Found Deceased GA - Bud, 69, & June Runion, 66, McRae, 22 Jan 2015 #2 *Arrest*

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I agree about not having a name. I would figure Bud would not only have the name but have it written down and would have left it with his kids so they would know more about where they were going and who they were seeing.

Maybe its just our family...maybe we are suspicious by nature. But we have raised 4 children and they are all in their 20's now. We bought numerous cars through the years for them or helped them as they upgraded on their own.
We always encouraged them to get the VIN number and check the car history. Always. Are the only family who has done this?
Does everyone else just trust what people tell you?!
Not us.
We get that VIN and for $5.99 or $9.99 you can run that number and find out the previous owners and the states in which the car has been owned and if the car has been in accidents, etc. You can learn if the car was ever stolen or reported for theft. That's important stuff if you're laying down $6,000 - $12,000 of your hard earned cash for a car.

shefner I do that when buying newer vehicles too, you know I've seen a lot of people die unnecessarily, seriously, uneccessarily but apparently we aren't in charge of our destiny I suppose becuase the only thing in the end I could conclude is that it was their time to go, this is a horrible case beyond words but none of it makes sense so I go there in my mind again and just hope and pray for justice, which doesn't even always happen either, many murders walk free these days too becuase of poor presentation of information to the jury because of the same laws that protect us also protect the criminals. SO SAD

In the end times, "people become lovers of themselves" (look that up, it's psychopaths and narcissists) and they are on the rise in these days we now live, so tragic indeed, but no one is immune I guess, I dont' trust hardly anyone, I jsut told my duaghter a few minutes ago, never go downn dirtroads to meet people you don't know, I've lived where rapists and murders lived and they weren't in bad areas of town but just the opposite! (and that wasn't even recent) I might add, I dont trust my neighbors, even if I think I know them, SO SAD this has to be so today, not people in the church either but you can't stop living and every day in this world it seems like we are risking something and dont' even realize it no matter how cautious you are

It is so sad that this happened to that precious couple and I wish too we could turn back time, I imagine the Towns family are just as shocked as the Runion family
Okay, I don't know if this is a coincidence or if the Mustang that Bud wanted was in reference to his time in Viet-Nam or in the Army:

I don't know if Bud was a part of this group:


"The 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry, Airborne Infantry, Air Assault, Airmobile was activated at Fort Benning, Georgia, 1 July, 1965 along
with the rest of the 1st Air Cavalry Division. Our Battalion sailed to Vietnam in August and September of that year as part of the 1st
Air Cavalry Division, Airmobile.

Later, the "Jumping Mustangs" along with the rest of the 1st Airborne Brigade ceased to exist as an Airborne unit, continuing in
action as an Airmobile unit with the remainder of the Division. All personnel on jump status within the brigade continued in that
status and drew jump pay throughout their tour. "

Reading about the Jumping Mustangs you maybe onto something, I wouldn't be surprised. Apparently the jumping Mustings collected items with "Mustang" in them.


Bill Mozey was the great letter writer and scrounger. He wrote every commercial company in the US and Canada for items they manufactured that had the word "Mustang" in it as well as many other companies. We were inundated by the flow of goodies. Finally, a four star general wrote Bill and said, "Please lay off the letters", we cannot keep up with the flow of mail to the JumpingMustangs.

What I've read is Bud bought a Mustang when he was discharged. Coincidence he wanted a "1966" Mustang, the year he was discharged, I don't think so. I think this car meant more to him than one might suspect.

I wonder if the family is aware of the Patriot Guard.

We went to Vietnam separately but came back as brothers.
This is just one of the saddest details.
But it kind of changes how I feel things went it sounds like he shot them as they exited their vehicle. Bud, perhaps, getting out of the drivers side and June exiting on the passenger.
They had spoken on the burner phone to RT trying to find directions to this old dirt road; RT asks if they have the money and they assure him that they do; he lays in wait until the Runions pull in; he gets them to exit the vehicle for some made up reason and then kills them.
But it still doesn't make sense.
Why kill them? Why attempt to hide the vehicle but not attempt to hide the bodies?

I still wonder, due to the fact that they stopped at the store and asked directions, WHY they didnt' ........OR...........IF they did, speak to RT when they arrived

Why didnt' they just call RT and ask directions again instead of stopping to ask at the antique store??

WHEN did the pings "move south" and whose PINGS were they? RT or the Runions? When did RT turn off the phone,
sorry, if someone knows, thanks, itd take a while to find that info again I think
FYI, in PA you need a notary. I used to be one.

Thank you swanniee! If you were here I would kiss you on the mouth!

Or maybe...just give you a chocolate kiss (the Hershey's kind)...and a hot cup of coffee. :D
Reading about the Jumping Mustangs you maybe onto something, I wouldn't be surprised. Apparently the jumping Mustings collected items with "Mustang" in them.


What I've read is Bud bought a Mustang when he was discharged. Coincidence he wanted a "1966" Mustang, the year he was discharged, I don't think so. I think this car meant more to him than one might suspect.

I wonder if the family is aware of the Patriot Guard.

We went to Vietnam separately but came back as brothers.

would be great info for them to collect, I think in one article the daughter said he didnt' discuss it much with them about NAM
You know, in all of this, I have been so upset by this whole story and I was focused on why Jay did it and how could someone be so evil...but I woke up today and decided, that's between him and God. I will watch with interest to see what comes out in the trial, but I realized today more than ever...God has a plan. Everything happens for a reason and while this was a horrible tragedy, look how much Bud Runion and his family have taught us already. His daughters teach us forgiveness. Pure and beautiful...they forgive Jay. That alone is amazing and makes me want to search within myself to find that same kind of grace. Bud taught us love and generosity of spirit. His bike charity will now undoubtedly reach new heights and service more children than he had ever dreamed. And his love for his wife, his children and his God? Beautiful. Makes me want to be a better Christian and a better human being.

I know it may sound trivial to say that this happened for a reason, but I feel like it did. If Bud and June can reach even one person, their deaths may not have been in vain, and by the looks of it...they are reaching thousands and thousands and thousands of people.

I never knew them in life, but I feel like I have grown to know them in death and the beauty of their lives astounds me and touches me. I hope this can be the take-away for a lot of people instead of the ugliness of the violent act that took them.

Just my waking thoughts today. Peace to everyone touched by this tragedy.
Dancinunderthemoon, I would not operate well in that world. LOL I'm a die-hard, "let's get this set in stone" kinda girl. What if the person comes up later and says, "She stole my boat and stole my title." You could say, "No I didn't...I gave him $5,000 cash for this!" And he could say, "She did not! She stole my boat...I never gave it to her."

So having the document notarized, while irritating as heck fire, is helpful legally to insure that the boat is actually yours.

:) Aren't you glad you ended up with the boat?

I understand and we have gotten a bill of sale and receipt and we show ID and copy each others ID and it has their names and previous owners names on the Title also

not saying its supposed to be that way or trying to change your mind, I'm just saying how easy it is with watercraft and old vehicles
Dancinunderthemoon, I would not operate well in that world. LOL I'm a die-hard, "let's get this set in stone" kinda girl. What if the person comes up later and says, "She stole my boat and stole my title." You could say, "No I didn't...I gave him $5,000 cash for this!" And he could say, "She did not! She stole my boat...I never gave it to her."

So having the document notarized, while irritating as heck fire, is helpful legally to insure that the boat is actually yours.

:) Aren't you glad you ended up with the boat?

On almost all titles isn't there an acknowledgement that the afore signed (Seller and Buyer) are stating under a form of oath, that the terms and statements are true? At least in the state of Michigan it is practiced that way and the whole point is to make transactions easy and not require notaries when one goes to register a title. This is in keeping with some states trends over the last 15-20 years to demystify and make legal transactions well, easier! ;) It is probably best for all to check your state requirements!
I understand and we have gotten a bill of sale and receipt and we show ID and copy each others ID and it has their names and previous owners names on the Title also

not saying its supposed to be that way or trying to change your mind, I'm just saying how easy it is with watercraft and old vehicles

I know....
You know, in all of this, I have been so upset by this whole story and I was focused on why Jay did it and how could someone be so evil...but I woke up today and decided, that's between him and God. I will watch with interest to see what comes out in the trial, but I realized today more than ever...God has a plan. Everything happens for a reason and while this was a horrible tragedy, look how much Bud Runion and his family have taught us already. His daughters teach us forgiveness. Pure and beautiful...they forgive Jay. That alone is amazing and makes me want to search within myself to find that same kind of grace. Bud taught us love and generosity of spirit. His bike charity will now undoubtedly reach new heights and service more children than he had ever dreamed. And his love for his wife, his children and his God? Beautiful. Makes me want to be a better Christian and a better human being.

I know it may sound trivial to say that this happened for a reason, but I feel like it did. If Bud and June can reach even one person, their deaths may not have been in vain, and by the looks of it...they are reaching thousands and thousands and thousands of people.

I never knew them in life, but I feel like I have grown to know them in death and the beauty of their lives astounds me and touches me. I hope this can be the take-away for a lot of people instead of the ugliness of the violent act that took them.

Just me waking thoughts today. Peace to everyone touched by this tragedy.

DITTO Girl, I didn't' mean to lessen their deaths by saying that too, that it was their time and was waiting for backlash but I also agree and have stated that they are witnessing from their sleep, God works in mysterious ways and I have battled my own demons and confusion with God's way etc, but in the end, we know Bud and June are safe, we are the ones suffering, their families, the ones left behind but I have vowed to be a better person on this earth too becuase of his witness to us all, God uses all things to make us all better people, which sounds like an oxymoron becuse of the tragedy of it all, but you like you said, people are now looking to God and learning from the Runions life to be better person and maybe some will be saved accepting God as their personal savior, hopefully, it's not what happens to us on earth, it's where we end up when we die
monkey & others~
Instead of sandbags, maybe there were 'floaties" that were used to help lift the vehicle? Divers can attach those to submerged vehicles when they hook up the wrecker cables.
I live in Georgia and recently sold my mother's car. Did not need a notary and sold it to a savvy car guy (friend of family friend - so no danger involved). He met me - gave me a cashier's check, I gave him the keys and owner's manual - and signed the title right there on the hood of the car. Also - after my father died, my mom gave his truck to my son. When I went to the DMV to change the title - it was going to be complicated (would have to move title to my mom - then my son, - he was in another state) the DMV lady quietly suggested that I return with my deceased father's "signature" on the title to avoid lots of red tape. Nothing was said about a notary in either transaction.

As to the significance of the Mustang - I thought he previously owned an identical car (he even specified a color) that he purchased the year he returned from Vietnam. Several articles state the couple met in the 1970's so he may have sold it before he was married.

I find it amusing to read the contortions and "out there" theories some people propose in order to believe Jay is just an innocent guy who is being railroaded for this double murder. We shall see, won't we?

I've been to the Dodge Co. courthouse with my dh (attorney) and I would not want my son to be locked up there! It's very rural - you must drive for miles off the interstate to reach Eastman.
Dancinunderthemoon, I would not operate well in that world. LOL I'm a die-hard, "let's get this set in stone" kinda girl. What if the person comes up later and says, "She stole my boat and stole my title." You could say, "No I didn't...I gave him $5,000 cash for this!" And he could say, "She did not! She stole my boat...I never gave it to her."

So having the document notarized, while irritating as heck fire, is helpful legally to insure that the boat is actually yours.

:) Aren't you glad you ended up with the boat?

Yes, several of them
Unfortunately cars now have identity theft as well as people.

Car identify theft scam!

In this amazingly cleaver scam of car-cloning, a crook can copy-down your car's VIN, put the VIN on an identical rental car, and sell the rental car as your car!This is the latest scam where crooks copy and reproduce the VIN from your car to commit fraud.

Protecting Against Car Identity Theft

by Pat Goss

Identity theft is an enormous problem, and now it’s even happening to cars. You know, anybody can walk past your car and copy down the VIN number because it’s right there in the windshield. Once they’ve copied your VIN number, they can apply for duplicate papers, and those papers can be used on another car that has been stolen or may have been reconstructed.
To transfer a vehicle into your name in Louisiana, the title must be notarized -- whether or not the title came from Louisiana.
My husband and I drove to NE Florida recently and purchased a motorcycle from a gentleman on CL (with only a couple of telephone conversations and a couple of pictures of motorcycle) and with cash in hand....eeks! We knew we had to have the Florida title notarized and had a heck of a time making the gentleman understand this. We had to find a notary in Florida and do the sign over in front of her. Otherwise, we would not have been able to get it titled in Louisiana. But...that's Louisiana. We're weird -- the Napoleonic Law and all that...
Hi folks I'm new and this is my first post so don't be to hard on me.
I work with a person who was raised in McRae Ga and they know the family very well. They said the Towns family are good humble, honest people. (Ronnie Sr.)
As for RT, he said he always answered yes sir, yes mam, very polite and quiet, but very gullible.
My co-worker also said that they wouldn't think RT would be very computer literate.
I wonder if someone put RT up to buying the phone and answering the ad??
Just trying to think outside of the box.
I only hope the LE brings closure to this case and get all, if there are any others involved for this beautiful couple.

WOW, so how would you prove something like that! what a mess that would be

I hope the investigation will free him if he's innocent and convict him if he's not, Thanks for the information

I still have a "shadow of a doubt" of his guilt,

On here, we are talking about horrible malicious people, so who's to say he wasn't also in contact with same

What's the saying? "don't believe everything you see and only half of what you hear"

they have a long road ahead to get to the bottom of it, no bail, could be for protection or otherwise,but I no longer believe in the death penalty because some have been wrongly convicted due to the flaws of humans, human error, I know it's a small percentage but it exists
Mr. Kinnett says he asked Bud Runion for a name because he's lived here all his life and knows everyone. They feel if they had the name of who the Runions were going to see, there may have been a different outcome.

That sounds to me like if Ms. Kinnard had known they were meeting RT she would've warned them they might be heading into some trouble.

Just speculation. Interesting.

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