Found Deceased GA - Quinton Simon - Discovered Missing From Home By Non-Custodial Mom - Savannah #3

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§ 14-72. Larceny of property; receiving stolen goods or possessing stolen goods.
(a) Larceny of goods of the value of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) is a Class H felony. The receiving or possessing of stolen goods of the value of more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) while knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that the goods are stolen is a Class H felony. Larceny as provided in subsection (b) of this section is a Class H felony. Receiving or possession of stolen goods as provided in subsection (c) of this section is a Class H felony. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, larceny of property, or the receiving or possession of stolen goods knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe them to be stolen, where the value of the property or goods is not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), is a Class 1 misdemeanor. In all cases of doubt, the jury shall, in the verdict, fix the value of the property stolen.
I find the spontaneity of what she purchased more interesting than the fact she stole. Nothing expensive, nothing of long term use. Just like the drinking publicly while law enforcement searched for her child - I highly doubt that anything else she allegedly did was premeditated or thought through.
In a case where truth seems to be stranger than fiction, even off-the-wall theories are possible.

The timing of the "party" makes me wonder if LS knows that LE is looking in the wrong place. Could she have been seen disposing of some evidence, but have disposed of the body in some other way? The behavior of these two moms-of-the-year seem more like celebrating beating the wrap than commiserating an upcoming life in jail.

I keep thinking about the amount of resources, time, money devoted to this case. And this family just watches it all from a bar. It is beyond disgusting, seeing how blatantly they are abusing all the people working on the case. Makes me so mad.
I would like to shift the conversation back to little Quinton. Has Bret WSAV reported on what evidence the police might have pertaining to why they believe that LS is their only suspect? Or have any of you heard what they are basing this on?

Someone on here posted earlier that they wondered if the cause of death was drugs. I believe that's a good possibility, maybe not intentional, but drugs left lying around could be easily ingested by a child.

And if they don't recover Quinton, what do you think the chances are that they have enough probably cause to convict? I am strongly leaning toward no body, no case. If they saw LS dumping a bag into a dumpster, they still wouldn't know if Quintons body was in there would they. JMO

While the FBI said they have identified a specific area of the landfill to search and no new trash is coming into that area, a criminal justice professor at Georgia Southern University told WJCL the search will still be difficult.

"I think it's going to be an incredibly difficult search, unfortunately," said Chad Posick, the interim department chair of Georgia Southern's Criminal Justice & Criminology Department. "The area itself is massive, so there's a lot of ground to cover and that's all complicated by the fact there is garbage and trash they are going to have to go around and underneath and, of course, that speeds up the decaying process."

He said on top of the sheer amount of waste investigators have to go through, they're also likely having to be careful with the items they're handling.

"Everyone in this case wants justice for Quinton. Making sure everything is done by the book, every procedure is being followed and all the techniques [are] spot on [will] make sure nothing is destroyed in this investigation," Posick said.
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I find the spontaneity of what she purchased more interesting than the fact she stole. Nothing expensive, nothing of long term use. Just like the drinking publicly while law enforcement searched for her child - I highly doubt that anything else she allegedly did was premeditated or thought through.
Right? Poor impulse control.
LE and FBI mentioned that this search could take weeks.

I can't stand the thought of his tiny little body lost in those mountains of trash. It would be difficult enough, I imagine, to uncover an adult-sized body after so much time has elapsed under the hot sun and humidity of Georgia.

But his little self, I guess they would have to find bones now, and maybe the skull would be the most noticeable (forgive me, I don't want to imagine this, either).

I hope he was at least wearing pajamas or something that could help LE identify him more quickly beneath the tons of garbage.

As you and others have said, though, @tlcya, at least newer trash has been rerouted and LE seems to have honed in on some specific areas.

Worse than searching for a needle in a haystack is when you don't even know where the haystack is.

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While the FBI said they have identified a specific area of the landfill to search and no new trash is coming into that area, a criminal justice professor at Georgia Southern University told WJCL the search will still be difficult.

"I think it's going to be an incredibly difficult search, unfortunately," said Chad Posick, the interim department chair of Georgia Southern's Criminal Justice & Criminology Department. "The area itself is massive, so there's a lot of ground to cover and that's all complicated by the fact there is garbage and trash they are going to have to go around and underneath and, of course, that speeds up the decaying process."

He said on top of the sheer amount of waste investigators have to go through, they're also likely having to be careful with the items they're handling.

"Everyone in this case wants justice for Quinton. Making sure everything is done by the book, every procedure is being followed and all the techniques [are] spot on [will] make sure nothing is destroyed in this investigation," Posick said.
One would think, IMO, there would/should be an easier, faster way of finding him… wouldn’t a dog trained in finding the scent of decaying flesh work? Maybe too many scents and chemicals in the garbage for any dog….it just breaks my heart that he hasn’t been found yet..

I hope he was at least wearing pajamas or something that could help LE identify him more quickly beneath the tons of garbage.

Hopefully, Quinton really was wearing the light blue Sesame Street t-shirt that he is said to have been wearing at the time that he went "missing".

"Her boyfriend last reported seeing Simon at 6 a.m. He was wearing a light blue Sesame Street t-shirt and black pants."

One would think, IMO, there would/should be an easier, faster way of finding him… wouldn’t a dog trained in finding the scent of decaying flesh work? Maybe too many scents and chemicals in the garbage for any dog….it just breaks my heart that he hasn’t been found yet..

Someone mentioned earlier in the thread that dogs couldn't be used here because of the potential risks to their health, damage to paws from broken glass and waste, and overwhelming odors in general in a dump.
Someone mentioned earlier in the thread that dogs couldn't be used here because of the potential risks to their health, damage to paws from broken glass and waste, and overwhelming odors in general in a dump.
Laramie County investigators told the Coloradoan they were ironing out logistics to search for the baby. Investigators cannot use cadaver dogs in the search because the methane gas from the landfill is strong enough to kill them, Gesell said.

"We will equip people with proper safety equipment and they will be taking buckets of refuse out one at a time and searching that," Gesell said. Five Laramie investigators are working the case.

It's the methane gas in landfills that poses the biggest risk to the dogs.
Hopefully, Quinton really was wearing the light blue Sesame Street t-shirt that he is said to have been wearing at the time that he went "missing".

"Her boyfriend last reported seeing Simon at 6 a.m. He was wearing a light blue Sesame Street t-shirt and black pants."

It's a massive help if one has a colour to focus upon. I hope the information is accurate.
I’m sorry , I’m newI don’t know what I’m doing.
Welcome to posting !!

We have all been there... I lurked for a long time before posting as I had no clue what I was doing or how to reply to a post.

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Heck, I am still discovering how to do things in here I never knew before LOL
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