GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 1

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Quoting Rhyolite's post ~1285, which quotes Treelight's post w QUESTION of several hours ago, to the effect--
What if Dermonds held some real est w others as jt ten w rt of survivorship-
Couldn't these others benefit from MrD's death and Mrs D's disappearance?
Then linked to Maricopa Co, AZ recorders office and deeds & doc's w Mr&Mrs D on them.
(From Rhyolite's post, you can jump back to Treelight's post itself)

Someone ANSWERED, in the meantime, practically speaking, it would not benefit the others that much, unless Mrs D were also deceased.
Still would take a long time & court procedure to have her declared dead and for others to benefit -- to actually own, use, and sell the prop exclusively.
My answer/ thought is ditto.

Doc's I saw at LINK did NOT show Mr&Mrs D as jt ten w rt of survivorship w OTHERS.
Some recorders' deed info shows, for ex,
Joe Public and Mary Public, Grantors; Sam Smith and Sandy Smith, Grantees.

Looks like Maricopa County deed info SUMMARY lumps all of them together, like this in a 'name field",
not specifying whether the ppl are Grantors or Grantees.
Names: Joe Public, Mary Public, Sam Smith, Sandy Smith
One of the links w deed info SUMMARY:

So we cannot tell in Maricopa Co info, who is grantor or grantee until we see the DEED ITSELF.

From doc's at link, Mr & Mrs D were grantors (sellers) in some transactions and grantees (buyers) in other transactions,
but I did not see them listed as holding title w OTHERS.

JM2cts and I could be wrong.:seeya:

Thank You! When put into the context of grantee and grantor, it makes perfect sense!! :) Thank you for clarifying.
Here is a link for Spot Crime. I put in the Dermond's address and then zoomed out looking for other incidents. Not sure why it doesn't show any other crime. I have used it before and you can see crime in other locations nearby. carolyn drive eatonton ga

I think info comes from PD. If the choose not to report it you won't see it.
I know the info fro my area is WAY under reported.

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how many perps do we feel there are? I am thinking one person is not very logical. We have a shooter (ostensibly) who is on a confrontation with Mr. D. We have Mr. D killed and then beheaded, at some point Mrs. D is involved in the scene and then we have perp, Mrs. D and a human head and presumably the murder weapon all being removed from the scene. Now one perp only has two hands. Logicistically, either dead or alive, MRs. D was not in or near the immediate vicinity of the house.

So how does one perp wrangle all that at once? If Mrs. D is alive at that point then a weapon must lively be held on her to maintain cooperation (if she wasn't in such severe state of shock that she was catatonic and how could someone count on that?)

So you leave with a gun on a living Mrs. D and holding a human head? Or you have more than one perp.

This case just feels so weird. It is like we have all the edge pieces of the puzzle - which is usually great way to solve a puzzle - but key middle picture pieces are missing.

What is missing? (and please no puns about the poor fella's head, not my intention with that question)

Something is missing - Some key piece of info.

Yes, multiple perps. (very likely) or Mr. D was killed and decapitated before the perp. went after Mrs. D. The perp. could have put the head somewhere (car, boat, in a bag) and then gone after Mrs. D. I have a couple of different scenarios but the one I lean to allows for the perp. to deal with Mr. and Mrs. D. separately. Maybe I have to settle on this in my own mind because I can't allow my mind to imagine that Mrs. D. was present during her husband's murder and decapitation. I just can't.
I just read in one of the Macon news links, that their children had returned home. I don't know why, but I find that odd. IMO, I would have thought someone would have stayed in the area longer?

Also, several posted have discussed another RD from New Jersey. Has the FBI looked into to his background? Would this be a possible mistaken identity?

Just a couple of questions that stood out in my mind. All MOO.

MD would be 60.
Children could be age 15-43
Any x wife ?
Common law wife?
He could have grandchildren even.
around 17- 25 right?

Great Grandchildren to the Dermonds.
Imagine if he was disowned - kid grows up hearing how awful his dad was treated ....
Never met grandparents, harboured extreme anger pent up.

Message to other kids?Heck yeah this is what you get for ignoring us.

When in reality MD could have ended contact with them.
I really want to know about MD!
DID he have kids?

Snipped by me

This is a really good line of thinking! IIRC, son was 50ish when he was killed, so he could possibly have had a child or two. Most likely any children would not have been included as members of the family. With the grandparents becoming elderly. MD child/ren may have been in contact with them trying to get money out of them to no avail.

So, as a last resort, this beheading and kidnapping was a payback to the other three children! This crime is so horrible, it feels like it is a personal message to someone. JMO. Sure hope Sheriff Sills has checked completely into MD's background, every micro inch of it. Something is just too out of line! IMO

MD would be 60.
Children could be age 15-43
Any x wife ?
Common law wife?
He could have grandchildren even.
around 17- 25 right?

Great Grandchildren to the Dermonds.
Imagine if he was disowned - kid grows up hearing how awful his dad was treated ....
Never met grandparents, harboured extreme anger pent up.

Message to other kids?Heck yeah this is what you get for ignoring us.

When in reality MD could have ended contact with them.
I really want to know about MD!
DID he have kids?

Snipped by me

This is a really good line of thinking! IIRC, son was 50ish when he was killed, so he could possibly have had a child or two. Most likely any children would not have been included as members of the family. With the grandparents becoming elderly. MD child/ren may have been in contact with them trying to get money out of them to no avail.

So, as a last resort, this beheading and kidnapping was a payback to the other three children! This crime is so horrible, it feels like it is a personal message to someone. JMO. Sure hope Sheriff Sills has checked completely into MD's background, every micro inch of it. Something is just too out of line! IMO

He was killed on his 47th bday. I only remember because I will be 47next month. My kids are 22 and 23. I. Had them at 24 and 25, but if I had had them at 17 or 35...
I really only considered driving age so 15 was a little low but we all know 15 yr olds kill.

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That's strange, I can't find it. Could they have deleted it? I did a search on this thread for the word "pajamas" and came up with one post by someone named Honey-something mentioning it......but there was nothing about MrD having been decapitated by a "clean cut" (which IMO, if true, indicates an axe to me). ???

Here's the post LayzeeDayzee.

Originally Posted by Multiplicativity
According to unnamed sources:
1) the gates camera quit functioning properly on April 28.
2)Mr. D was found in his PJ bottoms and a house robe. There were Saturday and Sunday papers in the driveway. Leading to the belief that this all happened Friday night or Saturday morning.
3)Mr. D's head was removed in one clean cut, with possibly a second to finish through the bone. (This leads me to believe that whoever did this knew how much strength it would take.)

There is only one road into this community. It has a guard house that is manned 24/7 by an officer who calls upon assistance when anyone without the proper decal goes through the gate and does not stop to be cleared and given a pass. I believe the perp entered by boat. I also feel that this was a warning to a family member in some trouble.

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I just read in one of the Macon news links, that their children had returned home. I don't know why, but I find that odd. IMO, I would have thought someone would have stayed in the area longer?

Also, several posted have discussed another RD from New Jersey. Has the FBI looked into to his background? Would this be a possible mistaken identity?

Just a couple of questions that stood out in my mind. All MOO.

Wow....all I can say is if that were my parents....I would be staying right there, until they find some kind of information. I mean, really!
Here's the post LayzeeDayzee.


I work form home and sometimes stay in my PJ's all day! I would't read too much into that. You never know someone's lifestyle.
I can totally see what you are saying. I guess my point is that medical doctors are just not accustomed to seeing headless bodies. They may not scream and faint, but they definitely will be walking behind a curtain with a co-worker and be blown away. We can't compare this to a fire, automobile wreck..accident or other emergencies those trained in those fields see. There are no ordinary circumstances you see a headless body. It can happen in an accident...and obviously, it can occur as a murder. It's just not a run of the mill situation and I wouldn't expect anyone to be accustomed to that. ^i^

Storm, I respectfully disagree. Most folks who work in the medical field, public safety, emergency services, etc., have to learn to separate or compartmentalize traumatic incidents. During an emergency they rely on their training and must remain calm, and for lack of better words, they have the ability to block it out of their minds until the incident is resolved.

In the aftermath their empathy and other emotions are no different than anyone else; hence PTSD..

As a big city firefighter/haz mat/heavy rescue; AFD, for 25 years. I experienced many traumatic incidents, and experiencing deaths and decapitations from auto accidents, etc., were routine. Only when children or families were involved, coworkers, or in cases of multiple casualties; high rises, etc., does it affect true professionals..imo It's their job, it's what we were trained to do...

Published: Saturday, July 1 1989
None of this looks good. What it looks like is there are 3 or more serial killers in the Atlanta "area" SC. and possibly Florida.
UNLESS they are all unconnected- which I wouldn't believe anyway.
They say there are what 50- 100 working at one time under the radar.

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Storm, this is simply not the case.Health care professionals deal with traumatic injuries and even death on a daily basis. As a retired employee (20+ yrs.) of a prison health service, I can honestly say that proper medical protocol and treatment options are foremost in your mind. One becomes almost desensitized to gruesome injuries.
At the end of the day, while lying in bed, the graphic details do occupy your thoughts. But never ever do these thoughts present themselves while attending to the patient. This is all IMO and based on my experiences.

I believe I didn't make myself clear. This type of bodily injury is just not seen by many people at all (since battlefields, I guess). An M.D. isn't going to go freak out...he will be appalled and affected. It is a gruesome thing...I'll never forget "accidentally"...and I had no clue that was what I was going to see...Nick Berg's head decapitated during the Iraq war fiasco...I had nightmares about it for months and no one has ever accused me of being overly sensitive. My 6'4" Internal medicine son is a totally compassionate professional and of course, the M.D.'s would not freak out as we do probably, but trust me, the coroners see these injuries much more often than an M.D. ^i^

I'm a former FF as well and you summed it up perfectly.

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When you say that, it sounds like you're talking about a 1 or 2 alarm fire. I'd compare a decapitation to a terrorist event...not something you casually handle each day. ^i^
Wow....all I can say is if that were my parents....I would be staying right there, until they find some kind of information. I mean, really!

Agree, imoo the adult children going home to different states is strange. I would never stay in a nearby hotel until LE found out something about my family members. Their mom is still missing for goodness sakes.

Im beginning to wonder if the children were estranged from their parents.
Funeral homes are very thorough and that is a question that would have been asked. They have a form that covers...everything. Step by step...

It's my opinion that son was left out intentionally.

As a genealogist for 40 years, I can say that I love to get the death certificate, but other than the cause of death and the signature of the physician, they are often useless for genealogist purposes.
The father and mother of the deceased and the states they are born in are often wrong, as the reporting person (in many of my cases) is just the spouse of a child of the victim and doesn't know mother's maiden name etc..^i^
A coroner would have experience in beheading, but I can think of no instance where a surgeon or M.D. would have clinical experience in beheading. ^i^

They were probably more like dorm pants. Heck I not only see the elderly going down the driveway to their mailbox to get their mail in their dorm pants (PJs), but I see young men doing it as well. As long as they are covered up I don't think people think it is a big deal anymore.

I find it more interesting that he opened his door still in his robe. This tells me he may have already gone to bed when awoken in the middle of the night by the door bell or banging on the door. The person could have said they were having car trouble or told him they needed his help. Unfortunately, I think the Dermonds felt extremely safe in their community. They had lived there for many years and were never harmed. So I think they would open the door to anyone whether it was a stranger wanting help or someone they knew well. That is all it would take. Then there would be no forced entry.

What alarms me more is the blogger who told all this also knew the decapitation was a clean cut. How would they know such intimate details? I don't think even the neighbor that found him would be casually standing there sizing up the decapitation wound. It just seems very odd to me.:scared:

While most nurses and doctors pick this profession to help others it isn't unheard of for some to commit crimes. Several doctors have been accused of serious crimes including murders and even rapes. Like in all professions there are very good ones and then a few bad apples thrown in the mix. So if it was a neat clean cut the person doing the decapitating could be in the medical field. If the cut had been jagged/uneven and had a sawing motion then this would show they didn't have any knowledge of the human body to separate the head from the torso. I suppose they could have also had experience as a meat cutter or perhaps a deer hunter as well.

I bet the FBI is thinking the way the decapitation was done gives them a glimpse into who this suspect may be in general.

Agree, imoo the adult children going home to different states is strange. I would never stay in a nearby hotel until LE found out something about my family members. Their mom is still missing for goodness sakes.

Im beginning to wonder if the children were estranged from their parents.

I agree, very strange. From what I've read the children are rather successful so you'd think it's not like they could rearrange their schedules to remain in GA.......and it's not like they couldn't/couldn't afford to take some time off work.

And also very odd that MrD's obituary doesn't mention him being predeceased by his son Mark:!/Obituary
I gotta agree. Even infants that preceded a parent are mentioned in my circles.

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Yeah, in my little world, all deceased children are mentioned. My grandma's obit included her son that lived only a few months, and her grandsons that were stillborn.

Some obits in our local paper include surviving pets. :loveyou:

Maybe the elite rich do things much differently though. :blushing:
Now, I've mentioned previously I'm just a country gal. Live on a small farm. Grow a garden, can my veggies and fruits, etc. I'm a disabled nurse. I no longer work at a hospital or nursing home or skilled care unit in a nursing position. My family are hunters. I do not hunt, but I do process their kills. I can tell you, deer does bleed with no beating hurt. True it doesn't spurt because there is no pulse, no blood pressure. However, the blood pools to the lowest body part. Thus if laying on the ground, blood pools under the gunshot wound, as well as the rest of the body laying on the ground. If hung, and gutted, with back legs in the air, blood drains out.

A few years ago we had a terrible buffet for the hawks. Ever other day I was losing a chicken. I dreaded going out to check on them because there would be one deheaded chicken with the rest of the body left for me. Chickens have very little blood. However, it was still upsetting.

Many, many years ago, as a nurse fresh out of nursing school, I was working at a retirement center that had a nursing facility in it. Right around 11pm, I received a call from one of the residents that another needed assistance. I was only told someone had fallen outside. It was the end of my shift, but I stayed to go check this resident while the oncoming nurse tended to beginning of her shift duties. The man hadn't fallen at all. He had committed suicide with a long gun to the head. He had no face, and there was plenty of blood everywhere. It still gives me shivers thinking about it, and I had nightmares for years after that. It is NOT something a typical nurse is use to encountering, and something that I don't see how anyone could become immune to. It's just devastating.

Even medical examiners have commented on hard doing an autopsy on children is. After all we are all humans. People do have different coping skills during a tragedy, and some are able to 'get the job done' and decompress later. But as a human, some things are going to affect you.

Are we over-thinking this thing?
Mob hit?
Just a routine murder?
Where is the connection?????????????
Dang it.

Did not mean to down play murder by calling it routine. You guys know what I mean. What is the missing link in all this or is there one?

I know exactly what you mean. A murder in my family was simply routine. They do happen.
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