GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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But what if it came out of the downstairs apartment's refrigerator? That apartment is closer to the garbage can than any other apartment there.

I thought the downstairs far left (if you're looking from GA Ave) is Apt #1, which clkwrks suggested as well- and also the same apartment the fridge was taken out of. Do I have this right? The apartment numbers are fuzzy to me right now..I'll have to pull up the pics.

If it is, you're right- that apartment had to have been the storage location..I can think of no other logical reason why he would've chosen that can over the dumpster. I know we've all assumed that's why they took the fridge out, and this adds even more weight to that theory, in my mind.
I think he took apart the body for storage/disposal purposes. i think he kept the torso with the intention of framing someone (Probably the MM). I think he picked the MM simply because it was the logical choice (he had access to all apartments). I think he was motivated by the desire to get away with murder, and perhaps an obsession with Lauren and not personal anger or malice towards MM. I think the earlier burglary was a dry run for this. I wouldn't be surprised to find stolen personal body fluids planted on the torso. Or maybe there aren't any yet, which is why he kept the body hidden so long. He was waiting for an opportunity that had not presented itself yet. I think his statements about being able to get away with murder indicate he thought he could frame someone else, not be sneaky about hiding evidence. I also think he thinks he is more clever than he really is (as evidenced by the emails he wrote that were not well received, but he obviously thought were impressive or he wouldn't have put it out to the entire distribution list). In his mind buying the saw and keeping the wrapper, but claiming it was stolen makes perfect sense to him, combined with the other evidence he was hoping to frame the MM with. It puts the saw in the apartment complex accessible to the MM. If there was no evidence of someone in the apartment having the saw, then it couldn't be tied to MM.

I'm not saying any of this makes sense. But I think to him it does because he thinks he is very clever.

All of this is just my opinion based on the articles I've read. It is a horrible story and my heart goes out to the family. I can't imagine how completely surreal this must seem to them.

In response to the sentence in bold:

I would think so too were it not for the things reliable sources have told me about additional things done that had no practical purpose whatsoever and clearly indicate a far darker intent for the entire crime.
Well, that's not necessarily true, I felt there was a sick reason he kept her torso that long from the start, but it was later backed up by people who came forward with details that supported that assumption. We can call them rumors for now, but as bessie said, I think when it all comes to light, we'll be WISHING it was a simple matter of McD running out of time to dispose of her remains.

Also, no way anyone would keep a torso around for framing purposes! Way too much risk, too much trouble! It would be far easier to keep smears of her DNA, strands of her hair, etc. and place them in areas directly connected to the person you are trying to frame.
I thought the downstairs far left (if you're looking from GA Ave) is Apt #1, which clkwrks suggested as well- and also the same apartment the fridge was taken out of. Do I have this right? The apartment numbers are fuzzy to me right now..I'll have to pull up the pics.

If it is, you're right- that apartment had to have been the storage location..I can think of no other logical reason why he would've chosen that can over the dumpster. I know we've all assumed that's why they took the fridge out, and this adds even more weight to that theory, in my mind.

You have it right. If you look closely at this photo you will be able to see an apartment number in the center of each door.
Colonel Mustard is reffering to the same location. Just confirms that the three of us are thinking the same thing.
But wasn't LG's apartment closest to the side with the can? That means SM, coming from his own apartment, would have had to cross over the front of the entire complex, in view of the road- to get to the other side. If he used the dumpster, he would've been able to just slip out the side of the apartment to the back.

Yes, SM's appt was on the other side of bldg from LG's, whose the roll cart was the closest too, but if the torso was stored in the vacant appt just below LG's- then that roll cart was just right there a few steps away.

The biggest problems I see with going to the dumpster in the back are:

1. You don't know who might be back there once you round that corner. Suprise, Suprise --- BUSTED!

2. Once in the back area, you would be in view of many more appts. than just those front 4. (one of which was empty)

I agree you have all that traffic out there on GA ave., that could see someone walking to the trash with "a big black bag" of something , but no one really pays that much attention to someone just putting something in the trash!

Prior to this event, my guess is that most people traveling that stretch of road on GA AVE. never even looked at those appts as they passed by! JMO

...and I am just guessing about the "big black bag" above. I do not know what kind of plastic the torso was found in.
Regarding how the body was transported to the trash bin: I bet SM used a bag of some sort to transport the remains wrapped in plastic, that way just in case someone did run into him as he was going to the trash can or the Mercer dumpster, he wasn't so obviously disposing of human remains.
Any passersby wouldn't make much note of a guy carrying a bag. He may have even carried some kind of garbage with him to look even more believable? He would then empty the contents of the bag/container, the remains wrapped in plastic material.
Originally Posted by Hyrax<snipped for specific content>
We have multiple crime scenes In the apts. Therefor the only person who could have committed the crime is someone with an ability to enter multiple units in the complex. It can no longer plausibly be a completely random serial killer; McD needs to point the police at someone who could have access to all the crime scenes. Bon[y] Bush, for all her yammering, isn't really a likely suspect. That leaves the MM for the apartments. So he's the logical choice for the frame up, even if McD has no personal animosity towards him.

ITA with these thoughts of possibly why it was that specifically DD/MM was chosen simply due to the fact that it had to be someone with the access to the different apts in the complex..

However what I am still keeping my fingers crossed in hopes of is that there was a specific major hiccup in the design of the plan in that as far as I can tell from digging and searching Stephen's assumption that DD, the "maintenance man" was actually only a "resident contact" and based from the two owner's of BH apts DD never was given a masterkey to the complex.. Both Marty and Boni Bush both have stated on more than one occasion that there were ONLY 3 PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO THE MASTERKEY OF THE COMPLEX, and never at any time was one of those 3 named neither a "resident contact" or a "maintenance man".. Both owners state the ONLY 3 PEOPLE WITH MASTERKEY ACCESS WAS Boni, Marty, and the Property Manager.. Therefor at this point in going strictly off of those statements made by the owners I am holding out hope that the major flaw in design of Stephen's plan was an assumption of DD having this masterkey therefor access to the various apts that would infact have to be an absolute necessity for whomever it was to have committed the murder..

But something most likely we won't know for certain either way anytime soon..

Originally Posted by Sandstorm
That is the strangest thing to me. How can no provable cause of death = reasonable doubt as if there is no dead body?
In my mind the BODY is the proof that there is no doubt that the crime was committed.
Didn't Scott Peterson get convicted without a cause of death?
Help me out here!!

This is so sad that it is true.. Not only sad IMO but very scary that this has somehow been concluded as factual, when in reality it is baseless and has zero to do with facts at all.. Just as AFL remarked about the CA jury, specifically with Miss Ford having gone public with her views and reasons for why CA was found Not Guilty is was quite an eyeopener to say the least when it was found what the basis for their finding of Not Guilty was based upon.. That judegement was based upon a completely misunderstanding of how our justice system works, someone on that jury took it upon themselves to "educate" these other jurors that in order for them to find CA guilty of ANY of the charges(even the lesser charges) they must have had the SA connect all of the dots for them in showing how and when Caylee actually died.. When assessing whether to even begin the task of going thru any of the mountain of evidence, the foreman explained that the SA could not and did not provide for them a cause of death, due to that they had no choice to find any other judgment than that of Not Guilty.. At which point it was then decided what would be the point of diving into the tedious task of reviewing the evidence when they had no choice but go ajudge her of NOT GUILTY on all charges related to her daughter's death..

This was very, very disheartening for a great many of people who realized what this revelation meant that Miss Ford enlightened us with.. That glaringly now obvious once admitted the possibility of just how many people, how many juries made uP of individual jurors might there be that is under this same misguided, misunderstood, and completely false process of how our justice system works???????

Just as u quickly pointed out sandstorm Scott Peterson is a well known recent case that disproves this ridiculous notion that Miss Ford admitted to the world on national tv that the cause of death must infact be known and proven in order to ajudge a defendant guilty of murder of any degree including manslaughter.. It is preposterous to think this is accurate or in any way whatsoever true on any level..

Laci's remains that were the Only part to be recovered was merely the lower part of her torso(under the ribcage down), pelvic region and one quarter of one leg(uppermost thigh/groin area)still attached.. THAT IS IT!! so basically about what we have Of Lauren at this present point, basically no limbs(except for tiny nub of a partial thigh), no arms, no head.. Therefor NO KNOWN CAUSE OF DEATH WAS EVER GIVEN, PERIOD!!!.. and as we all know Scott Peterson found guilty of 1st degree murder and sentenced to the death penalty..

Proof positive that this nonsensical notion brought to light that a jury was under the assumption that was a requirement that they must be given and that without it gave them zero choice.. They were require by the laws of our system to find CA not guilty on all charges related to the death of her daughter..

And scary as it is it has become only more apparent sense that disheartening discovery that the Pinellas jury is far from alone in it's nonsensical belief of a requirement that is nothing more than pure fiction with no fact basis whatsoever.. If you thumb thru some of Lauren's
Previous threads you will see that there are posts that are of this exact same false belief and detailing charge for charge that the cause of death was required for each charge to be able to be ajudged a guilty verdict.. Scarier to me even more posts that state the desire to have the ability to educate those across the nation that this is infact how our system works(basically spreading the word of false and inaccurate procedures)..

It is these reasons that I too can not rest easy in knowing that the real killer is behind bars(not because I believe He is
Not the killer, but because I am terrified at the possibility of seeing another continuing miscarriage of justice up until the time when this problem is addressed and corrected(IMO an example of a way this problem and others like it could easily be addressed and solved is by having with each jury an individual who is thorough trained/educated in exactly how each of the juries rules are broken down and explain in laymen's terms as well as their being basically a "super jury foreman" solely unbiased that is there to strictly do nothing than explain or answer questions, and to be totally uninvolved in the jury's process only supervising to see that our justice systems procedure is being followed by the jury).. That is just a very quick example just touching on the points that would indeed easily solve the issue at hand..

But no matter what path our judicial system decides to address the issue and remedy it.. Fact Still is that this obvious fairly somewhat common grave misunderstanding of the systems process remains and due to that the greater chance of having more cases that are outright miscarriages of justice.. It is definitely something I've had no choice but to face in that even here on this very board there is this exact same incorrect falsehood that is believed to be a requirement to ajudge a defendant guilty of murder.. COD..

COD is NOT ONLY not required to be proven by the SA to the jury it in no way is a deciding factor of whether judgement is found tO be guilty or not guilty.. It is not going to be known in many cases, so are we supposed to literally reward those murderers by finding them not guilty just because they dis a mighty fine job of concealing a COD of the victim(as is the case here with Lauren)..

Absolutely and nothing less than a
Miscarriage of justice for which can never be righted that which was wrong and led to justice being lost.. Just as Casey Anthony was basically rewarded for doing a mighty fine job of murdering her toddlER and a skilled master at lying in order to keep her remains concealed until a time which COD could no longer be found..

I am not crazy enough to believe that my little example of hoe to "fix" or address a problem would be as simple and easily righted by something so basic as I described.. I fully realize what an amazingly intricate machine that outlr justice system is.. It's amazing and it's as fair can get in this entire world.. I just know that as is with any manmade creation there is flaws, but it is how those flaws are addressed, not just ignored that leads to not only the machine of system not only Runs smoother and more efficient.. But it is even updated or improved with those flaws being addressed.. Only further proving what is our nations finest of all machine's, the American Justice System infact runs like the well oiled machine that it was created to be and to do..

But all in all they're still jmo, tho!!
In response to the sentence in bold:

I would think so too were it not for the things reliable sources have told me about additional things done that had no practical purpose whatsoever and clearly indicate a far darker intent for the entire crime.
Well, that's not necessarily true, I felt there was a sick reason he kept her torso that long from the start, but it was later backed up by people who came forward with details that supported that assumption. We can call them rumors for now, but as bessie said, I think when it all comes to light, we'll be WISHING it was a simple matter of McD running out of time to dispose of her remains.

Also, no way anyone would keep a torso around for framing purposes! Way too much risk, too much trouble! It would be far easier to keep smears of her DNA, strands of her hair, etc. and place them in areas directly connected to the person you are trying to frame.
Okay, you've piqued my interest, Angel!

Since I'm guessing you can't address the things you know that were done that had "no practical purpose," would you feel comfortable addressing the psychology of one who would do such things?

What would you expect to find in the background of a person who committed such a crime?
PsychMom #485
[quoting backwoods on various issues, and then continuing as below:]
Anyone who has driven through Macon knows there are tons of empty buildings and businesses. Some may have electricity still running to them. Some of the others may even still have refrigeration running if they haven't been closed all that long. I noticed that when we were down there recently. I wondered if any of those areas may have been utilized in this crime. Get LG off the property ASAP and do whatever. Now, if McD did this and chose to bring the torso back for whatever reason, then there could be other items in these empty buildings. It also could open the door for another person to be involved, whether alone or in conjunction with McD. Wouldn't be the first time two perps were involved in a vicious crime.

Opening up to other possibilities. Got to rule them out or they are still in.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -
IDK anything about Macon area, but based on the limited facts we have so far, it may be possible that someone other than SMcD was involved and did use these empty bldgs,
as hypothesized above.

I hope LE does search these bldgs (assuming there is a manageable #, or
at least those LE thinks are in proximity to have been plausibly used)

If SMcD is eventually tried for this death, I hope after LE searches, SMcD&#8217;s defense team cannot feasibly argue---
LE & prosecutor rushed to judgment, did shoddy investigation, neglected to follow through w. Mr. X, a former employee or truck driver
at the close-by, empty Acme Refrigerated Warehouse, who was questioned only once briefly,
never detained, yadda, yadda, and this defense argument creates reas. doubt in the minds of the jury,
which then finds SMcD not guilty.
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -

Bessie responded to PsychMom's post:
&#8220;Show me one fact to support any of that, and I'll consider it.&#8221;

As of now, I've read no facts to support the empty-bldg.-speculation-theory, so I agree, re solving the crime.
But I hope LE covers the bases for the sake of being able later to fend off reas. doubt at trial assuming SMcD is tried.
Regarding how the body was transported to the trash bin: I bet SM used a bag of some sort to transport the remains wrapped in plastic, that way just in case someone did run into him as he was going to the trash can or the Mercer dumpster, he wasn't so obviously disposing of human remains.
Any passersby wouldn't make much note of a guy carrying a bag. He may have even carried some kind of garbage with him to look even more believable? He would then empty the contents of the bag/container, the remains wrapped in plastic material.

Yes, especially for the body parts other than the torso. For those, I'm thinking a backpack that about 3/4 of law students use to lug books & laptop around.

Obviously, a backpack is not of adequate size to carry the torso in. Since the torso had to be transported only from LG's upstairs left apt (or apt #1, beneath LG's, which was the source of the fridge) to the trash bins along the left side of the building, I'm thinking the perpetrator could most securely manage the transfer by dropping the body out of the window.

In the pictures of Barrister's Hall, there is a striped awning on the left side of the building about in the right location to be a window in the living room of each apartment. From either upstairs or downstairs apartment, all the perpetrator would have to do is look out the door to see whether anyone is present and when the coast is clear, lift the window sash and drop the body into position immediately next to the trash bins. Then scamper out the door to the trash bin area, carrying a small plastic bag for cover, and move the torso from the ground to one of the bins. No big duffle bag or other covering required.

This method might also have been used to minimize the chance of discovery when moving the torso from LG's apt to Apt #1.

All this assumes that the windows of BH apartments are capable of being opened and that the opening is big enough to accommodate a 34" x 20" object. If the windows are capable of use for this purpose, it's obviously a less risky way to get the torso to a trash receptacle than any other method.
Just catching up here...

I can't believe how many of you are missing the obvious here...
It's a rolling trash can.
He could simply roll it into Apt #1, load the torso from the fridge, and roll it back out.
OMG, I think you are RIGHT! In the study of statement analysis they tell you that when someone is being deceptive they will frequently tell half truths. So, I bet Thursday night is definitely when he did it. I don't know about how he did it, but he did it at the time he is indicating and he used a chainsaw or hack saw, whatever. They can sound just like a lawn mower!
I'm guessing you've never used a chainsaw :)
If he had done this, this case would've been over Thurs night when the friends entered the apt.
SM would have still been in there cleaning up.
I, too, have considered the gun as the weapon in my effort to fit the statement Ms Giddings made:
"I hope they are not hiding anything from me. She didnt know what hit her"... (my paraphrase)
Then again, the noise from a gunshot...??
I have also considered he used a knife to overtake her since McD did have a collection.
Another thought:
Some of us have expressed our wonder at how McD could have overtaken LG.
My thoughts:
If I were awakened with McD standing over me with a gun pointed at my head or a knife at my throat, it would be easy to overtake me. The element of surprise would be a great disadvantage for me especially him being my classmate, neighbor, and someone I trusted.

I doubt seriously he shot her. LE would probably have found a bullet hole or powder residue.
Also, as personal as this crime was... shooting someone is to quick an impersonal IMO.
Which brings me back to the fingernail scratches (or more likely "scars") on his torso.
I think if we knew more about these... location, angle/direction, it would definitely narrow down
the possible positions they would have been in, and therefore the method.
Just catching up here...

I can't believe how many of you are missing the obvious here...
It's a rolling trash can.
He could simply roll it into Apt #1, load the torso from the fridge, and roll it back out.

Could be but if anyone saw him rolling a trashcan into an apartment he didn't live in, that'd be pretty darn suspicious.
Just catching up here...

I can't believe how many of you are missing the obvious here...
It's a rolling trash can.
He could simply roll it into Apt #1, load the torso from the fridge, and roll it back out.

Think that might have made too much noise...but I have to admit, I, for one, WAS missing it! Duh
I have heard from multiple sources that her body was indeed stored in that downstairs unit, one just now tonight. It's my personal opinion that it definitely was used in this crime. JMO though until it is announced officially.

Thanks for sharing that. I know you've had some very accurate tips come in and that for various reasons not all get shared here. I check your site pretty regularly -- see you are kind of "promising" an update, once you get over finals trauma. Looking forward to it!
I doubt seriously he shot her. LE would probably have found a bullet hole or powder residue.
Also, as personal as this crime was... shooting someone is to quick an impersonal IMO.
Which brings me back to the fingernail scratches (or more likely "scars") on his torso.
I think if we knew more about these... location, angle/direction, it would definitely narrow down
the possible positions they would have been in, and therefore the method.

I just keep thinking the perp (even though I have a pretty solid belief of who that is) strangled her. As clean as they say her apartment was to the naked eye, I think it had to have been the method that is the least messy. He could have overtaken her with a knife but if he'd stabbed her, blood would go everywhere! Walls, rugs, sofa, bed....he never would have been able to get that clean. Just my opinion of course, and assuming she was killed in her apartment. I think she was.
~ snipped~

My opinion is that the body was refrigerated. There must have been a reason the perp retained the torso only, and not the other body parts, so I think he periodically removed it from the frig. If he froze the torso, he would have to wait for it to thaw each time. Also, I think decomposition would have been much more delayed had the torso been frozen since the time of dismemberment. By the time the perp pitched it and it was discovered, the torso had decomposed enough that the smell was distinctive.
As I stated here, the torso would have been too large/thick for a refrigerator to even cool completely, much less freeze it.
Especially if it was taken out periodically.
And it's not going to fit in the freezer (even if it did, same issue applies, for a standard fridge's freezer)

Otherwise, I agree with your statement.
There was a reason.
And although the cool environment would have slowed down the process,
it certainly wouldn't stop it. May not even have been able to slow it down that much.
In fact, it's possible even he was surprised this didn't work as well as he thought it would.
According to this article, LE stated in the warrant that the hacksaw packaging material does belong to the hacksaw:

An arrest warrant issued late Tuesday charging McDaniel with murder says police recovered a hacksaw at the Barristers Hall apartment complex where he and Giddings were next-door neighbors. The warrant says investigators also found the saw’s packaging material inside McDaniel’s apartment.

Copy of Warrant:

Just wanted to point out here that the article here is incorrect.
This is where we have to be careful about the statements of reporters.
Per the warrant itself, which you have linked to:
A Stanley brand hacksaw was found in a locked storage closet at the apartment complex.
A package for the same such Stanley brand hacksaw was found in the apartment of the Accused.
So, the warrant only states that the packaging found was for the same brand.
And the "same such" wording would seem to indicate it was also the same "model".

Good point, esp. if thinking of someone w. slight/thin build trying to move the remains.

For ease of loading, I agree - roll into apt, insert remains, then roll back outside.

But if perp. were observed doing this, say, by a resident in the apt. complex, what w/ perp. do or say, if anything, to "cover"?

Same question for idea about dropping remains from window to ground,
for the closest-to-back-dumpster scheme for most minimal exposure.

After missing person status becomes known, perp.'s silence w/seem "funny" and neighbor may still be able to recall incident for LE.

IF this crime was PLANNED ...
No matter what route or method of transport from apt. to can or dumpster, it seems to call for perp to have a planned "cover" comment either at the time, esp. if observed by another resident, or later for LE, asking about someone's observation of perp. carrying big bundle.

If perp. had taken big bundle from apt. to his car, close to end of semester and move-out time,
then perhaps neighbor or observer might just assume "Oh, just packing the car to head home."

Then prob. is moving remains from car to dumpster elsewhere. Maybe across town or out of town where perp. is less likely to be recognized and thus less likely to be identified to LE after the fact.

Even W/S'ers have a prob. w. logisitics of moving the remains.
Not easy.
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