GUILTY GA - Natalie Henderson, 17, & Carter Davis, 17, murdered, 1 Aug 2016 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Maybe it was something new - maybe even intensified that night at the Waffle House. Teenage hormones can be impulsive!

Just a hunch.

Agree. Probably brand new. Maybe the first time ever "hooking up" together or something. At that age, I know I didn't talk to my parents about who I liked. Unless it was a serious boyfriend they really didn't know about it. Maybe they had just been texting for awhile (they were both out of town recently) and hooked up when he returned. Personally, I think they started at Waffle House hanging out and decided to go hook up. But usually a girl would mention someone to their best friend. Unless it was totally spur of the moment. Like maybe a bunch of people met up at Waffle House and they went off on their own spontaneously. I am curious about it too.
Looking at the pictures of the automobiles, perhaps I imagined the information the detective presented incorrectly. Not sure I can stomach listening to that video again. As terrible as this is, wouldn't any evidence on the outside of the vehicles be preserved? What I'm asking is... If NH was shot in the manner that the investigator said, i.e forced to put her hands on the car and then eventually shot in head while presumably still standing in that position, wouldn't there be blood splatter on her vehicle? Unless, of course it was CD's darker vehicle used instead. I apologize in advance if this is a newbie type question. Which brings to mind something that has been laced into a lot of conversations here. The investigator was relating what JH told her happened. The entire sequence of events may be altered when the factual evidence is revealed.

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Hi!! The detective said there was blood spatter on both vehicles :(
:stop: some posts have been removed. Do not sleuth the girlfriend of the accused. Do not post about KB's social media or anything about her that is not available via MSM. If you are going to discuss her be prepared to back your posts with an TOS compliant link or just don't do it.

I found this image on a North Carolina TV channel's website. I presume these are headed to the crime lab for analysis. The only thing I noticed was the sun visor is down on the driver's side of the Honda CR-V.

Can anyone with the ability enlarge it enough to tell if it is the visor? It looks awfully white. I'd guess it should be some shade of gray if it were the visor. There appears to a a white drape over the back of the vehicle. Maybe it's my eyes imagining things. It could be a portion of the back window covered with a white drape?

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:stop: some posts have been removed. Do not sleuth the girlfriend of the accused. Do not post about KB's social media or anything about her that is not available via MSM. If you are going to discuss her be prepared to back your posts with an TOS compliant link or just don't do it.

Oops!! So sorry. Had no idea...
Don't get discouraged. check out the rules in my signature, I know it wasn't purposeful ;)
I just don't think he did, but that's just my opinion. She kept saying, "he TOLD me" when speaking of what he did to NH. She would be lying on the stand if there was a video and she represented that it was just what he told her. The GBI is doing the analysis of the DNA and everything now... he might not have even told her the whole truth based on what the results show.

Not necessarily. He may have told her, but she could have also seen it. Then it wouldn't be lying.
Agree. Probably brand new. Maybe the first time ever "hooking up" together or something. At that age, I know I didn't talk to my parents about who I liked. Unless it was a serious boyfriend they really didn't know about it. Maybe they had just been texting for awhile (they were both out of town recently) and hooked up when he returned. Personally, I think they started at Waffle House hanging out and decided to go hook up. But usually a girl would mention someone to their best friend. Unless it was totally spur of the moment. Like maybe a bunch of people met up at Waffle House and they went off on their own spontaneously. I am curious about it too.

It seems that she did at least mention Carter to her best friend - at about 1:05 in this interview [video=youtube;vopl0kZj5h8][/video].
The visor could be down from the detectives looking through the car?

Just my opinion... That suv on the truck is Natalie's vehicle which they were in the back of, I would think that as a female she would have looked at herself to see that she looked her best for the meetup. I would have pulled my visor down (mirror) to do a last minute check, and if there was a light on the building it would have helped to shield it. jmo idk

o/t I drive with my visor down and only raise it to see over traffic signals if Im first in line. jmo idk
26:48 - detective states where they parked their cars was not visible by the surveillance cameras.

29:04 - nothing on surveillance cameras showing him on electrical box or on the roof.

33:05 - blood spatter was on both cars.
It appears that the suv does have something covering the back window. Maybe there is a reason that it is parked backwards on the truck?
A story was published in the Cherokee Ledger-News (local free paper.) Print version of the story contains more information than web version. It seems to be mostly a recap of the hearing. Of note:

- Hazelwood "followed them to a Roswell Publix" (Emphasis mine) - Followed from where? We have discussed Waffle House here but this story confirms they did not randomly end up at Publix at the same time.
- "
surveillance footage shows him arriving at the Roswell shopping center about one minute after the teens."
- Hazelwood was captured on four surveillance cameras in the Publix shopping center
- His grandparents adopted him when he was six months old
- He was "staying" at his girlfriend's house. Not clear if he was living there.
- Hazelwood lawyer Mike Jacobs said, "Mr. Hazelwood is very mentally ill. He's had a very troubled life." - Laying it on thick for insanity defense, I guess.
- Lawyers claim he was denied attorney for 12 hours. Detective Bennett denies this and said JH was read his rights.

A story was published in the Cherokee Ledger-News (local free paper.) Print version of the story contains more information than web version. It seems to be mostly a recap of the hearing. Of note:

- Hazelwood "followed them to a Roswell Publix" (Emphasis mine) - Followed from where? We have discussed Waffle House here but this story confirms they did not randomly end up at Publix at the same time.
- "
surveillance footage shows him arriving at the Roswell shopping center about one minute after the teens."
- Hazelwood was captured on four surveillance cameras in the Publix shopping center
- His grandparents adopted him when he was six months old
- He was "staying" at his girlfriend's house. Not clear if he was living there.
- Hazelwood lawyer Mike Jacobs said, "Mr. Hazelwood is very mentally ill. He's had a very troubled life." - Laying it on thick for insanity defense, I guess.
- Lawyers claim he was denied attorney for 12 hours. Detective Bennett denies this and said JH was read his rights.

Hmm....I'm pretty sure the Detective stated that Hazelwood arrived BEFORE the teens, but he went to another part of the shopping center parking lot. When the victims arrived, they went behind the Publix. Hazelwood then moved to their area.

So, yes, he followed them behind the Publix, but he was there before them.

I watched the hearing again to try and figure this out. At approx @27:00 in the hearing, Bennett said JH gave her "a couple different stories" about where he was directly before the murders. Bennett said, "I know that a short time before, he was at a Waffle House in Cobb County." This had to be 4875 Alabama Rd NE, Roswell, GA 30075, because all the other Waffle Houses nearby are in Fulton County. This is the one I thought it was, on Highway 92, between Publix and Flash Foods.

Here are all the times given in the hearing, but they are spread out in the broadcast so I had to put them all together.

3:01-3:13 JH is seen parking his car in the front Publix parking lot - exact minute isn't given but it was "just after 3:00"
3:12-3:13 Victim's cars appear behind the Publix
3:13-3:15 JH is seen on foot behind the Publix
3:15-3:35 JH spies on victims, climbs roof, and murders them
4:00 JH is on camera at Flash Foods wearing the mask
4:35 JH arrives back at the Publix to steal the jumper cables

Another poster here mentioned JH might have overheard the victims at the Waffle House talk about going to Publix. This explains how he got there before the victims, yet knew to immediately walk back there. From where he supposedly parked in the front parking lot, there is a huge hill/mound blocking the King Road entrance, and bushes blocking the Highway 92 entrance. At night he could have seen headlights shining around all the landmarks and known the victims arrived.

I now believe the victims came in through the King Road entrance. At about 26:00 Bennett says the victims' cars were picked up driving in "four" surveillance cameras. She never said they were seen in the front of the store shopping center, like JH was. This means they had to have come in by King Road. If you look at the back of the shopping center on google maps, coming in from King Road, I counted exactly four white cameras above different stores going towards the Publix where they ended up parking behind - two above door #430 (the UPS store), one just past door #400 on the corner, and one above the door to the right of where they parked, to the right of the small dumpster/fence cage. This would be the 4th camera, that supposedly caught them driving in, but didn't catch the murder. :thinking:

The only way I can think of that four cameras could have caught them if they came in off Highway 92, is if they made a U-turn at the light on King Road intersection, and the other two cameras were PNC Bank and Regions Bank cameras, in addition to the Publix loading dock and back door fence cage cameras. But I don't know if the banks had cameras that would pick up their cars on 92, so I think King Road is the most likely entrance. What do you all think?
Hey guys, first time poster here but follow closely. I am from Maryland, but am in Dallas visiting a friend. I am going to drive by here tomorrow and look at the scene and the gas station. I will take time tomorrow to post my theory and I have spent hours researching and looking over all the details. This is a great thread, keep it up!
Hey guys, first time poster here but follow closely. I am from Maryland, but am in Dallas visiting a friend. I am going to drive by here tomorrow and look at the scene and the gas station. I will take time tomorrow to post my theory and I have spent hours researching and looking over all the details. This is a great thread, keep it up!

:welcome: Glad you decided to join the discussion!
:welcome: Glad you decided to join the discussion!
Welcome to Websleuths and Dallas, Ga. We like it here and soon the heat will be moving on.

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What is confusing is that first, Bennett said "We did eventually obtain additional surveillance video, that showed both the victims' vehicles driving to the back of the Publix, and then showed another vehicle come and park in the Publix parking lot." The man says, "And at what time did this other vehicle come and park in the Publix parking lot?" Bennett says, "It actually arrived in the parking lot prior to the victims." The way she first said it sounds like JH arrived second, then she said he arrived first.

I don't know what to believe about the arrival time, but it's becoming more apparent they were followed from the Waffle House in some way. Whether JH left Waffle House first and waited for them, or if he got there at the same time, he knew the victims would be going to the Publix.
What is confusing is that first, Bennett said "We did eventually obtain additional surveillance video, that showed both the victims' vehicles driving to the back of the Publix, and then showed another vehicle come and park in the Publix parking lot." The man says, "And at what time did this other vehicle come and park in the Publix parking lot?" Bennett says, "It actually arrived in the parking lot prior to the victims." The way she first said it sounds like JH arrived second, then she said he arrived first.

I don't know what to believe about the arrival time, but it's becoming more apparent they were followed from the Waffle House in some way. Whether JH left Waffle House first and waited for them, or if he got there at the same time, he knew the victims would be going to the Publix.

I have always thought he saw them at Waffle House, and that is what I am sticking to until I am proven otherwise. :)

As for the confusing timing... Maybe it (JH's car) "arrived in the parking lot prior to the victims" and kind of drove around looking..... BUT did not actually PARK until he saw them go around back - parked, got out and ran back there..... Just a thought?

Edited to add: Just thought of something else - this could go well with your King Road entrance theory. JH maybe ALSO came in from King (this would be the most logical entrance, since the high school is right there - they definitely know that entrance is there and are familiar with it). There's a clearing in the woods that I have heard teens "hang out" at and smoke after/before school. Maybe they were headed there and realized they could be seen from the road there and kept going further back. Anyway, So JH arrived from King Rd. before them.... drove around the lot looking around, waiting for them to arrive. JH saw them pull in from King, went to the OTHER side of the parking lot and parked - thinking they definitely would not see him sneaking up on them from there.... plus where he actually parked is pretty dark/hidden by the bushes, etc...... make sense? (JH could have also scoped out the back really quick before the kids arrived....)

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