GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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I am going with Schizotypal with a psychotic break from stress.
I think he will say that he was posessed by The Devil if he ever admits to it....but I think he will actually believe that.

I think if he was a true Schizotypal, then he had no business going to college and living in an apartment complex. That was too much for him.

I would believe that! Something is wrong and it ain't the angels

In reference to last sentence..............Hind Sight
I thought I read they all went down to the station for some reason. Maybe to make the official report or something. I will try to find the article, if you have one with the time, please share it with me. But, even being stressed out and getting through with police around 1am could be valid. Not all that strong in the area of evidence.

It was in the morning (I mean after daylight here) sometime that several were taken down to the police station to give statements. Seems that happened maybe around/just after the time the remains were found, because it seems the people taken to the station weren't informed then that the remains had been found.
I am going with Schizotypal with a psychotic break from stress.
I think he will say that he was posessed by The Devil if he ever admits to it....but I think he will actually believe that.

I think if he was a true Schizotypal, then he had no business going to college and living in an apartment complex. That was too much for him.

I don't think he could have done it if it were severe. And violence is not a thing they usually have. Very, very rare for them to have psychotic breaks.

People with schizotypal personality disorder may be very disturbed. Their odd behavior may look like that of people with schizophrenia. For example, they may also have unusual preoccupations and fears, such as fears of being monitored by government agencies.

More commonly, however, people with schizotypal personality disorder behave oddly and have unusual beliefs (such as aliens). They cling to these beliefs so strongly that it prevents them from having relationships.

People with schizotypal personality disorder feel upset by their difficulty in forming and keeping close relationships. This is different from people with schizoid personality disorder, who do not want to form relationships.
I thought I read they all went down to the station for some reason. Maybe to make the official report or something. I will try to find the article, if you have one with the time, please share it with me. But, even being stressed out and getting through with police around 1am could be valid. Not all that strong in the area of evidence.

He did, not sure what day but it seems to me it was 29/30 but not sure.
It was in the morning (I mean after daylight here) sometime that several were taken down to the police station to give statements. Seems that happened maybe around/just after the time the remains were found, because it seems the people taken to the station weren't informed then that the remains had been found.

I thought he had come home and "crashed" after being interviewed at the station with everyone. He said something about all of them going down to the station together, I thought. I am trying to find a full transcript of that interview. Not just the radio edit version. Not having much luck. :p
I found a thorough statement analysis online (of SMD's news interview transcribed) which is pretty interesting...

Note: a lot of things about this case are 'interesting'... doesn't mean I believe one person or another is guilty or not guilty, just that there is plenty of information out there that attracts my curiosity... I do, however, believe in a person's innocence until they are PROVEN guilty...

Mods.. are we allowed to link to blogs, or no? If not, can I just tell how to find the statement analysis link? because it is a pretty common site.... tia...
I thought he had come home and "crashed" after being interviewed at the station with everyone. He said something about all of them going down to the station together, I thought. I am trying to find a full transcript of that interview. Not just the radio edit version. Not having much luck. :p

Here's the link to the transcript that Destini provided in the threads:

edited to add: it IS the radio version, but has the part about getting bused to the station
LIFE...........plays a role in EVERYONE'S choices...........


However, a wise parent would question their role if both of their adult children were as damaged as these two obviously are.

I found a thorough statement analysis online (of SMD's news interview transcribed) which is pretty interesting...

Note: a lot of things about this case are 'interesting'... doesn't mean I believe one person or another is guilty or not guilty, just that there is plenty of information out there that attracts my curiosity... I do, however, believe in a person's innocence until they are PROVEN guilty...

Mods.. are we allowed to link to blogs, or no? If not, can I just tell how to find the statement analysis link? because it is a pretty common site.... tia...
If you post the link and it comes up with a lot of asterisks filled in, then it's a site that's not allowed. If it's the one I'm thinking of, you'll see the asterisks, and there's a good reason why we don't link to that site.
I found a thorough statement analysis online (of SMD's news interview transcribed) which is pretty interesting...

Note: a lot of things about this case are 'interesting'... doesn't mean I believe one person or another is guilty or not guilty, just that there is plenty of information out there that attracts my curiosity... I do, however, believe in a person's innocence until they are PROVEN guilty...

Mods.. are we allowed to link to blogs, or no? If not, can I just tell how to find the statement analysis link? because it is a pretty common site.... tia...

I'm not a mod, but...someone posted that the other day, don't know if it was allowed to stay posted...?

whoops: sorry, Bessie has answered way better just above here
Here's the link to the transcript that Destini provided in the threads:

edited to add: it IS the radio version, but has the part about getting bused to the station

AWESOME! It does cover that part. :tyou:

Okay, so they were interviewed AT the apartment that night, then in the morning, they were taken back down to the station. I knew he had been back to the station. Apparently, he knew they were coming back to get them for the interview at the station. Which would be another reason to miss class that day. I guess missing the class on June 30th really isn't that telling.

Thanks again for that link. I knew it was somewhere.
If you post the link and it comes up with a lot of asterisks filled in, then it's a site that's not allowed. If it's the one I'm thinking of, you'll see the asterisks, and there's a good reason why we don't post to that site.

I didn't check to see about the asterisks... just couldn't remember the rules concerning blogs... I thought I had seen something about it before... thanks so much.... that clears it up though :)
I agree with those who do not think too much about SM missing the class on June 30th and would be much more interested to know if it were say Monday{June 27} mornings bar prep class that he'd missed..

As someone upthread questioned why only miss the 30th from being so tired, supposedly from helping to search in the late night hours, along with speculating as many of us believe that he was also rather busy with evidence and at the very least moving evidence to the location of a trashbin.. So, if he were tired from that nights activities and was his reason for not attending the 30th's bar prep class why then would he have been able to make the other morning bar prep class(es) earlier in that same going with the speculation that he would have been rather busy as well on those nights with dismemberment, disposing of remains, cleaning???

And my response to that above^ speculation and question is this..
Lauren "disappeared" at some point after 10:30pm, Saturday, June 25th.. IMO that time is quite likely to have been soon thereafter that last sent email, guesstimate would be before midnight IMO SM had made his initial move in the attack on Lauren.. That leaves OVER 32+ hours that Stephen had to dismember, clean, dispose before his being due at a Monday a.m. class.. That's nearly a full day and a half before he would've due to attend a bar prep class at 9:00am of that Monday, June 27th..

So, there's a possibility that he was thoroughly and completely done with all dismembering, cleaning, and disposing{with of course the torso being the exception for not having been yet disposed..and many have opinions on why that was}..It is possible he was done say in even less than 24 of those 32+ hours he had before being due to attend Monday's bar prep class.. Thus leaving him well over 8 hours to sleep and be refreshed for the morning class.. Of course that is just speculating and is nothing more than just a possibility that I am stating..


Another easy answer to the question posed upthread of why if he'd been busy dismembering, etc, etc would he have not missed an earlier in the week class as we now know he did on Thursday, the 30th.. And that is that with Lauren having "disappeared" at or around midnight of Saturday the 25th and we know that the calling in of the troops and the cavalry arrived at 9am of the 30th that is whole heckuva allotta time..Literally 120 hours of allotta time that we are talking that Stephen had as a headstart to thoroughly and completely do all of these things{dismember, clean, dispose} and then some..

So in looking at the actual amount of time that Stephen had it is seen that we are talking a very large chunk of time to have done these tasks and much more.. So, IMO I really do not see the need for him having to have been so exhausted that he was unable to attend any of his morning prep classes{and its not like the classes are an all day event}.. IMO he could have very easily had more than enough time to successfully complete all of those tasks along with plenty of time for him to have been able get the rest that is needed in order to attend these bar prep classes with an alert mind that is able to absorb the extremely vital information that is being giving each morning of each class..

But of course its all jmo, tho!!
I'd put the link here, but it's to Angel's page (AngelAnalyses), and I don't know if that's an ok thing to do. Angel? Bessie?
Sorry I missed this earlier. Yes, you can link to Angel's blog. Just remember we don't copy-and-paste from other sites.
Here's something I think is odd - in the article I posted upstream, the fellow student stated that there was nothing going on at Barrister's Hall on his way to the session (and we know police didn't arrive until 9ish and discovered Lauren's remains around 9:40 A.M.). Now, the obvious guess as to why McD placed the torso in the bin so close was out of panic/time constraints. I assumed that would've been bc people/police were around. However, given this witness statement, that is not the case. While I think McD was probably not tired from the search and resting and missing the session, why would he have not used that time to dispose of the remains somewhere else? Was it for more sinister purposes that have been speculated as to why he kept her remains? Seeing as to how he disposed of her other remains in a way that haven't been found, why did he not use this window of time to put them somewhere other than right beside the apartment? Was he that over confident that he would not be caught? I can't imagine so as the other remains were not found and there was a high risk that this would be, considering how close they were.

Or did he maybe have some sort of psychological issue/break toward the end? That could definitely lend to the multiple personality theory that others have raised.
something I wanted to mention while I am thinking about it is something stated by GM in her "my son the innocent who is being persecuted by Satan and the public because of his frizzy hair"..

Does she, or has she not even sat and thought for even half a millisecond on these details and allegations that he son is feeding to her?.. Does she not even comprehend what he is telling her and still has no comprehension when she then parrots those exact words to us, the public via the media??.. It certainly seems that way to me in various different aspects of these statements and allegations made and just how very polar opposite in contradicting each other that they are??...

One statement that I question does she even realize what it is she is purposing is nonsensical??.. In her very, very poor judgement and choice to state to the media that her son admits that he bought the Stanley hacksaw in question that was tested and resulted in being positive for having Lauren Giddings DNA on the blade of the saw.. Just start with that first portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw.. FCS she is taking a hammer and driving the nail down into his coffin.. She has publicly made the announcement that her son fully admits to having bought the hacksaw in question..Does she not see that it is indicative that Stephen knows exactly what saw was seized and tested and that it was used on Lauren.. Otherwise why would he automatically be of the mindset that it was his hacksaw that police tested and was positive for LG.s DNA?.. leading into next portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw...

Glenda tells us that her son stated it was no good flimsy and wouldnt even cut a branch of a Bradford pear therefor leading Stephen to throw it away in the trash.. If this were indeed true that Stephen had long since actually thrown away the "flimsy" hacksaw way prior to Lauren's even going missing, then going back to my last question stated in the above paragraph it does not make sense that Stephen would in any way whatsoever assume that the hacksaw that had Lauren's dna on it was the saw he'd thrown in the garbage many weeks prior to Lauren's murder... KWIM??

It does not add up in the very least that Stephen{if he were truly innocent and hadnt a clue of the circumstances surrounding Lauren's actual murder and disposal} would ever correlate a hacksaw that LE found in a maintenance storage room and was found to have Laurens dna on it to it being the flimsy saw that he'd thrown away a long time prior.. There just isn't reason for Stephen to even make this assumption that it was automatically his hacksaw.. An innocent person would think thank God that murder or dismembering weapon was found and not linked to me and be hopeful that this would lead to the actual killer.. But nope instead he absolutely automatically makes the assumption that its the very hacksaw that he had purchased thus coming forth with an admission of knowing its his that he purchased..???? ... Again WTF why would you ever make that assumption??..

and then finally in the same statement about the hacksaw there is the issue that he continues down the path explaining to momma that not only he knows it is that very hacksaw he bought that has come up with LG'S DNA ON THE BLADE..But he goes even a step further that when he threw that "flimsy" hacksaw away that the real killer(AKA MM) plucked it out of Stephen's trash to then use on dismembering Lauren as well as framing Stephen for the heinous murder by having plucked Stephen's saw for the purpose of this frame job...

So, let me understand this that Stephen is claiming.. He purchases a Stanley hacksaw some very many weeks/months prior to Lauren's death..only purchased for the reason of sawing branches down from a storm that had come through the area..He finds the saw to be of no good use as it is much too "flimsy" to get the job done thus he takes the hacksaw and throws it away..never to be seen again...

This MM sees the hacksaw in the trash and what?? he sees it and already is premeditating not only brutally murdering and dismembering Lauren but also going to use this "flimsy", twisted up, no good hacksaw he is plucking from Stephen's garbage to dismember her and frame Stephen for the murder?????????

And then MM goes on about life for few more weeks/months all the while holding onto the twisted up, no good, flimsy saw that was not even capable of sawing thru the weak and small branches of A Bradford pear..but is going to{and eventually does successfully}dismember the victim with that very saw...

I mean for real? Come on, she doesnt see that these details and allegations are just not sensical in any which way you look at them..

It'd be a possibility and definitely much more believable if it were with hours, or even mere days prior to Lauren's disappearance/death that Stephen claimed to throw away the no good hacksaw.. thus the real killer(AKA MM) comes along and is about to go thru with his killing Lauren when he happens upon seeing this recently discarded trash item of Stephen's, the hacksaw and jumps on the opportunity of taking it and using it.. Therefor not only efficiently getting the job done of dismembering the victim but also is a murder weapon that is now traceable back to someone else other than the "real" killer AKA MM..

That'd atleast be sensical, but thats not whats being claimed to have happened..The claim is that it was thrown away a very good bit of time way prior to the murder..thus meaning that is how long ago the MM would have comE Across the hacksaw and his opportunity to pluck it to use on a far off distant in the future murder and dismemberment that he is going to frame Stephen as to have been the brutal murderer while the MM rides off into the sunset as the innocent bystander...

My Lord atleast think for even a millisecond on what it is you are about to state to a reporter that will be reported worlwide and whether those statements in any way whatsoever make sense or are even the slightest of ways believable.. Good Lord:waitasec:
I agree with SmoothOperator about McD having plenty of time to dismember and dispose of LG's body before class on Monday A.M. although it would've been a time-consuming process. Had he spread the process over several days, he could've taken breaks to go to class. But, it's likely the dismembering and disposal were completed by Monday. He had to dispose of the body parts (other than torso) before they had time to decompose to the point that the stench would've drawn attention. And, apparently, there is evidence that McD kept the torso refrigerated to delay the decomposition process. The stench from decomposition is what led LE to the torso. If McD had waited more than a day to dispose of the other body parts, they would've been located due to the stench. (I'm not sure how long it would've taken to get to that point of decomp; that was discussed in the first thread but, iirc, mainly in regards to the thawing torso). Those body parts he probably disposed of at night when there was little risk of being detected.

There would've still been clean-up to do the first part of the week, and I think McD was busy with that the next few days between class, meals and sleeping. I don't think he felt pressure, at that point, to quickly conceal evidence or else he would've also disposed of the torso earlier. I think he believed he had plenty of time to conceal his deed and was trying to do a thorough job. But, he was keeping the torso - for a purpose - and that's what prevented him from getting away with the crime. JMO
One statement that I question does she even realize what it is she is purposing is nonsensical??.. In her very, very poor judgement and choice to state to the media that her son admits that he bought the Stanley hacksaw in question that was tested and resulted in being positive for having Lauren Giddings DNA on the blade of the saw.. Just start with that first portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw.. FCS she is taking a hammer and driving the nail down into his coffin.. She has publicly made the announcement that her son fully admits to having bought the hacksaw in question..Does she not see that it is indicative that Stephen knows exactly what saw was seized and tested and that it was used on Lauren.. Otherwise why would he automatically be of the mindset that it was his hacksaw that police tested and was positive for LG.s DNA?.. leading into next portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw...

It does not add up in the very least that Stephen{if he were truly innocent and hadnt a clue of the circumstances surrounding Lauren's actual murder and disposal} would ever correlate a hacksaw that LE found in a maintenance storage room and was found to have Laurens dna on it to it being the flimsy saw that he'd thrown away a long time prior.. There just isn't reason for Stephen to even make this assumption that it was automatically his hacksaw.. An innocent person would think thank God that murder or dismembering weapon was found and not linked to me and be hopeful that this would lead to the actual killer.. But nope instead he absolutely automatically makes the assumption that its the very hacksaw that he had purchased thus coming forth with an admission of knowing its his that he purchased..???? ... Again WTF why would you ever make that assumption??..

and then finally in the same statement about the hacksaw there is the issue that he continues down the path explaining to momma that not only he knows it is that very hacksaw he bought that has come up with LG'S DNA ON THE BLADE..But he goes even a step further that when he threw that "flimsy" hacksaw away that the real killer(AKA MM) plucked it out of Stephen's trash to then use on dismembering Lauren as well as framing Stephen for the heinous murder by having plucked Stephen's saw for the purpose of this frame job...

So, let me understand this that Stephen is claiming.. He purchases a Stanley hacksaw some very many weeks/months prior to Lauren's death..only purchased for the reason of sawing branches down from a storm that had come through the area..He finds the saw to be of no good use as it is much too "flimsy" to get the job done thus he takes the hacksaw and throws it away..never to be seen again...

This MM sees the hacksaw in the trash and what?? he sees it and already is premeditating not only brutally murdering and dismembering Lauren but also going to use this "flimsy", twisted up, no good hacksaw he is plucking from Stephen's garbage to dismember her and frame Stephen for the murder?????????

And then MM goes on about life for few more weeks/months all the while holding onto the twisted up, no good, flimsy saw that was not even capable of sawing thru the weak and small branches of A Bradford pear..but is going to{and eventually does successfully}dismember the victim with that very saw...
respectfully snipped
Smooth, I agree it was foolish for Mrs. McD to state her son bought a hacksaw. As I posted the other day, until she made that statement, the public was left wondering if the hacksaw packaging found in his apartment was his, or if it had been planted there. In the long run, it won't matter IF LE can produce receipts or surveillance video to prove he did purchase a hacksaw. If they cannot, she has effectively destroyed any doubt and potentially impeded her son's defense.

As for the rest of it, I'll repeat my earlier post with added comments.

The intro to the article is vague and unsupported by subsequent statements.

Glenda McDaniel says her son, Stephen, admits buying the hacksaw that authorities found traces of slain-and-dismembered Mercer University law graduate Lauren Giddings’ DNA on.
But, she says, he has told her that he threw away the saw months ago, that Giddings’ “real killer” must have plucked the saw from the trash and used it to frame him for a crime that she says detectives have -- in questioning her son -- threatened to seek the death penalty.
The snipped excerpts below are the only two statements by Mrs. McD regarding the hacksaw. Neither statement is directly attributed to SMcD.

Authorities also found hacksaw packaging for a saw made by Stanley Tools in his apartment, according to Stephen McDaniel’s arrest warrant...

She said he bought the saw to cut and remove a fallen Bradford pear-tree limb at the Georgia Avenue complex after April thunderstorms spawned tornadoes as they swept through Macon. “The hacksaw was flimsy, and it bent and twisted and did no good at all, and he threw it in the garbage,” Glenda McDaniel said.
Read more:
Mrs. McD does not admit her son purchased the saw on which LG's DNA was found. Per Mrs. McD, her son purchased the hacksaw that went with the packaging found in his apartment. She states that saw was acquired to cut a broken tree limb. She does not allege, or claim, the saw he bought after the storm is the one used in the crime.

As for the second line in the article, it's also poorly written and misleading. It infers McD told his mother that the MM took the saw from the garbage. Yet, later in the article, we learn Mrs. McD merely speculated about the MM taking the saw from the trash.

She contends the worker could also have plucked from the garbage the hacksaw McDaniel had bought in the spring at a nearby Walmart.

There's a difference between "could have" and "must have". Those subtle differences will be overlooked by the general reading public, twelve of whom will be jurors if the case goes to trial. Additionally, this is not a direct quote, so we can't be certain what Mrs. McD actually said. Mrs. McD is doing her son no favors by talking, but rather is serving to impede justice. As long as she continues to speak, her words will be twisted by reporters, and the waters further muddied.
I was one of those who suggested he could have planned to plant the key,
or even plant the master key. This, of course, is assuming this was premeditated.
I'm still not totally on-board with this idea yet.

That said, there is another - and probably more likely - explanation for the 2 keys.
I suspect he made a copy of Lauren's hidden key soon after he learned of it.
At some later point, he was able to make himself a master key.

Just because LE found both keys doesn't mean he was using both.
Lauren's key was probably in a draw somewhere.

McD did not intend to plant a key.
Based on what I understand, my logic leads me to believe McD had only one plan - Plan A: Missing Person, No Evidence, No Case
No back up plan was necessary since Plan A was going to be a success.

Which leads me to conclude:
The master key was a nice item to have in his possession since it gave him access to the entire apartment complex.
He could use the master key whenever he decided to enter any of the apartments. However, the master key was 'generic'.

On the other hand, Lauren's key was 'special'. It was the 'trophy key' which belonged to the beautiful, sexy, popular blonde who lived next door. Not only did her key open the door to her apartment. Her key provided him a feeling of secret power over her. Lauren's key was a direct 'connection' to her and a sense of ownership to her privacy: where she lived, ate, dressed, bathed, slept and kept her personal effects.

John Douglas, who is a former special agent with the FBI, criminal profiler, and criminal psychology author, has some interesting things to say about killers and their 'trophies':

Why Killers Take Trophies
Reliving the Crime Extends the Fantasy

By John E. Douglas

Killers like to take trophies and souvenirs from their victims. Keeping some memento -- a lock of hair, jewelry, newspaper clips of the crime -- helps prolong, even nourish, their fantasy of the crime. ..
When they finally commit a crime, it's like they have a sense of ownership. It's an accomplishment and they feel so good about what they've done that they have to keep it going…
Many of us get trophies for our accomplishments. For killers, taking souvenirs extends the fantasy into that realm….
And some killers -- the more organized or premeditated type -- sometimes even inject themselves into the police investigation to provide bogus information. They do it for different reasons. They may want to find out where the investigation is headed or look for cues that it's progressing along nicely because, naturally, they're concerned about that.


John Douglas: http://en.[/COLOR]
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