Found Deceased GA - Bud, 69, & June Runion, 66, McRae, 22 Jan 2015 #2 *Arrest*

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I see this differently. I would cry if my brother killed someone. I would cry for the person he killed. I would cry for my parents. There are a lot of reasons why he could have been crying. Until facts are presented that prove they should be treated otherwise, I'm going to treat the accused's family as victims as well and show some empathy for what they're going through. They didn't do this. They didn't ask for this. RT has destroyed so many lives with his stupidity and greed.

Just my opinion. I respect totally that others feel differently. Also, Treelights, I don't believe you aren't showing empathy. I'm only expressing how I interpret the brother's tears.

I believe the brother was crying because his own brother has been arrested for doing this. I can understand why he believes his brother couldn't do this. Its even incomprehensible to so many of us how anyone could be this cold and callous.

I don't think he was even thinking about the couple he killed when he was crying in the video. He is overwhelmed that his brother has been accused of something so heinous and of course like most family members do in these kind of cases they think their family member is innocent. Denial is a coping mechanism.

I can fully understand the denial because who in the world really wants to think someone they have known and loved could be capable of such a hideous thing? So the Towns family reaction is what we normally see in many other murder cases.

I do have sympathy for them because he has destroyed their lives as they knew it too. Now they will forever be known as the family of the man who brutally shot two wonderful people in the head all because of greed. However I also think they are trying to make excuses for him and I suppose that is understandable as well.

Why on God's green earth would Jay buy a burner phone only to give the Runion's his real name and have them come to his home town? I mean good grief...obviously, they could have told their kids his name or the name of the meeting place. And then, in McRae, a place where lots of people knew Jay and his family, Jay could have been spotted carrying out this crime.
It makes zero sense to me.

Shefner i'm with you on that one, I'm so TORN, because how could someone be so blatantly welll, DUMB, knowing they are committing a crime, I suppose if he didnt' know and he just set up the meeting, maybe getting a cut out of the sale and then this?? I just don't get it, I mean I keep saying a shallow sense of right and wrong but mercy, this is beyond that! I THINK
yes this is correct, i read somewhere he was divorced and thought maybe or someoen speculated he may have given it back to his father for that reason, then found out he is still married then heard he was in wheeler county, next to telfair, one of the counties on the watch list when searching for him..maybe he did need funds

I thought I read on FB that this was his second marriage.
Also, wasn't it reported somewhere that the "burner phone was pinged moving south" or something to that effect on Saturday as the news was breaking? And that was when he was either at his dad's place or in the woods, which isn't really "south". But then on Monday didn't the sheriff say that the phone was disposed of quickly (I was assuming right after the murders, which I assumed occurred on Thursday).

I should just look back through the posts and MSM instead of assuming and guessing. I'll try to do that in a bit.

I remember that, so you mean, maybe they were more in the big ole city of mcrae and then moved down towards Scotland are? Wonder how close they can get to that "Southerly" direction or it's a square mile coverage area. That would put him near the farm and the location of the car and bodies

But I know it was stated by LE that the phone was turned off after they were missing, I dont remember his exact words, SS, but why he also stated this phone was for the purpose of this theft
I may have missed it somewhere, but did LE ever say exactly HOW they linked the burner phone to Towns? I wouldn't think he'd buy it with a credit or debit card.

I'm not sure, but I thought since 9-11 you have to show ID to buy one.

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I see this differently. I would cry if my brother killed someone. I would cry for the person he killed. I would cry for my parents. There are a lot of reasons why he could have been crying. Until facts are presented that prove they should be treated otherwise, I'm going to treat the accused's family as victims as well and show some empathy for what they're going through. They didn't do this. They didn't ask for this. RT has destroyed so many lives with his stupidity and greed.

Just my opinion. I respect totally that others feel differently. Also, Treelights, I don't believe you aren't showing empathy. I'm only expressing how I interpret the brother's tears.

Maybe you misunderstood my post, or I misunderstood yours?
I Would Cry if My Brother Killed someone, and I would cry for the person he killed, and for my parents.
If my brother were innocent, though, I would be mad that someone set him up. I would be angry, I wouldn't
be crying because he is innocent.
Ronnie's brother is Crying and saying that Ronnie is INNOCENT, well, saying Ronnie didn't do it, or whatever his exact words were.
That's the denial that I see.
It is sad that he is crying, and he is saying his brother is innocent.
The family definitely are victims.
Shefner i'm with you on that one, I'm so TORN, because how could someone be so blatantly welll, DUMB, knowing they are committing a crime, I suppose if he didnt' know and he just set up the meeting, maybe getting a cut out of the sale and then this?? I just don't get it, I mean I keep saying a shallow sense of right and wrong but mercy, this is beyond that! I THINK

But thank goodness for dumb murderers for that is the reason they are usually caught. They are never as smart as they think they are and they truly think they will never be caught.

I think he planned all along to rob them first and then murder them.

He was dumb enough to think they would just be missing and maybe he felt the phone he used couldn't be traced. I think that is why he used it to make the fake deal with the Runions and then turned it off. This was all planned even before they got there and for some dumb *advertiser censored* reason he felt they wouldn't be tied to him because he didn't have a 1966 Mustang.

Maybe he thought LE would be looking at someone there that did have one.

There is more to this guy than the family is telling. I want to know what the rift is between him and his sister. She seems to be a very sweet sincere person. And now that the Sheriff said he had been talked to about petty thefts before.... so it seems money was the motive. He was probably guilty of all the petty thefts but I think he wasn't charged with anything due to his family being well known and liked in the community. Sort of like Zach Adams getting away with so many crimes because his grandfather was highly respected in their community. I think the Sheriff gave Towns a pass but that is just my opinion. Also I read recently that the prior Sheriff of Telfair County passed away so this may be a new Sheriff in town now.

I watched him in court and it was chilling how he showed no emotion.. not even nervousness and who wouldn't be nervous whether they were guilty or innocent yet he was calm as could be. I have read it is hard to recognize the signs of a psychopath when you are close to them like family members are. They know how to manipulate family members and let them see what they only want them to see. For him to be able to do something this horrendous I do believe he is a stone cold psychopath. Imo, he exhibited no emotions in court because he feels none.....even though he knows he can get the death penalty if found guilty. And Georgia just executed a double murderer this week.

Exact words of father regarding trouble before was "pinky dinky" stuff. Must be Cobb Co arrest he's referring to. When asked if he worked reply was "He WAS working," implying that he was not working and therefore probably lacking money. Excellent and very revealing video someone posted!

Thank you for posting Ronnie Sr's exact words. Pinky dinky must be a southern expression, but I have never hear it, and I am from the south!!! Maybe it is more of a local expression.
But didn't the woman say that the Runions asked about a road that didn't exist? (I'm thinking maybe a GPS glitch.) Ah -- but I see what you're saying, I guess -- RT wouldn't have known what they asked.

I just find it very hard to believe he used his real name (well, maybe he used a first name or his nickname) in his conversations with the Runions.

OR, did she just realize it was the RUNIONS and TOWNS......AFTER all the searches and pictures came out and wished she had called "WHOEVER" the Runions were talking to and that it might have distressed the seller of the alleged auto to bale on the whole deal if it was sinsister, if someone else had called in regards to the RUNIONS search for the seller......., guess I need to rewatch that video too and work on my verbage, lol, not sure that came out right
There was a case here on WS of Anne Kasprzak who was missing, then found murdered. Originally two men were arrested for her murder, then a year later both suspects were cleared of any involvement. Two and a half years later they finally arrested the actual murder.**ARREST-MADE**/page3

That does happen occasionally but I don't think this is going to be the case in this one.

I think the Sheriff already knows Towns is the only one involved and it really didn't take two or more suspects to kill two people.

I don't see any evidence he had help or even needed help in pulling this off.

JMO though
Thank you for posting Ronnie Sr's exact words. Pinky dinky must be a southern expression, but I have never hear it, and I am from the south!!! Maybe it is more of a local expression.

I have never heard that in my 50 years in the south
You know after seeing Buds video talking about what he did with bikes. On the family's FB page maybe we all can be a little like this couple. And just do a little something to help people in our own towns . This couple sure did pay it forward.
I know this has woke me up

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That does happen occasionally but I don't think this is going to be the case in this one.

I think the Sheriff already knows Towns is the only one involved and it really didn't take two or more suspects to kill two people.

I don't see any evidence he had help or even needed help in pulling this off.

JMO though

I honestly don't know what to think, I've been reading so much about this case and am completely outraged over the deaths of the Runions, right after the deaths of the Chumney and beyond livid. But for some reason, I can't wrap my head around Jay being the killer, but I could be totally wrong (i have been before, many times). But there seems to be a lot of doubt from not only posters here but everywhere, so I thought I'd show an example of complete confidence in the arrest in a previous case, only for it not to be the case.

Maybe I just can't wrap my head around murdering an elderly couple in any circumstance, so no matter who had been arrested I may be in disbelief.
But thank goodness for dumb murderers for that is the reason they are usually caught. They are never as smart as they think they are and they truly think they will never be caught.

I think he planned all along to rob them first and then murder them.

He was dumb enough to think they would just be missing and maybe he felt the phone he used couldn't be traced. I think that is why he used it to make the fake deal with the Runions and then turned it off. This was all planned even before they got there and for some dumb *advertiser censored* reason he felt they wouldn't be tied to him because he didn't have a 1966 Mustang.

Maybe he thought LE would be looking at someone there that did have one.

There is more to this guy than the family is telling. I want to know what the rift is between him and his sister. She seems to be a very sweet sincere person. And now that the Sheriff said he had been talked to about petty thefts before.... so it seems money was the motive. He was probably guilty of all the petty thefts but I think he wasn't charged with anything due to his family being well known and liked in the community. Sort of like Zach Adams getting away with so many crimes because his grandfather was highly respected in their community. I think the Sheriff gave Towns a pass but that is just my opinion. Also I read recently that the prior Sheriff of Telfair County passed away so this may be a new Sheriff in town now.

I watched him in court and it was chilling how he showed no emotion.. not even nervousness and who wouldn't be nervous whether they were guilty or innocent yet he was calm as could be. I have read it is hard to recognize the signs of a psychopath when you are close to them like family members are. They know how to manipulate family members and let them see what they only want them to see. For him to be able to do something this horrendous I do believe he is a stone cold psychopath. Imo, he exhibited no emotions in court because he feels none.....even though he knows he can get the death penalty if found guilty. And Georgia just executed a double murderer this week.


Mirroring, thats the only "consciense" they have, mirroring, they only know all the acceptable things to say and do but yes, maybe it is just indeed his shallow sense of right and wrong, and they just think everyone else is stupid, like you said. If anyone here has even slight doubt about his innocense or lone actions, then I guess we can imagine how his family feels, so sad for them for sure too

Watched that video of Runions bike mission someone posted up thread, very emotional!! You know, if you are a God fearing person, you will see how this tragedy is moving mountains, this man is witnessing in his sleep now

God bless them all
OR, did she just realize it was the RUNIONS and TOWNS......AFTER all the searches and pictures came out and wished she had called "WHOEVER" the Runions were talking to and that it might have distressed the seller of the alleged auto to bale on the whole deal if it was sinsister, if someone else had called in regards to the RUNIONS search for the seller......., guess I need to rewatch that video too and work on my verbage, lol, not sure that came out right

What I got out of her statements were....She knew Jay personally, and felt if she had asked the Runions to give her the phone number of the person they were looking for she could have called them to get better directions for the Runions. And if she had called the number (Jay) then maybe Jay would have backed out of his plans to rob and murder them knowing she knew him and he would also know she had seen the Runions herself in McRae. She may know Jay well enough to recognize his voice even on the phone.

I felt so sorry for this lady. It is always the 'what ifs' that haunt people when things like this happens.
This is the man -creep Ronnie Towns murdered in cold blood:


Oh my, this is just so horrible. I am so very sorry for what was done to the Runion's and for their family. Why did RT do this? What made him think he was going to get away with this? Did he even really care if he got away with this or not?
I honestly don't know what to think, I've been reading so much about this case and am completely outraged over the deaths of the Runions, right after the deaths of the Chumney and beyond livid. But for some reason, I can't wrap my head around Jay being the killer, but I could be totally wrong (i have been before, many times). But there seems to be a lot of doubt from not only posters here but everywhere, so I thought I'd show an example of complete confidence in the arrest in a previous case, only for it not to be the case.

Maybe I just can't wrap my head around murdering an elderly couple in any circumstance, so no matter who had been arrested I may be in disbelief.

I'm shocked every time, never fails, and Eyes stated, you can't know a psychopath when you meet them, only when your involved or too late as I've read too, I just hate to convict a man openly and freely and in my heart, without first a fair trial
What I got out of her statements were....She knew Jay personally, and felt if she had asked the Runions to give her the phone number of the person they were looking for she could have called them to get better directions for the Runions. And if she had called the number (Jay) then maybe Jay would have backed out of his plans to rob and murder them knowing she knew him and he would also know she had seen the Runions herself in McRae. She may know Jay well enough to recognize his voice even on the phone.

I felt so sorry for this lady. It is always the 'what ifs' that haunt people when things like this happens.

Ok thanks, yes that is what I was trying to say lol, and if she'd called she would have recognized him and all would be over before it began

Yes I felt for her too, she'll forever live with whatifs, but we have to remember we aren't accountable for other peoples actions and becuase she didnt' know, it's not her fault and she should have no guilt

hmm, words, easier said than done I'm sure! I cna't imagine the guilt I'd have, I am so guilt ridden over anything!
You know after seeing Buds video talking about what he did with bikes. On the family's FB page maybe we all can be a little like this couple. And just do a little something to help people in our own towns . This couple sure did pay it forward.
I know this has woke me up

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Hallelujah!! ME TOO, we all need his kind of love and direction, he's witnessing still!

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