GA GA - Jenna Van Gelderen, 25, Atlanta, 18 Aug 2017 #4

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Trying to keep Jenna at the top of the missing thread, I hope some people looking at Mollie’s will stop in here! I was just really moved by her families press conference and how badly they miss their daughter/sister. Doing what I can from another state.
Did anyone happen to see what LE said at the press conference with her parents this video I watched got cut off after the family. Wondering if LE said anything that could bring more hope to Jenna’s case
Wondering why there are no reports of what LE said at the press conference. Why was that section not included?

Also, the mention of the dishwasher ran half full was an interesting new detail. It was not something Jenna would do, her dad said. (Also like leaving the house with the TV on). I feel that these little habits she had are reliable clues, jmo.

Wondering if it was just cups and plates or if there was a potential weapon in there. Either way, it could’ve been someone who was staying there or had been there long enough to use whatever was in there. Like a friend. Were they politely tidying up or washing off prints? If someone is using a glass or eating at your house, they’d be someone who is close. Not to say that the person at the house was the person who ultimately took Jenna, but they could know who did and they’re not saying anything. This whole thing has never felt random.

Her mom was very articulate in the interview. It was very apparent what this has done to her family. The daily pain of not knowing must be horrible. However, someone does know something. It’s on their conscience. Somewhere.

One year. We have not forgotten.
One year later: Where is Jenna Van Gelderen?

ETA: There is a good video in the article with somewhat of a press conference from the family. My heart breaks for them. Her dad mentions similarities to Mollie’s disappearance. Why couldn’t Jenna get more attention in the media? I hope the year anniversary of her disappearance can bring more awareness to her case. Jenna needs to be found.

I've certainly not forgotten...can anybody provide a link to the press conference....I hope I can see it...a lot of sites from the "outsites" are not ready for the new Dutch privacy laws....

It’s in the article I quoted above, not right at the top but a little into the article.
I've been trying to catch up but how the early threads on WS are formatted it hasn't been easy. What's the best summary to read? The early links are broken, I'm not sure if that has to do with the WS migration? Thank you for any recommendations or links
Hi, this is going to be a kind of challenge

PART ONE red text new info from Thread 2

Casestory/time line including Tread 1 and Thread2; no theory’s, no speculations, just giving back what was said….trying to makea logical order of events. Blue text, open questions....

Help FindJenna Van Gelderen Facebook page – Help Find Jenna Van Gelderen
Jenna, 25years old, 4”11’, 140 lbs, long dark hair, pierced ears. Address; 2255 LenoxRoad. Atlanta PD Zone 2 DeKalb county. ‘Lenox Woods apartments’, living rightbetween the areas Buckhead and Midtown. She didn’t have contact lenses. Sheonly wore glasses and didn't need them all the time. Per VI - Thread #1, post#115
Star of David tattoo on her upper thigh,brohter didn’t know about per Vi, T2 # 852 About questions on this per VI T2 #905 She got this on her own, however according to parents, it was in part fromher trip to Israel to visit family a few years back. Dont think we have toworry about the above <branding, trafficking>, hopefully not
I wasunaware until now on this, but will be updating flyers today.Pierced ears, almondshaped eyes according to Jenna’s missingpersons file on Namus: No dentals, DNA inquiry underway, fingerprints availableelsewhere as for d.d. 29/9/2017
Missingfrom Parents house; address; (per Help Find Jenna FB page - link)1289, Oakdaleroad, Atlanta. Druid Hills home, GA. DeKalb county, GA. Near Emory UniversityIn fact it is not sure if she went missing from her parents’ house. added byme.
About herliving space/apartment ‘She would never tell us this address, we only found outthrough the P.I and the police. According to them she is on the lease. Prior wedidn't know this and though she was just staying on a friend's couch accordingto what she had told us. Per VI - Thread #1, post #316. She had a maleroommate, per VI - Thread #1, post #150. At what moment in time she signed the lease contract for this apartment?Is the roommate just staying/living there or was he also on the lease?
How long has she been gone from home? (before she wentmissing)
If I recall itwas around april or may she moved out of parents house, living on ppls couches.Per VI - Thread #1, post #996 Jenna moved out to live on her own in March,family members say. A Gwinnett Tech graduate, Jenna is usually in daily contactwith her parents or brother according to:
Distancebetween her apartment and parents address: 3 miles
She hadbeen seeing a career coach / counselor every week as well to help get her ontrack to finding a new job and working with her mental illness /minor autism tohelp with work skills. Per VI - Thread #1, post #160 J The last time she talked to thecounselor was that Monday <before she went missing> she couldn't recallanything strange. T2, # 96, VI. Not aware of <Jenna was using> anymeds T2 # 15 VI. Jenna is in the autism spectrum; has a form ofhigh-functioning autism. Can easily be manipulated and doesn't realize what sheis doing is bad. However she always always said that she would never do drugsand would say it in a pretty big tone. Per VI - Thread #1, post #166. Per VI –T2 # 13 <Jenna> was only diagnosed December 2016. I don't have the fullhistory, but I know my parents tried for years to have tests run, but theyalways said there 'wasn’t an apparent issue. It did affect her social life andshe tended to latch on to people that were overlly nice to her and she did havea few issues years back where roomates had used her a lot for rides or buyingalcohol but never did anything in return for her. She didn't think like anormal 25 year old would in a situation that could put her in harm
Jenna hasone bank account. A credit report was done, no other bank accounts or newcredit cards had been opened in her name as of now T2 # 110 VI
Parentsaddress on the drivers license. Per VI - Thread #1, post #321. Jenna’s passportkept by parents at the bank. Per VI - Thread #1, post #307
Jenna usedtwo phones; Iphone/T-mobile (in a family plan, parents account, she used thisphone to call family and friends) and another (unknown by family but laterfound out (found Metro-account info at parents house), per VI - Thread #1, post#51) a Metro pcs number/Android phone. (her own plan, family is not sure whereshe used it for, per VI - Thread #1, post #96) registered under another nameRuth Jenna, per VI - Thread #1, post #988 Confusion. middle name Ruth as herfirst and Jenna as her last. I didn't realize service providers allowed you todo this. Per VI - Thread #1, post #988. According to this post by anothermember a Metro phone is prepaid, no contract and no credit check needed. Don’task for ID. “If I'd paid cash I could have given any name”. T1 #1027 WS member. Her iPhone just had GoogleHangouts / Google voice on it (found via itunes store ) According to herfriends they mostly used Google Hangouts or Google Voice. Nothing unusual fromthose that we could tell. Her android phone is the one it seems she mostly usedfor contacting some of these shady people T2 # 105 VI I Over the course of thepast 2 years had downloaded well over 10 different texting apps. I'm nottalking about the obvious ones most of the ones she downloaded were smallunknown ones like TextmeUP. I’ve tried getting into each one, but they do notsync messages from each device to the next. So it’s virtually impossible rightnow to see which one she had been using recently or if she was even still usingany of them. Per VI - T2 #88 VI. Phones still not found d.d. 9/30/2-17. Are there warrants toboth cell providers? WS member T2 #911
Jenna’s carwas spotted in South Carolina in July 2017. Her ties with that: She frequentlywent up to South Carolina (believed by VI to be in Greenville area - Thread #1,post #353) to babysit for a friend. Have spoken to said friend several timesand she is one of her best friends, per VI - Thread #1, post #326 = Person 5,her good friend from S.C. she babysit for Per VI T2 # 324
Rumorsabout Jenna being a sex worker have never been confirmed, per VI - Thread #1,post #328. According to parents this was said by a disgruntled ex-boyfriend.Per MSM - LINK and VI - Thread #1, post #389 Again brought up in a tv-interviewon with parents on CNN d.d. 9-19-2017/9-20-2017 ‘They are saying that boyfriend told them, I'll quote the police report,advised this officer the reason he was no longer wanting to associate with herwas because he had recently found out she was selling her body for money. Nowthat also sounds like someone who is trying to maybe come up with an excuse asto why he wouldn't want to be around her anymore, but then the police say thather brother also said something that corroborated that. Still strictly rumours…media making a story.
Rumorsabout Jenna going missing before are not true according to the parents. “Never,absolutely never - never disappeared,” Jenna’s father said. “If she ever wentto South Carolina, that’s the furthest she's ever gone. We knew where she wasgoing, who she was going tobe with and she was always in contact with us.” PerMSM - LINK.
About herpersonal life; stories we have been given by her friends keep changing, but shehid a lot from us and even her friends. Per VI - Thread #1, post #974
August 3, 2016
• Last public post of Jenna's on her own Facebook account, post is aboutlooking for a job – LINK
January – March 2017
•We tracked this phone number I found on metro to a number that showedup a lot Jan - March and then died off around when she said it was finished .Was also around the time of the supposed theft. Per VI - Thread #1, post #165
February 2017
•She had a job back in Feb at the pet store but we found out through afriend she had been fired for theft at the store. Which is really not like her.Per VI - Thread #1, post #160
•We foundout large sums of money had been taken in total from various times from herregister. She was arrested, and through the court case, we were able to havethe sentence reduced to a misdemeanor. She would not tell us where the moneywent and that she was "framed" by a manager. I am starting to thinkthat maybe she did do this and paid one of these guys with the money. Per VI -Thread #1, post #160 Person 4: Another guy, that we have discovered that usedto come into the store, demanding money and other things from Jenna. Found outshe had been paying this guy through western union about $1100 over the courseof 2-3 years, met him in college. However, all phone activity and paymentsstopped like 4 months ago. I have a feeling this guy is connected to her storeincident Per VI T2, # 324.
•This kindof behavior was labeled as uncharacteristic for Jenna.
•The casewas nixed/settled, by negotiation and labeled as ‘disorderly conduct’ only.
•A friendwas able to confirm that she back in Feb was on and off with another guy whowas violent, but again she would not tell us who and that it was done and neverhappening again. Per VI - Thread #1, post #165. Does one of her friends know this person?
•It appearsin February she switched to a new email for her Apple ID which we do not have.Per VI - Thread #1, post #365
August 14,2017
•Jennabecame a member of Atlanta Housing group. On August 14, 2017, Jenna reacted onpost of somebody asking for a roommate, planning to move in September 2017.Send me a message <name> ASAP. On questions about the neighborhood thegirl’s post asking for a roommate; "Jenna was living right between thosetwo areas (Buckhead and Midtown)” per a local member's post
August 15Tuesday, 16 Wednesday
•Parentsleft for Canada on Tuesday 15th per VI - Thread #1, post #958. Jenna agreed onhouse sitting. When did Jennaarrive? With her car? Did she meet her parents before they left? Was she ok? Parentsleft for Canada on Tuesday 15[SUP]th[/SUP] T1 #966 VI. Jenna agreed on house sitting and watch over theold dear cat. The cat needs medicine/is ill. Laundry list <of things wrongwith the cat>, but mostly old age (21) and some infections. Per VI - Thread#1, post #971
•Parentswere planning to stay in Canada until August 26, per VI - Thread #1, post #32
•Per VI -Thread #1, post #32, Jenna told vet and brother she would be there all weekend.Because she didn’t dare to give the medicine to the cat she was very attachedto, so vet could help her giving the medicine. Arrangement werebrother helping a.m., vet p.m. ? “We know she would have worked with meand the vet assistant (who didn't have a key to the house) if she had plannedto leave” per VI - Thread #1, post #32. Did she plan to leave. Did she had a tendency of doing that?

August 16, Wednesday
Additional FB posts on the16[SUP]th[/SUP], Jenna looking for a room/apartment…or reacting on advs

August 17, Thursday
•She had some friends over for asmall get together I believe Thursday night and didn't clean up the roomsupstairs. This info came out later from a friend that was over there. Right nowwe know of Jenna and 2 others that were at the house for sure that night.Trying to find out who else may have been there. Per VI - Thread #1, post #819 Still not knowing who was there according until WS posts # T2# 836

August 18, Friday
•Reacting on an advs… (the virginia highland/morningside ) Looking/reactingon new apartments/rooms. Per WS members T2, #783/#820 .
•Through access d.d. 8/31 on here-mail and Facebook on family finds out on what locations she was and whichlocations she searches for on google maps timeline, so the following timelineare bits and peace’s of information found during this search, getting morespecific during this thread and put in a logical order:
? a.m.
•I was atthe house Friday a.m to give the cat her meds, I remember seeing the car<Jenna’s car> there. Sorry guys I forgot I had muted this for a bit whenI was working on my job hunting. Per VI - Thread #1, post #804. I saw herFriday A.M that was that last time I saw her. Per VI - Thread #1, post #823. Inwhat state she was in? She seemed fine, no indication anything was out of theordinary, per VI - Thread #1, post #973. At what time? Were the friends alreadygone? Was mom’s car at the house? Didn't notice. My mom's car stays in theexternal garage in the back, where as Jenna's was in a visible parking spot inthe back. Per VI - Thread #1, post #841
2 p.m.
•Yes, medswere given that <Friday> afternoon. The vet assistant came by around 2 pmI believe. He did not have a key to the house either so Jenna had to be thereto let him in. Per VI -Thread #1, post #808. Has anyone talked to the vet aboutwhat she and the house seemed like?
4/5 p.m.
•Brother talked with Jenna on thephone that evening to confirm everything was ok for the rest of the weekend T1 #823 VI; At what time was this call made?,Per VI - Thread #1, post #825 Yes, I believe I spoke to her around 4-5 pm(vague memory on that) Brother does not know if she was at home <meaning at the parents’ home> Can’t you look at your own phone when youmade the call? My phone log on my phone only goes back to the 25th of Aug , perVI - Thread #1, post #,so brother can’t check exactly what time he called.

6 p.m.
Person 6 T2#324 Girlfriend was with Jenna that dayand took an Uber taxi home, before Jenna went out again. T2 #84VI Uber-girlfriend was with Jenna around6 p.m. The PI is going to speak again with this girl friendagain tomorrow to see if can nail down when she left Jenna exactly. T2 #540VI. Why she took a taxi, why did Jennanot bring her home? There were two cars available?

8-10 p.m.
•She was also in contact with oneother guy = person 3 that night on and of between 8 and 10pm. From interviewswith him. He advised her not to come to his part of town (college Park) with mymom's car, and that he would meet her closer to her apartment. According to himshe never showed. Per VI - Thread #1, post #823
•Person 3. T2 # 324 VI Is another guy friend she was supposed tomeet with Friday night in College Park but was told not come down with my Momscar, would meet her around Lindbergh area, but she never showed. This is theguy that I found with the Instagram profile that lead me to believe some kindof pimping or trafficking might be going on. He called twice at 11 and 11. 50that night (pocket dials). From interviews with him, according VI. At what time did they supposed tomeet up and where, around Lindbergh area seem pretty big to find somebody.
•I was able to access the voice mailearlier on it and found a pocket dial at 11.50 pm Friday. I have given thenumber to our p.i. I have been able to locate that number tied to an Instagramaccount with references to pimping and clubs on Cambelton Rd. Per VI - Thread#1, post #133. The number for the pocket dial was tied to an Instagram accountas well that leads me to believe something more is up. Also metro pcs number aswell. Any follow through? Don't know anymore on that. Who ever it was thatcalled at 11:30 left a 2 min long voice mail and their phone was in theirpocket. The Insta account that I found tied to that number and several ads thatset off an alarm that said person may be a pimp. However have heard nothingmore from police on this. Per VI - Thread #1, post #1102. Metro PCS line,pocket dial so it was just random sounds. Per VI - Thread #1, post #1107 The •Instagrammentioned above is not Jenna's Instagram. Per VI - Thread #1, post #189
•The family sent the P.I. to thataddress <townhome> and he talked to the guy there. How did the family know about thisguy in the first place? He said they had plans to meet for food but shenever made it down there. Older info.

? p.m.?
•Searched for an address on Googlepromptly after. We knowshe specifically searched for that town home address that Wednesday (could this be a typo?) and when Isearch more on her timeline that is the address that shows up (not her aptspecifically). It is a gated community (townhome) but it is literally behindher apt. Is this theex-boyfriends apartment? If she searched for it on Wednesday why search itagain as it was so close. I think she would remembered it where it was. Orcould somebody else have searched for it with her phone?

10 p.m.
•We know Friday night she had beenin contact with this person of interest = Person 1. T2 # 324 = Ex boyfriend,she broke up with in February via texting / calling / and seeinghim. According to him she came to his apartment Approx. 10 pm. Per VI - Thread#1, post #823. Where does thisperson live? Is it in the neighborhood/Area of English Ave? The place Jennastopped at 10 pm does not add up with the statement of the POI’s that she wasat his address at 10 a.m., because it is in a different area. •Olderinformation; Friend known now = Person 1. T2 # 324 VI talked to her brieflybefore she left (to where?)By media ….he told the police. Friday night she had left a friends place tocome home (what is home mean,her parents’ house or her own apartment) around 11 pm, in mother's car. Why in mother’s car? (per VI- Thread #1, post #32). He claims she wanted a relationship but he did notknowing the theft issue. Per VI - Thread #1, post #165.
Per VI T2 # 290. (sorry,missed this one too, adding) The ex is the one that also claimed she came by hisapartment that Friday night and he told her that the relationship wasn't goinganywhere . Now according to Google timeline she had not gone to his place at all that day. Unless it had beenafter 1130 pm (when the time line ends). He told us it was 11pm and he told thepolice / pi it was 10pm. That's what makes this suspicious. We also have sometips from others via email yesterday saying they know he was at my parentsFriday night (trying to verify) Was this cleared up? Or did theymean Thursday night at the get together at your parents’ house?
•Person 1: POI from last thread, washer "ex" as mentioned last night. The one we know had driven her carat one point. Was a security person at her old job Per VI T2 # 324

? p.m. ?
•New info found on 9/1, Thread #1,post #462 VI stated they had found information that she drove from townhomedown to midtown…Driving from there <town home> Ex-boyfriendsapartment? down to midtown (14th and Crecsent Ave) which is near Operanight club. If she didn’t goto the Opera night club, where was she going, what could be another destinationin that area? We do not know any more on this, VI. Per WS local member T2 # 823: Opera is considered midtown.

•This peace of the timeline isunsure; did she or did she notdrive to the Lindbergh area and met up with person 3 for food, as he stated shedidn’t show up. Reply by VI - Thread #1, post #829: At this pointhonestly I don't know. The police were supposed to check this town home butwon't tell me what they have found. The odd thing is the town home like I saidis behind her apt.
•The family sent the p.i to thataddress <townhome> and he talked to the guy there. He said they had plansto meet for food but she never made it down there. Per VI - Thread #1, post#408. At what time did theyhad an appointment? What kind of relationship they had? Where is this townhome and isthere in any way to prove that she (didn’t) went there (by phone signal,witness?)

10 p.m. ?
•Per Google maps timeline; per VI -Thread #1, post #848, she stopped in the Area of English Avenue (North andNorthside Drive) for about 5-6 minutes around 10 pm. Regarding English Ave stopalso mentioned: No specifics only Google maps Timeline. Google maps timelineshows she drove to Wendy’s. Inwhich car? The place Jenna stopped at 10 pm does not add up with the statementof the POI that she was at his address at 10 pm., because it is in a differentarea.

10:30 p.m.
•We believe so as a verifiedfriend has spoken to her that night late around 10:30 and he recalls herdriving my mom's car. Per VI - Thread #1, post #604 Is it possible to pinpoint where he saw her?

11.00 p.m.
•Pocket Dial fromPerson 3, T2 # 324 VI By voicemail on Metro pcs Jenna. Number (also a metro pcs number) is tied to anInstagram account with references to pimping and clubs on Cambelton Rd .

11.30 p.m.
•After that noactivity, all activity end on 11.30 p.m. Meaning google maps timeline? This hasto be switched off then. Added by me. Per VI - Thread #1, post #404 &Thread #1, post #406 Per VI T2 # 290. (Sorry I missed this,fFnow adding) About ex-boyfriend: unlessit had been after 1130 pm (when the time line ends). He told us it was 11pm andhe told the police / pi it was 10pm. Curious!!!

Ca. 11.45 -12.00 a.m
•She had also been in contact withher friend in S.C = person 5 T2 # 324 VI around 11:45 pm
•Another friend = person 5, said shehad a conversation with Van Gelderen. From media on Saturday <after Friday12pm> So at present it seems the SC friend was the last to speak to J at 11.45p.m. /12.00 approx. The LE has spoken to the S.C. friend, as well as the p.iand my parents. She did not know where Jenna was. Per VI - Thread #1, post #839Did she tell what wasdiscussed? Incoming/outgoing, we don'tknow that.

? p.m.?
•Seen with an unidentified malepassenger in her mother’s car. Per flyer on Help Find Jenna Van Gelderen FBpage (LINK)
and post (LINK)
Bywhom, where and what time?

11:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m.
•We know a littleafter this she has gone to that Wendys then back to either her apartment orthis town home I mentioned earlier. It is right behind her apartment. Could beGoogle error. Per VI - Thread #1, post #823 We assume she made it back toparents house somewhere between 1130 and 130 am. Again I don't know on this asher timeline activity dies around then with her going down to midtown. So we donot know for sure what happened around then. Per VI - Thread #1, post #823 •Timeline activity off after going down tomidtown. Family does not know if she went back to the house and if she did onwhat time, with or without somebody and if and when she left again with her own car and if somebody else waswith her. Post T2 #53 VI
•According to everyoneshe had returned to my parents place that night. Per VI - Thread #1, post #308 How do they know that? Wedon't know but it just either a person is missing in the puzzle orthat someone was lying about seeing her that night Per VI-T2, #150.

11.50 a.m.
• By voicemail onMetro pcs Jenna: pocket dial fromsomebody. Number (also a metro pcs number) is tied to an Instagram account withreferences to pimping and clubs on Cambelton Rd = Person 3

1.30 a.m.
•IPhone on Tmobilegoing into power saving mode around 1:30 am as all tracking info seems to stopthen. On her iPhone, it appears she had iCloud tracking off as well as GoogleTime Line not enabled from the get go. Post T2 #53 VI

2 a.m.
•Jenna had sent a textto a friend = Person 5 T2 # 324 VI (T-mobile account, to baby-sit friend inSouth Carolina) saying ‘Laying down’ She <the S.C. friend> has not seenher either up that way. Per VI - Thread #1, post #32 & Thread #1, post#183. Why they had contact that late? Per VI - Thread #1, post #186, they were always in contact through textseven late at night , but she was never informed by Jenna of her whereabouts. Itis not a fact that Jenna text this message herself, could have done by somebodyelse having her phone. Add by me.
•Trough media was saidthat person 5 was underway to Jenna….was said quoted by ex-boyfriend. She<person 5> had never mentioned tous about coming down to that day and it’s not in the report, so really not surewhere that came from.

Debit card use duringFriday, Aug 18
4 stops atgas stations Is there any info on what she purchased …info from debit card, howmuch money was taken? Are there CCTV footages? In what car? Per MSM - LINK, afamily-friend posted on the Help Find Jenna Facebook page. The last placesJenna used her debit card on Friday, Aug 18:
- Texaco @ N Decatur Rd
- DeKalb Industrial Chevron @ Cheshire Bridge
- LaVista Wendy's @ 1940 Piedmont Roadshe was at the gas station at Lavista and Cheshire Bridge around 11PM, infofrom Facebooksite. Also mentioned earlier in the thread Cheshire and Lavistaroad, BP? I guess this is verynear to Wendy’s. Also an exit to Lindbergh. Did she might have planned to seeperson 3 after all? …are these names all refer to the same approx.location? Per VI - Thread #1, post #825: with regards to any of the gasstations that were mapped earlier we do not have any more info on those. Theonly thing really confirmed is that Wendy's based on the straw wrapper in mymom's car / passenger seat pushed back.
- Chevron @ N Decatur Rd & Clairemont

Is there any info on what she persuaded …info fromdebet card, how much money was taken? Are there CCTV footages? Was there a carseen?
•GoogleMaps Timeline can be inaccurate, per this member's post. Seems like the area isvery unlikely to loose signals, but….also you have to put on ‘Location History’in Google Maps Timeline before it registered your whereabouts through a deviceand you can add/change it yourself. Per another member's post.
•Per MSM -LINK, Jenna talked to her mother twice a day. Also on august 18th? Or wereparents traveling on that day? How was contact with mother made, by phone,Facebook, did she came to parents house twice a day, other way?
•According to VI - Thread #1, post #412, theFBI talked to this townhome guy and his story was checked out. I really wonder what this story is….Open question stays why is FBI involved, does family knows? Per WS member T2 # 917 We've had FBI show up at some of our searchesjust to keep an eye on the case. Missing child, missing person, abduction,human trafficking all get their interest, and some homicides. They haveresources they can provide too, to assist local LE. (haven't reached that postyet..... so just a comment that it doesn't mean it is an FBI case a federalcase or anything, sometimes they just take an interest and ask the detectivesto keep them posted).
•The phonenumber of the townhome guy <ex-boyfriend,person 1> seems not the same as the pocket call number <person3>. Per VI - Thread #1, post #414
•She was driving in her mums carthat evening a dark red Mazda 3 sedan (2010). Per VI - Thread #1, post #462: Wealso know that she was in my mom’s cars is this a typo or does mum own morethan one car? most of that night, so she had to have come back (with someone weassume) to have the cars switched. What was the reason she used mums car? Weare still trying to piece together why Jenna was driving my mom's car Friday,like if she loaned hers to a friend etc. We still do not know, however policenever finger printed it. Per VI - Thread #1, post #594
•Per VI T2 # 290. (sorry,missed this, now adding) The only thing that really makes sense to me is that Friday we know shehad been driving my mom's car.

Only reason I can think ofis that
A) she didn't have enough gas in her car
B) she had let someone else drive it. We have2 of her friends that have told us that this "ex" / our original poihad taken her car for a day early August and wouldn't return it.

I've been trying to catch up but how the early threads on WS are formatted it hasn't been easy. What's the best summary to read? The early links are broken, I'm not sure if that has to do with the WS migration? Thank you for any recommendations or links

Bit of Hope did an excelent and very detailed timeline/what we know. I couldn’t quote all because it was too long of a post, but all of her posts on the first page of this thread are great! The video and articles posted in the last few days are also good as far as kind of stating the basics of the case.
1 year later, 25-year-old metro Atlanta woman is still missing

"Her car was found two weeks following when she disappeared; in northwest Atlanta on Defoors Place. Cellphone pings the day after her disappearance led to the Fairburn area." So the car was found about 7-9 miles northwest of her parents home. The cell pings in Fairburn would be about 20 - 30 miles southwest from where her car was found. The photo of the inside of her car shows a suitcase in the back seat. Curious the suitcase was still in the car. Hope the family will be able to get some answers with the new focus on her case.

Is this the press conference? I could see this.....
Bit of Hope did an excelent and very detailed timeline/what we know. I couldn’t quote all because it was too long of a post, but all of her posts on the first page of this thread are great! The video and articles posted in the last few days are also good as far as kind of stating the basics of the case.

I did it for Jenna. Hoping I could be of any use solving this very strange dissapearence....sadly there are some really essential things missing in the story and things that don't add up....I think her "so called" friends, acquaintances or just somebody from a dating app know more.....Looks like she was at home....maybe she just opened the door for the wrong person...a known person or maybe even a stranger....she was kind of naïve and a trusting person.....unable to pick up "bad signs" or to late.....
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I honestly thought that the police would have arrested Jenna's so-called boyfriend and her landlord for her murder by now.

I also think that the final ping from Jenna's phone was from the dumpster transfer station. Granted, even if Jenna's phone ended up in a dumpster, that doesn't necessarily mean that Jenna did, but the focus of the investigation should be on landfill searches.
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