GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 9

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If anyone finds interesting threads, please post them. I'm computer illiterate and have trouble navigating the "operator" site. I even tried googling "site: SoL" as someone suggested, but it's not working for me.

Lawette, click on this exact link.

58 pages of Cached posts on that site, by SoL.

You *may* have to adjust your restricted site settings to moderate for your browser.

Taken as it is written: It sounds like he's sharing his heart and knows he will never find that person or has that fear. Couldnt' see the video, it's been removed.

The psochological aspects I dont' know but it's been stated on here many times. Probably the same.

The FACT is, he did find her, he will forever be linked to her. The two will now always be found on Wikepedia

Maybe he DID find true love.
WARNING********This is very bad.

SoL put out a request 10/11/17 to have a mock trial in Macon at the Law School.

He needed jurors, outside his social network of friends, as instructed by his law professor. He indicates that "his entire social circle" outside of law school, is at OC. He also discusses getting "the property manager" for his building to participate, but says that he is busy with construction. SoL admits to being a social recluse in this post.

At least 1 member of OC went to the mock trial.

I don't know who the "blonde prosecutor" is, but, it definitely sounds contrived to me, what SoL says. I don't know if it's possible that it is LG, about whom he is speaking rudely of, as there were not supposed to be any law students participating. But, it could very well be, since she was on the opposite side of the trial, with her own mock jurors, probably.

This could be a direct lie about LG.

Ok..this by far has had the greatest ring of truth IMO!!! Whereas yes, I believe him to be that brutal, completely and flatly desensitized to extreme torturous violence[The Maeva creation of his temporarily took my breath away].. I have been a horror movie fan all my life..but there is a grave difference in what I enjoy in a good horror, get your blood pumping, flick...a stark contrast to the vicious and extremely detailed tortures he types out of Maeva and Amir..So yes, while I believe that to be every bit a part, even a large part of his psyche[and terrifying believe he full well planned out the murder in intricate detail as well..but that is more than mind can even process at this moment]..

But this above post that you link IMO is the real, bravado-LESS, introvert and painfully awkward, with nil for social skills.. This is what he was left to have to resort to because he was incapable of ever having any type of semblance of a "relationship".. To love and worship from afar.. No indication whatsoever it was speaking of Lauren..but not necessary in the least for me.. It speaks about his inadequacies..painfully apparent inadequacies that left him feeling this way about women, period and his nil chance of ever even mustering up a few social skills to verbalize his interest and/or desire for a woman..

As I said IMO an accurate and clear representation of just another aspect of this loser monster's inadequacies and another peeled layer of the onion as a whole.. Unfortunately IMO this more low key type side of the monster was by far a thinner peel of the onion and was far outweighed and consumed by the brutal, violent, and intricate detail of torturous fantasies part of himself..

Precious Lauren and God how I pray it was quick like many of us have theorized time and time again about due to his wimpy, doughy, couch potato physique not standing a chance when matched with an extremely physically fit and agile athletic woman standing at a solid 6ft tall.. I pray that his inadequate and wussy side caused too much fear of her being able to whip his tail around and beat his azz plum silly..thus making him take the safe way of making it quick.. IMO at this point with what a sick and psychologically warped on all fronts individual that we have found that we are dealing with.. The prayer of it being quick is IMO the absolute best we can pray that precious Lauren was spared atleast in that sense..

God..this man is much sicker and psychologically twisted that I even gave him credit for...and just think how much of a piece of chit I already thought him to be.. God was I way underestimating the monster in this case..
I am pretty sure that the Prosecutor in the case at the Mock Trial is LG, and SoL is very derogatory about her in more ways than one, and it gives you a very small glimpse of what most people here have suspected all along, for a motive: jealousy.

I might add that reading that mock jury thread makes me very, very angry. I am so mad that Lauren's life has been taken. It is so cruel. She did not deserve that.:furious:

She probably kicked SM's *advertiser censored** all the time, and he couldn't stand it.
WARNING********This is very bad.

SoL put out a request 10/11/17 to have a mock trial in Macon at the Law School.

He needed jurors, outside his social network of friends, as instructed by his law professor. He indicates that "his entire social circle" outside of law school, is at OC. He also discusses getting "the property manager" for his building to participate, but says that he is busy with construction. SoL admits to being a social recluse in this post.

At least 1 member of OC went to his apartment.

I don't know who the "blonde prosecutor" is, but, it definitely sounds contrived to me, what SoL says. I don't know if it's possible that it is LG, about whom he is speaking rudely of, as there were not supposed to be any law students participating.

This could be a direct lie about LG.

He said other law students couldn't be jurors. He didn't say they couldn't play other roles in his mock trial. :)
Has anyone come across posts from late 2008 or very early 2009? I'm wondering if there are any clues related to the condom thefts in these comments.
Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of this kind of material. Websites like 4chan frequently have posters who just loooove posting CP because the prevailing mentality of that forum is utterly infantile, they think it's funny, ironic, and proof of their disregard for...decency.
It can be quite difficult to discern the ages of some of the children depicted, but again unfortunately, it is often all to clear :sick:
Until a person sees this stuff with their own eyes, the true horror of it cannot be adequately verbalized. It's abominable.

proof of disregard for respect, morality, authority, but I'm sorry you, at such a young age, have had the unfortunate fortune to have witnessed that shiet. I say that becuase it does help most severely serve a cause having seen it. But just speculating as to why only 7 counts
Has anyone come across posts from late 2008 or very early 2009? I'm wondering if there are any clues related to the condom thefts in these comments.

Good question. What are the dates again? I found some, December 2009, but, I think that's wrong.

It's December 2008 and January 2009?
Yes, around the last week of December 2008, and the first week of 2009.
Thanks wondergirl for that latest find.. Isn't it just A-!, par for the course, absolute typical and loserish at BEST for an A-1, Top of the line loser from he!! that Stephen is when he makes that disgustingly lewd comment about "whoever" the female prosecutor was in the mock trial.. I mean his immature and farcical description that he uses IMO screams "Look at me I'm an inadequate, sub-par little boy who knows how to talk like the big boys that get all the girls.. If Lauren were not a senseless victim of a heinous murder in this case I would let one big..Bwaaa aaaa hahahah bwaaa hhhhaaaaaa laugh out at his lame and lacking individual that he literally oozes..yuk! yuk!

Disgusting.."perched over" makes me wanna hurl!!!!!!!

I did learn or discern one other little nugget from the link and its discussion and that is that it is definitely NOT DD who was the "property manager" of BH.. as some have questioned as a possibility along the way.. His making it clear and stated more than twice that they could under no circumstances have fellow law students as their jurors for the mock trial.. So when he makes the statement that he is attempting to get the "property manager" to attend as a juror..but later finds he cannot due to his "construction job" runs late on some evenings..

Well just for the simple fact that he was attempting to have the "property manager" be a juror in the mock trial automatically makes it obvious it cannot be DD, as we know he was infact a fellow Mercer law student.. therefor making him ineligible to be a juror..
Oh yes, indeed speak the gospel truth above.. it was like a 5 alarm fire with all the bells and whistles that were sounding!! I believe it was you, myself, and one other member who actually I've not seen post since the beginning..but definitely remember that both you and I heard the sirens wailing when watching the video footage of the baby faced young man with the voluminous mane.. I remember making a remark about a particular surge that hit me with him having even raised his hand and actually made the small gun demo with his hand when going into the higher pitched wail of.."oh why didn't she come to me?..I could've helped..I could've done something.. I mean I've got this little handgun[hand goes up with his handgun demo] that I use for "defense" and I could've lent it to her..oh why??..[even higher pitched wails with wrinkling of the forehead repeatedly]..
Here ya go, Smooth.
I just watched the interview with the neighbor for the first time. Without knowing a thing about him, I would've suspected him immediately. His act is a little too sweet and innocent, but the statement about his tiny little handgun cinched it. He probably had poor Lauren fooled. I picture a scenario where he set her up by staging an attempted break-in at her apartment to frighten her. Then he makes himself available, showing up at her door or hanging around outside, so when she looks around for help she finds the meek, trustworthy little neighbor who wouldn't hurt a fly. There was no sign of forced entry because she let him in herself.

O God Bessie I agree 100%!! while watching it I kept telling myself that I wasn't even sure if this was the neighbor tbat could possibly be involved(as I also heard there were 2 POI's arrested).. But no matter I felt a sick chill from listening to this guy as well as I paused it several times to look at his eyes.. I see a deeply disturbed person who with dark circles and pale skin combined with the words that stumbled from his mouth about allowing Lauren to borrow his small handgun that he made reference to with his hand as a small gun.. It sent a deep chill to the bone.. I believe this beautiful woman who all who know her said the same thing.. She had a huge heart!! That to me most likely means that she was kind even to those who others possibly felt strangely about or got a certain vibe from.. She gave those her friendship as well..
GT&T I would say we are probably at the very least finding this treasure trove at the same time as the media sites, if not even it has been known to happen that Websleuthers actually scoop the media in finds such as these and then once hitting this board the media then flies in to attempt to be atleast the first news media site that's detailing it..

Am not too certain tho exactly what boundaries or limitations are enforced on even the online news media staff as this OC site is extreme in nature, especially to what IMO would be many of their conservative audience that they are dependent upon..

But then again given the never ending details of horror that continue to come to light where Stephen McDaniel is concerned[I mean just look at what extreme in nature wording of the warrant that went public yesterday was]..the online news media may just quote and bleep out some of the more tame ones..Like possibly the one that Givsmeshivers linked to about his inadequacies to have a relationship with a woman and left to only love and worship her from afar.. I could definitely see them quoting something along those lines...
WARNING********This is very bad.

SoL put out a request 10/11/17 to have a mock trial in Macon at the Law School.

He needed jurors, outside his social network of friends, as instructed by his law professor. He indicates that "his entire social circle" outside of law school, is at OC. He also discusses getting "the property manager" for his building to participate, but says that he is busy with construction. SoL admits to being a social recluse in this post.

At least 1 member of OC went to the mock trial.

I don't know who the "blonde prosecutor" is, but, it definitely sounds contrived to me, what SoL says. I don't know if it's possible that it is LG, about whom he is speaking rudely of, as there were not supposed to be any law students participating. But, it could very well be, since she was on the opposite side of the trial, with her own mock jurors, probably.

This could be a direct lie about LG.

In this thread, SoL's comment that includes "me on all fours": There appears to be something blacked out in his comment, did you notice? Is this some kind of censoring...?
I agree, and hats off to Backwoods for finding that recent comment on the old interview news article, that lead to SoL and to you, Bessie, for discussing that it had a ring of truth, because, it certainly did, and was enough for MaconMom to whittle it down. Good job team!:woohoo:

Hats off...??? Dang, I wanted a CUPCAKE!!!
In this thread, SoL's comment that includes "me on all fours": There appears to be something blacked out in his comment, did you notice? Is this some kind of censoring...?
Hold your cursor over the black stripe. He attempts to make a joke about the meaning of his comment.
It is definitely him. The picture he posted on the website with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas with his face blanked out but with SoL written over it matches the one posted earlier on that does not have his face blanked out .

BBM: Really? I must have missed the Macon pic.

I was completely shocked to view the SoL picture he posted of himself.

SoL established a Wiki page for himself. It appears deleted, but, there were a few pics.

I was scanning through quickly, there might be something there. I will find it and link.
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