GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - #11

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So the neighbor was of the country at the time of the murder has me wondering if someone had checked on his house , did that neighbor have a landscaper or cleaning people someone who would have access to the house or property while he or she was out of the country?
I dont recall that being told by investigators or SS if so...altho SS has investigated many a lawn maintenance person in this case IIRC...
So the neighbor was of the country at the time of the murder has me wondering if someone had checked on his house , did that neighbor have a landscaper or cleaning people someone who would have access to the house or property while he or she was out of the country?
in regards to man on the lawn:

Though Sills declined to elaborate, he mentioned the sighting of a potential suspect outside the Dermond house at 147 Carolyn Drive.

“A man,” the sheriff said, “we’ll just leave it at that, was seen on the property during the period that the murders could have occurred.”

Read more here:!8m2!3d33.398046!4d-83.236468

this is a winter image......would be very shady and lots of canvas in may.....shows how isolated the dermonds house was/ also shows one dock i can see at the cove opening........these lots had so many trees, not sure how anyone noticed anything except the fact the Dermonds lot was void of many trees so if the neighbors across cove were outside near water or on the docks, they had a good view,otherwise not so good but unless shirtless as someone mentioned, no way to tell if male or female without any shirt color or hair colors seems the witness is withholding ....Tried to get a streetview but The little fellow you drag for streetviews, isnt doing his job LOL....
Not much of a lawn in the front but plenty in the back/lakeside

I did notice in the google image how the driveway and front of house almost faces the Dermonds back yard....
in regards to man on the lawn:

Though Sills declined to elaborate, he mentioned the sighting of a potential suspect outside the Dermond house at 147 Carolyn Drive.

“A man,” the sheriff said, “we’ll just leave it at that, was seen on the property during the period that the murders could have occurred.”

Read more here:
I think they were killed in the house and SS knows exactly where. Why bring the Dermonds somewhere to kill them and then bring them back ? Judging by the wooded area around this area the killers could have arrived on foot through the woods and left by boat but the murders had to happen on the Dermonds property there's no way they would run the risk of being seen twice.It's a lot of work to cart 2 dead bodies one into the garage and 1 to a boat . SS has found the spot these 2 were murdered at and my bet is it was in the house possibly the garage
Seems like SS left out a lot and I have to ask why ? Someone who likes guns and knives is an obvious description a 5 year old could even conclude. SS holding out all other information from the report tells me the fed profiler pretty much summed up the case SS can't prove without a witness so he is just sitting at his desk waiting for a call. the profile definitely said something that gave SS his killers

in regards to man on the lawn:

Though Sills declined to elaborate, he mentioned the sighting of a potential suspect outside the Dermond house at 147 Carolyn Drive.

“A man,” the sheriff said, “we’ll just leave it at that, was seen on the property during the period that the murders could have occurred.”

Read more here: i guess during questioning he hoped someone may slip up and give some critical info not shared publicly , but APPARENTLY NO ONE DID, the netting should have been told early on so the public could be watching....but that was probably most critical detail and the reason he withheld it but now the public has missed out on paying attention for that little detail, like I said, I have never seen anyone use casting nets in middle ga areas....I would have noticed that had I been around that........but that's why SS said poachers becuase the general public knows without a doubt what a poacher does and uses in regards to lakes????
itll be 12 years or more if ever they are caught
Seems like SS left out a lot and I have to ask why ? Someone who likes guns and knives is an obvious description a 5 year old could even conclude. SS holding out all other information from the report tells me the fed profiler pretty much summed up the case SS can't prove without a witness so he is just sitting at his desk waiting for a call. the profile definitely said something that gave SS his killers
I think they took Shirley by nightfall and hit when entering the boat.....makes sense, Russell could have easily been just hit in the head and killed and not shot, inside the garage. Would be risky even without neighbors if you were dragging a body around the house to teh garage because the driveway is an open range to the roadway basically, in plain view of the street.....but I dont think a few hits would splatter, if at all, they may have just lead him in there to do the job.....the killers were very lucky or they knew all circumstances in the area..........was their an informant in the house before the murders occurred? Terrible to imagine but who knows, most murders happen by someone they know and even the feds or SS said they were atleast somewhat acquainted with killers most likely

I think they were killed in the house and SS knows exactly where. Why bring the Dermonds somewhere to kill them and then bring them back ? Judging by the wooded area around this area the killers could have arrived on foot through the woods and left by boat but the murders had to happen on the Dermonds property there's no way they would run the risk of being seen twice.It's a lot of work to cart 2 dead bodies one into the garage and 1 to a boat . SS has found the spot these 2 were murdered at and my bet is it was in the house possibly the garage
Wasn't the Dermonds the only house in the cove on Carolyn Dr?

Looking at the overhead map that Fred&Edna posted above (#387), there is another house on Carolyn Dr. Their dock is at the mouth of the cove with their land along the inside of the cove. On Westview Way which abuts the same cove on the other side, there are also two houses that have land on the cove, one of which has a dock in the cove.

I don't really believe the perp/s went after the Dermonds in particular. More likely, they found a quiet cove that looked unoccupied and picked a house to vandalize, rob or break in and party.and mistakenly picked one where someone was home. To cover their tracks, they killed them. Now that I put this down in writing, I'm not so sure though.

Here is the link from that post.!2m2!1d-83.234624!2d33.39823
Didn't PH say on the podcast that the murderers weren't familiar with the home ? This would be opposite of what SS has said or believes. How would PH know that and why wouldn't SS say the same thing. I wonder The gun shot to the head I don't think is the reason for the beheading as all they would have to do is melt the gun down most mobsters destroy the gun they used . I loved the overhead map from fred&edna this is a thick area with a lot of hindrance from the trees but what I noticed is a lot of soil which would lead to some footprints plus there must be some blood on one of those footprints .
Hey Watcher9, yes I posted that very map several times, i post so much I guess people quit listening LOL....sorry about that..........but looking at that map, its NOT hard to find the Dermonds home, the house before the dermonds and the one across from them dont' have docks IN the cover, the Dermonds is the only one on Carolyn with a dock that is IN the cover....looks like MAYBE the one on Westview has a dock hidden in the trees, if you zoom in, in shallow waters of the cove end........just think it wouldnt be hard to find the Dermonds house if you were looking for it and at your maps and had a pic of the home before hand...........also boating straight down river from 44....were you to launch run right into this island sts, before you have make a turn on the big bend... I have simply looked down that river many times and seen what looked like the westview/carolyn drive peninsula, and compared it to certainly someone who knew the area could find it easily but quite possibly someone who is semi familiar with the waters, given the address, google maps and gps but I could be wrong, ive never done it.but certainly once you enter the cove it should not be's not like other large coves with 12 houses or more, once you enter!8m2!3d33.398046!4d-83.236468

this is a winter image......would be very shady and lots of canvas in may.....shows how isolated the dermonds house was/ also shows one dock i can see at the cove opening........these lots had so many trees, not sure how anyone noticed anything except the fact the Dermonds lot was void of many trees so if the neighbors across cove were outside near water or on the docks, they had a good view,otherwise not so good but unless shirtless as someone mentioned, no way to tell if male or female without any shirt color or hair colors seems the witness is withholding ....Tried to get a streetview but The little fellow you drag for streetviews, isnt doing his job LOL....

Looking at the overhead map that Fred&Edna posted above (#387), there is another house on Carolyn Dr. Their dock is at the mouth of the cove with their land along the inside of the cove. On Westview Way which abuts the same cove on the other side, there are also two houses that have land on the cove, one of which has a dock in the cove.

I don't really believe the perp/s went after the Dermonds in particular. More likely, they found a quiet cove that looked unoccupied and picked a house to vandalize, rob or break in and party.and mistakenly picked one where someone was home. To cover their tracks, they killed them. Now that I put this down in writing, I'm not so sure though.

Here is the link from that post.!2m2!1d-83.234624!2d33.39823
I dont recall that Hockeyguy.....interesting....WONDERING WHY anyone determined EITHER one, they were familiar would indicate there was nothing disturbed, they knew just where to go or what to do or how to get in............and NOT FAMILIAR would indicate what? They would leave a mess inside in their searches, if any? Would it be in reference to entering the home? Using the back door instead of trying to get in the front door? I dont get how they think either way

I WONDER what happened with the ONE footprint they did find.........ill have to find a link if it's still out there, should be on WS somewhere but I think what you are seeing is dead grass, the large area lakeside at the Dermonds "backyard"

Does anyone remember the footprint, it was discussed as to whether it was LE or perp

Also, I wish i could get my drawing to upload here but this browser is old, speaking of blood foot prints...........STILL wondering WHY they repositioned Mr D in the garage and his foot was dragged thru the blood...this had to be AFTER the beheading obviously since there was enough blood on garage floor at all to notice drag marks

SO WHY MOVE someone AFTER you behead them? Which direction? WHy? I dont know why this bugs me

Surely the garage door was closed during this occurrence, so it wasn't like they dragged him back inside after beheading him with this head adn upper torso in adn body outside....DId they just rotate his body ? The blood would have been pooled around the shoulders initially and thats where it was according to podcast with towels under his left arm and torso to stop blood flowing under garage they didnt drag him out of that did he get blood on his foot and and a drag mark of blood? IDK, shrug, maybe nothing but its bugging me

But initially it was mentinoed he was moved a few feet, this is why I thought it was brought up that he was possibly not even murdered in garage but he was definitley beheaded there

Didn't PH say on the podcast that the murderers weren't familiar with the home ? This would be opposite of what SS has said or believes. How would PH know that and why wouldn't SS say the same thing. I wonder The gun shot to the head I don't think is the reason for the beheading as all they would have to do is melt the gun down most mobsters destroy the gun they used . I loved the overhead map from fred&edna this is a thick area with a lot of hindrance from the trees but what I noticed is a lot of soil which would lead to some footprints plus there must be some blood on one of those footprints .
Hmm, so WHO saw the man on the lawn? Which house? Looks like maybe the last one in cove on westview ? the house with dock at tip of peninsula is on the culdesac basically..........!8m2!3d33.398046!4d-83.236468
One of the couple’s nearest neighbors, next to a vacant lakefront lot that has belonged to R.E.M. bassist Mike Mills since the 1990s, was out of the country in Turkey. Her house sitter hadn’t seen anything unusual. Nor had residents in another cul-de-sac across the cove.
This was from a very early article.............noted that he said hed been back10 years thru their checks and in podcast he said 6 months back in their finances .......wonder which one it is

"I've put a lot of people in my scope, but none in the cross hairs," Sills said.

That includes the Dermonds' three adult children.

"I've never eliminated them," he said, though he cautioned there's no evidence linking them to the slayings.

The sheriff has all but eliminated the idea that some sort of ritualistic cult was involved.

"If that was the case, they?d want us to know," he said.

There's conflicting signs that the killings were the work of professionals.

"For everything that looks professional, there's something that isn't," Sills said. "This is not the work of some drug-crazed individuals, and this is not some professional assassin."

Nothing has surfaced that would indicate the Dermonds ever associated with such people.

"I've looked at every check he's written the last 10 years, every credit card receipt, and there's nothing that looks out of the ordinary or unusual," Sills said.
This view would be more what the end house in cove might see from their dock or waters edge, since they have lots of trees on their lot as well I dont know how much they could see from their house to Dermonds lakeside yard

I would have thought the house on culdesac at tip of peninsula on westview across from dermonds dock would have had the better view, apparently NOT, as stated in article i posted above, with the Dermonds shoreline trees, it blocks plenty in the summer
Hmm, so WHO saw the man on the lawn? Which house? Looks like maybe the last one in cove on westview ? the house with dock at tip of peninsula is on the culdesac basically..........!8m2!3d33.398046!4d-83.236468
One of the couple’s nearest neighbors, next to a vacant lakefront lot that has belonged to R.E.M. bassist Mike Mills since the 1990s, was out of the country in Turkey. Her house sitter hadn’t seen anything unusual. Nor had residents in another cul-de-sac across the cove.

I don't think Sills will ever reveal who that witness is until and if there is an arrest.

I was curious the other day about how many victims were found beheaded and I was alarmed to see there were many. It was also alarming to know there are many cases out there that were gruesome over-kills done by strangers. They seem to be happening more often or so it seems.

I still think whoever the murderer is did that for the shock and horror factor. They may have even done it trying to get police to believe it was an inside job by someone known to them. While most are murdered by someone known to them there are countless overkill victims who have been murdered by someone they never knew.

We live in a very sick society today it seems and are seeing more and more overkill type murders done by complete strangers.

To me whoever did this have a sick twisted evil mind and relished in the thought they could do whatever they wanted to do to two very elderly people who couldn't fight back. And so often elderly people are becoming targets due to their vulnerability.

Yes I was just curious where the man on the lawn was seen precisely and from which direction would help narrow that down, if it means anything at all, LOL, im just very inquisitive but I agree and I dont think it's wise to tell who the witness is for fear the killers would return for them too

But from the moment SS said beheadings are RARE, i begged to differ, they arn't CMOMON per se' but not rare either imo.....and that is why FF was so adamant about his particular scenario....not satanic cult but some other organized group and most if not all here, know what that is and the beheading is a common occurrence with that group, especially with extremists!8m2!3d33.398046!4d-83.236468

this is a winter image......would be very shady and lots of canvas in may.....shows how isolated the dermonds house was/ also shows one dock i can see at the cove opening........these lots had so many trees, not sure how anyone noticed anything except the fact the Dermonds lot was void of many trees so if the neighbors across cove were outside near water or on the docks, they had a good view,otherwise not so good but unless shirtless as someone mentioned, no way to tell if male or female without any shirt color or hair colors seems the witness is withholding ....Tried to get a streetview but The little fellow you drag for streetviews, isnt doing his job LOL....

Looking at the overhead map that Fred&Edna posted above (#387), there is another house on Carolyn Dr. Their dock is at the mouth of the cove with their land along the inside of the cove. On Westview Way which abuts the same cove on the other side, there are also two houses that have land on the cove, one of which has a dock in the cove.

I don't really believe the perp/s went after the Dermonds in particular. More likely, they found a quiet cove that looked unoccupied and picked a house to vandalize, rob or break in and party.and mistakenly picked one where someone was home. To cover their tracks, they killed them. Now that I put this down in writing, I'm not so sure though.

Here is the link from that post.!2m2!1d-83.234624!2d33.39823

I don't think Sills will ever reveal who that witness is until and if there is an arrest.

I was curious the other day about how many victims were found beheaded and I was alarmed to see there were many. It was also alarming to know there are many cases out there that were gruesome over-kills done by strangers. They seem to be happening more often or so it seems.

I still think whoever the murderer is did that for the shock and horror factor. They may have even done it trying to get police to believe it was an inside job by someone known to them. While most are murdered by someone known to them there are countless overkill victims who have been murdered by someone they never knew.

We live in a very sick society today it seems and are seeing more and more overkill type murders done by complete strangers.

To me whoever did this have a sick twisted evil mind and relished in the thought they could do whatever they wanted to do to two very elderly people who couldn't fight back. And so often elderly people are becoming targets due to their vulnerability.

I'm still listening! lol! SS did an interview several months after the murder. I haven't come across it yet. But, he was in the boat and he ended up right there in the cove. IIRC, he mentioned cameras at the neighbors at 117 Westview Way and it was odd how the interview ended right there with the cameras panning out to include not only 117 Westview Way, but 147 Carolyn Drive back yard view. I got an odd vibe watching that and felt like he was focusing on the 117 Westview Way people or maybe the fact that he hadn't received the footage from their camera? Anyway, felt like maybe the witness was at 117 Westview Way and saw the man in the back yard of the D's. Again, still looking for a link to that specific interview...:lookingitup:
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