GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #4

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I read someone say something about his page being on Protective Status with FB? I thought I just delete perp's page.... Does anyone know anything about this?
Agreed and this is why I felt they must have had to resconstruct her face....

I have had several head injuries in the past and immediately after my face swelled even though none of my bones were broken.

Although her face appears as if it was reconstructed, could it have been only swollen?

AFAIK nothing can be done to reduce swelling on the body so I wonder if an embalmer would be able to do to reduce swelling on her face?
I hadn't seen this video of SB before. One thing I found interesting & didn't know is it says the family (Brunn's) abandoned their home about 2 months ago. That's about when RB was saying he was moving on his facebook. Mom filing bancruptcy makes some sense now I guess.

Also, both RB's brother's criminal records were brought up in the video. SB says RB obtain his GED, but we know from court RB said he completed 10th grade.

The second video on the page. Sorry if this is a repeat.
I am trying to follow this thread but I think the discussion on the poor child's appearance has gone too far. Please....This is too heartbreaking... I don't see any reason to belabor this any more. RIP Jorelys...
I hadn't seen this video of SB before. One thing I found interesting & didn't know is it says the family (Brunn's) abandoned their home about 2 months ago. That's about when RB was saying he was moving on his facebook. Mom filing bancruptcy makes some sense now I guess.

Also, both RB's brother's criminal records were brought up in the video. SB says RB obtain his GED, but we know from court RB said he completed 10th grade.

The second video on the page. Sorry if this is a repeat.

Thank you, I had not seen that either. I thought it strange that they mention the mother, KW, adopting the children when they were small...BUT, there is no mention of the father JB. Was she married to JB? They all have his last name. I have been confused about this all along.
How sad. Little Jorelys looks like Nixmary Brown did. :(
There is a striking resemblance.
Jorelys' mom treated her like a princess. Jorelys wanted for nothing until that horrible monster snatched her. Nixmary was abused for so long by her monster stepfather while her mom did nothing. :furious:That is the only difference. RIP Nixmary Brown and RIP Jorelys Rivera
I pray for this mother, I honestly don't know how one goes through losing a child, and then to have nightmares, not imagining, but knowing what she went through. Unspeakable anguish for this poor mother, I'm sure.

Loosing a child has to be the most painful experience in the world. KNOWING that your child was kidnapped, scared, in shock, in pain, beaten, stabbed and raped-----------I would not be able to carry on. I would not.

My heart breaks for this mom and I pray for her every day many times a day.
I pray for Jorely's other siblings also.
Yep... and how many countless members on here mentioned, I bet we hear about some kind of torture of animals. That was a bingo...yay who wants to win that one, but seriously this alleged murderer & Somer Thompson's alleged murderer are very young given the magic # of around 27-32 yrs. old, that I remember as stats. These cases are rare, however as new cases come on & the time it takes to go to court, let alone if it is a capital offense...just wonder how often, the criteria etc. that the stats are updated.? But getting back to this case, 101...not only did he punch a dog it was HIS FAMILY DOG, certainly fits a profile IMO. I don't care what the brother say, the evidence will prove this case!

Dee, yes indeed many posters here early on made mention of any of the monsters previous crimes. And yes I do count animal abuse as a crime.
I think it's somewhat to find out & understand the mind set of the alledged abducter, rapist, murderer, after reading some of the descriptions of her condition and what Jorelys was subjected to.

For me, I have to put to rest how long she had to suffer and pray she wasn't alive during the most of it. That will be my basis for his sentence, whether anyone agrees with it or not. So sad to write that out about what Jorelys endured. That alone brings many thoughts and an overwhelming sadness. Most likely, I could everything possible and still not make sense of it. Oh the mind of a monster. For me, I can't process their motives in something like this but I try to like others. Every step this guy took gets evaluated. You do find out a lot along the way to help you cope though & pass on to others. It helps to explain it at trial also. jmo

And if there is a trial, or anyone else remotely involved, nail their azz's too!

the hi5 website... I did a lil digging:

• "it often fails to make the top 50 in the U.S."
• "Hi5 is a great social network for those in Central America or who have friends or family in Central America."
• . "I get it. It’s “social” and it’s a “path” to drive new players to your games." But..... "I think of Stalin or Charles Manson"

ODD wonder if Ryan Brunn had one as well?
And their ICON looks like a hannibal lector mask!!!

:( FWIW... this is really weird and now I am really creeped out! by both of the roommates.
gngr.snap, 2 questions...

Do you know if the roommate worked for the apt complex? We think his mother was in management there, but we don't know if she lived on the premises. Do you know if she lived there?
There is a striking resemblance.
Jorelys' mom treated her like a princess. Jorelys wanted for nothing until that horrible monster snatched her. Nixmary was abused for so long by her monster stepfather while her mom did nothing. :furious:That is the only difference. RIP Nixmary Brown and RIP Jorelys Rivera

Can you fix the link? I've heard of Nixmary before but never read about her. I'd like to.
One link to a WS thread for Nixzmary Brown:

With all due respect and honor to Nixzmary, let's please keep this thread focused on Jorelys.

(ETA: It seems that many of the media links on that thread have expired. Nixzmary's mother was found guilty of manslaughter in 2008. Please take your comments about her case to that thread.)
I have never been a spectator in court and today I questioned whether the bullet proof vest Ryan was ordered to wear in court to protect him actually achieved this.

Before a person is allowed on a plane, they are searched for weapons and I wonder if those who attend a court hearing are also searched for weapons before they are allowed in?

Ryan was told to put on the vest for his own protection but when you look at the video of the court proceeding, Ryan is sitting on a wooden pew which protects his back and chest but exposes his head so is he really protected if his head isn't covered? Not imo.

And, if the Correction officers check people for weapons before they enter the courtroom, the chances he will be harmed are drastically reduced.

Ryan was given the vest to wear because it would protect him should someone decide to harm him but they left his head exposed. So this could be why Ryan lowered his head, because he realized wearing a bullet proof vest did relatively nothing to protect him.

IMO, a bullet proof screen separating the accused from the spectators would be a better way to protect the defendant from being attacked in a courtroom but that’s jmo.
gngr- did u have to join hi5 to have access to rb pics?

if youre looking for more photos, rb, cranky crankersons photobucket acct is a wealth of info, old & new. i dont have the link handy but its easily googleable :)
I know we are not supposed to be sleuthing the family of RB, but something just does not sit right with me there. Mods, please just delete if you think it is inappropriate.

From this MSM story: "In the bankruptcy filing, KAHW listed her sole income over the past three years as child support and an "adoption stipend" received from the state of New York, where the family lived before coming to Georgia. In 2009 and 2010, the stipend came to $48,000; this year it was $40,000." She is getting "child support" which I assume is coming from Mr. JB. I suspect the $8,000 reduction is probably because one of the children reached a certain age - might be 21 or 23, depending on the arrangement.

Why would the State of NY be paying an "adoption stipend" for these children"? Since all of the children have been given the Brunn last name, it implies they were adopted, not being fostered. I found a link to an adoption advocacy group where the 28/29 year old female sibling is searching for her bio parents. She says she was adopted by KAH and JB when she was 5 years old along with her younger half-brother, SPB.

I also found a genealogy site where KAHW lists her husband as a name starting with an R. And lists the following children:
CB-S daughter
SPB - son
CB - son
Ryan B - son
BB - son
SB - son

This is the first time I have seen a brother with a first name starting with B. Maybe the unknown son BB is disabled, therefore triggering the stipend?

Additional thoughts and observations:
-Dad remarried in 2003, according to FB account.
-According to MSM reports, Mom and kids moved to Georgia in 2004 to "find a better life".
-The fact that Ryan's mother filed for bankruptcy the same day Jorelys was taken might be somehow tied together. Maybe a trigger?
-It seems like KAHM was willing to adopt older children, or those considered otherwise "less desirable" for adoption. (I hate those words...but it is true that some children are labeled as such.)
-We do not know how old Ryan was when he was adopted. Nor do we know anything about his bio parents. There could be something really dark in his past prior to adoption.
-I am still on the fence with the whole concept of Nature vs. Nurture. If Ryan was produced by an egg and sperm that had monsters in the family, all the nurturing in the world might not have been enough to prevent this perversion.

I am now climbing off my soap box...
Translation: Hundreds attend Jorleys' Funeral
Primera Hora/ Puerto Rico newspaper article
December 12, 2011

Correct translation for her father's quote: "I want it to be a happy environment so she feels happy".said the girl's father, Ricardo Galarza. He stated that her carriage is ready, which will be transported by two horses to Peñuelas' Municipal Cemetery ...
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