GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 1

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Remember the murder of Jasmine Fiore? Ryan Jenkins. He did horrible things to her body to try to impede identification. I wonder if that is the case here? The only thing that contraindicates this though IMO is when and where the torso was found.

This case is freaking me out, to say the least...

To dismember someone to the point that they are ONLY a torso is extremely, extremely time-intensive. If one were merely concerned with concealing the identity, removing the head and fingers and any tattoos would suffice. No way someone would stupidly go through the trouble of reducing someone to their torso to obscure identity and them dump the female torso in the missing woman's backyard. If the torso were dumped in a lake or buried that would be one thing. I can't say for certain but logic and violent crime pattern analysis dictates that this was worse than just an attempt to delay identification. Also consider that the body appears to have been dumped there days and days after the crime presumably occurred, meaning the killer was keeping the body/parts for days. In Fiore's case, Jenkins dumped her ASAP, he didn't keep the body any longer than was necessary. Nothing about this crimes seems pragmatic aside from the last minute dumping of what was left of the body.
I think some type of cannibalism may be involved just to the unnecessary dismemberment and length of time the body was held however they wouldn't just keep a limb or two due to the size and freezer space. Hate to be graphic but if they took an attractive female for such purposes they would interested in "choice cuts" of meat; a forearm for instance, while easy to fit in a freezer, is not a choice body part by cannibal standards. They would almost certainly be harvesting portions of the torso/buttocks so the torso would most definitely show signs.

Yeah, I mentioned that we do not know what state the torso was in itself. It may be missing things like the liver, breasts, buttock, other "choice cuts" etc. I don't think we'd find a whole limb in a fridge, I think we'd find meat cut from bone, long bones for the marrow, etc. It would be easier to destroy/conceal the discarded bits of limbs than it would, say, a rib cage. I would really like to know if the torso was intact. We don't even know if the legs were removed or if the pelvis and legs were removed, as it's much easier to cut through the abdomen and the T10 vertebrae than the hip and pelvic region.

Also a poster commented that the local residents are saying frozen body parts were found in various trash cans. That makes sense as the police closed off the landfill for a search (and they don't close landfills for bits of random evidence, usually only for body parts). That once again implies the killer is smart and playing a game of some sort. Make the police scramble to find body parts in the trash (which is in fact one of hte best disposal methods, as they are darn near impossible to find once they hit the dump UNLESS the authorities know to look at the dump) but then put the torso right there in front of their nose to taunt them!

Frozen body parts...why freeze them unless...
Either he is taunting police or was scrambling to find places to dispose of evidence he had planned to store in the freezer for use until the **** hit the fan and he decided in a panic to just ditch whatever evidence he had left. If he wanted police to really scramble and play scavenger hunt he could have placed the parts in locations he was sure the police would be alerted to and not risk folks seeing a stranger messing with their trash cans.
Sorry haven't read since my last post so pardon if repeat of now known facts.

Just left my friend's house which is extremely close to the discovery scene. Little talk of it at a well attended gathering. But did converse with 2 folks who were there for the investigation into the wee hours (the homeowner & neighboor.) What I believe they think is true (some obvious):

Head missing

Partially frozen parts found in trash cans throughout neighborhood

MickyD's knife collection

MickyD's tub & parts of plumbing removed as evidence.

Apt below either LG or MickyD empty & maybe involved. (freezer?)

Again, all hearsay. Would love to share some other stuff but would still compartmentalize it as full rumor, not just partial ;)

All very interesting. Thank you! We'll keep in mind that at the moment, these are not verified facts. Having said that, can you find out which days of the week garbage is picked up in the neighborhood?

McD's knife collection? Do you mean LE confiscated kitchen knives? Or, an actual knife collection?

Removing a tub and plumbing equipment from the bathroom is a big deal. LE can't just tear up property without strong probable cause. I'd love to have that confirmed.

I still can't find much on this guy, and I'm very surprised we're not hearing more about him. Besides that one site referenced in the beginning of the thread, there's nothing. Now I've started searching in a particular direction, but I haven't turned up anything concrete yet. I might be getting warm, though.

The Macon Police Crime Lab will send evidence from the Lauren Giddings investigation to the FBI crime lab, according to a Macon police news release.

Major Charles Stone says the evidence will be flown to Virginia on Tuesday, according to the release.

Police found a body last Thursday that they believe to be Lauren Giddings. She has not been seen since Saturday, June 25.

A news release Monday says Chief Mike Burns is refining the investigative plan for the coming week.

Interesting link in that article is the original incident report with various details.

Apparently she left her "hidden key" in a vase on a table outside next to the door! Wow...very casual indeed! If someone were worried about "hoodlums" they would automatically think stuff MIGHT be stolen off the front porch, and then poof they just found the housekey too!

That just really really does not seem like the actions of a smart woman that was worried about break ins!

Read report here:

Removing a tub and plumbing equipment from the bathroom is a big deal. LE can't just tear up property without strong probable cause. I'd love to have that confirmed.

It could mean they have found something OR it could mean they didn't find anything and are so desperate they are yanking the pipes out in the hope of a tiny hair or something. Apparently some sources say it really isn't that hard to clean blood from a bathtub, especially if you can leave the water running through the pipes for days. See link:
Macon police said today they will search the storm drainage system near Lauren Giddings' Macon apartment.

A police news release quotes the head of the investigation, Maj. Charles Stone, as saying that the office of City Engineer Bill Causey has joined in the investigation of Giddings' disappearance and apparent murder.

The police news release quotes police Maj. Charles Stone as saying, "the Engineering Department will assist us in the search of the storm drainage system near the apartment complex. Bill and his staff are very familiar with the downtown area and can provide valuable information and assistance as we search for evidence. The complex continues to be a focus of the investigation."

Macon police say additional forensic evidence recovered from in and around the apartment complex over the weekend was flown to the FBI today.
I agree with the rest of you, SM certainly behaves suspiciously. But for some reason I'm just not feeling he killed Lauren, can't quite put my finger on it? Couple of questions maybe someone can answer, just reading up on this case;

-Does the door need a key to be locked from the outside (deadbolt)?

-What day did the bf leave for California? Had he been trying to reach Lauren?

-Who was the last person to speak to her on Saturday night? Was she inside her home when that call or text took place? Time?
All very interesting. Thank you! We'll keep in mind that at the moment, these are not verified facts. Having said that, can you find out which days of the week garbage is picked up in the neighborhood?

McD's knife collection? Do you mean LE confiscated kitchen knives? Or, an actual knife collection?

Removing a tub and plumbing equipment from the bathroom is a big deal. LE can't just tear up property without strong probable cause. I'd love to have that confirmed.

I still can't find much on this guy, and I'm very surprised we're not hearing more about him. Besides that one site referenced in the beginning of the thread, there's nothing. Now I've started searching in a particular direction, but I haven't turned up anything concrete yet. I might be getting warm, though.

I'm pretty sure trash in that area is Thurs.

It rained pretty hard here the other night too :(
Interesting link in that article is the original incident report with various details.

Apparently she left her "hidden key" in a vase on a table outside next to the door! Wow...very casual indeed! If someone were worried about "hoodlums" they would automatically think stuff MIGHT be stolen off the front porch, and then poof they just found the housekey too!

That just really really does not seem like the actions of a smart woman that was worried about break ins!

Read report here:

It could mean they have found something OR it could mean they didn't find anything and are so desperate they are yanking the pipes out in the hope of a tiny hair or something. Apparently some sources say it really isn't that hard to clean blood from a bathtub, especially if you can leave the water running through the pipes for days. See link:

One other interesting thing in that same link ... The only thing they could not find was her Mercer College Student ID Card.
-Does the door need a key to be locked from the outside (deadbolt)?
-What day did the bf leave for California? Had he been trying to reach Lauren?
-Who was the last person to speak to her on Saturday night? Was she inside her home when that call or text took place? Time?

I don't think any of those answers have been released.

I am not sure but this video may be the guy that she sent the email to. The friend that got the email was in Atlanta and this guy sounds like he has an Atlanta accent (or maybe he is gay).

One odd thing to note, he says "it was odd she wasn't taking calls after she asked me about this...the feeling in the pit of my stomach kept getting worse and worse" and says how worried he was but they obviously EDITED the fricking tape and took out the part where he states what she was asking about! Sheeshers the police are keeping every smidgen of info under wraps. The only person that has said much of anything was McDaniel (maybe that is one reason he is locked up!).

Watch video of the friend (who might have received the email).
I don't think any of those answers have been released.

I am not sure but this video may be the guy that she sent the email to. The friend that got the email was in Atlanta and this guy sounds like he has an Atlanta accent (or maybe he is gay).

One odd thing to note, he says "it was odd she wasn't taking calls after she asked me about this" and says how he got worried but they obviously EDITED the fricking tape and took out the part where he states what she was asking about! Sheeshers the police are keeping every smidgen of info under wraps. The only person that has said much of anything was McDaniel (maybe that is one reason he is locked up!).

Watch video of the friend (who might have received the email).

From your link-
Friend JK says he met Giddings two years ago in a club for runners.

He says they were supposed to go camping this weekend with friends, but he says she suddenly stopped returning phone calls or text messages.
I notice everyone interviewed says the same thing. Lauren suddenly stops communicating, but no one checks on her for five days?

Just got a call from the person I trust the most regarding info on this case (not the neighbors.) He told me that I can rest easy tonight, given his position couldn't give me outright details, but I trust him. Come on we all need a lil justice right now, fingers crossed.
Bibb D.A.: No Motive Identified in Lauren Giddings Case

No motive and NO suspects! Sheesh they searched that McDaniel guy's apartment 4 days ago and he isn't even a suspect?

After the torso it appeared they might catch a crazy lunatic quickly, but it is starting to look like the Black Dahlia again. Searching the drainage and sewer pipes after all this time sort of seems like they are grasping at straws, plus with some neighbors in and out of each others apartments a hair or something isn't going to be enough.
The cops are being tight lipped because they know the heinous nature of this crime, they know it most likely wasn't done by someone with a bone to pick with Giddings, and since they have failed completely so far to turn up any suspect or evidence, they don't want the public knowing what we might have on our hands.
To the person above who said she was told by a person in a position to know that we can rest easy, the only way to interpret that is that they believe McDaniel did it.
The cops are being tight lipped because they know the heinous nature of this crime, they know it most likely wasn't done by someone with a bone to pick with Giddings, and since they have failed completely so far to turn up any suspect or evidence, they don't want the public knowing what we might have on our hands.
To the person above who said she was told by a person in a position to know that we can rest easy, the only way to interpret that is that they believe McDaniel did it.

Certainly the LE is keeping the info tight due to the nature of the crime, but there are also locally vested interests (mercer's safety/economic effects, severe socioeconomic diversity & up-in-coming elections {check out the legal record of our penultimate mayor {C. Jack Ellis, dear lord he is running again & will probably win.}) But... given the few facts we know & the characteristics of people who preform such abhorrent acts, I think it is safe to say this was personal. I'm not gonna ante all my chips but I'm thinking bout going all in.
Just my opinion though.
No motive and NO suspects! Sheesh they searched that McDaniel guy's apartment 4 days ago and he isn't even a suspect?

After the torso it appeared they might catch a crazy lunatic quickly, but it is starting to look like the Black Dahlia again. Searching the drainage and sewer pipes after all this time sort of seems like they are grasping at straws, plus with some neighbors in and out of each others apartments a hair or something isn't going to be enough.

I think DA Winters is just being cautious. I view that as a good thing actually.
That said, I hope the FBI plays a role in this case outside of just the "forensic/lab testing". I followed Kristi Cornwell's case and I was not overly impressed with the GBI.

DNA results should be back from Quantico either late tonight or tomorrow morning.
I think DA Winters is just being cautious. I view that as a good thing actually.
That said, I hope the FBI plays a role in this case outside of just the "forensic/lab testing". I followed Kristi Cornwell's case and I was not overly impressed with the GBI.

DNA results should be back from Quantico either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Totally agree! Don't expect much from the GBI, Quantico on the other hand has my total respect.
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