GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 1

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I had to drive from Chattanooga, TN to Perry, GA (just south of Macon, GA) on Friday. This was the top story on all the radio stations in the ATL area and the story also had a good presence on,,, and so on, which is GOOD. There is virtually no coverage today. Now the story is very quiet, especially given the gruesome nature of it, and the missing person aspect. The story needs to stay in the media since we do not know for sure the fate of Mrs. Dermond. The investigators, media and family should make this this a media event, instead of assuming she must be gone because of what happened to Mr. Dermond. Always err on the side of caution. If the FBI is involved, I hope they will advise the GA authorities to keep the heat on and keep this story very, very, very much in the public awareness. Were she 16, would there be a different response from all involved?

Locally (in Georgia), at least, there is still coverage -- but there's not much NEWS. Big difference, IMO.

...Monday, Sills said investigators were still at the home dusting for fingerprints and interviewing people who knew the couple. ...

...He says beyond the search, putting up billboards and requesting the media's help, "there's nothing more we can do, because we don't have a point to look." ...

National media probably won't be back unless/until something happens.
I don't know how I missed this. I loved Brer Rabbit as a child. I would love to visit Georgia. It pulls at my heartstrings for some reason. It just seems such a romantic state. Brer Rabbit stories were mainly told to me by my grandfather. I know I had to have had a Brer Rabbit book as a child though. Wish I still had it.

History buff here, too. If you ever get to Eatonton make certain you ride out to Turnwold Plantation. That is the home of Joseph Addison Turner and where Joel Chandler Harris worked as an apprentice for Turner's newspaper "The Countryman" which was published during the Civil War.
another theory I was thinking about was a past employee within RP committing the crime.

Something that struck me was who might be interested in a relationship with Mr. dermond? A food and beverage employee? Perhaps someone who left looking for an investment or loan from the Durmonds for their club or restaurant?

I mean, it takes a certain type of person to remove someone's head. Often times it's people within the medical community. I would imagine someone who routinely breaks down pigs and cows might not have such a hard time with it. Just a thought...

"Often times it's people within the medical community"...what are you saying...often times what is? My son, who is an M.D. does not know anyone who would or has hurt a human. "Do no harm" isn't just a pretty phrase.
I had to drive from Chattanooga, TN to Perry, GA (just south of Macon, GA) on Friday. This was the top story on all the radio stations in the ATL area and the story also had a good presence on,,, and so on, which is GOOD. There is virtually no coverage today. Now the story is very quiet, especially given the gruesome nature of it, and the missing person aspect. The story needs to stay in the media since we do not know for sure the fate of Mrs. Dermond. The investigators, media and family should make this this a media event, instead of assuming she must be gone because of what happened to Mr. Dermond. Always err on the side of caution. If the FBI is involved, I hope they will advise the GA authorities to keep the heat on and keep this story very, very, very much in the public awareness. Were she 16, would there be a different response from all involved?

Agree, Jabarn... Awareness is the key in missing/murdered persons investigations. To silence awareness is the predator's most lethal weapon.
The American public/citizenry is the most valuable investigative resource in m/m investigations. Why would you squander your most valuable resource?

With that said, although the GBI has been very impressive in m/m cases over the past few years since the Meredith Hope Emerson tragedy. Seems, the GBI's Leadership are still adhering to the antiquated investigative strategy of silence which only causes innocent victim's lives lost and mounting cold cases...

In the MHE investigation(01/01/2008), the GBI/UCSO sequestered her family in a cabin near Blood Mountain, as well as the ms media(local & national) in an undisclosed location.
The ms media reported that MHE was only lost on the trail(AT-Blood Mountain). They were aware that MHE had been abducted on 01/02/2008 due to items found on the trail; bayonet/baton, personal items, etc. TheGBI knew the POI's name; gary hilton & VOI; white van by 1PM on 01/03/2008.

I witnessed MHE/GMH and the white van in the woods near my home, 60 miles from Blood Mtn., but thought they were only campers due to this mis-info & silence by the GBI/UCSO via msm...
MHE was murdered and decapitated on the morning of 01/04/2008. She could/should have been rescued, imo...
GMH was arrested by an aware citizen's 911 call only hours after the POI & VOI info was shared with the ms media...

After 5 Years Notorious Crime Still Haunts - Witnesses, Authorities asking; What If? - AJC

She” was Meredith Emerson, a 24-year-old woman who vanished from the busy trail that day.
Agree, Jabarn... Awareness is the key in missing/murdered persons investigations. To silence awareness is the predator's most lethal weapon.
The American public/citizenry is the most valuable investigative resource in m/m investigations. Why would you squander your most valuable resource?

With that said, although the GBI has been very impressive in m/m cases over the past few years since the Meredith Hope Emerson tragedy. Seems, the GBI's Leadership are still adhering to the antiquated investigative strategy of silence which only causes innocent victim's lives lost and mounting cold cases...
In the MHE investigation, the GBI sequestered her family in a cabin near Blood Mountain, as well as the ms media(local & national) in an undisclosed location.
The ms media reported that MHE was only lost on the trail(AT-Blood Mountain). They were aware that MHE had been abducted on 01/02/2008 due to items found on the trail; bayonet/baton. They knew the POI's name; gary hilton & VOI; white van by 1PM on 01/03/2008.

I witnessed MHE/GMH and the white van in the woods near my home but thought they were only campers due to this mis-info & silence by the GBI/UCSO...
MHE was murdered and decapitated on the morning of 01/04/2008. She could have been rescued, imo...

After 5 Years Notorious Crime Still Haunts - Witnesses, Authorities asking; What If? - AJC

She” was Meredith Emerson, a 24-year-old woman who vanished from the busy trail that day.


I totally agree. I understand that there may be certain things that LE does not want JQ Public to know about an on-going investigation, but when they stop saying anything, or worse and don't do anything, everybody just goes back to doing what they always do and they don't pay attention. Not paying attention is what creeps, criminals and crazy people count on.

When your trying to find someone or even something that is missing and you don't know where to start then just pick a spot, like the place that you know they should be and start from there and keep circling outward. You will never know what you may find if you're not looking. :moo:

"Often times it's people within the medical community"...what are you saying...often times what is? My son, who is an M.D. does not know anyone who would or has hurt a human. "Do no harm" isn't just a pretty phrase.

I don't think they meant that people in the medical field would be most likely to decapitate someone. Rather I took it as they are referring to how a person in that field would likely be more familiar with the logistics of removing a persons head than someone not in the medical field.

OK now that I've re read the original post I take it as her saying a person in the medical field might be more desensitized to something we would think of as gruesome.

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If I was a betting person, I would bet you could be on to something. However, it takes a particularly cruel person to behead someone - even post-mortem. Someone posted a profile just a few pages back saying it could be a part-timer in the area that only comes in one the weekend. Combine a angry perverted psychopath with someone who is rich enough to live in the area and has become angry at some of the residents - you have an explosive combination :moo: Law enforcement ought to be reading here because at this point I think we have more of an idea of what is going on than they do - maybe not, but I do think we have some extremely smart people posting here who are pretty wise in the ways of the wicked.

Do we know if either of these folks were on the Board or on a voting committee? If not, they are just members of the community and why single them out? ^i^
I had to drive from Chattanooga, TN to Perry, GA (just south of Macon, GA) on Friday. This was the top story on all the radio stations in the ATL area and the story also had a good presence on,,, and so on, which is GOOD. There is virtually no coverage today. Now the story is very quiet, especially given the gruesome nature of it, and the missing person aspect. The story needs to stay in the media since we do not know for sure the fate of Mrs. Dermond. The investigators, media and family should make this this a media event, instead of assuming she must be gone because of what happened to Mr. Dermond. Always err on the side of caution. If the FBI is involved, I hope they will advise the GA authorities to keep the heat on and keep this story very, very, very much in the public awareness. Were she 16, would there be a different response from all involved?

FWIW, it also circulating on FB and it's in the local news in GA still but not much more info really
georgiagirl said

I don't think they meant that people in the medical field would be most likely to decapitate someone. Rather I took it as they are referring to how a person in that field would likely be more familiar with the logistics of removing a persons head than someone not in the medical field.

OK now that I've re read the original post I take it as her saying a person in the medical field might be more desensitized to something we would think of as gruesome.

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or a sociopath who never had a sensitivity to "de"
I don't think they meant that people in the medical field would be most likely to decapitate someone. Rather I took it as they are referring to how a person in that field would likely be more familiar with the logistics of removing a persons head than someone not in the medical field.

OK now that I've re read the original post I take it as her saying a person in the medical field might be more desensitized to something we would think of as gruesome.

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Believe it or not, an internal medicine M.D., at least, has probably never seen a decapitation...fairly sure not even in cadaver work at medical school. I remember the first time my son saw a death of someone who had died hours earlier and how he felt..he'd seen dead embalmed bodies in med school...not real life dead and decomposing.
I think Dr's would be just as shocked at a decapitation as we is just not a likely reality in anyone's world. ^i^
For me, its trying to tie together the beheading with the kidnapping.

If it was a hit, why not kill both? Behead both?
Wouldn't a senior adult woman slow things down or make a departure a bit more risky?

What would be the purpose of taking Mrs. Dermond?
For me, its trying to tie together the beheading with the kidnapping.

If it was a hit, why not kill both? Behead both?
Wouldn't a senior adult woman slow things down or make a departure a bit more risky?

What would be the purpose of taking Mrs. Dermond?

The murder at the home may not have been in the original plan. It may have become necessary in the mind of the perp. An elderly woman would possibly be more submissive than an elderly man. Easier to control. Maybe the plan was to take both of them or she may have been taken to be violated elsewhere, like a residence.
For me, its trying to tie together the beheading with the kidnapping.

If it was a hit, why not kill both? Behead both?
Wouldn't a senior adult woman slow things down or make a departure a bit more risky?

What would be the purpose of taking Mrs. Dermond?

I might wrong but I think "time or lack of" was the purpose. I think they wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible after devapitating Mr. D. If they killed her at the home they would most likely have to decapitate her also and that would take time.
The murder at the home may not have been in the original plan. It may have become necessary in the mind of the perp. An elderly woman would possibly be more submissive than an elderly man. Easier to control. Maybe the plan was to take both of them or she may have been taken to be violated elsewhere, like a residence.

I just think it had to be part of the plan. Who is going to carry around the necessary materials to behead someone unless that is part of the plan?
But I do see what you are saying. The intent may have been to (sexually?) abuse Mrs. Dermond elsewhere. Or maybe it was the intent to hold her for ransom but the perp/s decided against that.

Bizarre is all I can say.
I have thought all along the reason Mr. D was decapitated in the garage was because he probably owned a saw, hatchet, axe, machete or some type of implement they used. And if the house was just so, Mr. D's tools were probably on a pegboard neat as ever and easy to use.
Hello everyone, I have been reading along with you but have not posted because I have nothing to add. This crime is so shocking, brutal and surprising to me!
Last night I had dinner with some friends who are local to this. They did not know the Dermonds well but knew them well enough to speak and say hello if they ran into one another while grocery shopping. Anyway, these locals I know say that the local opinion is this was a mafia thing. A mafia hit does not sound right to me...of course, I know nothing about the mafia.
I just can't see this as a robbery-gone-bad. At least publicly, we have been told that nothing is missing. I vote for thrill-kill because I can't believe anyone in his/her right mind would commit such heinous acts. There appears to be nothing in the Dermonds' backgrounds to raise a red flag.

I also think LE knows a lot more than they are letting on. At least I hope so.
For me, its trying to tie together the beheading with the kidnapping.

If it was a hit, why not kill both? Behead both?
Wouldn't a senior adult woman slow things down or make a departure a bit more risky?

What would be the purpose of taking Mrs. Dermond?

bbm: That's a big part of the puzzle for me, too.

You've gotten some replies with some good thoughts on this already. I just want to throw in, too, that it could be that one or both of the Dermond's were abducted elsewhere and one/both brought back to the house for some reason.... Or maybe one of them arrived back at the house just as the perp/s were attempting to leave -- having just murdered or nabbed the other.

ETA: Possible scenario: Maybe the plan was to kidnap Shirley, alone at home. Maybe for ransom?? Or for whatever reason. But Mr. D. shows up just as perp/s are leaving with her. So he is killed, and to make remaining family members cooperate with whatever demands, the perp/s make/s it really ghastly ...

But no ransom contact or similar ... that we know of.
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