GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

DNA Solves
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Respectfully snipped from bessie's post
Mrs. McD does not admit her son purchased the saw on which LG's DNA was found. Per Mrs. McD, her son purchased the hacksaw that went with the packaging found in his apartment. She states that saw was acquired to cut a broken tree limb. She does not allege, or claim, the saw he bought after the storm is the one used in the crime.

It's late, or actually just really early and am not understanding what it is that is meant by the above snipped quote from your post stating that GM never states that the saw that her son purchased was the saw that LE seized, tested, and ultimately was found to have Lauren's DNA on it.. That's where I get lost at because clearly that is exactly what she is stating in the quote below:
Glenda McDaniel says her son, Stephen, admits buying the hacksaw that authorities found traces of slain-and-dismembered Mercer University law graduate Lauren Giddings’ DNA on.
But, she says, he has told her that he threw away the saw months ago, that Giddings’ “real killer” must have plucked the saw from the trash and used it to frame him for a crime that she says detectives have -- in questioning her son -- threatened to seek the death penalty.

And the way I read that statement of GM above about his admitting to have purchased the saw that LE found Lauren's DNA on was attributed to SM in her stating "that her son admits this.."

I do see what you mean by the could have ..or... the must have in speaking about the "real killer" having plucked the saw from Stephen's trash and those assumptions and statements were directly attributed to mom, Glenda rather than having been said by her son, SM..

As well as that in a different and separate article on this same subject of Stephen and the hacksaw that Glenda doesn't state that the hacksaw that her son purchased is the same as the one that was found to have Lauren's DNA(but she doesn't say it is not that particular saw, either) the quote below she attributes the hacksaw as being bought for the purpose to trim the fallen branches and the packaging found in his apt is from that saw that he purchased.. Quote below:
Authorities also found hacksaw packaging for a saw made by Stanley Tools in his apartment, according to Stephen McDaniel’s arrest warrant...

She said he bought the saw to cut and remove a fallen Bradford pear-tree limb at the Georgia Avenue complex after April thunderstorms spawned tornadoes as they swept through Macon. “The hacksaw was flimsy, and it bent and twisted and did no good at all, and he threw it in the garbage,” Glenda McDaniel said.

So, while I understand that in the second example she makes no admission that the hacksaw her son bought in order to trim fallen branches is the same hacksaw that was found to have Lauren's DNA.. I still contend that in the first quote I posted she states that exact sentiment{i.e. that the hacksaw that her son admits to buying is the one that LE found to have Lauren's DNA}..

:crazy: I feel as tho I just went in a big ol' and am back to where I was in stating that what I am not understanding is that you say :
respectfully snipped from bessie's post:
She does not allege, or claim, the saw he bought after the storm is the one used in the crime.

but IMO that's exactly what she is stating in the first quote I posted.. Isn't it??? :crazy: WoW I've really got myself going in circles now and I don't know who said this point..hell, I might have even been the one that admitted to buying the saw for the IDK?
Well, perhaps all that really mattered to him [if you follow this logic] is the personal satisfaction of knowing he pulled it off, even if it's his secret.
But I'm with you, I don't think he would have chosen Lauren of all people to kill just to make a point to himself. If what we've heard is true, she was pretty good to him, if anything he killed her because he was TOO fond of her, imo. This wasn't some impersonal crime committed to challenge himself and prove his skills to himself, this has all the hallmarks of being quite personal, something of a lust murder.

Angel, I am considering the murder was a combination of 3 of your points above.

Maybe the plan's inception was after he was blasted by his LS classmates for the Hypo email he sent to the entire LS body during his first semester at Mercer. It appears he was not well received after that.

By planning and executing a perfect murder, he could confirm his superiority over them - even if HE were the only one who knew, a perfect murder would have sufficed and would have given him satisfaction to know HE got away with murder... something THEY could never do because they were not as intelligent. I do believe that he would have received a great amount of satisfaction knowing this.

He had the plan but no target..
Then enters Lauren...
The fantasy/lust/infatuation evolved over the 3 years....
and she became the target of his plan...she was an easy target living directly next door...and now he had motivation: his sexual desire, lust, and who knows what all else he had in his head about Lauren... And as the time drew near for her to move out he made the choice to execute his the plan: Missing Person.

It will be very interesting when we ever do get to see what his plan actually was as referred to in the arrest warrant.
The warrant states that the details of his plan are similar to Lauren's murder. The details will provide us the method he used for the attack. I posted upstream that Bundy's M.O. was enter the abode at night, attack the sleeping victim, sexual assault, strangulation.

I am merely considering ideas and possibilities.
In bold....very good point. It is so difficult to make any sense of this because the act is so irrational and senseless.

McD had this murder plan in his head for a long time. He was also in lust/infatuation/fixation with Lauren.
The warrant confirms he had disclosed the details of a murder plan to someone.
Lauren had been to Md for his sisters wedding.
She had recently returned to Macon move out of her apt, move to Atlanta, as well as to study for the bar.
TIME was running out and Lauren would be gone forever.
If he was going to execute his plan the time was NOW.
The plan had priority over the bar exam
Simple as that.
Only the mind of a murderer can think along those lines.
We find no logic in this. There is none.
We are concerned about the BAR EXAM.
McD had to prioritize and he did.
His plan for Lauren was more important than the Bar.
I agree that there are several explanations as to why SM would have missed class that morning
which would easily be accepted by most people, and that this is not, therefore, an important detail.
However, I do still find it interesting.

SM was described as being very dependable.
He had apparently never missed a class.
He was quite proud of his intellect and would have wanted to do the very best that he could on the BAR exam.
SM's relationship with LG was supposedly a casual one.
Sure, it would have been upsetting that she was apparently missing,
with her friends being really concerned and the police coming out and everything.
But I don't see this as being enough reason for SM not to have gotten up and made class that morning,
given what we know of his habits and what we are led to believe about his character.

Sure, he may not have gotten as much sleep as he normally would, having been up late.
How many times do you think he stayed up later than he should have playing video games?
How many times at that age did you ever go to school or work on just a few hours sleep? Or even no sleep at all :)

So, although his missing class that particular day isn't a sticking point, I do find a bit out of the ordinary.

According to the Law of Gerogia McD did commit burglary:

2010 Georgia Code
§ 16-7-1 - Burglary
(a) A person commits the offense of burglary when, without
and with the intent to commit a felony or theft therein, he
enters or remains within the dwelling house of another or any
building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, or other such structure
designed for use as the dwelling of another or enters or remains
within any other building, railroad car, aircraft, or any room or any
part thereof. A person convicted of the offense of burglary, for the
first such offense, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less
than one nor more than 20 years...


According to statements of family members I have seen in comments, SM claims to have had authority.

SM's version of what happened seems to be different from the version police are using as the basis for burglary charges. It's not the first time police haven't believed someone's version of events. Who knows what will be proven ultimately? It doesn't amount to an admission of guilt. That's all I'm saying. His family member says he was authorized to enter. His attorney has stated publicly that he is innocent of burglary. There is plenty we can say about SM without being inaccurate in this area, isn't there?
Here's something I think is odd - in the article I posted upstream, the fellow student stated that there was nothing going on at Barrister's Hall on his way to the session (and we know police didn't arrive until 9ish and discovered Lauren's remains around 9:40 A.M.). Now, the obvious guess as to why McD placed the torso in the bin so close was out of panic/time constraints. I assumed that would've been bc people/police were around. However, given this witness statement, that is not the case. While I think McD was probably not tired from the search and resting and missing the session, why would he have not used that time to dispose of the remains somewhere else? Was it for more sinister purposes that have been speculated as to why he kept her remains? Seeing as to how he disposed of her other remains in a way that haven't been found, why did he not use this window of time to put them somewhere other than right beside the apartment? Was he that over confident that he would not be caught? I can't imagine so as the other remains were not found and there was a high risk that this would be, considering how close they were.

Or did he maybe have some sort of psychological issue/break toward the end? That could definitely lend to the multiple personality theory that others have raised.

I believe anxiety/panic may have played a big part in this decision.
After all, if he had simply left it in that vacant apartment refrigerator,
he could have gotten rid of it later the next day or something.
A simple missing person case would not have been reason enough
for the police to go searching through other apartments, IMO.
...and they would still be looking for her today.
Saturday, July 23, 2011

No Immediate Ruling in McDaniel's Conflice of Interest Hearing
A Bibb County judge didn’t immediately issue a ruling Friday after hearing arguments that Bibb County prosecutors should not be allowed to handle burglary charges against Stephen McDaniel.
Superior Court Judge Tripp Self said he would over the weekend consider arguments from a Friday hearing and decide soon.

Friday, July 22, 2011

McDaniel Makes Court Appearance
Judge Tilman Self called Friday's hearing a unique and rare motion. McDaniel worked for the DA's office from February 2011 through April 2011. McDaniel's attorney, Floyd Buford, filed a conflict of motion last week because he says McDaniel built personal relationships while he was worked there.

Emotional Day for McDaniel's Parents
Friday was Mark and Glenda McDaniel's first public appearance in Macon since their son was named a person of interest in Giddings' homicide.
In court, the couple declined to speak to 13WMAZ, with Glenda McDaniel asking why the media was so interested in a burglary case. (Slideshow)

Changes at Giddings Crime Scene
In an e-mail sent to incoming tenants, Barristers Hall owners state that a 24-hour exterior surveillance system will be installed. More concerns surfaced after the public learned that Stephen McDaniel had a master key. He is currently jailed for two counts of burglary from allegedly entering two unlocked apartments. Boni Bush, the owner of the complex says all current door locks are being replaced.

Judge May Rule Next Week on McDaniel's Conflict Motion
According to his attorney Floyd Buford, he allegedly entered apartments 9 and 5 of the Barister's Hall complex where he used to live without permission and "with intent to commit a theft."

Buford argued that McDaniel's internship created a conflict of interest in the district attorney's office that would violate McDaniel's 6th Amendment right to due process. (Slideshow)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Apartment Owner Frustrated
Boni Bush today told 13WMAZ's Candace Adorka that she has no problem with how police are handling the Lauren Giddings homicide investigation.
But she says the regular searches are affecting her business. Four of the complex's 16 units aren't available to rent.

Police Search McDaniel's Apartment a Third Time
Macon police spent almost four hours Wednesday afternoon searching the apartment of Stephen McDaniel, whom police have described as a person of interest in the slaying of his neighbor, Lauren Giddings.
Four officers entered the 25-year-old’s upstairs apartment, No. 4, about 2:10 p.m. Wednesday. They carried several brown paper bags with them and later took a large brown plastic container inside. About 6 p.m., they came out with four large paper bags and the plastic container.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

MPD Investigators Search McDaniel's Apartment

Macon Police Department investigators are back at the scene of the homicide investigation of slain Mercer University Law School graduate Lauren Giddings on Wednesday afternoon

More here with video

Video Pt 2

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Police Looking at Wal-Mart Purchases (Updated)
Detectives have scrutinized purchases of items McDaniel made at a Macon Wal-Mart store around the time of Giddings’ death, but according to a law enforcement source familiar with the investigation, it isn’t clear whether the items McDaniel bought have any bearing on the Giddings probe.
Monday, July 18, 2011

Police Looking at Purchases McDaniel Made at Wal-Mart

Sunday, July 17, 2011

An Open Letter to the Giddings Family
"DD, the complex’s former maintenance man, walked out of the Macon police detective bureau just before 3 p.m. Friday as reporters gathered for a police announcement about an unrelated murder investigation.

Police had asked DD, a Mercer law student, to drop by their headquarters to answer questions, and he was being “completely cooperative,” said Brett Steger, D’s attorney.

D is not a suspect or a person of interest in Giddings’ slaying. The questioning was brief, Steger said.
Asked about D’s questioning, Macon police spokeswoman Jami Gaudet said police won’t speak about who they are or aren’t scrutinizing in the Giddings’ investigation."

Read more: anything like that, though, unfortunately.
something I wanted to mention while I am thinking about it is something stated by GM in her "my son the innocent who is being persecuted by Satan and the public because of his frizzy hair"..

Does she, or has she not even sat and thought for even half a millisecond on these details and allegations that he son is feeding to her?.. Does she not even comprehend what he is telling her and still has no comprehension when she then parrots those exact words to us, the public via the media??.. It certainly seems that way to me in various different aspects of these statements and allegations made and just how very polar opposite in contradicting each other that they are??...

One statement that I question does she even realize what it is she is purposing is nonsensical??.. In her very, very poor judgement and choice to state to the media that her son admits that he bought the Stanley hacksaw in question that was tested and resulted in being positive for having Lauren Giddings DNA on the blade of the saw.. Just start with that first portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw.. FCS she is taking a hammer and driving the nail down into his coffin.. She has publicly made the announcement that her son fully admits to having bought the hacksaw in question..Does she not see that it is indicative that Stephen knows exactly what saw was seized and tested and that it was used on Lauren.. Otherwise why would he automatically be of the mindset that it was his hacksaw that police tested and was positive for LG.s DNA?.. leading into next portion of the statement regarding the hacksaw...

Glenda tells us that her son stated it was no good flimsy and wouldnt even cut a branch of a Bradford pear therefor leading Stephen to throw it away in the trash.. If this were indeed true that Stephen had long since actually thrown away the "flimsy" hacksaw way prior to Lauren's even going missing, then going back to my last question stated in the above paragraph it does not make sense that Stephen would in any way whatsoever assume that the hacksaw that had Lauren's dna on it was the saw he'd thrown in the garbage many weeks prior to Lauren's murder... KWIM??

It does not add up in the very least that Stephen{if he were truly innocent and hadnt a clue of the circumstances surrounding Lauren's actual murder and disposal} would ever correlate a hacksaw that LE found in a maintenance storage room and was found to have Laurens dna on it to it being the flimsy saw that he'd thrown away a long time prior.. There just isn't reason for Stephen to even make this assumption that it was automatically his hacksaw.. An innocent person would think thank God that murder or dismembering weapon was found and not linked to me and be hopeful that this would lead to the actual killer.. But nope instead he absolutely automatically makes the assumption that its the very hacksaw that he had purchased thus coming forth with an admission of knowing its his that he purchased..???? ... Again WTF why would you ever make that assumption??..

and then finally in the same statement about the hacksaw there is the issue that he continues down the path explaining to momma that not only he knows it is that very hacksaw he bought that has come up with LG'S DNA ON THE BLADE..But he goes even a step further that when he threw that "flimsy" hacksaw away that the real killer(AKA MM) plucked it out of Stephen's trash to then use on dismembering Lauren as well as framing Stephen for the heinous murder by having plucked Stephen's saw for the purpose of this frame job...

So, let me understand this that Stephen is claiming.. He purchases a Stanley hacksaw some very many weeks/months prior to Lauren's death..only purchased for the reason of sawing branches down from a storm that had come through the area..He finds the saw to be of no good use as it is much too "flimsy" to get the job done thus he takes the hacksaw and throws it away..never to be seen again...

This MM sees the hacksaw in the trash and what?? he sees it and already is premeditating not only brutally murdering and dismembering Lauren but also going to use this "flimsy", twisted up, no good hacksaw he is plucking from Stephen's garbage to dismember her and frame Stephen for the murder?????????

And then MM goes on about life for few more weeks/months all the while holding onto the twisted up, no good, flimsy saw that was not even capable of sawing thru the weak and small branches of A Bradford pear..but is going to{and eventually does successfully}dismember the victim with that very saw...

I mean for real? Come on, she doesnt see that these details and allegations are just not sensical in any which way you look at them..

It'd be a possibility and definitely much more believable if it were with hours, or even mere days prior to Lauren's disappearance/death that Stephen claimed to throw away the no good hacksaw.. thus the real killer(AKA MM) comes along and is about to go thru with his killing Lauren when he happens upon seeing this recently discarded trash item of Stephen's, the hacksaw and jumps on the opportunity of taking it and using it.. Therefor not only efficiently getting the job done of dismembering the victim but also is a murder weapon that is now traceable back to someone else other than the "real" killer AKA MM..

That'd atleast be sensical, but thats not whats being claimed to have happened..The claim is that it was thrown away a very good bit of time way prior to the murder..thus meaning that is how long ago the MM would have comE Across the hacksaw and his opportunity to pluck it to use on a far off distant in the future murder and dismemberment that he is going to frame Stephen as to have been the brutal murderer while the MM rides off into the sunset as the innocent bystander...

My Lord atleast think for even a millisecond on what it is you are about to state to a reporter that will be reported worlwide and whether those statements in any way whatsoever make sense or are even the slightest of ways believable.. Good Lord:waitasec:

I agree. She should record herself and play it back....seriously. Really listen to what she is saying. It makes absolutely no sense at all. She is merely repeating what her son is telling her. Maybe she has covered for him throughout his lifetime...on scratching others with long fingernails...talking like an elf...hissing at people he doesn't agree with, etc...but...this time...his mother can't help him. JMO.


Or did he maybe have some sort of psychological issue/break toward the end? That could definitely lend to the multiple personality theory that others have raised.

I definitely did not mean to imply he had any multiple personalities. I meant that defense was implausible, even if it were tried. I have dealt with many people claiming multiple personalities, but they are exaggerating mood swings and giving them alternate names. That is not a different personality, at all. I have only ever seen one person with that diagnosis, and that patient was mentally retarded. The diagnosis was a joke! I really questioned the person who gave the diagnosis, as did everyone else who saw it.

Can it happen? Theoretically, it can. The cases that have become well known seem to involve major repeated trauma in early childhood. That usually means continued extreme abuse, especially sexual abuse. The alternate personality develops as a defense mechanism to escape the trauma the body and mind are going through.

If you have ever caught any episodes of "United States of Tara" on Showtime, you will see how her personalities are supposed to have developed. It is surprisingly a great layman's explanation of how the repeated trauma has impacted the mind. Of course, it is a dramedy, so it takes a lot of poetic license with the diagnosis.
:crazy: WoW I've really got myself going in circles now and I don't know who said this point..hell, I might have even been the one that admitted to buying the saw for the IDK?
LOL :back: I know the feeling. :spinner: :rolling::rolling:

At the risk of doing this, :deadhorse:, let me give it one more shot. These first two lines are the writers' intro:
Glenda McDaniel says her son, Stephen, admits buying the hacksaw that authorities found traces of slain-and-dismembered Mercer University law graduate Lauren Giddings’ DNA on.

But, she says, he has told her that he threw away the saw months ago, that Giddings’ “real killer” must have plucked the saw from the trash and used it to frame him for a crime that she says detectives have -- in questioning her son -- threatened to seek the death penalty.

This is where the writers tell us what information the article contains. They start with a zinger to grab our attention. The sentences aren't quotes, or even paraphrased statements. They are strictly the writers words. It is literally she (Mrs. McD) says he (McD) says, rather "admits".

In a truthful, well-written article, the opening statement would be followed by quotations, or paraphrased quotes, to support the assertions made in the intro. This article, however, fails to deliver because, as I pointed out in my previous post, Mrs. McD does not say that McD "admits" to purchasing the hacksaw used in the crime, the one on which LG's DNA was found. It's a ridiculous claim to begin with because Mrs. McD has no way knowing if the hacksaws are one in the same. And if she did, she certainly would not tell a reporter.

Regarding the hacksaw, we learn from Mrs. McD only that 1) her son bought one in April; 2) it came in the packaging found in his apartment; 4) he used it to cut a Bradford pear tree limb that fell in a storm; 4) it broke, and he threw it away. Then she speculates that the MM "could have" taken it from the trash.

This is not an admission, but merely an explanation (excuse) for the packaging found in his apartment.

The End ;)
I agree that there are several explanations as to why SM would have missed class that morning
which would easily be accepted by most people, and that this is not, therefore, an important detail.
However, I do still find it interesting.

SM was described as being very dependable.
He had apparently never missed a class.
He was quite proud of his intellect and would have wanted to do the very best that he could on the BAR exam.
SM's relationship with LG was supposedly a casual one.
Sure, it would have been upsetting that she was apparently missing,
with her friends being really concerned and the police coming out and everything.
But I don't see this as being enough reason for SM not to have gotten up and made class that morning,
given what we know of his habits and what we are led to believe about his character.

Sure, he may not have gotten as much sleep as he normally would, having been up late.
How many times do you think he stayed up later than he should have playing video games?
How many times at that age did you ever go to school or work on just a few hours sleep? Or even no sleep at all :)

So, although his missing class that particular day isn't a sticking point, I do find a bit out of the ordinary.

According to the BarBri schedule, they had taken the simulated multi-state bar exam (MBE) on June 29. The next two days would have been spent going over the questions in detail, one by one. Depending on performance on the simulated MBE, it is not unusual for students to skip the two analysis days that follow. If a student achieved a high score, it would be a waste of time to sit through two days of question-by-question analysis. That precious time could be better spent on independent review of known problem areas or on preparation for the local or essay portion of the exam.

I don't think we know how SM scored, but if he scored very well on the practice MBE, then June 30 and July 1 are two days it would be completely normal for him to miss class.
Thanks, Sandstorm. We had already found that statement by the neighbor's own attorney. I was hoping to see where LE said it, or did anything other than dodge the question when asked point blank. I don't think there is anything like that, though, unfortunately.

Have you read this article? It's different; DD's attorney has issued an official statement. I hope you will read it since you seem to be having so much doubt about DD.
Have you read this article? It's different; DD's attorney has issued an official statement. I hope you will read it since you seem to be having so much doubt about DD.

Thanks, yes, I did read that.

I don't really know anything about him to have doubts. I've seen statements from people who are probably not objective in either direction, a news article bizarrely detailing what seems like an irrelevant arrest, and "no comment" from LE when asked about the subject.

My requests for further information came from purported statements of fact made in this thread that he has been "cleared" by LE, because all I have ever seen from LE is "no comment" on the subject.
Have you read this article? It's different; DD's attorney has issued an official statement. I hope you will read it since you seem to be having so much doubt about DD.

I don't think it was doubt about DD being discussed as much as it was the lack of LE verifying the attorney's report. I could say LE has arrested the president of the US for this crime, and he has confessed. Unless LE confirms it or denies it, you don't really know if it is true. You can guess it is or isn't and be pretty comfortable with your guess, but you do not have any confirmation if what I stated is true or not.
Thanks, yes, I did read that.

I don't really know anything about him to have doubts. I've seen statements from people who are probably not objective in either direction, a news article bizarrely detailing what seems like an irrelevant arrest, and "no comment" from LE when asked about the subject.

My requests for further information came from purported statements of fact made in this thread that he has been "cleared" by LE, because all I have ever seen from LE is "no comment" on the subject.

I'm guessing that this quote in the article isn't enough for you and PsychoMom:
"I have spoken with the detectives working this case, and they have informed me that David is not a person of interest and he is not a suspect in the slaying of Ms. Giddings. David Dorer had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic death of Ms. Giddings," says Steger.

And let's remember that he was questioned the day the torso was found along with all other residents and he was never investigated further. Who has LE stated all evidence led back to? SM
It's only now that DD is being dragged back into this after statements GM made. Let's consider THAT source. Oh wait, we have!

From what I hear, LE cannot make an official official statement until after SM's commitment hearing because if they did, they'd have to release more evidence that they don't want to do yet.

It upsets me to see my friend going through this.
I'm guessing that this quote in the article isn't enough for you and PsychoMom:
"I have spoken with the detectives working this case, and they have informed me that David is not a person of interest and he is not a suspect in the slaying of Ms. Giddings. David Dorer had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic death of Ms. Giddings," says Steger.

And let's remember that he was questioned the day the torso was found along with all other residents and he was never investigated further. Who has LE stated all evidence led back to? SM
It's only now that DD is being dragged back into this after statements GM made. Let's consider THAT source. Oh wait, we have!

From what I hear, LE cannot make an official official statement until after SM's commitment hearing because if they did, they'd have to release more evidence that they don't want to do yet.

It upsets me to see my friend going through this.
They can't clear a different person because of McD? That doesn't make any sense to me. You are looking at this as an emotional thing. Logically, it is simply a statement from a third party, not by the officials. That is all anyone has said. There has been a lot of frustration over what LE will and will not confirm about other people, not even talking about McD, but those they COULD clear. Look at the statement as if it were about a total stranger, not your buddy.

I don't think anyone said he did it. Just that LE isn't confirming it. That info from the attorney is just lawyer speak. If we believe lawyers, then you must believe McD is innocent because his lawyer said so. It isn't fact from a lawyer's mouth, just words.
I'm guessing that this quote in the article isn't enough for you and PsychoMom:
"I have spoken with the detectives working this case, and they have informed me that David is not a person of interest and he is not a suspect in the slaying of Ms. Giddings. David Dorer had absolutely nothing to do with the tragic death of Ms. Giddings," says Steger.

And let's remember that he was questioned the day the torso was found along with all other residents and he was never investigated further. Who has LE stated all evidence led back to? SM
It's only now that DD is being dragged back into this after statements GM made. Let's consider THAT source. Oh wait, we have!

From what I hear, LE cannot make an official official statement until after SM's commitment hearing because if they did, they'd have to release more evidence that they don't want to do yet.

It upsets me to see my friend going through this.

I'm sure it is very upsetting. I'm sorry he's having to deal with it. From what's been made public, it seems very unfair.

I, personally, don't have anything to say about it beyond that. When I see an assertion of fact, though, I want to be sure it is a fact before I mentally file it in that category.
According to statements of family members I have seen in comments, SM claims to have had authority.

SM's version of what happened seems to be different from the version police are using as the basis for burglary charges. It's not the first time police haven't believed someone's version of events. Who knows what will be proven ultimately? It doesn't amount to an admission of guilt. That's all I'm saying. His family member says he was authorized to enter. His attorney has stated publicly that he is innocent of burglary. There is plenty we can say about SM without being inaccurate in this area, isn't there?

You are correct.
The FM (mom) claims her son, McD, had authority to enter those apartments.
FM also claims McD threw the hacksaw in the trash.
FM also claims the maintenance man took the hacksaw out of the trash.
FM also claims Maintenance Man killed Lauren.
FM also said that BOTH of the keys (master and Lauren's) were planted inside McD's apt by the real killer.

Buford said his client claims he is innocent of burglary,
Buford said his client claims he is innocent of murder.

You have the right to believe the FM and McD.
I have the right to believe they are both lying, and I do.
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