GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 6

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I feel like SMD would have been clever enough to figure out a way to make that short trip to his car with the torso concealed effectively, maybe in the dead of night when the BH complex is totally dead of action in my experience.
I agree that his tossing the torso in the trashcan next to the apartment was an act of desperation, but I question why he waited so long to do so :/

I wonder the same thing.......I'm not sure what he would do with it for a few days............if it was in the downstairs seems as though he would be concerned it might be discovered unless he knew the tenant moving out wouldn't return until after the week he dumped it and thought no one would look there since someone had just moved out??. Maybe he had some anxiety attack during that time after discarding the parts, who knows what those kind of people feel.............on the other hand.............maybe he was overly confident ............until WEDNESDAY......................then he felt foreced to make a move to get rid of it................I would think that the torso wuold be heavier than the head (as someone mentioned the head weight) so maybe just planning to get rid of the torso caused anxiety, and then Wednesday.

Question: if parts were allegedly disposed of in the dumpster........I wonder why there was no odor......especially since it would've been picked up the same day as upright cans?? Or was it another sanitation company to pick up the dumpster since the cans were manually handled..........
That was actually a statement from GivesMeTheShivers, not me. But I recall the dog excitedly doing circles on his leash in proximity to the dumpster -- I don't know whether that's what GMTS was referring to.

My deal was the privacy afforded by the fence & doors around the dumpster. That's evident in the still photo link above.

I am not sure that all dogs react the same, but I know for a fact that Drug task force dogs do that excited high pitched bark on their mark. Rhino is telling him something in that video, maybe it is "give me the treat, because I found the dumpter."
Snipped - Plan B being what several of us have discussed as the possible frame job of MM.. I am not near as confident in the premeditation that went into it as I am about the premeditation of plan A(IMO that is very likely premeditated way in advance possibly even more than a year in advance).. I'm not so sure it was a frame job that SM planned as more like an attempt to misdirect the investigation in absolutely any direction that way pointing away from him..
IDK.. Just will have to be patient and wait to know more..

SO - good points

The more info that comes to light regarding McD's upbringing, the more I realize how twisted his mind was and the darker this case becomes.
I definitely think he premeditated murder.
As his arrogance and self confidence grew, he started thinking of his murder plan. I think he was entertaining these thoughts before Lauren was the chosen target. As for the any other plans? - there were none - He was overly confident and believed he could pull this off without a hitch. I do not think it ever crossed his mind that he would get caught. Hence, the hacksaw in the maintenance room and the wrapper in his apt. And of course now, after he gets busted we hear about the MM frame up....

One more thing - remember in his first year of LS he sent a derogatory email out about Obama to the LS students? That did not go over well and he was harangued by his classmates. After that I have read that he grew his hair and began wearing chain mail to class. The rejection from the LS student body over the email could be part of his self imposed social isolation. The murder idea could be a way of him showing them in his secret way that he was superior and so much smarter then them.
Just my opinion and ideas.
Still playing catch up so forgive me if this has been tirelessly discussed..

I keep reading people's questioning of why, if SM indeed had premeditated Lauren's murder then why in the world get caught by basically putting the victim's torso in trashbin 20 feet from his front door??.. IMO angelanalyzes has been right on the money since pretty much right out of the gate from the time the torso was located.. I know, as she says she's taken quite a bit of flack over that opinion and anytime that she's voiced it.. We all have that have at anytime brought this up(and not just here at WS..)..I firmly believe that due to it being such a highly sensitive area that most won't even allow their thoughts to go there when having to process what some of us feel is quite likely to be a key piece to the entire murder.. Meaning, ATLEAST IMO, I feel that it is part of the motive for the murder.. Sexual motivation.. And not in the normal sense.. I believe as we continue to learn about SM we will continue to find that there just isn't alot of "normal" anything where he's concerned..

So, with all that said I agree with the few that believe that there was a definite reason, a definite purpose for why Lauren's torso was kept, unlike the entire rest of the body which was thoroughly and successfully disposed of.. Had SM not had a specific and definite purpose for having kept the torso.. We all know that he obviously was successful in disposing of the remainder of the body and had he not had a purpose for her torso, it too very easily could have and would have been disposed right along with the rest of her remains..

One must look at like this.. Why successfully dispose of all remains using a method unknown, in an unknown location, that to this very day have yet to have been located?? But keep the torso??

IMO the answer to that question is reached from drawing a logical conclusion.. That logical conclusion is that the perp had a need, a reason, a desire of some sort to hold onto the torso..

And then in looking at the picture as a whole there are many, many pieces of the puzzle that are very disturbing, highly depraved, and downright sick IMO.. So one ponders on what could be the reasons for the murderer to keep this specific piece of the victim?

As I said I realize that what we are talking about that possibly happened is the utmost of disturbing and very uncomfortable to even think about much less speak about, or even allege that this murderer did to this young woman's body after having killed her.. I do very much understand that for most the level of this depravity is so very high that it makes people not willing to even let their minds go there.. I understand and I respect that..

I just wanted to as delicately as possible attempt to explain a few of ours opinion about this specific part of this heinous crime.. It is an important piece to the puzzle, a very important piece IMO that without it some things just are not making sense, not adding up.. Therefor some are questioning is it SM that has done this since they are looking at the puzzle with that very large piece missing(too hard to think about much less admit the possibility that its a huge part of the case).. Without that piece it doesn't add up..

When you add in the piece of the puzzle that SM purposefully dismembered and successfully disposed of her entire remains in a location that has still yet to have even been discovered.. You look at why the torso was kept by him?.. You factor in that sick depravity, evil beyond comprehension, and sexual motivations of an utter psychopath.. And it adds up much more effectively.. You begin to understand that the perp wanted to keep the torso for his needs for as long as he possibly could.. He's efficiently disposed of everything else and cleaned and scrubbed as much as is humanly possible.. IMO his evil desires and sick and twisted motivations for why he kept that torso is the reason why his plan failed.. His desires forced him to keep the torso much longer than was safe to.. He kept it until the last moment.. When the troops were called and coming in and he had literally just a very few hours to get rid of the torso that he should have long since have already gotten rid of along with her other remains..

Just as col mustard said in a post a couple days ago.. The officers on the scene at BH apts well after midnight on that Wednesday night/Thursday wee early morning hours.. Their having dropped the ball essentially by not immediately buttoning down everything and everyone right then And there and started meticulously searching the entire BH apts and separating and questioning all of those present there at the apts when LE arrived.. Due to their NOT having done so most likely allowed for major evidence(I.e. The torso most importantly) to be manipulated and moved around(I.e. The hacksaw).. Thus leading to possibly even more evidence tying SM directly to Lauren's murder was lost to them..

Their choosing to not immediately take these steps allowed SM to move the torso to the trash bin, possibly clean much damning evidence, and even possibly hide and or successfully dispose of other major pieces of evidence.. As well as possibly come up with a quick plan b realizing that with him having screwed up by letting his desires dictate his keeping her torso for much too long of a time.. That screw up could likely cost him his life, as in due to the torso not being disposed of with all other remains was going to be what brought down the entire case right smack dab on top of Stephen's head.. I'd say he was attempting to think real quick of a way to attempt to misdirect focus, and point the trail in any opposite direction possible as long as it was away from him.. Luckily for the MM he was the winner of getting chosen by SM to attempt to point and misdirect evidence to point in the direction of MM..

So, you see how very big a piece that this uncomfortable topic of why SM kept Lauren's torso.. It's a huge piece to the puzzle of this case.. As well as "it"(I.e. The choice to keep Laurens torso for longer than what was planned in order to successfully dispose/hide of all of her remains) is what brought the entire house down on his head..

I must add just one more thing tho.. And IMO it's a testament to just how God does work in the most awesome and strange ways imaginable.. Because it was SM's choice of selfish desires and needs that had him hold on to the torso for way too long *and that did not only help to bring the case right down on his head.. But more importantly IMO his error, his choice to do so is what directly led to Lauren's having been discovered.. That error that cost him EVERYTHING, was the error that allowed Lauren TO BE FOUND!!! To NOT just end up another MISSING PERSON on a flier.. Had he not made this sick driven choice to keep the torso it would have been long gone**with the entire rest of Lauren's remains.. No body, no Lauren, no murder.. Nothing but a missing persons case that my God can you only imagine how many years of suffering not knowing what had happened to her or if she were alive or dead.. His error, his choice that brought him down, allowed Lauren's family the peace and solace in ATLEAST knowing where their daughter is and NOT LEFT *wondering every day of every year for the entire rest of their lives what happened to her or where she was..
I had a thought as to a possible "trigger" which may have caused McD to finally "snap".
It's already been theorized he may have done this out of a deep resentment of LG,
for many reasons already discussed...

We don't know exactly what kind of student McD was, but I did read that one teacher
stated he'd encourgaed him to do better. He thought McD was smarter and wasn't
performing to his potential. Maybe his heart wasn't in it? Maybe along the way
he'd had second thoughts about his career choice?
It's also been said that there was a "practice BAR exam" (maybe the week before?)
and someone had wondered how he did on this. Maybe not too good?
In fact, maybe as he was studying, he was getting quite stressed out.
Maybe he'd reached the point where he felt like he'd never pass the BAR exam?
If all of this is the case, then any resentment he felt toward LG could have
become inflamed and he may have reached his boiling point.

It's been stated that someone here (I think) had checked with a contact he knew
at Mercer and had confirmed McD did attend his classes that week.
I wonder if anyone noticed his behavior? Did he appear to be attentive?
Did he doze off or even sleep through presentations?
Would be interesting to know.

Anyway... one more thing to ponder :)
Also, we have theorized about his motives from both the infatuation and resentment angles.
And, "infatuation" could include or be seen as totally different from a "sexual desire" angle.
It is possible, especially given a disturbed mind, that his actions could have been driven by
any one of these, a combination of these, or all of the above.
I'm sure this has already been discussed, but I wonder how long Buford is going to stick with the case. Now that the stakes have been raised with the murder charge, I would bet he'll be off the case when/if Winters announces they're going for the death penalty.

I'm not sure whether Buford is qualified to take death penalty cases, and even if he is, I doubt the McD's could fork over the massive fees retaining him on a DP case would require. I would guess he'll be passed over to the Capital Defender's Office.

If I was Buford, I wouldn't be able to get rid of the case fast enough. McD's mother is a liability, and would likely try to involve herself at all the wrong times between now and trial. Kind of sad though that I can see her going to all kinds of extremes to foot the bill for a paid lawyer- mortgaging the house,selling everything they own, etc.

So the McDaniel family hired Buford instead of taking a public defender. right? Generally speaking, what kind of bill are the McDaniel's looking at with a private attorney?
Macon's The Telegraph web site seems to have posted another (different from the other one they ran) article about Lauren's funeral, this one carrying an AP credit.

"Hundreds at funeral for slain law school graduate

LAUREL, Md. -- Hundreds of mourners filled a funeral Mass on Saturday evening for a recent law school graduate from Maryland who was found slain and dismembered in the small Georgia city where she studied law. ..."

read more at link:
If this was some plan to get away with murder I don't get why he didn't work a little faster. It seems like a long time passed between when she died and when friends showed up-several days. If I was going to murder someone I would figure that people would start looking for that person in a day or two. Not be caught unprepared when people come 5 days later or something.
Maybe it was not entirely premeditated? Maybe he did have a plan to be finished earlier and somehow things just took longer than he expected? Maybe he couldn't force himself to get rid of the torso for whatever reason **shudders**

I agree with you that is risky business to commit murder undetected with the prospect of friends/family coming to check on the victim.

IMO: McD was counting on others thinking she was studying for the upcoming bar exam, and that is exactly what others thought when she dropped off the social radar. I believe it did take longer than expected with his prep classes to attend, etc., plus his time was actually shorter: 3 days not 5.

Check out Knox post for timeline June 26, Sunday - June 29, Wed:

Found Deceased GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 27 June 2011 - #6 - Page 21 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Question: if parts were allegedly disposed of in the dumpster........I wonder why there was no odor......especially since it would've been picked up the same day as upright cans?? Or was it another sanitation company to pick up the dumpster since the cans were manually handled..........

<snipped for focus>

Yes, I believe another sanitation company, because the dumpsters at the law school would have been headed to the Twiggs Co. landfill rather than the Bibb Co. one, remember? Not sure about the pick-up days on the dumpsters, though.
I wonder ... LE had their own cadaver dogs out the first couple of days. Their dogs did not alert on the dumpster at Mercer.

Since Golba was called in by the Giddings family and is a private volunteer; maybe they are not being as vocal about what they are doing.

Burns said they have no plans to go back to Wolf Landfill to search. But Golba says he is looking for equipment to go search. It's not about solving the case, it's about finding Lauren.

My point is this may not be sanctioned by LE, therefore it's a touchy subject. I Hope Rhino was alerting and they find remains at the landfill.
I remember seeing Burns on video somewhere state that he/LE were not opposed to the Giddings'
efforts to search the river. From the way he responded, I felt like he was totally sympathetic.
I get the feeling that if were up to Burns, they would be searching the Twiggs landfill.
My guess is that it may be hard for LE to justify the effort (i.e. time/money) to do so.
The chances of finding those parts in a landfill after this amount of time is probably not good.
And even if they did, it may be unlikely that it would yield anything of value to the investigation.
It's been stated that someone here (I think) had checked with a contact he knew at Mercer and had confirmed McD did attend his classes that week.
I wonder if anyone noticed his behavior? Did he appear to be attentive?
Did he doze off or even sleep through presentations?
Would be interesting to know.

Anyway... one more thing to ponder :)

<snipped for focus>

Yes, this has been mentioned -- not sure we know for sure. Wish we did -- you're right, it would be interesting to be able to learn a bit more here.
No, the friends in the band are the ones that McD so graciously tells us live on Orange St. or maybe it was College St...but he is very specific.

I have had some very busy nights at work for the past several days. I am far, far behind on these posts. This one jumped out at me. My daughter lived on Orange St until June. I would like to find the info about the band. She was a drummer and had her drums in the house until her move. I am wondering if she may have known the same friends. I know she did not know McD.
I was confused about this as well. I swear I read that the Zaxby's was in her apartment, but I guess that was wrong?
Zaxby's is like two blocks from her apartment. I have pigged out in the car, and I would have a time packing anything in from Zaxby's in two have to have the sauce...that would be messy.

Here's one place we were told the Zaxby's stuff was found in the apartment:


"...Giddings was last seen June 25. Police have said she bought food at a drive-through of a nearby Zaxby’s restaurant about 6:30 p.m. They found her meal receipt and food bag inside her apartment after a friend reported Giddings missing June 30. ..."

I do wonder which report is accurate...?
I have to admit, I am probably not going to read all 5 days of back posting. I tried, but I gave up. So, if this has been covered, sorry.

I think McD's own mother is putting all the nails in his coffin every time she speaks. The information we now have is pointing more and more towards him. Thank goodness! I am less worried about it being someone still running free. But, his mother REALLY needs to quit helping him. The things she is telling about what he has said and what he admits to buying and WHEN he bought things is setting the stage for premeditation to me.

Reading what she is saying makes me wonder if she is trying to make people see him as guilty without coming out and saying it directly.
I have to admit, I am probably not going to read all 5 days of back posting. I tried, but I gave up. So, if this has been covered, sorry.

I think McD's own mother is putting all the nails in his coffin every time she speaks. The information we now have is pointing more and more towards him. Thank goodness! I am less worried about it being someone still running free. But, his mother REALLY needs to quit helping him. The things she is telling about what he has said and what he admits to buying and WHEN he bought things is setting the stage for premeditation to me.

Reading what she is saying makes me wonder if she is trying to make people see him as guilty without coming out and saying it directly.

Good to see you back!

Yep, I think most of the things you said in your post have been pretty well covered by many here while you were gone. That last sentence, though -- the one I bolded -- don't believe I have heard (read) anyone look at it that way.

Don't really think that's her intent, but interesting thought.
Good to see you back!

Yep, I think most of the things you said in your post have been pretty well covered by many here while you were gone. That last sentence, though -- the one I bolded -- don't believe I have heard (read) anyone look at it that way.

Don't really think that's her intent, but interesting thought.

I don't know if it is intentional. Maybe one of those Freudian slips. She keeps on saying the wrong thing the wrong way. She thinks she is supporting him, but in her heart she knows the truth. I don't know. I have a hard time believing she is stupid enough to think the things she has said are helpful to him.
Here's one place we were told the Zaxby's stuff was found in the apartment:


"...Giddings was last seen June 25. Police have said she bought food at a drive-through of a nearby Zaxby’s restaurant about 6:30 p.m. They found her meal receipt and food bag inside her apartment after a friend reported Giddings missing June 30. ..."

I do wonder which report is accurate...?

Well, I've always assumed they said "food bag" because her food was eaten. If they had found her food, that probably would've been said. The fact of the food being eaten or uneaten would definitely affect the timeline of events for that night. I know her sister Kaitlyn said in an interview that the email sent at 10:30 was definitely sent from Lauren (no idea what she based that on).
I have to admit, I am probably not going to read all 5 days of back posting. I tried, but I gave up. So, if this has been covered, sorry.

I think McD's own mother is putting all the nails in his coffin every time she speaks. The information we now have is pointing more and more towards him. Thank goodness! I am less worried about it being someone still running free. But, his mother REALLY needs to quit helping him. The things she is telling about what he has said and what he admits to buying and WHEN he bought things is setting the stage for premeditation to me.

Reading what she is saying makes me wonder if she is trying to make people see him as guilty without coming out and saying it directly.

Welcome back! I was on the fence in the beginning about McD too, as you were. I'm thinking now that this must have been premeditated. The evidence will tell us, I guess.

Don't know how much you've read/caught up, but would be interested to hear what you think about McD's parents telling their children about why he is in jail and that Lauren is dead and her body in pieces. Lots of religious comments about Satan in that article too (from Macon Telegraph article Sunday) from the kids. Very disturbing.

We've all discussed it, but that's alot for you to read - but I'd interested in what you think the psychological implications for these children are. They already seem very influenced by the McDaniel's belief system.
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