Found Alive GA - Ayvani Perez, 14, Ellenwood, 17 Sept 2013

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I'm not sure whether I feel relief or not. At least we know she's supposedly alive, but what kind of kidnappers would demand a ransom for such a public case in which the police are involved, and take such a big risk for such a paltry amount? It sounds to me like we're dealing with fools with major balls here, and that's not a good thing. I'm staying positive, though.

BBM - I agree. My first thought when I heard $10,000 was WTF? Risk a sniper taking you out at the pickup and exchange for that amount of $$? Praying for a good outcome.
Suspect 2 looks an awful lot (to me) like the suspect in another robbery in Atlanta, GA.

There have been times where witnesses gauge a perp's age way off from where they really are. I read two here on WS this week.

There is also a string of armed robberies in GA going on right barbershops. Perps are driving a silver Dodge.

...does mom or other family work at a barbershop and Ayvani may have been in one of them at some point?

Ugh...too many possibilities. Just FIND her fast, LE!

Do some googling, you'll find the barbershop robbers from Atlanta, GA along with a screen capture from security cam...looks like suspect 1.
I don't feel comfortable calling something in unless I have proof that there is a connection (which I don't have). I feel strongly that they are connected based off what the barbershop perps asked for, location, and sketch matching. BUT that is all conjecture/speculation. I think if I noticed the connection, pretty sure LE in the area did long before me. : )

I know this might sound twisted to some, but I was relieved to see ransom info. That means she is still alive and relatively unharmed (because she will need to be alive for a ransom to be made in trade for her life). That makes me optimistic. Hang in there, Ayvani!!

My pediatrician once told me that it's my job to come to him when I feel something is off, and HIS job is to decide if it IS off or I can relax. I'm saying this, b/c I think in this situation, it's YOUR job to tell them, and THEIR job to decide if it holds water...
The report on MSM says the information was gleaned by an official working close to the investigation and that he was unauthorized to speak. I think the ransom information was a leak that was not to be made known to the public (speculating). IF that is the case, I wish people would show more forethought before spilling things to the media.

If that is the case, I hope whoever leaked it is fired immediately.
WTF??? Why in the total diddly hades would kidnap a child and ask for $10,000????? That makes NO sense at all!!! Seriously, only 10,000???? Crazy!!!!!!
I commented to spouse this morning when there was "a big response" by LE and the quick drawings released - that LE was on this one big time. During the "quiet time", it was my guess that LE was hot on someone's trail. They had something, maybe from the drawings, and were closing in on them. Seems they were and have had, according to reports, contact. We just don't know yet the where?, if there has been proof of life confirmed, and how LE is going to handle it. Prayers she is safe and is back with her family soon.
The armed men in masks who entered demanded cash and jewels from an Ellenwood mother then shot the family dog.

how did they get such a detailed description if masks were worn??
Just really bringing all these important posts into one place. Thanks to all of those following the news.

Yes..the silence does make more sense now. Sounds like LE might know the suspects. But ransom?? Really? When does that happen?

It happened in the Samantha Koenig case but that did not turn out good :( I hope they find Ayvani safe and unharmed...

Keyes drove around town, explaining to Samantha that this was a kidnapping for ransom,” officials wrote.” Samantha told Keyes that her family did not have much money, and that Keyes was not likely to get much in ransom. Keyes explained that they (would) raise money for the ransom by seeking the public’s help. Keyes convinced Samantha that if she cooperated, she would be returned to her family unharmed. Samantha believed Keyes, and tried to talk to him in an effort to convince him to release her.”

Warning the link has graphic details:

Perhaps sketches are from other crimes these 2 have committed and not this instance in particular. Perhaps...LE already knows "who" they are from other robberies...just no positive names/known perp. Those sketches were released very fast.

I don't know if I can post the links to the perps caught on camera near Atlanta, GA. They match these suspects faces. The vehicle in the barbershop robberies is a silver/gray 2010 Dodge Ram though...not blue. They ask for jewelry, guns, cell phones.. "empty pockets". Typing "barbershop robbery string Atlanta" in Google will net you the same results I found (and some minor subsearches). Suspect 1 matches suspect on the security cam shot...should be the first one Google lists for you. These guys are taking drivers licenses and wallets/purses as well...which could give them access to anyone's address, as well as pictures of family in the wallet(s). Suspect 1's face matches the one on the security cam. Suspect 2's face is a match for a sketch of another suspect.

The above is totally speculative and not related to this case unless LE says otherwise. That's why I'm not reporting it. If everyone who had an idea called LE, they'd be swamped with tips that weren't imperative to finding Ayvani. They're still looking for suspects from these robberies - they don't know who they are. Even if they are wouldn't help (they don't know the perps IDs).

LE needs leads and tips...not conjecture.

I want to know how come LE is saying Ayvani's captors are in a gray impala or a blue dodge though. There's a difference between blue and gray...and a big difference between an impala and other models. did the perps leave in separate cars?
The posted article above says the dads sister told the media about the ransom....the car description is probably from neighbors noticing different cars in the neighborhood....

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