streets and shuttered shops in tense Brussels
AFP By Alexandre Hielard

4 hours ago

French police release seven people picked up during raid last week


Dua, Aws and Asma were among the lucky: The choice to join was available to them. And each chose to barter her life, through work and marriage, to the Organization. [ISIS]

None of them subscribed to its extreme ideology, and even after fleeing their homes and going into hiding, they still struggle to explain how they changed from modern young women into Islamic State morality enforcers.

In the moment, each choice seemed like the right one, a way to keep life tolerable: marrying fighters to assuage the Organization and keep their families in favor; joining the Khansaa Brigade to win some freedom of movement and an income in a city where women had been stripped of self-determination.

But every concession turned to horror before long, and the women came to deplore how they were pitted against their neighbors, part of a force tearing apart the community they loved. Only months in, widowed and abandoned and forced to marry strangers again, would they see how they were being used as temporary salves to foreign fighters whose only dedication was to violence and an unrecognizable God.


I cried for days,” she said. “He died fighting other Muslims.”

Just 10 days later, another man from her husband’s unit came to the house. He told Dua she could not stay home alone and would need to marry again, immediately.

Again, the Organization was twisting Islamic law to its own desires. Under nearly universal interpretations of Islam, a woman must wait three months before remarrying, mainly to establish the paternity of any child that might have been conceived. The waiting period, called idaa, is not only required but is a woman’s right, to allow her to grieve. But even in the realm of divine law, the Islamic State was reformulating everything.

“I told him that I still couldn’t stop crying,” Dua said. “I said: ‘I’m heartbroken. I want to wait the whole three months.’ ” But the commander told her she was different from a normal widow. “You shouldn’t be mourning and sad,” he said. “He asked for martyrdom himself, and you are the wife of a martyr. You should be happy.”

That was the moment that broke her.

The Organization had made her a widow and wanted to do so again and again, turning her into a perpetual temporary distraction for suicidal fighters. There was no choice left, no dignity, just the service demanded by the Islamic State’s need to feed men to its front lines.

We will be leaving soon and with the new threats for Brussels transportation (trains and stations),I am not feeling good about the ride to Kortrijk.And staying at the hotel across from Zuid Station (big muslim area).Not looking forward to the trip this time plus it will be cold as heck.Worried about gatherings coming up with kinderen(children) to see Sinter Klaus and Zwarte Pete on the 5th/6th of Dec.
I wonder if Uber would be cheap?
I do not want to go but my hubby will be upset about loosing the miles.Plus I am exhausted,today just finished 6 days of carpet/paint whole house.
Suspected Paris attacks scout arrested in Turkey

Video by Jasper MORTIMER,
Text by AFP

Latest update : 2015-11-21

Juan Zarate's new book on the finances of terrorists

NOVEMBER 21, 2015, 8:23 AM

was the first ever assistant secretary of the treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes. He discusses his new book, “Treasury’s war, the unleashing of a new era of financial warfare.”

When has it been leashed, exactly?

Survivors of the carnage in Paris: What they saw, what they felt, and what they carry
By CNN's Bryony Jones in Paris
and Jessica Ravitz in Atlanta

8:58 AM ET, Sat November 21, 2015

Screenshot 2015-11-21 at 7.25.26 PM.png
Hi guys ,,

In a way it is amazing how so mnay of the "haves" (includes us kind of(!) look for answers. In realltity gangs, disenfranchhised african americans, hispanics, terrorists (young) are really about feelings of disconnectedness, powerlessness.

Gang culture steikes me as closest to the terrorists we have learned about this past month -- disenfrachized and marginalized groups of people . MOO
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