GUILTY GA - Bonny Cooner, 33, strangled, dumped in well, Franklin County, 28 Jan 2013

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SAnder, I know it's frustrating for those that knew Bonny to feel like nothing is going on, or worry the case is at a standstill. It's even a little frustrating for those who don't know her. I believe Franklin Co didn't want the family speaking based on them "being tight-lipped" about it to the media. Now that the GBI is in on this case, maybe that will change. They deal with these types of cases more than Franklin Co I'm sure, so they'll know best how to handle it, what info they want to release or not release.

I'm sure the family wants answers as quickly as possible, as we all do, but I'm also sure they're being guided by LE and are probably afraid of compromising any investigations. No one wants this case to linger for months, or years. I'm so sorry that you are here under these circumstances.

Edited for grammar mistakes.
I too am glad to see that the GBI are involved and suspect the investigation intensity will significantly increase; including thorough searches of likely contacts and places. Good idea for friends contacted by media to refer to GBI/LE at this point. As I posted earlier, I understand why people in a small community do not want to go on record with the media. Until more in known, it's best that the GBI be the official "voice" on the case. I bet that any friends interviewed by LE/GBI will be asked to refrain speaking to the media. Prayers for her son and family; and that she is located soon.

In my opinion, the "reported reaction" of the BF seems to show there were "issues". Hard to make a judgment (knowing so little about his "normal") if the BF is angry because she took off or he is responsible and is being a pill. I have my guess, but will hold off until I hear a little more. From things I've seen here, he has a history of losing control of his temper.
Question for locals... is there ANY local talk supporting that she may have "taken off" or may have gone somewhere?
She's never disappeared before, so this it completely out of character for her.
I hope they make a move soon or release any info they have. My heart breaks for her son and family
I hope they make a move soon or release any info they have. My heart breaks for her son and family

Me too Phoenixrising.

She has been over a week missing; left important things at the house; no friends or family have heard from her; and it is reportedly not in her character to "go off" (my term). Based on similar cases, I am not feeling like this will end good. However, always going to try and keep hope. I'm praying GBI/LE is getting the information they need and that the family will get answers soon.
I'm glad to see they're looking at phone records - hopefully they are looking at hers AND the BF's. Not sure how many cell towers are in/near canon since it's so small, but hopefully they could track the pings during the 24 hours before she was reported missing and see if it helps narrow down areas they may have gone.
Does the b/f own the home? (sorry if that's been asked and answered already)

I understand he has a auto repair type of business, is his shop on the property?

I'm sure he has been interviewed a few times by now. Hopefully GBI is in the process of obtaining a search warrant for the house and the property.
Does the b/f own the home? (sorry if that's been asked and answered already)

I understand he has a auto repair type of business, is his shop on the property?

I'm sure he has been interviewed a few times by now. Hopefully GBI is in the process of obtaining a search warrant for the house and the property.

I just searched the Franklin County property records to check, it doesn't show that he owns any property in the county.

ETA: I also searched her last name and there are no properties listed that are owned by her or anyone w/ her last name in Franklin County.
I did some property tax searches on both of their names & couldn't come up with anything, so I assume they rent - but that's not verified.

Apparently the shop IS located on the property. Another poster mentioned that he was in his shop working when GSP was walking around his yard.
Being a local, I do know that the shop is on the property and that the BF owns the property...don't know why it's not listed in county records unless it's in his dad's name, another name, don't know. He built the house years ago. I DID hear just this morning that she has done this before...just disappeared. That may be unreliable info, though. I do know that her son has not missed a day of school since all this happened.
Being a local, I do know that the shop is on the property and that the BF owns the property...don't know why it's not listed in county records unless it's in his dad's name, another name, don't know. He built the house years ago.

There were a few listings for property owned by other's w/ his same last name, so that's possible. There was a few different properties owned by the same man (initials JS), so maybe that's his Dad and one of those properties are where BS lives.
Being a local, I do know that the shop is on the property and that the BF owns the property...don't know why it's not listed in county records unless it's in his dad's name, another name, don't know. He built the house years ago. I DID hear just this morning that she has done this before...just disappeared. That may be unreliable info, though. I do know that her son has not missed a day of school since all this happened.

I was wondering if it could be in a different name for various reasons mainly credit at the time of purchase. As far as her disappearing before I don't want to put much bearing on that until more info is put out there. For instance, when did she go missing before? Did she have a child at that time? Who is saying she went missing before? I hope that sort of info doesn't deter from the fact she is missing now and has had no contact with anyone.

Also, it really bothers me that the b/f has done nothing at least publicly to search and to ask for help.


Eta I wasn't directing that at you as far as the local rumor goes. I understand your just here to help!
I found his property. If you search his last name, it's the listing that's a road w/ the first letter "U", sixth property from the top. If you click that and scroll down to the bottom his name is listed as the original owner. It looks like he sold it to someone in 2003, then in 2006 someone w/ his same last name (JS) purchased it back for $5k less than it sold for. Very odd.
My apologies...I didn't mean to imply that they should stop looking for her just because I heard a rumor this morning that she's done this before. I shouldn't be repeating rumors anyway...I hate to sound negative, but I fear she's not alive and that he's responsible. The name of the road is Uniwatti. I do remember that the BF lived in the house, then he moved, and for a good while no one lived there, then he moved back in the house. Although I'm a local, I didn't keep track of exact dates of his moving etc because, well, I had no reason this has happened. I do remember vaguely that there was some financial trouble at some point. I will do some checking to verify his dad's first name.
My apologies...I didn't mean to imply that they should stop looking for her just because I heard a rumor this morning that she's done this before. I shouldn't be repeating rumors anyway...I hate to sound negative, but I fear she's not alive and that he's responsible. The name of the road is Uniwatti. I do remember that the BF lived in the house, then he moved, and for a good while no one lived there, then he moved back in the house. Although I'm a local, I didn't keep track of exact dates of his moving etc because, well, I had no reason this has happened. I do remember vaguely that there was some financial trouble at some point. I will do some checking to verify his dad's first name.

No need to apologize, I don't think any of us thought you were saying they shouldn't look for her. At this point, w/ what we've got to go on, I have the same fear that that's what happened to her. Although I hope we have a different outcome!
I wonder if he owns any farm equipment as far as a tractors?

How big is the property? (sorry if this has been answered already)

Does it have any ponds on it?
I wonder if he owns any farm equipment as far as a tractors?

How big is the property? (sorry if this has been answered already)

Does it have any ponds on it?

2.3 Acres. Not sure about ponds, parcel map doesn't show any ponds on or near the property, but if it was a small pond it wouldn't necessarily appear on there.

ETA: NO ponds on his property...according to the view from google earth.

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