GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 6

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Friday morning thoughts: In response to a few items, it will be interesting to know what gaming McD was into, what game was it that caused him to yell out and cuss so loudly the downstairs neighbor could hear it, something like Die, all you SB's or something ? The Columbine kids were into this, and wanted to see it happen in real life. I myself am only a classically trained gamer, so anything beyond Pac Man or Donkey Kong is beyond my point of expertise.
As far as I can tell, the fired maintenance man does exist, it was reported he was terminated prior to the murder.And IF, (big if here) , but Charles E . brought up this morning, the hacksaw was in a locked maintenance storage cabinet that McD's master key did not open, well well... I do find it interesting they are only just now removing the tub after a Channel 13 reporter pointed out the scratches. It has been over a month, that should have been noticed by anybody on day 1. The warrant I read makes not mention of Stephen making the comment to "someone" at "some time" the he could commit murder and get away with it. If he did it just to see if he could get away with it, he has failed miserably, and he forgot to follow the directions about not leaving any packaging around in your apartment that you used to commit the murder with . I spoke to a doctor last night. To dismember a body using a hacksaw is a very long tedious process, and requires a good deal of strength. The neck area is the hardest to cut through as well as the shoulders. Plus, he would have needed to wait about four hours post mortem for the blood to coagulate or else there would be blood everywhere upon the dismemberment. We will find out a lot more at the commitment hearing, but still not everything . I think MPD is doing a good job here, their job is not to have McD convicted in the court of public opinion but in a court of law; there is a fine balancing act between the public's right to know and telling what all you know. And I don't mean to go all Harry Dexter philosophical on everyone, but there is also a fine line between sanity and insanity:
“Doesn’t matter how good you are at keeping all your worlds separate. Eventually they’re going to collide.”
“I just know there’s something dark in me. I hide it. Certainly don’t talk about it. But it’s there. Always. This dark passenger .When he’s driving I feel alive. Half-sick w/the thrill of complete wrongness. I don’t fight him… He’s all I’ve got.” –
Always heard that saying, it's so true. Alvia games, something with an "A". Interesting he had not a key to the closet......Was it bolted or just a knob that locked? those are very easily opened with credit cards or the like.
Always heard that saying, it's so true. Alvia games, something with an "A". Interesting he had not a key to the closet......Was it bolted or just a knob that locked? those are very easily opened with credit cards or the like.

Was it a padlocked storage cabinet or a metal cabinet? Or a key locked cabinet door?
Drugs have been mentioned as a way of subduing her, and I think that's possible. Especially if that drug were chloroform. She wouldn't have had much time to do anything but to flail and scratch at the perp before succumbing. If that's the case, she did a good job; because, as has been mentioned, what appear to be fingernail scratches were still apparent 4-5 days after the fact on the torso of the guy accused of her murder.

This is my opinion.

Only my opinion.

And nothing but the opinion.
The warrant I read makes not mention of Stephen making the comment to "someone" at "some time" the he could commit murder and get away with it. –

snipped for focus

FWIW, I've known many a person (and more than a few law students) who have run hypotheticals like this: "I could get away with it---How could I get away with it? That guy/girl on XYZ show screwed up on that area... I could have gotten it right." People who watch a lot of television---true crime, Law & Order, etc... start looking at crime scenes, seeing hypothetical or dramatized mistakes, and learn to correct them---even if they seem to forget that it's TV or an otherwise fictionalized scenario. In no way am I excusing, blaming or using TV to justify murder---I'm just putting it out there that there are a lot of people who get so sucked into things that they start to try and figure out the nuts and bolts of how they could do it. And many a law student I've known have discussed murder in conjunction with criminal classes, I think because they are forced to think about it due to the nature of their classes. AGAIN, JMO, and nothing justifies murder, but I think people do tap into their darker sides sometimes when analyzing crime.

Before hearing of the warrant, I had heard many rumors about town regarding these comments and their context. I find it interesting that they are now being substantiated by LE vis a vis the arrest warrant. The Macon rumor mill is starting to have frightening accuracy! :twocents: Let me see if I can track down the documentation on those comments you quoted.
snipped for focus

FWIW, I've known many a person (and more than a few law students) who have run hypotheticals like this: "I could get away with it---How could I get away with it? That guy/girl on XYZ show screwed up on that area... I could have gotten it right." People who watch a lot of television---true crime, Law & Order, etc... start looking at crime scenes, seeing hypothetical or dramatized mistakes, and learn to correct them---even if they seem to forget that it's TV or an otherwise fictionalized scenario. In no way am I excusing, blaming or using TV to justify murder---I'm just putting it out there that there are a lot of people who get so sucked into things that they start to try and figure out the nuts and bolts of how they could do it. And many a law student I've known have discussed murder in conjunction with criminal classes, I think because they are forced to think about it due to the nature of their classes. AGAIN, JMO, and nothing justifies murder, but I think people do tap into their darker sides sometimes when analyzing crime.

Before hearing of the warrant, I had heard many rumors about town regarding these comments and their context. I find it interesting that they are now being substantiated by LE vis a vis the arrest warrant. The Macon rumor mill is starting to have frightening accuracy! :twocents: Let me see if I can track down the documentation on those comments you quoted.

Sounds more like a "leak" in LE or the court
I hate that, why was he shirtless? Where was he? Hidden? KNocked on door? But apprentley, sadly, she struggled, I just wish she'd succeeded. I did NOT see him overtaking anyone with his small stature/weight. Very disturbing.
The scratches on torso could also be self induced, with his fingernails.
Seems like if LG put up a struggle there would be more scratch marks , and not just around torso. It is painful to think about .
Sounds more like a "leak" in LE or the court

I'd respond to this, but I don't really want to violate WS terms of service... will email Bessie to check. That said, I have no reason to believe that there's a leak anywhere.
I apologize. I didn't mean to offend anyone or make anyone angry. Sorry
I'm sure this has been mentioned, but could he have been a cross dresser and Lauren caught him in her clothes?
He freaks and kills her? Not all cross dressers murder for sure....but this is news mama wouldn't handle well.
Also, do we know for sure that the scratches on the tub were not swabbed for dna before the tub was taken out...and now that they have the hacksaw, they need the tub for impressions?

I have thought that he probably has a lot of sexual confusion, both in his own identity, and in his sexual preference. I think he was obsessed with Lauren in many ways. I think he wanted to be with her and wanted to be her, at the same time. I think he was both envious of her and attracted to her. I also think that he wanted to prove that he was smarter than all of his peers at Mercer and he could pull off the perfect crime and not get caught. And now he is strategizing how to legally get himself out of this (don't be surprised at some point if he doesn't ask to represent himself, like Ted Bundy did, again in an effort to prove that he is smarter than every one else).
I apologize. I didn't mean to offend anyone or make anyone angry. Sorry big deal. I'm sorry that we've all gotten to the point that we're so jumpy about saying the wrong thing or offending anyone around here. You didn't say anything offensive at all. Swear.:seeya:
I still think we are going to find out that MCD sent that email himself, after he killed her.

I believe it has been mentioned that there was phone activity from her until about that time as well. If he wrote the email, he was also messing with her phone, too. Possible, but risky, and if he was going to send fake communications from her, there are much better emails he could have done that would have given him a lot more cover.
I remember reading early on in WS during the discussion on what the torso was wrapped in, someone saying that there was a purchase of two ponchos by SM from Walmart

I think that was just speculation - nothing confirmed about what the torso was wrapped in. I think the poncho(s) purchase was just a rumor of what his Wal Mart purchase was.
I have thought that he probably has a lot of sexual confusion, both in his own identity, and in his sexual preference. I think he was obsessed with Lauren in many ways. I think he wanted to be with her and wanted to be her, at the same time. I think he was both envious of her and attracted to her. I also think that he wanted to prove that he was smarter than all of his peers at Mercer and he could pull off the perfect crime and not get caught. And now he is strategizing how to legally get himself out of this (don't be surprised at some point if he doesn't ask to represent himself, like Ted Bundy did, again in an effort to prove that he is smarter than every one else).

Didn't he work closely with Lauren on a project? I wonder what their work relationship was like. Wasn't she president and he was VP or something like that?
Could the gray object to the far left in this photo be the storage closet mentioned in the arrest warrant?
Photo #46
If the link doesn't take you straight to the photo, it's number 46 in the gallery.
I'm only guessing here and haven't googled around to check.. Strictly from the A&E true crime detectives(real cases told rather than csi fiction cases).. I have seen where there was a rape and murder of a woman and they wanted to match DNA but had nothing to charge or force the suspect to give a sample.. So they simply tailed him a day or two and took cigarette butts that they observed him smoke and discard.. The DNA found on the cigarette was a perfect match fir the semen on the murder victim..

Don't know if that in any way helps answer the question but it seems as tho possibly, ATLEAST in the pre charged with the murder phase that they possibly could obtain his DNA from something they got from his apt..

But we'd have to have one of our lawyers say for certain.. Hyrax, you still around??

LE did that here in Tennessee, to catch a serial rapist. It worked!:woohoo:
Could the gray object to the far left in this photo be the storage closet mentioned in the arrest warrant?
Photo #46
If the link doesn't take you straight to the photo, it's number 46 in the gallery.

I'm pretty sure that's a chain link fence. The perspective that we're looking at it at makes it look distorted.
While I'm on the subject of warrants - were the search warrants for McDaniel's apartment ever released? Is there a reason why an arrest warrant would have been made available so quickly but search warrants wouldn't be?
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