GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #4

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He has rabbit ears AND the circle antenna, and still nothing. How fustratring. I hope his wife isnt' watching. Did you see him check out the blond that walked by? :blushing:

I can't believe someone doesn't phone them to tell them they are STILL on internet feed. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: Sorry I missed this! LOL
Mornin Shelltie.
Did the judge ever make a decision yesterday? Last I heard was all the legal mumbo jumbo the defense was putting on, and the judge not giving an answer.

I searched the press last night, and not a peep on suspected wit for the def.
Yesterday was a hard blow with damning evidence. I don't know if they can bounce back from that regardless of any character wits they may have.


I'm just digging in to yesterday's testimony with all of the phone records, and ouch, that is some powerful stuff!
This is a thought provoking post. And you do give the defendant the benefit of presumption of innocence in this trial.

I lost this presumption while watching her testify in the HN trial. She was self serving, self important and self absorbed. I believed within a very short time of working for HN she realized he was the perfect vehicle to change her life and she set him up to do her bidding and that was to kill Rusty.

I believe she kept herself available to HN just enough for HN to believe that if Rusty was not in the picture that AS would be with HN. I don't think it took much more for HN.

AS saw the vulnerability of HN (or even the mental illness) of HN.

I do believe this trial for the perjury trial is not what the State wanted but is a ramp up to a murder trial if HN is recovered from his mental illness and will flip on AS.


Just something that I'm mulling over in my head regarding Hemy, and wondering if you guys can help me answer these questions...

First, what type of mental illness is Hemy supposedly suffering from? What was presented in his trial regarding that?

If somebody has a legitimate mental illness, can they selectively decide to cover for somebody in the event of a crime? It doesn't seem likely that they would be able to control their faculties in that manner. This is something that doesn't really make sense to me but I'm not a mental health professional so I'm just guessing here. If he is truly covering for Andrea, which it certainly seems like he is, then I would tend to believe that he's not mentally ill.

Has he ever made any comments to anybody after his arrest that alluded to Andrea being involved or has he always adamantly denied that?
IIRC, Don Sneiderman testified that he didn't believe it when Andrea called, so he called Dunwoody Prep to make confirmation. Anybody else remember that, or am I thinking wishfully?

That's what I remember Mr. Sneiderman saying , too.
First, I want to say


for keeping "us" who are just reading here and can't watch the actual trial updated on what's going on!!!

Mornin Shelltie.
Did the judge ever make a decision yesterday? Last I heard was all the legal mumbo jumbo the defense was putting on, and the judge not giving an answer.

I searched the press last night, and not a peep on suspected wit for the def.
Yesterday was a hard blow with damning evidence. I don't know if they can bounce back from that regardless of any character wits they may have.

re bold - I too just searched the 11Alive link that Coldpizza posted the other day, and it doesn't seem to have Blog 5 for day 5 and yesterday was Day 6, right?! Am I at the "right" link - if someone (!) can post those links to Day 5 and Day 6 - it would be GREATLY appreciated!!

I would think her first call would be to Rusty.

AGREE. Plus, I've always thought it so very odd that she called her parents AND her brother before finding out what exactly was going on. I know, different strokes, but I still find it odd AS called her entire family when for all she knew Rusty might have been accidentally hit by a car, for example. :twocents:
I don't know. :dunno: But, wouldn't it be great if Andrea is smug enough to take the stand?

YES!! I would absolutely love to hear the explanations from her own mouth!! That would be a two candy event (that's how I describe movies that I'm super excited to see... worthy of a double candy purchase at the concession stand)

He was diagnosed bipolar, as was his aunt, but many question it's validity.
He claimed to talk with celebrities - LOL.

Bipolar symptoms can consist of far more than the four Neuman's psychiatrist mentioned in court testimony, which were listed here. It is a complicated mental health condition, but it rarely leads to murder.

Neuman’s sister took the stand in her brother’s defense, however, detailing a childhood rife with abuse from an alcoholic father, which would certainly lend support to Neuman feeling anxious, hopeless, sad or suicidal, even if he were not diagnosed with bipolar on the eve of his murder trial.

But the prosecution in the case, while sympathetic to those who suffer legitimately from mental illness, called into question Hemy Neuman’s confession of murder (through his attorneys), based upon an insanity plea.

“Many people who are bi-polar know the difference between right and wrong,” DeKalb District Attorney Don Geary said.
He's right, with many people who have the condition being able to function successfully in society without resorting to aggressive or violent behavior, especially when getting treatment or taking medication for their condition.

And while a “break from reality” is a rare, but possible, symptom for those with the most extreme bipolar disorder condition--especially if drugs or alcohol are being used--the prosecution has a good point when they say it is highly questionable that Hemy Neuman somehow managed to control his demon’s murderous directives for years, only to then give into them when “it was convenient for him.”

According to the prosecution, it was when Andrea Sneiderman chose to end her relationship with Hemy Neuman that he sought to end her husband’s life; not due to the prompting of a Barry White-voiced demon’s urging, or an Olivia Newton-John one.

I can't get the link to copy. Sorry
First, I want to say


for keeping "us" who are just reading here and can't watch the actual trial!!!

re bold - I too just searched the 11Alive link that Coldpizza posted the other day, and it doesn't seem to have Blog 5 for day 5 and yesterday was Day 6, right?! Am I at the "right" link - if someone (!) can post those links to Day 5 and Day 6 - it would be GREATLY appreciated!!

croakerqueen123 on u-tube.
She has them all. sorry - still can't post links for some reason
On the iPad now, and every time I try to copy and pasted link, the word "Nice" comes up!
It feels like someone is playing a trick on me. Lol

WE're BACK!!!
Quick question: On a cell phone, is it similar to a computer in that when you delete a file it is not really gone? So when calls and texts were deleted on Andrea's phone were they then later obtained from the phone itself or were they obtained from the provider?

Re: Don Sneiderman testimony
He definitely said that he did not believe what AS said and that he then called Dunwoody Prep. I believe he said he got the number from Directory Assistance.
Justice Junkie...thanks a million for the recap on HN and his mental state per his conviction. It nags at me and it is my belief that HN will be the vehicle for the State of Georgia to pursue murder charges against AS....and by that I mean it is a feeling that won't go away that the State is just patiently waiting to use HN for this purpose.

Anyway I was out all morning and thanks all for the posts. Good to catch up with you all and really hoping her royal highness takes the stand. Though I do believe her lawyers will not want that.
I can't imagine AS attorneys would advise her to take the stand...and take an oath to tell the truth...what is her credibility at this point.
First, I want to say


for keeping "us" who are just reading here and can't watch the actual trial updated on what's going on!!!

re bold - I too just searched the 11Alive link that Coldpizza posted the other day, and it doesn't seem to have Blog 5 for day 5 and yesterday was Day 6, right?! Am I at the "right" link - if someone (!) can post those links to Day 5 and Day 6 - it would be GREATLY appreciated!!


I don't know why they quit doing the blogs, I kinda enjoyed the recap in print.

I follow this twitter, but I get most of updates from the members here!

BiPolar undiagnosed since his teens was testified to, plus a couple of other issues, lol. Here are two good links for you to review and catch up. HTH


Just something that I'm mulling over in my head regarding Hemy, and wondering if you guys can help me answer these questions...

First, what type of mental illness is Hemy supposedly suffering from? What was presented in his trial regarding that?

If somebody has a legitimate mental illness, can they selectively decide to cover for somebody in the event of a crime? It doesn't seem likely that they would be able to control their faculties in that manner. This is something that doesn't really make sense to me but I'm not a mental health professional so I'm just guessing here. If he is truly covering for Andrea, which it certainly seems like he is, then I would tend to believe that he's not mentally ill.

Has he ever made any comments to anybody after his arrest that alluded to Andrea being involved or has he always adamantly denied that?
She was only making $125,000, so they sure weren't going to get rich on that.
Rusty probably made at least twice that.
I do believe HN has bipolar disorder. My beloved ex-husband did, and you wouldn't know any different until dealing with every day life. It was incredibly incredibly harsh on both of us (hence the 'ex'). I also believe that AS knew this (or at least knew HN was off somehow) and manipulated to her advantage. But that does not excuse what HN did --- ever ever ever.
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